"The NWO has a secret Agenda"

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Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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"The NWO has a secret Agenda"

Post by DailyPlanet »

"The NWO has a secret Agenda"

This video claims to have been taken from NOTES made at a secret meeting in 1969

An "illuminati insider" spilled the beans - and revealed :

- ALL, the whole NWO Agenda

The NWO Agenda - as revealed in 1969

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Re: "The NWO has a secret Agenda"

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Oooh look, I've found something on the internet - it must be true.
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
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Re: "The NWO has a secret Agenda"

Post by wserra »

Take it to GodLikeProductions.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume