Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Scoop »

Quixote wrote:As Demo pointed out, E & E have property worth several million. If they wanted to pay, all they would have to do is arrange for its sale. Due to the liens, all proceeds after cost of sale, including reasonable agents' commisions, would have to go to the IRS.
Actually, they can't. The treasury department seized all their property.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by jcolvin2 »

Quixote wrote:In E & E's favor, the 10 year collection limitation period continues to run whether they're in prison or not.
The 10 year period is just for administrative collections. The government can have the assessment reduced to judgment towards the end of that period and chase E&E for an additional 20 years.

Also, if E&E refuse to cooperate with the IRS upon their release (about 4 years from now), the Probation Office can ask the judge to revoke their supervised release and have them serve some or all of the three year period in prison.

Finally, in a case with a conviction on a 18 USC section 371 (conspiracy to defraud the IRS), the Tax Division ordinarily requests that the judge impose an order of restitution, which is effective as a judgment for 20 years AFTER the defendant is released from prison. This apparently was not done in this case.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by AFTP »

Finally, in a case with a conviction on a 18 USC section 371 (conspiracy to defraud the IRS), the Tax Division ordinarily requests that the judge impose an order of restitution, which is effective as a judgment for 20 years AFTER the defendant is released from prison. This apparently was not done in this case.
So after 20 years they don't have to pay?
Whenever you hear a man speak of his love for his Country, it is a sign he expects to be paid for it. – H. L. Mencken

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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Arthur Rubin »

AFTP wrote:So after 20 years they don't have to pay?
Something having to do with the law against perpetuities?
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by The Observer »

AFTP wrote:So after 20 years they don't have to pay?
You think that Ed and Elaine are going to be around after 30 years? And even if they are, do you think that after the seizure of all of their assets, they will have any ability to pay?

Our laws permit people get to skip out on debts after a period of time has elapsed. Sometimes it happens through operation of law and sometimes through a bankruptcy or other procedure to discharge the debt. The reality is that we don't have a system that perpetually punishes people for owing money (i.e. debtor's prison or workhouses).

Sometimes you have to accept the reality that people cannot pay all of their debts.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff

Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by LOBO »

webhick wrote:
Ray wrote:And then they ran up against a Son of God, one who knows who and what he was, and could not be shaken, intimidated, or incarcerated without the Question of JURISDICTION having to be answered sooner or later, even should that man die from the effects of the combined 55 day hunger strike.
I'm sorry, I stopped reading there. Combined 55 day hunger strike? My mind is spinning as I think about what exactly this means. Did he skip breakfast for 165 days? Does he not eat one day, and then feasts the next? How does he expect to die from the hunger strike when he is clearly still eating? Does he planning on being the first person on a hunger strike to die from obesity?

He skipped the meal Homer Simpson discovered between breakfast and brunch.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Number Six »

You gotta love the faux legalese and religious megalomania of the "pay-triots". What's with the colon after the first name--I knew a guy who hyphenated his first and middle name and then the colon? He objected to the gold fringed "admiralty" court flag instead of the "flag of peace". He objected to supporting the local school taxes to support the (insert paranoia) in the school. He lost the house. Another fellow fought taxes as evil and vehicle registrations in Vermont. He has a legal page on his site--in which he chronicles his experience in court as happening under "threat,duress, coersion", etc. and that he was a "natural preacher", a " Christian sovereign", an Ambassador, a divine preacher--in short a luny poppinjay! His site tommillington.com has this under "litigation". Last I talked with him the state had sent him a $10K bill for taxes. :)
'There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury, the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can.' (Roman. Cicero, De Off. I. vii)

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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by grixit »

vtyankee wrote:You gotta love the faux legalese and religious megalomania of the "pay-triots". What's with the colon after the first name--I knew a guy who hyphenated his first and middle name and then the colon? He objected to the gold fringed "admiralty" court flag instead of the "flag of peace". He objected to supporting the local school taxes to support the (insert paranoia) in the school. He lost the house. Another fellow fought taxes as evil and vehicle registrations in Vermont. He has a legal page on his site--in which he chronicles his experience in court as happening under "threat,duress, coersion", etc. and that he was a "natural preacher", a " Christian sovereign", an Ambassador, a divine preacher--in short a luny poppinjay! His site tommillington.com has this under "litigation". Last I talked with him the state had sent him a $10K bill for taxes. :)
Heh, One of my customers, wanna be guru Tom Demeter, just lost another car! I'm sorry i never got around to taking a picture of the back of it. He had a homemade license plate that said:


He also had lots of documentation that proved it was totally legal. Well the cops took the car anyway. Of course since they had committed an infringement, he was in a position to file on them and collect a $65,000 penalty. But God told him not to.

I'm mad at God. If Tom had collected, he would have been able to pay me what he owes for past work. As it is, it's gonna be pay as you go from now on. Or barter. But not for libbies.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by LPC »

CaptainKickback wrote:To be fair, America has a long, long history of misanthropic citizens. We were settled by convicts, cranks, religious zealots and other assorted wingnuts.
And draft dodgers. Don't forget draft dodgers. My wife's side of the family came to the United States solely to avoid conscription into the Prussian army.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, I’d take the Libbies, but at a reasonable discount, plus the cost of actually converting them into useable currency.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Demosthenes »

Ed keeps plugging along with nonsense filings

10/06/2008 284 AFFIDAVIT of Specific Negative Averment filed by Edward Brown (jab) (Entered: 10/08/2008)

10/08/2008 285 Bill of Peace by Edward Lewis Brown (Attachments: # 1 Cover Letter)(jab) (Entered: 10/08/2008)

10/08/2008 286 Letter to Edward Brown from James Starr, Clerk re: documents received on October 6, 2008 (jab) (Entered: 10/08/2008)
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by . »

According to Ed, God has adopted the full colon naming convention, as in "God:Yahweh."
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.

Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Nikki »

Open letter to Ed: Family Dense --


There's absolutely no point in citing Federal Rules of Civil Procedure or the Uniform Commercial Code.

You are involved in a CRIMINAL matter, for which you have been convicted and incarcerated.

You will be involved in additional criminal matters related to manufacturing explosive devices, possession of firearms by a convicted felon, harboring a fugitive, and many other issues.

You need to retain competent counsel, acceptable to the court, to represent you unless you intend to enhance your self-imposed martyrdom and spend the rest of your life in prison.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Dezcad »

As further evidence of Ed's inability to comprehend reality, here is his recent letter to Kat Kanning of NHFree.
Letter from Ed:


Dear Kat,

For some reason, these “Grey” [I'm not quite sure that's the word he wrote. KD] people keep refusing what you are sending me. They are also refusing all mail from New England, except one. Has everyone stopped writing?

They may be stopping the paper.

“Isolation is the cruelest form of punishment,” and I believe that is what they're doing. I have no telephone, visitors, commissary, most mail is denied, I am not allowed council in almost a year now, I am isolated in this unit of high security and no workable redress-of-grievances.

We have paid one million eight hundred thousand and one million nine hundred plus thousand to the IRS. Almost four million and they are still trying to get more.

EDWARD BROWN only originally owed $216,000, interest $200,000, penalties $200,000, total $616,000. They added $637,000, $628,000 for a total of $1,881,000. They just keep tripling the amount.

You have to ask yourself why, when everyone makes a deal with them, they only make people pay about 10-20%. With us they went the other way and increased the amount 3X and again 3X.

They are isolating Elaine the same way. If you want people to disappear, just hide them in a back corner and wait until everyone forgets about them. What the “Grey”'s are doing to us is so illegal and un-lawful. It screams for attention from America.

We are kept locked in and prevented from defending ourselves.

The animals and trees get more attention.

God Bless,
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by The Observer »

For some reason, these “Grey” [I'm not quite sure that's the word he wrote. KD] people keep refusing what you are sending me.
No, Ed, you got it mixed up. What you are trying to reference is the "low men in yellow coats" that Stephen King wrote about in "Hearts in Atlantis."
“Isolation is the cruelest form of punishment,” and I believe that is what they're doing. I have no telephone, visitors, commissary, most mail is denied, I am not allowed council in almost a year now, I am isolated in this unit of high security and no workable redress-of-grievances.
Yeah, it sucks - but is it starting to dawn on you that you actually had a choice to avoid this situation?'
You have to ask yourself why, when everyone makes a deal with them, they only make people pay about 10-20%. With us they went the other way and increased the amount 3X and again 3X.
Uh, I'm not sure how to break it to you, but most people that make a "deal" with the IRS usually didn't preface such offers with threats of violence, dissing the judicial system and stockpiling weapons/explosives. And I don't even want to point out that people who made "deals" even earlier in the process (like filing and paying on time) paid even less. I think you would have to admit that looks a whole lot better than the "deal" you wrangled.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff

Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

“Isolation is the cruelest form of punishment,” and I believe that is what they're doing. I have no telephone, visitors, commissary, most mail is denied, I am not allowed council in almost a year now, I am isolated in this unit of high security and no workable redress-of-grievances.
Congratulations Ed. Not only did you earn your place in jail, but you have, through your own actions, "upgraded" your stay to a high security unit.

There are far worse prisons, like the one we run in Cuba. But do not fear, while I doubt you will make it to that one, perhaps you can try for another "upgrade" by cashing in your frequent-dumbass miles.

I must be cranky. I am sounding like the Captain.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, Ed, family waste o’protoplasm, has finally achieved something in life, junk mail status.

What a load of meandering jibberish of no merit or value whatsoever, I truly feel sorry for the poor clerk having to wade through it. It really is time they take away the crayons and paper, as well as the sharp objects.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by grixit »

Ed will escape in the end. The way the protagonist escaped in Brazil. And then he will live happily ever after.

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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by wserra »

CaptainKickback wrote:He was tested and found wanting.
"Riley, Riley, Gerhard, U-Rino"
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by LPC »

10/06/2008 284 AFFIDAVIT of Specific Negative Averment filed by Edward Brown (jab) (Entered: 10/08/2008)
Ed (sitting in federal prison for what may be the rest of his life): If I keep writing "the government of the United States does not exist" on enough pieces of paper, eventually it will come true.
10/08/2008 285 Bill of Peace by Edward Lewis Brown (Attachments: # 1 Cover Letter)(jab) (Entered: 10/08/2008)
Black Knight (sitting on the ground with both arms and legs hacked off): All right then, we'll call it a draw.

Ed, the narcissistic megalomaniac, can't yet get in through his head that he was wrong and he is powerless.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.