WOW! $1.8 million prize for using my ATM card

Discussion of various forms of Advance Fee Fraud, including application fees for loans that never materialize, self-liquidating loan scams, as well as mortgage elimination scams and related debt elimination scams [Nigerian-type scams should go in the Nigerian 4-1-9 forum]
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WOW! $1.8 million prize for using my ATM card

Post by rogfulton »

I don't use ATMs so I found this email pretty amusing, and not just for the line breaks.
Tue, April 26, 2011 3:41:22 AMUnion Pay/ATM Compensation Payment Notification
From: Michael Young <>Add to Contacts


Union Pay Malaysia Sdn Bhd
19th Floor, Plaza IBM
No. 8, First Avenue,
Persiaran Bandar Utama
47800 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan

Union Pay/ATM Compensation Payment Notification

Attention Dear Beneficiary,

This is to inform you that the Malaysian Union Pay settlement

Committee and the ATM International Inc. wishes to congratulate you
on the successful emergence in our ongoing fund remittance promo of

all ATM card users around the globe. This scheme was initiated
by the CUP and the ATM Inc. to compensate ATM card users and also to

help the world in the sustainable 2010 poverty alleviation
scheme. In regards to this, we wish to inform you that your ATM

compensation funds valued at (US$1.800.000.00) One million and
eight hundred thousand United States dollars has been authorized to be

released to you through our corresponding financial
institution in Malaysia.

No tickets were sold out. Your email was one of the lucky emails/ATM

Card users selected RANDOMLY via E-wheel Computer Ballot System
drawn from over 200,000 companies and 300,000 individual email/ATM

card users, from all over the world during the ATM Online EMAIL
selection draw.
In the mean time we have been mandated to issue out this payment via

our swift card payment centers, which is the latest technology
powered by the CUP/ATM Inc.This World Union Pay card will be uploaded

with your fund and couriered to your location via speed post
and a tracking number issued to you to enable you track your parcel

till it gets to its final destination. This card can be used in
any ATM machine in any part of the world, so if you like to receive

your fund in this way, please let us know by contacting our ATM
Center Manager with the requested information as listed below to the

follow office via email.

Union Pay Malaysia Sdn Bhd
19th Floor, Plaza IBM
No. 8, First Avenue,
Persiaran Bandar Utama
47800 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Contact Person: Mr. Michael Young

Required information:
1. Full Name
2. Phone and Fax Number
3. Address Were You Want Us to Send the ATM Card
4. Your Age and Current Occupation
5. Country

Note that because of impostors, we hereby issued you our code of

conduct, which is (ATM-3714) so you have to indicate this code when
contacting the card center by using it as your subject. Now contact

our ATM center Manager for more details.

We Wait For Your Expedite Response.

Yours in Service,
Mrs.Tracy Lou

I doubt Malaysia using the .tk domain and there probably aren't that many 'companies' that use .com there either. I have been wrong before, just ask my wife.

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- President Theodore Roosevelt