Satanicky Panicky Scams

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Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by CrankyBoomer »

Although I don't doubt there are very nasty people out there who do horrible things to children and it might include dressing up in weird clothes, there seems to be an attempt to revive satanic panic in the UK currently. I don't know why - it could be to deflect from genuine cases, it could be some of the folk have mental health issues and truly believe what they say, - I have wondered at times if some of the people involved are agents provocateurs who want to cause civil unrest. I mentioned something obliquely on the UK Sovereign Citizen thread because it has been discussed on Hoaxtead recently. Of course it may be just for the grift...who'd o' thunk satanic panic would be so profitable. I found it disturbing but there are photographs of one woman who has been quite vocal in such matters surrounded possibly by 'minders' and there are other pictures of the same men posing with guns. Some good hearted people have handed over sums of money to this lady (Jeanette Archer) - who incidentally received a (metaphorical) rap on the knuckles from the rozzers for naming Child X in the Wong case.

I'm not sure how scamming to get rid of Satan is supposed to work. Does one take a sack full of dosh and say "Hey Foe Malign, if you promise to leave me alone - or leave the children alone - or whatever, you can have this bag o' loot". Okay, I'm being facetious - the money allegedly is for setting up 'safe houses' or a 'safe house' and possibly also surveillance equipment with the aim of catching satanists inn the act. Why not therapy for genuine abuse victims?
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Re: Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

As you may have twigged from the Paterson/Neelu/EWE threads, they've not gone away. Far from it.

For obvious reasons, visibility has been diminished during Hoaxtead's hiatus as Quatloos tends to deal with scams and FotLers who don't like being governed by actual laws. Being batshit stupid and nasty is not in itself enough to get a thread (cf: Andy Devine and Angela Power-Disney).

However, I think Jeanette Archer fleecing death row hospice residents and her associated GoFundMe campaign does cross-over and warrant a thread!
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Re: Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by CrankyBoomer »

I was in a bit of a rush thinking about a Zoom meeting when I made my previous post, Sage, so I didn't read through all the rules*. I've since looked at this site again I've seen that there is a thread for news items and I'm wondering now if that would have been more apt for this subject matter. I sometimes listen to a podcast called American Hysteria and a while ago there was an episode about someone in the USA who had made himself a known as someone who claimed to be a repentant worshipper of the Foe Malign. A religious paper had done some digging into his background and the alleged history didn't make sense. So there do seem to be some people who make up false stories to obtain money.

*Although I've been posting on Quatloos intermittently for a while now and have read the rules I've mainly posted on the UK sovereign citizen and FTLER thread so I'm forgetful other than no religion or politics. S-------- panic could be deemed to be tending towards religion I guess so if the mods want to delete this thread I won't jump up and down in anger if they do so.
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Re: Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by morrand »

CrankyBoomer wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 2:53 pm *Although I've been posting on Quatloos intermittently for a while now and have read the rules I've mainly posted on the UK sovereign citizen and FTLER thread so I'm forgetful other than no religion or politics. S-------- panic could be deemed to be tending towards religion I guess so if the mods want to delete this thread I won't jump up and down in anger if they do so.
What you're posting about sounds much more like an affinity fraud to me, which certainly seems in-bounds for the board. I would be eager to hear more about Ms Archer's fleecy activities if anyone wants to post up.
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Re: Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

morrand wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 11:32 pm What you're posting about sounds much more like an affinity fraud to me, which certainly seems in-bounds for the board. I would be eager to hear more about Ms Archer's fleecy activities if anyone wants to post up.
It's a twist on the "think of the children, please won't somebody think of the children" type scams.

The GoFundMe: Exposing & Ending Satanic Ritual Abuse ... fundraiser

At it's heart it is simple grifting - taking money from simpletons.
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Re: Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by wserra »

CrankyBoomer wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 2:53 pmS[atanic] panic could be deemed to be tending towards religion
By this mod, not even close.

As a matter of fact, I'll get you a satanic pananic.
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Re: Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by JamesVincent »

Even if it was a truly religious subject any religion that scams people would still be fair game. We've talked about quasi religious scammers before.
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Re: Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by Burnaby49 »

JamesVincent wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 11:59 am Even if it was a truly religious subject any religion that scams people would still be fair game. We've talked about quasi religious scammers before.
Indeed, I've probably written about paraclete Belanger more than any other individual and his whole scam is based on his interpretation of Christianity.
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Re: Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by CrankyBoomer »

