Weirdness in Scott & Debra Gillespie thread.

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Weirdness in Scott & Debra Gillespie thread.

Post by Famspear »

Somebody posted a response to one of my posts in the thread on "Scott & Debra Gillespie," but the response is displayed in the thread as having been made by me.

Anybody know what would be causing that?
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Re: Weirdness in Scott & Debra Gillespie thread.

Post by AndyK »

There's a moderator option to "Change poster"

Perhaps someone was fooling around with it?
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Re: Weirdness in Scott & Debra Gillespie thread.

Post by wserra »

From the MCP:
Edited post “Re: Scott & Debra Gillespie - Hendrickson's Heroes” written by “Famspear” for the following reason » The Observer
Obs? I'm sure it was a mistake of some kind.
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Re: Weirdness in Scott & Debra Gillespie thread.

Post by The Observer »

Yes, which should be a lesson to me that I should not be posting when I am getting sleepy.
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Re: Weirdness in Scott & Debra Gillespie thread.

Post by webhick »

Or drunk on whatever it was that I slipped into your drinking water. You wouldn't happen to know what that was, would you? The label on the bottle was too worn to read and well, I didn't try too hard to read it. Like not at all. And after emptying the bottle I dropped it in your neighbor's recycling bin because I care about the environment but not about you. Again, do you know what was in the bottle?
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Re: Weirdness in Scott & Debra Gillespie thread.

Post by The Observer »

webhick wrote:Or drunk on whatever it was that I slipped into your drinking water. You wouldn't happen to know what that was, would you? The label on the bottle was too worn to read and well, I didn't try too hard to read it. Like not at all. And after emptying the bottle I dropped it in your neighbor's recycling bin because I care about the environment but not about you. Again, do you know what was in the bottle?
Why would I care what was in the bottle? It allowed me to wreak havoc for a short moment of time, sending tremors throughout the Quatloos community. Raaaahhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrr!
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