Where is the Law?

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Doktor Avalanche
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Re: Where is the Law?

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Nikki wrote:
LPC wrote:
nuclearj wrote:Better to die on my feet than live on my knees.
No, it's better to live on your feet than to die on your knees.

Irwin Schiff and Ed Brown both said "there is no law," and they could both die in prison, figuratively (if not literally) on their knees.

Meanwhile, those of us who file our tax returns are still on our feet.
No, we're not. We're reclining in out hammocks, sipping the appropriate climate-zone beverage, and planning how to dispose of retirement income substantially more significant than the high-three of any of these sovereign patriots.

Us poor sheeple really got it tough.
Damn Internet connection. I had to come down to the lobby to use my laptop. :evil:

Yeah, and we're also taking richly deserved junkets to the Philippines once a year. I had to interrupt my massage this morning to get that particular message out. :wink:
The laissez-faire argument relies on the same tacit appeal to perfection as does communism. - George Soros

Re: Where is the Law?

Post by DarkestBeforeDawn »

Nikki wrote:Darkest:

Assuming you are old enough to operate an automobile that you don't have to pedal, do you stop at those octagonal, red signs? Always, or just when you see a police officere there?
Actually, there are some stops I refuse to stop at and even the cops don't pull people over for it and they don't stop either. An old neighbor I lived in they started putting stops signs down the main roadway, the main reason being people were speeding, so they put stops in just at random down the road. Me and everyone else I know just cruised right through them including the police. If it's not enforced whether written or not written it is not a Law.

Now my brother was pulled over for not stopping at a stop sign that didn't even exist, yeah, you read that right. He was coming out of a bar, there was a cop watching the bar and he would radio to the other cop that would pull people over down the road. Well, they pulled my brother over -- what do you know 0.00% alcohol. The than wrote my brother a ticket for a stop sign that doesn't exist on that road. His friend was with him during the stop, they take pictures of where the cop said the stop sign was at -- no stop sign even within a mile of the place. Brother goes to court, gets friend on stand, he gets on stand shows all the proof after the cop lied on the stand. Guilty as charged.

That is Law, Law is force, it doesn't have to be written or approved or anything. It's pure force.

Re: Where is the Law?

Post by Nikki »

DarkestBeforeDawn wrote:Now my brother was pulled over for not stopping at a stop sign that didn't even exist, yeah, you read that right. He was coming out of a bar, there was a cop watching the bar and he would radio to the other cop that would pull people over down the road. Well, they pulled my brother over -- what do you know 0.00% alcohol. The than wrote my brother a ticket for a stop sign that doesn't exist on that road. His friend was with him during the stop, they take pictures of where the cop said the stop sign was at -- no stop sign even within a mile of the place. Brother goes to court, gets friend on stand, he gets on stand shows all the proof after the cop lied on the stand. Guilty as charged.
You should submit your stuff to Penguin. They're always looking for good fiction.

Re: Where is the Law?

Post by nuclearj »

RyanMcC wrote:HereIsTheLaw.Com
Wow like I said you guys are rough (read @$$holes)! Don't you have anything better to do than berate and debase people? Well I guess that's one of our freedoms to. To berate and debase. Anyways thanks to RyanMcC for this straight forward answer, I never saw that before! Thanks dude! I am now a tax paying citizen again!

Re: Where is the Law?

Post by Nikki »

SFBFKADMVP, please step aside. We have a new candidate for your recently vacated office of Village Idiot. NuclearJerk has posted his qualifications and he clearly outranks you.
Doktor Avalanche
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Re: Where is the Law?

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

nuclearj wrote: Wow like I said you guys are rough (read @$$holes)! Don't you have anything better to do than berate and debase people?
Anything better to do? I think not. You're just another in a long line of losers (and losses we can easily quantify) who come in here with the hubris to believe they alone possess the knowledge that has eluded constitutional and legal scholars for generations.

You are also an idiot to ignore ninety years of relevant case law that has consistently upheld the constitutionality and legality of the federal income tax.

