Not necessarily a scam but my BS meter goes off when I see Anna Brees

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Not necessarily a scam but my BS meter goes off when I see Anna Brees

Post by CrankyBoomer »

How sad am I? I have been visiting the weird and not so wonderful parts of the Internet not so much these days. A lady is campaigning to make judges "accountable". The lady AB is interviewing seems a decent enough sort - she's unhappy about a judgement made against a member of her family. The sell for Anna Brees's course how to use your mobile phone comes near the end of the video [13.00-ish]. I do not know the right or the wrong of the lady's campaign - perhaps I am terribly jaded because I have come to distrust Anna Brees (though I agree with AB tabloid journalists can't be wholly trusted). Has anyone heard about this campaign? As I say it may not be a scam - I'm just wary of Anna Brees.

This is what I found online about the current status of judge's accountability:- ... bility.pdf
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Re: Not necessarily a scam but my BS meter goes off when I see Anna Brees

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

It does seem to be a campaign with some merit, if I've read things right, to allow free access to transcripts of court cases.

I guess the case against would be the cost of creating and administering it when court cases are frequently kicked 3 years down the road because of lack of court facilities and staff, so would presumably be a priority if there was any new money (although that doesn't appear to be forthcoming either).

It does appear though that according to the MoJ transcripts of sentencing remarks should cost between £40-60. Relatives of victims of murder, manslaughter, or fatal dangerous driving can currently access them, or an audio recording, for free and I really can't see any good reason why that shouldn't be extended to rape cases.

But you are right. Anne Brees is LARPing as a journalist nowadays, as her episode with John Wedger proved, but you can't blame a campaigner for using all means available to publicise a campaign.
Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity - Hanlon's Razor