Okay, well Jeanette Archer is allegedly a survivor of 'satanic ritual abuse' and torture involved in the 'abuse' and has been raising funds allegedly to help survivors of abuse. She's has a connection with Wilfred Wong and the Wedgehog (Jon Wedger, allegedly a police 'whistleblower'). She was interviewed by Wedgehog and Shaun Attwood* (formerly - and still to a certain extent) a true crime YouTuber but has now branched out into interviewing people about satanism and also all things Epstein. A YouTuber called Shellie Mote (a genuine survivor of abuse but not satanic abuse) has put together a series of videos showing some inconsistencies in Ms Archer's story. In this one she has a recording in Ms Archer's own words (talking to Niki Cooper, an ex-sex worker formerly palsy-walsy with the Wedgehog but they've fallen out). I have some reservations about Cooperwoman but let's stick to JA. The first seven minutes are introduction but at roughly 7.15 on the video Ms Archer talks about getting donations from someone who is dying. and here is Ms Archer herself trying to hijack The Freedom (to Spread Covid) March** accusing Bo-Jo of terrible things (I'm not a fan of Bo-Jo but he doesn't deserve to be slandered) I don't want to trigger anyone but in this clip JA says something about being burnt "down below" but she has had children I believe.

Edited because Sage had already linked the GoFundMe. I don't know whether there MIGHT be a loophole in the law because of gifting allowance (I nearly typed grifting allowance). Mind you sometimes even if things aren't technically illegal they still aren't morally or ethically right.
Last edited by CrankyBoomer on Wed May 19, 2021 9:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by CrankyBoomer »

My last post was getting long so I'm continuing here.

* Shaun Attwood has had Jon Wedger, Wilfred Wong and Scamma Brees on his show. Wilfred Wong as they think you know is in the clink awaiting trial - but innocent until proven guilty and all that. SA does interview a lot of former prisoners (well his focus did used to be true crime). He put his foot in it rather towards the end of last summer when he interviewed a former sex worker who was allegedly being trafficked. Some people contributed to a GoFundMe for her and then it came out she was still listed on a sex work site. Anyway the sex worker is now in chokey for causing death by careless driving (going back to 2019 but the trial was in February). That's the bones of it. So that's two of SA's relatively recent guests in the slammer currently though it's possible WW may be found innocent.

** I didn't think of the expression 'Freedom to Spread Covid' - but they do say the best ideas are usually somebody else's.

Getting back to Ms Archer, if anybody wanted things explained in more depth and more eloquently than my comments there are four recent articles about her on Hoaxtead - the first ... -for-cash/ The others are 'Jeanette Archer can't keep her story straight' and 'Jeanette Archer and QAnon: A Match Made in Heaven' followed by 'Security Theatre'.
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Re: Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by JamesVincent »

Burnaby49 wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 4:55 pm Indeed, I've probably written about paraclete Belanger more than any other individual and his whole scam is based on his interpretation of Christianity.
The parakeet was one of the specific ones I was thinking about but there's a lot of sovs with the King James Bible fetish. And it always seems to be them trying to use God's law to not pay taxes or obey the laws of men. Somehow they always seem to forget about Romans 13:
1Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 4For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. 5Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake. 6For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing. 7Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.
and somehow they missed the whole "Render unto Ceaser that which is Ceaser's" speech.
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Re: Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by CrankyBoomer »

I had to look up Paraclete/parakeet (on this site and YouTube). He looks like an aged hippy. He's Paraclete Edward Jay Robin now. I presume that's him? I only watched a very small part of that video - I tapped out when I saw someone in the comments using that pseudo-grammar with colons...........
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Re: Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by Tinkle Bucket »

Some of the funds raised by the Surrey inquisition were to go towards purchasing gold stickers apparently to raise awareness of Satan and his deeds by plastering anything that stands still long enough with them in London because as we all know the devil hates shiney sticky things, maybe this is why children are given gold stars at school as a reward for doing the most mundane of tasks they're actually being given protection from the big red one. :twisted:
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Re: Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by Burnaby49 »

CrankyBoomer wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 6:43 pm I had to look up Paraclete/parakeet (on this site and YouTube). He looks like an aged hippy. He's Paraclete Edward Jay Robin now. I presume that's him? I only watched a very small part of that video - I tapped out when I saw someone in the comments using that pseudo-grammar with colons...........
I've written about him in depth, great depth, and I can assure you he's not worth deeper research. An old fool in Edmonton who's tried the same failed scam for over 20 years and just manages to sucker in enough idiots to keep it fitfully spluttering along. The essence of his scam is that his sincere Christian beliefs mean that and his followers are required to obey only God's laws, not man's laws. Since all of God's laws are in the bible that means that all statutory laws, not being in the bible, don't apply to them. However their religious beliefs do allow them the discretion to agree that some statutory laws apply to them if they agree to be bound by them and, being fair and reasonable people, they seem open to accepting that statutory laws such as welfare (a big issue for the type of people who Belanger tends to attract, and, indeed, Belanger himself), government old-age pensions, social assistance programs, and free medical validly apply to them notwithstanding their exclusion from the bible. In Belanger's interpretation of Constitutional law the Canadian Constitution's protection of the right to practice religious beliefs means that anything the he says is a sincere held belief, no matter how demented or self-serving, must be fully accommodated by the various levels of government. As he and his followers have consistently found this is the point where the whole thing falls apart.