You also display advanced cerebral sclerosis to believe anything the Tax Dodger (I refuse to call them tax protestors anymore - they're not protesting anything other than their right to be selfish, greedy little pigs) movement has to say on this subject - especially when all their leaders have either been imprisoned, sanctioned in civil court, had their arguments uniformly rejected as frivolous by the courts and forced to pay the taxes they tried to avoid.

And yet we're the assholes. You need to quit while you're way behind, slick. We here at Quatloos live to eviscerate chowderheads like you. So far the score is Quatloos: a zillion, tax dodgers: zero.

Hope you put on your asbestos chain mail drawers today; if we don't flame your ass, we're going to hand it back to you on a platter with all the trimmings.
The laissez-faire argument relies on the same tacit appeal to perfection as does communism. - George Soros
Doktor Avalanche
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Re: Where is the Law?

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

CaptainKickback wrote:Doktor A - don't feel bad, I am writing from my hotel room in Montreal, having spent the day in Old Montreal. I am here until Saturday - beer, poutine and good times and no Newfies eh.
But it was a Thai massage and I was enjoying a Singapore Sling at the time.

Ah, poutine! Wonderful concoction. Reminds me of my mispent youth creating disgusting looking dishes that tasted heavenly.
The laissez-faire argument relies on the same tacit appeal to perfection as does communism. - George Soros
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Re: Where is the Law?

Post by Gregg »

nuclearj wrote:Man you folks are rough! Seem like this web site's purpose is to poke fun and debase people who are standing up for their rights. We are in the jungle fighting, while you sheeple are in the pastures grazing accepting what ever the farmer gives you. And I have heard of stories of what lonely farmers do to sheep... :shock:

Anyway, the reason for all this "tax-protesting" is that there is no clearly defined law that says we as private individuals are liable for taxes. If there was a clearly defined law, no one would have a contention with the IRS and their associates. If you can find this law (clearly defined, without a doubt and not left open to interpretation (good luck, really!)) I will pay my fair share.

I do agree that there are tax scams and greedy people feeding off the system. They give the real patriots a bad rep. The real patriots win by not even going to court, that's why you rarely hear of our victories. But that tide is changing to:
http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data ... 1218324298

Sorry, but if I have to read the "the aliens are coming to protect us and help announce the NESARA law" on a site, I tend to not take the rest of the site very seriously
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Re: Where is the Law?

Post by Leftcoaster »

Doktor Avalanche wrote: But it was a Thai massage and I was enjoying a Singapore Sling at the time.

Ah, poutine! Wonderful concoction. Reminds me of my mispent youth creating disgusting looking dishes that tasted heavenly.

Poutine is french for "heart attack in a bowl"

How's Montreal Cap? Getting your fill of Unibroue?
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Re: Where is the Law?

Post by Gregg »

DarkestBeforeDawn wrote:
jkeeb wrote:Ahh, Darkest before Dumb has provided us with a spiffy off-point comment to add to the festivities.
You say what you want -- a Law without force is a joke, kind of like your pointless statement.

I guess you are right, Law is probably what is not enforced. Makes sense.

And the law on income tax is enforced, just ask Ed Brown....

quit trying to impress us with strange off topic diatribes and using big long words kid, I know not what the others here think of you but I have a PhD in Economics and honestly reading your posts makes me want my 30 seconds back for the time I thought you might have a coherent point to make. Go play on godlikeproductions.com or some other place where people think down to your level.
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Re: Where is the Law?

Post by LPC »

DarkestBeforeDawn wrote:Law is what is enforced, in it's purest form it is FORCE.
That's right.

And Irwin Schiff, Steven Swan, Richard Simankin, Walter Tomkins, Edward Brown, Lynne Meredith, and many others, are currently imprisoned because of the law that is ENFORCED.

Think about it.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
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Red Cedar PM
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Re: Where is the Law?

Post by Red Cedar PM »

nuclearj wrote:
RyanMcC wrote:HereIsTheLaw.Com
Wow like I said you guys are rough (read @$$holes)! Don't you have anything better to do than berate and debase people? Well I guess that's one of our freedoms to. To berate and debase. Anyways thanks to RyanMcC for this straight forward answer, I never saw that before! Thanks dude! I am now a tax paying citizen again!
You're the one that came in here and made a ridiculous claim, and aren't offering any response to the relevant information jg, Ryan, and Dan have posted. God forbid people would call out BS when they see it!

