Storage in Switzerland, huh.

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Grand Exalted Keeper of Esoterica
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Re: Storage in Switzerland, huh.

Post by Demosthenes »

April 2, 2008
Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters…
Here are a few quick HOT items… Please take action:
FIRST: I wish to congratulate the new RCOs. At a time when some people are running scared, I am very proud so many people are opening a RCO. Remember if you want to get the best deal on the Liberty Dollar… opening a RCO is the right ticket.
SECOND: Scared about a second raid? Forget it!! The G-boys have never raided a place twice and even though we know the Liberty Dollar is special… it is just not their MO. The sequence is: Investigate, Affidavit, Raid, Intimate, Grand Jury, Indictment, Arrest, Trial… and in the case of the Liberty Dollar… Acquittal. All this takes about five years on the average. So why wait?! We got a country to save and money to be made. Please don't be scared into non-action&! hellip; that's just what they want.
HALLMARK EXPLODES: Have you seen all the RCO Hallmarks? Check HERE for the current collection of over 25 custom Hallmarks by RCOs taking a stand for value. And there are more on the way! Very soon there will be Boston, Tucson, Anaheim, Nebraska, South Bend, Hudson Valley, Ann Arbor, Dallas and others. Call me to get your town on the Liberty Economy map!
SILVER: Silver is HOT! The Liberty Dollar has moved up and the $50 Libs. are rolling. Unfortunately the shopping cart is not working as AlertPay accepts up to only $100 and that is more trouble than what it was worth… Please order by mail. We are working to get the shopping cart up ASAP.
BIG NEWS: The Big Melt is under way. If you wish to turn in your $10 or $20 Base Libertys for the new $50 Silver Liberty… You have three weeks left! for the Special Reminting Rates. Offer on the reduced rate! s expire at midnight on April 22. So Please send in what you want to be reminted into shinny new $50 Base Libs. And be sure to tell us what you want and include the reminting fee and shipping. If not, we will call to clarify. To get the $50 Base Silver Libertys in $50s, 20s, $10s or $5s… just send your old Silver Libertys to: Liberty Numismatics. 225 N. Stockwell Road. Evansville. Indiana. 47715. And remember the reminting fee and the shipping please.
GOLD: The very first quarter ounce $500 Gold Liberty order is set to close shortly. Orders are being taken this Wednesday, April 2 and again next Wednesday, April 9. After that date they will be available on a first come first serve basis. But this could be the only order… that's what happened with the ill-fated one ounce Ron Paul Platinum… now selling for over $7000 each!!! The Liberty Associate rates range from 15% to 11% depending on the quantity. Click HERE for the $500 Gold Rates. Please send funds before calling to place a gold order. Non Associates pay Face Value i.e. $500 each.
SHIPPING: Please remember to include shipping. We have received a large number of orders that does not include shipping which delays your order while we try to contact you. Please remember to include shipping.
ELD CLOSED: As I mentioned in the last Alert, the NEW eLD has been closed. Please log into your account and click REDEEM for specific info about the four different denominations of silver Liberty Dollar that is available. Then click on SEND and send your eLDs to with the amount of eLD in your account and your instruction (copy/paste from Word) as to what you want us to ship to you. You will notice that your balance have increased by 2.5 times due to the move up to the $50 Base. If you ! have any questions, please call the Office in Evansville: 8! 88.421.6 181. Please add $$$ for shipping and remember… The deadline for this is April 15. Thank you for your patience during this difficult time.
MISSING ELD: We have received quite a few emails from Liberty Associates who say their eLD account is zero when they had money in it. This has only happened when the person logged into their NEW eLD account. Of course your NEW account is zero… but your old eLD account is still holding the same eLD as when it was frozen after the raid. Please do not be confused. No one is missing any funds from their account. There are two different sites for the two different eLD accounts.
$500 OR FREE: Yes it now costs $500 to become a Liberty Assoc! iate and get the Liberty Dollar at a discount. But if you are a verifiable merchant you can become a Liberty Merchant for FREE. You can get the same great discount but you cannot sponsor a Liberty Associate and get a $200 Referral, unless you are a Liberty Associate. Simply click HERE to become a Liberty Merchant.
CHARGES ARE DROPPED: I am pleased to report that charges against Fritz Schrom for using Liberty Dollar to pay his utility bill were dropped. Please click HERE for the complete article.
That's it. Super fast Alert… because we go so much to do. Thanks again for your support to return America to value - one Liberty Dollar at a time.
Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect / Editor
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The Observer
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Re: Storage in Switzerland, huh.

Post by The Observer »

SECOND: Scared about a second raid? Forget it!! The G-boys have never raided a place twice and even though we know the Liberty Dollar is special… it is just not their MO. The sequence is: Investigate, Affidavit, Raid, Intimate,...
I think you have the "intimate" phase out of sequence - that comes after the "incarceration" phase when you are introduced to your new cellmate Bruno.
Grand Jury, Indictment, Arrest, Trial… and in the case of the Liberty Dollar… Acquittal.

Acquittal? Is that a fact? Or just hope?
All this takes about five years on the average. So why wait?! We got a country to save and money to be made.
Wow , a five year plan that not only includes starry-eyed patriotism but a way to line your pockets. But how about telling them about the 10-25 year plan that follows this?
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Storage in Switzerland, huh.

Post by Dezcad »

VonNutHouse writes wrote:CHARGES ARE DROPPED: I am pleased to report that charges against Fritz Schrom for using Liberty Dollar to pay his utility bill were dropped. Please click HERE for the complete article.
Here's the link to that article.

Interesting parts of article:
Theft charges against a Clay Township man who paid a utility bill last fall with privately made coins were dropped Friday after the man paid the bill in U.S. currency.
Despite his belief that the Liberty Dollar coins are legal, Schrom said he's "been a little leery" about using them since his arrest.
Grand Exalted Keeper of Esoterica
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Re: Storage in Switzerland, huh.

Post by Demosthenes »

