LH'rs are pathetic

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17th Viscount du Voolooh
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Re: LH'rs are pathetic

Post by ASITStands »



I knew it when I first heard your schtick. You're wasting yourself here, man, trying to sell that "Weston White" Stupidity Remover stuff. You really need to get back to the big time.

Go find a job on CNBC, subbing for Cramer, or The Daily Show, as a guest host for Stewart. Or, maybe get back into financial planning, selling life insurance and variable annuities, man.

You're just too talented to waste it all on the kind of Friday Afternoon Zen you find here.
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Re: LH'rs are pathetic

Post by Dezcad »

mutter wrote:From the lost Horizons news letter....... his petition to the SCOTUS! follow the link in the newsletter. http://www.losthorizons.com/Newsletter.htm
Now, I know where Patrick Mooney got it. From the Newsletter of PH, comes this gem about his refund lawsuit:
The Blowhard Newsletter wrote:When you encounter ANYONE repeating DOJ/IRS spin about "Hendrickson" or "CtC" "losing" in court, set them straight in no uncertain terms. The DOJ and IRS are the ones who have lost this case-- at this point they're just hoping that too many people don't actually read the record and discover that fact.
That's right, a loss is actually a victory.
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Re: LH'rs are pathetic

Post by Famspear »

ASITStands wrote:'Famspear!'


I knew it when I first heard your schtick. You're wasting yourself here, man, trying to sell that "Weston White" Stupidity Remover stuff. You really need to get back to the big time.

Go find a job on CNBC, subbing for Cramer, or The Daily Show, as a guest host for Stewart. Or, maybe get back into financial planning, selling life insurance and variable annuities, man.

You're just too talented to waste it all on the kind of Friday Afternoon Zen you find here.
I'm trying to avoid anything that involves math.

And not having much luck, I might add.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: LH'rs are pathetic

Post by SteveSy »

CKB wrote:They want all the benefits of government without paying for it - again, like greedy, spoiled children. They are the biggest sucking leeches and drains on society and economic progress and I have a feeling they are fundamentally lazy at EVERYTHING they do, including their sad, go nowhere, little paltry-waged jobs.
That's kinda funny really considering all these guys are doing is getting what they paid in back vs. say a person making around 20k who gets everything back plus a few thousand in EIC. Yes my friends those are the good guys, the "taxpayers" (an oxymoron), who file and get back more than they paid in. The "leeches and drains on society" are those who just want their own money back! Damn them, damn them all...how dare they not be like those who receive thousands of extra dollars from the tax system and most likely get CHIP, school paid lunches, some form of welfare, tax free child support and Medicaid. Damn them, damn them all I tell you!
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Re: LH'rs are pathetic

Post by The Observer »

Famspear wrote:Sure, Betty! Some of the black powdery residue on your face -- from the bomb that resulted from your falling for Hendrickson's Cracking the Code tax scam -- consists mainly of carbon, and can be removed with ordinary facial cleansers.
Why I am getting flashbacks of those old Roadrunner cartoons where Wile E. Coyote has just discovered for the umpteenth time that the products that he ordered from Acme Corporation just never work the way he thought they were going to work?

Is it too late to suggest using as a mascot Wile. E. for the TP movement?
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