When he was struck by his religious revelation Belanger was married with a house, wife, and children. Lost the house because he refused to pay the mortgage, wife divorced him, and now he lives in penury.
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Re: Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Look at which satanic scammer made it into Private Eye.

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Although to be fair, PE have probably been working on the story for a few weeks now.

Blood money

WOMAN who claims she was born into a satanic cult in south London and then witnessed the ritual sacrifice of “thousands” of babies and children on a farm in Surrey has launched a social media campaign to expose high-profile satanic paedophiles. In a megaphone tirade during a protest march to Downing Street on 15 May, Jeanette Archer loudly accused the prime minister, no less, of raping, torturing, murdering and drinking the blood of babies. She was accompanied by a burly bodyguard and a gaggle of supporters who chanted: “It’s time!”

“Boris Johnson!” she yelled through the Downing Street gates. “You are a satanist. . . And I know why you are doing the Covid lockdown because you want the children’s blood, you want the adrenochrome.” In conspiracy circles, blood extracted during the torture of a child contains a drug known as adrenochrome, which supposedly gives the consumer special powers and benefits including eternal youth.

Eye readers may recall that Archer, 55, came out as a self-proclaimed victim of satanic ritual abuse in May 2020 in several lengthy YouTube interviews with fellow conspiracy theorists Jon Wedger, a former detective constable and “whistleblower”, and YouTuber Shaun Attwood (Eye 1528). In the videos, Archer related events in gory detail and said she reported them in late 2012 to the police, first in London and then in Surrey. No action was taken, she claimed.

Promoted by Wedger’s YouTube channel and other social media outlets, during 2020 Archer urged supporters to bombard police and MPs with letters demanding that Inspector Knacker reopen the investigation. But as the Met and Surrey Police both told the Eye, they had investigated her allegations over two years. They had also viewed the recent videos but found no new evidence. Sceptics on social media have offered to fund operations to excavate the Surrey farm where Archer claimed thousands of babies were buried; she has not taken up the offer.

Archer’s ambitions have now widened to “saving the children” by ridding the UK of satanic abuse. She has built a cult-like following via YouTube videos and Facebook posts. She calls on these fellow “warriors” to help her take children away from satanic groups — and, crucially, raise money to set up safe houses for the “rescued” children. She is seeking donations to finance materials and equipment for a planned march in central London in June. She met her initial target of £1,500 within a few days.
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Re: Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by CrankyBoomer »

Looks like JA's gofundme has either been closed or put on hiatus. Shaun Attwood has either removed or made private his main interview with her though there were still some shorter clips up. Could the grift/affinity scam be up? Though JA did put up a short video yesterday about the march set for 26th June in the 'satanic turf of London' - she actually did say that. Now I don't approve of fraud but often the more intelligent fraudsters know when to get out of Dodge.
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Re: Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

The GofundMe appears to be still up.
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Re: Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by CrankyBoomer »

You are right, Sage. At the time I last looked there hadn't been any new donations but that's a few days ago.
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Re: Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by CrankyBoomer »

I see I have a duplicate post from a few days ago but I can't edit on my 2nd hand Android so will have to wait till I'm on the laptop. Now that the holes in JA's backstory that are more numerous than those in a lump of Gruyere have been pointed out, some of her sidekicks are springing into defence mode. A lady called Sam Browne who is in the same movement as JA claimed that the people criticising JA were 'satanists' and now is saying that JA's grandfather was a traveller and didn't have a birth certificate. I personally think that's a load of hooey. JA has seriously irritated the travelling community now.

Sam Browne was genuinely the victim of a nasty pimp (the story made mainstream media - on a local level at least). But latterly she's changed the story from being abused by a nasty pimp to being abused by a 'satanic' Illuminati pimp.

Incidentally Shaun Attwood has taken down his main interview with JA. SA first came to prominence in a TV show Banged Up Abroad about UK subjects/citizens imprisoned overseas. SA was imprisoned while living in Arizona, USA for drug dealing but was released early but is not allowed to return to the USA. He wrote a jail journal under an assumed name and on his return to Britain started a 'true crime' podcast but a couple or three years ago (or thereabouts) started branching out into satanic panic and when the stories about Epstein emerged, or rather re-emerged he started doing stuff about that.
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Re: Satanicky Panicky Scams

Post by Burnaby49 »

For American and Canadian readers;

travelers = gypsies.
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