What's the over/under on how many more posts this genius will have before he scampers back to wherever he came from? 5?
"Pride cometh before thy fall."

--Dantonio 11:03:07
Grixit wrote:Hey Diller: forget terms like "wages", "income", "derived from", "received", etc. If you did something, and got paid for it, you owe tax.
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Re: Where is the Law?

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

These kinds of exchanges remind me of what it's like to raise adolescents. Some of them figure because they can beat you on their Xbox games they know how to drive cars and fly airplanes or they deserve a black belt. Toss in a little bit of Internet searching and someone without even a high-school diploma can write a writ of mandumbass.

As always, the real world eventually rises up and smites them. 'Round here that tends to happen with some alacrity.
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Re: Where is the Law?

Post by wserra »

nuclearj wrote:Wow like I said you guys are rough (read @$$holes)!
A quick review:

nuclearjerk begins the megilla with a modest, inoffensive pronouncement:
We are in the jungle fighting, while you sheeple are in the pastures grazing accepting what ever the farmer gives you. And I have heard of stories of what lonely farmers do to sheep...

Anyway, the reason for all this "tax-protesting" is that there is no clearly defined law that says we as private individuals are liable for taxes.
Now, there are only two explanations for this inanity: (1) nuclearjerk is a terminally stupid @$$hole who can't figure out what 99% of the American people already know, or (2) nuclearjerk is a trolling @$$hole who knows better but posts his drivel to waste time and provoke a response. Either way, he receives completely appropriate responses. Then nuclearjerk calls the responders "@$$holes".

Well, nuclearjerk should heed Cassius: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves."
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Re: Where is the Law?

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

wserra wrote:
Nikki wrote:Us poor sheeple really got it tough.
I don't feel for nitwits like "nuclearj". I feel for its kids. Hopefully they don't have to rely on it for anything. If they rely on "nuclearj" to finance their education, for example, they'll be asking my kids if they can fill the water glasses.
We can always hope that nuclearjerk spent a little too much time around some high source of radiation and smoked its gonads. It doesn't ever seem to work that way though....

Looks likes I missed all the fun whilst away for the weekend.

Re: Where is the Law?

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

nuclearj wrote: Wow like I said you guys are rough (read @$$holes)! Don't you have anything better to do than berate and debase people? Well I guess that's one of our freedoms to. To berate and debase. Anyways thanks to RyanMcC for this straight forward answer, I never saw that before! Thanks dude! I am now a tax paying citizen again!
Get kicked around by a few Sheep nuclearj? :lol:
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Re: Where is the Law?

Post by Imalawman »

nuclearj wrote:Wow like I said you guys are rough (read @$$holes)! Don't you have anything better to do than berate and debase people? Well I guess that's one of our freedoms to. To berate and debase. Anyways thanks to RyanMcC for this straight forward answer, I never saw that before! Thanks dude! I am now a tax paying citizen again!
Why do I somehow doubt that?
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Re: Where is the Law?

Post by webhick »

It's kind of funny to watch the trolls muscle themselves into each other's threads. If it keeps up, we'll have to have a cage match and put it on PPV.
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Re: Where is the Law?

Post by Kimokeo »

Civil court: Claim: I don't owe. Court: You do.

Criminal court: There's no law. Court: There is. Response: Cheek. (Less than .001% effective)
NOTE: Cheek is offered instead of the TRUTH that was believed. Why is that?

IRS: I don't owe. IRS: $5,000. Response: What's this? Answer: Levy and lien. Response: CDP Answer: Denial Response: Court Court: You do.
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Re: Where is the Law?

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

Sure, I go to the Irish Fair to watch sheep be herded by a man with a whistle and a super-intelligent dog and miss the troll with delusions of being trapped in an Indochinese foxhole with IRs agents disguised as sheep slowly circling as if being controlled by some superintelligent canine taking orders from a head emerging from a houndstooth wool coat.

There was beer and I wasn't on my knees at anytime. Flogging Molly was the highlight. Kilts galore. Yes, I was with my sheeple clad in wool kilts.
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit