Scheduled Forum Maintenance

This is a message forum open to the public to make comments about Quatloos! and for suggestions meant to improve the website.
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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by LordEd »


Not really a big deal, just mentioning so you're aware of it.
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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by webhick »

Images can't scale like the rest of the forum, and we use three at the top of this one. It could be worse, I could have used one giant image, which would prevent the whole thing from scaling

But the search box shouldn't be jumping down and causing the gray header bar to expand. I'll fix that.
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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by LordEd »

What about some conditional scripting with jquery? If width < smallscreen, use small image, otherwise use big image.
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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by webhick »

There's a responsive.css file already in use that I can piggyback.
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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by webhick »

Fixed the following:
  • Header/gray bar for the mobile view
  • Header/gray bar for smaller than optimal widths
  • Quote icon now appears in quote boxes
  • Search index repaired. We'll see how long that lasts.
  • Got the junk out of the gear icon's trunk in the header search
  • Fixed the minor cut-off on the Back to Top icon in the FAQ
  • Fixed the post links to make them more visible
  • Illuminati'd the online icon.
Issues still open:
  • Pick user popup is just nasty, but usable.
  • New notifications are washed out.
  • Lightning bolt is cut off a little on the right.
I have to do some billable work now.
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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by Jeffrey »

Works perfectly.
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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by Gregg »

Its finistkind here at the Well Armed Bunker Complex! Thanks for all you do, I'll have to buy you dinner sometime!

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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by wserra »

Gregg wrote:Its finistkind here at the Well Armed Bunker Complex! Thanks for all you do, I'll have to buy you dinner sometime!

Thanks, web.
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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by Gregg »

wserra wrote:
Gregg wrote:Its finistkind here at the Well Armed Bunker Complex! Thanks for all you do, I'll have to buy you dinner sometime!

Thanks, web.

Usually that's about what you'd get, but I'll have you know I'm taking her to one of NYC's finest steakhouses for dinner at thanksgiving Bull and Bear ... house.html, so it does get kind of fancy on occasion!
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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by Burnaby49 »

Just back from an eight day trip. I was a bit apprehensive opening Quatloos up because I'd read this discussion while on the road from a hotel computer and had visions of huge fonts and screen overruns but it looks great, no complaints. One question. I can find my personal user's control panel but not the moderator's control panel. Is there something I'm missing?

Just edited to ask a second question. What is that green eye-like thing beside my name? It doesn't mean moderator because some mods don't have it and some non-mods do have it. Clicking on it does nothing.
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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by JamesVincent »

yeah, they fired you while you were gone. because you were gone. :naughty:
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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by LPC »

webhick wrote:I'll be doing a phpBB upgrade this week.
Was busy all week, just logged on for the first time, and it looks fine.

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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by webhick »

Gregg wrote:
wserra wrote:
Gregg wrote:Its finistkind here at the Well Armed Bunker Complex! Thanks for all you do, I'll have to buy you dinner sometime!

Thanks, web.

Usually that's about what you'd get, but I'll have you know I'm taking her to one of NYC's finest steakhouses for dinner at thanksgiving Bull and Bear ... house.html, so it does get kind of fancy on occasion!
Do you think it will compare to Joe's Oyster House? I splurged in Albany and the food there was sooo damned good that I fear that all other culinary experiences will pale by comparison.
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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by webhick »

Burnaby49 wrote:One question. I can find my personal user's control panel but not the moderator's control panel. Is there something I'm missing?
In the gray header bar, it's the MCP with the little hammer next to it.
Just edited to ask a second question. What is that green eye-like thing beside my name? It doesn't mean moderator because some mods don't have it and some non-mods do have it. Clicking on it does nothing.
It appears next to anyone who's online now. Illuminati is watching.
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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by Burnaby49 »

webhick wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:One question. I can find my personal user's control panel but not the moderator's control panel. Is there something I'm missing?
In the gray header bar, it's the MCP with the little hammer next to it.
Just edited to ask a second question. What is that green eye-like thing beside my name? It doesn't mean moderator because some mods don't have it and some non-mods do have it. Clicking on it does nothing.
It appears next to anyone who's online now. Illuminati is watching.
Thanks. Got it. Now I can unleash my god-like powers again!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by notorial dissent »

So far, everything seems to be showing up as it should and behaving as per usual. Which is to say I haven't noticed anything other than the size issue.

It may just be me, but it seems to be responding a bit faster as well. otherwise it seems to be seamless, and I can't tell you how happy that makes me. Another board I use just upgraded and it has been an exercise in pain from the get go.

Well done, and beaucoup thanks. You're the best and a pearl without price.
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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by Burnaby49 »

I just tried, a number of times, to start a new discussion in the Canadian Sovereign forum. I kept getting this message when I hit the "submit" button.
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

Field 'topic_last_post_subject' doesn't have a default value [1364]

An SQL error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact the Board Administrator if this problem persists.
This means absolutely nothing to me. Is this related to the new version? A general error? Me?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by wserra »

I tried, and got this:
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

Field 'topic_last_post_subject' doesn't have a default value [1364]


INSERT INTO phpbb_topics (topic_poster, topic_time, topic_last_view_time, forum_id, icon_id, topic_posts_approved, topic_posts_softdeleted, topic_posts_unapproved, topic_visibility, topic_delete_user, topic_title, topic_first_poster_name, topic_first_poster_colour, topic_type, topic_time_limit, topic_attachment) VALUES (195, 1435691967, 1435691967, 48, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 'Test', 'wserra', 'AA0000', 0, 0, 0)


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/driver.php
LINE: 855
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/mysql.php
LINE: 181
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\driver->sql_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/factory.php
LINE: 329
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\mysql->sql_query()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/functions_posting.php
LINE: 1876
CALL: phpbb\db\driver\factory->sql_query()

FILE: [ROOT]/posting.php
LINE: 1400
CALL: submit_post()
I'm sure that stuff means something to webhick.
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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by The Observer »

wserra wrote:I'm sure that stuff means something to webhick.
Yes, it means her billable hours app is working fine.
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Re: Scheduled Forum Maintenance

Post by webhick »

When the host upgraded the database from mysql 4 to 5 a while back, the tables didn't quite convert properly. It's fairly common. Upgrading phpBB didn't fix the problem, since it doesn't even look for it. I reset the database schemas. Should work fine now.
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