April 8, 2008
Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters…
Without a doubt the best news is that Rachelle Moseley has returned and is now COO for the Fulfillment Office in Evansville. As many of you know, Rachelle has been with the Liberty Dollar office for several years and was the RCO coordinator at the time of the Raid. She has immense knowledge about the Liberty Dollar and an excellent person to contact with a question or to place an order. Welcome back Rachelle!
Please note our name since the Raid is now Liberty Numismatics. Same phone and address: 225 N. Stockwell Road. Evansville. IN. 47715. Phone: 888.LIB.DOLLAR or 888.421.6181 or 812.473.5250. Rachelle's email is:
PROJECTIONS: Just this morning I got Jason Hommel's Silver Stock Report. And while his past jealous, ! stilted comments regarding the Liberty Dollar are a distraction, I still I respect Jason's research. His latest report compares M3 (US dollar money supply) to the price of gold. As Hommel points out, USD gained until 2001 and has been steadily declining since then:
June 1998: M3 5,711 billion / gold price $296/oz. = 19.3 (billion oz. gold value)
June 1999: M3 6,221 billion / gold price $260/oz. = 23.9 (billion oz. gold value)
June 2000: M3 6,809 billion / gold price $288/oz. = 23.6 (billion oz. gold value)
June 2001: M3 7,628 billion / gold price $270/oz. = 28.2 (billion oz. gold value)
June 2002: M3 8,178 billion / gold price $318/oz. = 25.7 (billion oz. gold value)
June 2003: M3 8,761 billion / gold price $345/oz. = 25.4 (billion oz. gold value)
Sept 2003: M3 8,909 billion / gold price $390/oz. = 22.8 (billion oz. gold value)
H! ommel's point is well taken although I would not call this &qu! ot;hyper inflation" as prices are not changing at a very noticeable rate… yet… but it is coming… so get ready!
As documented at Nowandfutures, M3 is now $14 trillion. Almost double the M3 of $7.6 trillion in 2001… in only seven years!
In my opinion, Hommel's best comparison is between the current M3/Gold ratio vs. M3/Gold ration in January 1980 when gold hit $850 (in 1980 dollars):
April 2008: M3 14,000 billion / gold price $912/oz. = 15.3 (billion oz. gold value)
Jan. 1980: M3 1,822 billion / gold price $850/oz. = 2.1 (billion oz. gold value)
That simple comparison leads one to divide 15.3 by 2.1 and multiply that by current gold price of $900 that yields a projected price of $6557.14 per ounce for gold. Taking a straight-line ratio for silver at $17.50 ! yields a projected silver price of $127.50/oz. Quite frankly this appears to be conservative given silver has and will always out perform gold at least two to one and usually more due to its many uses and unique geological formations… So look for silver to be more like $300 or $3000 per ounce or even much more in the "current money" at that time.
Regardless of projections, both gold and the USD have moved a long way since 2001. And they have a long way to go. Especially in comparison to 1980. The horror that this represents is as great as the opportunity for you, your money and our country.
In fact, your best opportunity is with silver. That is one of the main reasons the Liberty Dollar is primarily based in silver… it will give you the best bang for your buck.
More info from Jason Hommel and his jealous, stilted views of the Liberty Dollar can be found at Be forewarned… he d! oes not like the Liberty Dollar. Oh, we are ripping people off… just read what happened to the early supporters who got the 1999 Silver Liberty in the "2008 Arrest Dollar" article below.
LIBERTY WALLET: Liberty Numismatics is proud to announce the launch of a new service for those of you who use and work with e-Currencies, such as e-Gold, GoldMoney, Pecunix and many others. Since the introduction of these digital currencies, many of which are based on the actual ownership of gold or other precious metals, their place in commerce worldwide has grown dramatically, and they are now traded as commonly and as profitably as many national currencies or commodities.
In fact, they are are rapidly becoming a standard in both online and international commerce, and normal fluctuations between their values and popularities make it possible to profit by trading them with others, just as fiat national currencies are traded dail! y. "Day Trading" is the art, or science if you prefer, of making trades in "real time"... i.e., watching the available trades posted, watching the spot prices of gold, silver, etc., comparing practical values of various currencies against their intrinsic values, and trading e-Currencies with others
. offers opportunities to seasoned traders as well as those who are just getting started, and the most notable of these is the opportunity to trade safely! Far too often, and this is from personal experience, you can find yourself being cheated out of hard earned capital because you traded with someone who was less than honest. Many traders are nervous about being the first to send an amount, and understandably so... once you've sent it, it's gone! And yet, for most of those who would trade in e-Currencies, this is how you begin, but taking chances you! can't afford to lose! eliminates that risk. Traders using our system can post trades on our board, so that other traders can choose whether or not to accept, and once a trade is accepted, its done instantly within the system. No one has to take a risk by sending first, no one has to wait days to find out if the person you traded with was honorable... it's done and the balance of e-Currency you traded for is in your LibertyWallet account instantly. Just register as a Trader and you can begin trading the very same day! You'll see the profits available each time you look at the Board or post a trade, and a shrewd Trader can make substantial gains on a regular basis.
Once you've registered, you'll be able to log in and post your e-Currencies to your account. This means that you send us the amount of each e-Currency that you want to place in trade, which will be credited to your Liberty Wallet Account and listed as the e-Currency you plac! ed with our system. Your balances in each e-Currency will be clearly accounted for in your Trader's Area, and you can check it at any time. e-Currencies based on gold, silver, etc. are calculaled real time against the spot prices of those metals, so your balance shown in US Dollars is always accurate!
Then, you can post your own proposed trades on the Board, or review the trades posted and see if there are any you wish to accept. Your e-Currencies, including your gains, are kept in their original form in your Liberty Wallet account until you decide to trade or sell them, so you can log in and see your balances any time, 24 hours a day, and trade as often as you like.
You also have several Withdrawal Options. When you register with, you automatically receive either a Visa Debit Card, or an International ATM Card. With these, you can choose whether to withdraw funds as Nat! ional Currency by selling it to us, or as the e-Currencies ! you own within our system. If you choose to withdraw your balance as e-Currency, we send it back to your account in that form. If, on the other hand, you wish to sell your e-Currencies to us, you merely request a transfer to your Debit or ATM card, which will be completed within 24 hours.
Registration as a Trader costs you $50 once only, and small fees apply to each trade and withdrawal, but the profit potentials and safety and security make it a bargain.
We invite you to drop by and check us out!
SILVER: As announced, the $50 Silver Liberty is now available. Chick HERE to check out the new images and read the notice that is on every new $50 Base Liberty: NOTICE: NOT INTENDED TO BE USED AS LEGAL TENDER, CURRENT MONEY OR COIN. This notice is engraved right into the dies. ! Large enough to be read by the naked eye. Could it get any clearer? Could we make it any easier for the government to "get it"? The Liberty Dollar is not illegal and certainly has no "intent" to be anything but legal. Hello, Agent Andy!
Please click HERE for the Mail In order form for the new $50 Silver Base Libertys in one ounce $50s, two-fifths ounce $20s, one-fifth ounce $10s and even one-tenth ounce $5s! Get a hand full and have fun with the new Liberty Dollar.
GOLD: The first order for the new 2008 quarter ounce $500 Gold Liberty closes Wednesday, April 9. Please call the office to place your order. Premium varies from 15% to 11% depending on quantity. Click HERE for the $500 Gold Rates. Please call the office for more info and current quotes: 888.LIB.DOLLAR or 888.421.6! 181 or 812.473.5250. Rachelle's email is:
2008 ARREST DOLLAR is back! As I am not in jail… yet… hell I have yet to be indicted or even arrested… and with no cease and desist order… Why not issue a new Arrest Dollar to help fund the Legal Defense Fund? The past issues have become HOT collectables and it is a good way to contribute to the Legal Defense Fund. As you may know, we issued a Defense Dollar with the special "Scales" hallmark after the US Mint issued their warning and slandered the Liberty Dollar. That issue used the current $20 Silver Liberty minted at that time. Then after the Raid, we issued a three Arrest Dollars: $20, $10 and $5 with a special "Handcuff" hallmark on donated material. That issue was followed by a single 2008 $20 Arrest Dollar on new Liberty Dollars minted after the raid. And now that the Liberty Dollar has moved up to the $50 Silver Base, there is! a new $50 Base issue with four 2008 Arrest Dollars. All past and current Defense and Arrest Dollars are issued with a $10 premium, regardless of denomination, as a contribution to the Legal Defense Fund. Past issues have sold for much more than issue price. So this is a great way to support the Liberty Dollar at its time of need and if you need the money, eBay is a great way to profit. For example, just last week a 1999 Type 2 one ounce Silver Liberty brought $735 on eBay!!! That is more than a 100 times over the $6.50 initial issue rate! Please click HERE for more Arrest Dollar info.
eLD IS NOW CLOSED: Please log into your NEW eLD account and click REDEEM for specific info about the four different denominations of silver Liberty Dollars that are available. Then click on SEND and send the total amount of eLD! s in your account to Redeem@ with your instructions (copy/paste from Word) as to what you want us to ship to you. Please remember to add $$$ for shipping. The deadline is April 15.
Thank you for your patience during these difficult times. No one said it would be easy to start a new value based currency in a sea of fiat money. But the Liberty Dollar is a viable example of just such a currency. It is there because of you. Thank you for taking action!
Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect / Editor