Bob Schulz's Bold Plan

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Bob Schulz's Bold Plan

Post by Trippy »

Bob Schulz wrote:WE HAVE A PLAN.

We have a profound Plan to restore Freedom and Constitutional Order.

We have a Plan for the minority of Americans who are awake to the present dangers and who have declared themselves to be Constitutionalists and defenders of the Rule of Law.

We have a Plan to mobilize the Freedom Keepers among us, who are more or less isolated one from another, often with spouses, co-workers and neighbors who don’t yet understand that one could love the country but despise the government for they are two different things.

Unless someone has a better plan, we are asking that you join the one we have adopted.

The Plan is bold, but doable. With an energized and vocal critical mass, the Plan could quickly attract world-wide attention.

It starts out rather quietly, but builds in August and September to a climax.

First, on June 30, 2008, every member of the Congress will be served by one or more of their constituents, at their local district office(s), with seven signed Petitions for Redress of Grievances.

Each Petition for Redress will address a separate violation of the Constitution and will request a response within 40 days (by August 11, 2008).

On July 11, 2008, a declaratory judgment action will be filed in each of the 11 federal judicial circuits outside the District of Columbia. These lawsuits will each seek a Judicial declaration of the obligation of the Government to respond to Petitions for Redress and the Rights of the People if the Government fails to respond.

Prayerfully, there will be sharp disagreements among the Circuit courts, making it difficult for the Supreme Court of the United States not to accept the next invitation to interpret the meaning of the accountability clause of the First Amendment.

Beginning on August 11, 2008, Bob Schulz will begin a hunger fast in Washington DC to draw attention to the fact that the Government of the United States of America has turned on its Free People by violating their Constitution and refusing to be held accountable, choosing instead to allow Americans to once again hunger for freedom and Redress of Grievances.

You can demonstrate your support for the Constitution and the Rule of Law by joining Bob for a day or two or, a weekend or more. A large scale, public hunger fast in the Gandhi tradition is needed, now.

Men died to make us free.

Men died to keep us free.

Freedom is a very fragile thing, never more than one generation away from being lost.

Each generation is responsible to the next as its Freedom Keepers.

Acta Non Verba. Deeds not words are needed now.

Time is of the essence.
Basically, more of the "fasting" and "lawsuit" crap that has failed spectacularly in the past. Bold move? Yeah. Sure. :roll:
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Re: Bob Schulz's Bold Plan

Post by LPC »

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. (Attributed to Albert Einstein.)
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Re: Bob Schulz's Bold Plan

Post by AFTP »

Will Gene Chapman reappear?

Place your bets!

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Re: Bob Schulz's Bold Plan

Post by The Observer »

This can't be The Plan. Everyone knows that any Bob Schulz Plan always has as its first step the Send More Money Plank.
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Re: Bob Schulz's Bold Plan

Post by aitchel »

He needs the money for food and snacks during the hunger strike
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Re: Bob Schulz's Bold Plan

Post by Famspear »

A user called "IH8TheIRS" at losthorizons has posted the following material and links to some videos made by Bob Schulz:
From Bob Schulz of "We The People"

The profound Plan put forth by WTP to continue Ron Paul's peaceful Revolution through civic action has now been posted as a video on and Google Video.

PART 1 is approximately 10 minutes. PART 2 is just over 5 minutes.

Please forward this article to all your email lists and also consider providing links to,
or embedding these important videos in the websites you control.

You are the Freedom Keepers. Let's make these videos go "viral" and bring our profound Plan to reclaim Freedom and restore Constitutional Order to the hearts and minds of all the People.


Google: ... 3656&hl=en


Google: ... 9449&hl=en

For more video and all the information links regarding this profound Plan, please go to:
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Re: Bob Schulz's Bold Plan

Post by fortinbras »

For those with short memories, Schulz pulled this stunt in the summer of 2001, announcing he was going on a hunger strike unless the IRS sent spokesmen to debate him at a forum of his own choosing, set for the date he insisted on, (this is cute!) Rosh Hashona 2001. His little trick to make sure that he wouldn't have to debate Jews. Even before he commenced his purported fast, he published a news release about it: One Man Hungers, A Nation Prays.

He set up his little hunger artistry next to a hotdog vendor on the Capitol Mall. I saw him about two weeks after he started - his clothes were still snug and he looked like he could last quite a while on body fat. About the 20th day, Maryland Congressman Barrett, responding to all sorts of panicky phone calls, offered to arrange a very different event for him; a briefing (that is, a lecture) for Schulz and a small group of his friends on the tax laws, given by Dept of Justice lawyers (not the IRS), in an unused room in the House Office Building (and not on the date previously insisted by Schulz). Not at all like a debate, not even an assurance that Schulz would be allowed to talk at all, and most certainly not an official Congressional activity. But Schulz jumped at this offer, claiming victory.

He then immediately tried to turn it into a money-maker for himself, and he wasn't above misrepresenting the event to do so. He called it a hearing, he call it official, he claimed he'd get to question the govt's spokesmen at length ... and, if you sent him money, he's ask them your questions too (he did not make public any of the questions already planned for, so presumably he could make money for the same questons over and over again from different people). He'd put it on the internet as Pay-Per-View. This all got back to the Dept of Justice, which got increasingly concerned about a circus atmosphere and being exploited for Schulz's money-making scams. The DOJ and Barrett kept sending out correctives; this wasn't a hearing, it wasn't an official Congressional event, it wasn't a debate, it wasn't a chance to topple the tax laws, etc.

Finally Schulz went too far. He persisted in calling it a debate and then, finally, a "trial" - that the IRS (which had not been scheduled to send any representatives) and the income tax laws were going to be put on trial with some significant legal results. The WTC attack caused this event to be rescheduled for late February 2002. The last straw came when Schulz and his website instructed his followers (presumably in the thousands), "Don't file before the trial." Very cute. The DOJ cancelled completely and Barrett sent a strong letter to Schulz about his dishonest behavior. End of opportunity for Schulz.

Since then at least two more of Schulz's followers claimed to be going on hunger strikes over their tax situations. One of them wore a kind of a toga for the event, so it was difficult to gauge if he were really losing weight. Both quit before the 21st day.

As for this latest con artistry, Schulz claims that the law is not settled in the various circuits. Wrong, because the US Supreme Court has repeatedly addressed this same issue; Minnesota State Board for Community Colleges v. Knight, 1984, 465 U.S. 271, 104 S.Ct. 1058, 79 L.Ed.2d 299, and Smith v. Arkansas State Highway Employees, 441 U.S. 463, 99 S.Ct. 1826, 60 L.Ed.2d 360, and several more where it denied certiorari: Hilton v. City of Wheeling. 7th Cir. 2000) 209 F.3d 1005, cert. denied 531 U.S. 1080; Liverman v. Hyde, 10th Cir. 2000) 221 F.3d 1352, cert. denied 531 U.S. 929; etc.
Last edited by fortinbras on Tue May 27, 2008 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Bob Schulz's Bold Plan

Post by TheSaint »

fortinbras wrote:Since then at least two more of Schulz's followers claimed to be going on hunger strikes over their tax situations. One of them wore a kind of a toga for the event, so it was difficult to gauge if he were really losing weight.
Sounds like Gene Chapman: