Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

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Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by . »

Jack Thompson

Geez, where's a good disbarred lawyer when you need 'em? (never mind, 'Dud, this ain't about you.)
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Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Famspear wrote:Aside from spouting the usual run-of-the-mill tax protester rhetoric, the run-of-the-mill eugenics theories, etc., Bob Hurt is on a crusade against judges -- particularly Florida Supreme Court judges.
I can sympathize with a crusade against Flordia Supreme Court judges.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by Famspear »

Bob Hurt wrote:
[ . . . ]Tom Cryer has called patriot group leaders to a secret location on a semi-secret date in the near future for a high Council meeting.
Are the Illuminati going to be sending an undercover representative to the high Council meeting, or will the surveillance be strictly electronic? I can't wait to see the report, transmitted to me via the RF receiver in my Illuminati decoder ring (which I sure hope to have received by the time the report is released.....)
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Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by ASITStands »

I really wants to know about this "secret, high council" meeting!

Wonder if it has anything to do with Peymon Mottahedeh?

As I remember, Becraft and Dickstein were part of that group.
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Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by webhick »

"Hurt" and "Cryer." It's almost poetic.
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Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by ASITStands »

Well, you could ask, "How many people has Bob 'hurt' today?"

Or, maybe, "Instead of being the 'town crier' Tommy has been the 'town cryer?'"

Or, maybe, I'd just better keep it to myself lest I become guilt-ridden.
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Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by wserra »

ASITStands wrote:Or, maybe, I'd just better keep it to myself lest I become guilt-ridden.
That's guilt-racked. And keeping it to yourself is how you become it.
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Mr. Mephistopheles
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Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

wserra wrote:
ASITStands wrote:Or, maybe, I'd just better keep it to myself lest I become guilt-ridden.
That's guilt-racked. And keeping it to yourself is how you become it.
Hey wait a minute. You make it sound like guilt is bad. Isn't overwhelming guilt an important aspect of many religions? It's good to feel guilty, that way one can be convinced that the only road to absolution is to attend services a little more often and toss some extra currency in the plate. I'm so confused. :?

Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by Leftcoaster »

CaptainKickback wrote:
Mr. Mephistopheles wrote:
Hey wait a minute. You make it sound like guilt is bad. Isn't overwhelming guilt an important aspect of many religions? It's good to feel guilty, that way one can be convinced that the only road to absolution is to attend services a little more often and toss some extra currency in the plate. I'm so confused. :?
No, you are merely feeling guilty for wrapping your fingers in double-sided tape prior to the collection basket coming around...... :twisted:
Pro Tip: Fingers dipped in pine tar are less conspicuous... :wink:
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Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by LPC »

ASITStands wrote:I really wants to know about this "secret, high council" meeting!
If you're one of "us," all you need to do is send your request for a transcript to the usual source.
Dan Evans
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Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by Famspear »

In the "Truth Attack Council Meeting" thread at, Bob Hurt wrote on 24 September 2008:
Tom Cryer has invited me to attend the Truth Attack Council Meeting in Houston on Oct 11 (invitation-only event).
The purpose of the event is to plan how to take the IRS to task for their crimes and then prevail against them in court. As you know, Tom Cryer has a good track record in beating the IRS, but he knows as you and I that you cannot beat them one-on-one. We must marshall our forces and resources and litigate strategically. To do that we need to meet and plan the strategy and how to play our respective roles.

I do not have the cash reserves to make the trip and pay the registration fee. I shall stay with my brother while there. I need donations to cover expenses, which I calculate will come to about $500 including gas there and back, meals, and registration fee.

If you can donate, please do, be generous, and do it before September 30. I need the dough now for planning and registering. Click on this link to make the donation. You know the money will be well- used. And besides, you know that regardless of what you do with that money, you won't have it afterward, and you'll have only a memory. In this case, you get your representative and reporter to participate in the strategic plans, report back to you, and give further help to those of you who suffer from IRS abuse.

Donate here:

By the way, over 1000 of you subscribe to the Lawmen mailing list. Each of you can collect a few bucks from neighbors to make a donation, if you only ask. And some of you can supply the whole amount needed in one stroke. Do what your sense of rightness guides you to do. And, thank you.

Also by the way, you can mail cash or a blank US Postal money order inside tinfoil in an envelope.

Bob Hurt
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Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by Famspear »

The Council Meeting is scheduled for October 11, 2008 at the Days Hotel/Baymont Suites on the North Sam Houston Parkway in Houston. See: ... l_2008.php

and ... hotels.php
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Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by Famspear »

More from the same web site:
Dear Fellow Patriots:

We recently sent you an invitation to join us at the first American Liberty Council to be held in Houston, TX, on October 11, 2008. The interest and excitement many of you have shown has been very encouraging but the questions we have been receiving have prompted us to make this second mailing.

What the Council is NOT: The ALC ’08 is not an attempt to merge any organizations, to directly access your membership or to distract your organization from its primary area of interest, NOR is it an attempt to control or manage you or your organization—in fact it is the exact opposite. Truth Attack's plan is to surrender control of itself to you.

What the Council IS: The ALC ’08 is an urgent plea for help for a beseiged and vital part of the Freedom Movement, an emergent call to arms, and it is an opportunity to put our shoulders together and march forward—as one—to the restoration of our Constitution and the republic it promises us and our descendents.

This is the moment. This is when and where all will be saved or lost because once the government has taken our rights and escaped the rule of law and due process, the next to go will be our property and, finally our bodies and minds. This is already happening, quietly and under the cover of mainstream media darkness.

The Tax Honesty Community, recently unifying itself behind the Truth Attack banner, has become not only vocal, but active. It is not only now singing from the same page of the hymnal with a simple and straightforward message, it is taking ACTION.

Since Truth Attack’s inception a little over a year ago coalition organizations and their members and Truth Attack’s own Truth Troopers have placed over one million letters on government desks, not merely calling for the government to “show us the law”, but letting it know that WE KNOW it cannot because there is no law making the average working American liable for any income tax.

On April 15 over 400 groups of T-Troopers, joined by over 300 groups from the rest of the Freedom Movement who answered our call for help, stood in front of 734 post offices across the country. They held signs saying “What Income Tax?” and passed out over 500,000 flyers informing the last-minute, paying, tax return filers that they had just been scammed by their own government.

Now the giant reacts like a wounded beast. It has mounted an all-out assault on the tax honesty community and is bent on destroying it because we are over the target—we are where it is most vulnerable. We are under withering fire and taking heavy casualties. If it succeeds it will have a model for suppressing dissention. Who is next? Guns? Property? Families? Our children's minds?

The government is ramping up its bogus abuse of “tax shelter” suits, quietly obtaining gag orders and shutting down organizations who dare to tell the truth, banning the sale or distribution of books (sound familiar?), tapes and DVD’s as “tax shelters” and obtaining court orders for organizations to turn over their membership lists! And all without allowing any trials—no hearings—no due process—no opportunity to be heard!! It is following up with harassment and tormenting of their members, using terror and intimidation to discourage Americans from dissenting—from standing up for the rule of law and the Truth.

We are in dire straits and are making a desperate plea for your help and at the same time offering the Freedom Movement an opportunity to strengthen itself by forming a coalition based upon common purpose and mutual assistance.

Truth Attack does not want to take over the Freedom Movement. It is offering itself to serve as the hub of the Freedom Movement enabling us to combine our strength and focus all our energy and resources on one issue at a time.

We have been fighting against the wall of tyranny long enough to know that the wall is too big for all of us, much less any one of us, to push over. But if we all concentrate our efforts on one brick we can take the wall down one brick at a time. We can put the government back in its box—one tentacle at a time!

The American Liberty Council is not another “forum” or “talk about it” meeting. It is going to be more in the style of a briefing on what has been, what is and what can be and how. Segments of the one-day session will include:

What We’ve Lost & What Is at Risk
Devvy Kidd—News With Views

Why We Cannot Win—A-p-a-r-t & Why We CAN Win—TOGETHER
Jim Cabaniss, American Veterans in Domestic Defense

Why the Tax Issue First? & What Is the Tax Issue?
Lowell “Larry” Becraft—Nationally renowned tax trial attorney and leading legal authority on tax law

What is Truth Attack?
Joseph Banister—Former decorated IRS C.I.D. Special Agent

So What’s the Plan? & How and Why Will It Work?
Tom Cryer—Trial attorney and Truth Attack founder

The briefing will be followed by an open and frank Q & A session and conclude with an up or down vote on whether we go forward with this plan, helping each other in turn to address each and all of our issues, one at a time, just as our ancestors helped each other with community barn-raisings, or whether we continue to do what we’ve been doing, separate, apart and divided across the entire width and strength of the wall of tyranny.

Congressman Ron Paul has seen the plan and he is excited about it. His comment was that the plan is long overdue and that the Freedom Movement must unite and focus itself if it is to succeed. His staff is currently working to arrange his schedule so he can attend and address the Council.

We hope this follow-up answers any questions you may have had about this important leap forward for the Freedom Movement. We need your help and we need to help each other because as has been so aptly stated before we must all hang together or, surely, we shall all hang separately.

Please heed this call for help, please seize this opportunity to become strong enough to save our nation from its government and our government from itself.

Forward to Freedom—Together, beginning on October 11, 2008, in Houston, Texas.


Tom Cryer
(bolding added by Famspear)
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Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by grixit »

CaptainKickback wrote: But then again, if you want people to mail you a money order wrapped in tin foil, you have probably made some very bad decisions in your life and will continue to do so, until you shuffle off this mortal coil, in a freak accident involving sterno, a stick and 3 marbles.
And as the opening credits of CSI: Frikentardistan start rolling, the soundtrack plays...

Ok, which Who song would be appropriate?

"A Legal Matter" is about a man running out on his obligations.

"Mobile" has the phrase "Watch the police and the tax man miss me!"

"I'm Free"

"Can You See the Real Me?"

Any other suggestions?
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Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by jcolvin2 »

"Amazing Journey" - "Sickness will surely take the mind where minds can't usually go."

"Rael" - which has the chorus "He's crazy if he thinks we're coming back again. He's crazy anyway." (or "Odorono" - the deoderant commercial.)

The Red Chins in their millions
Will overspill their borders
And chaos then will reign in our Rael

Rael, the home of my religion
To me the center of the Earth

The Red Chins in their millions
Will overspill their borders
And chaos then will reign in our Rael

My heritage is threatened
My roots are torn and cornered
And so to do my best I'll homeward sail
And so to do my best I'll homeward sail

Now Captain, listen to my instructions
Return to this spot on Christmas Day
Look toward the shore for my signal
And then you'll know if in Rael I'll stay

If a yellow flag is fluttering
Sickly herald against the morn
Then you'll know my courage has ended
And you'll send your boat ashore

But if a red flag is flying
Brazen bold against the blue
Then you'll know that I am staying
And my yacht belongs to you

Now Captain, listen to my instructions
Return to this spot on Christmas Day
Look toward the shore for my signal
And then you'll know if in Rael I'll stay

He's crazy if he thinks we're coming back again
He's crazy if he thinks we're coming back again
He's crazy if he thinks we're coming back again
He's crazy, anyway

If a yellow flag is fluttering
Sickly herald against the morn
Then you'll know my courage has ended
And you'll send your boat ashore
Last edited by jcolvin2 on Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mr. Mephistopheles
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Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

CaptainKickback wrote: ... No, you are merely feeling guilty for wrapping your fingers in double-sided tape prior to the collection basket coming around...... :twisted:
:shock: Just remember to tap the bottom of the plate with your thumb before you pass it on.
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Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by LPC »

We recently sent you an invitation to join us at the first American Liberty Council to be held in Houston, TX, on October 11, 2008.
I guess mine got lost in the mail.

Actually, the "invitation only" stuff has got to be pure bs, considering that they are advertising the event on the web. I'm quite sure that anyone who asks to register and doesn't use the IRS as a return address will be able to get in.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Sure, put a bunch of egomaniacs with nothing better to do but bitch and moan about which windmill to tilt at and then try and get an "up or down vote" on which direction to take.

I can't remember who said it but the fact is, no one ever forgets where they buried their hatchet.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by Demosthenes »

49 bucks a night? Wow.
Welcome: Truth Attack’s
American Liberty Council 2008

The Baymont Inn & Suites & Days Hotel would like to welcome you & your group! We are excited to host
AMERICAN LIBERTY COUNCIL 2008 or Saturday, October 11, 2008.

Truth Attack’s AMERICAN LIBERTY COUNCIL 2008 will be held in our Grand Ballroom at Days Hotel
followed by the Reception in our Oakwood room. Our Restaurant will also be open during this time, serving breakfast, lunch & dinner.

We have reserved your group with special sleeping room rates for the following:

Baymont Inn & Suites
$59.00 for room(s) with 1 King or 2 Double Beds & up to 4 people per room
Rate includes breakfast served in lobby area
In-door swimming pool and hot tub
Work-out room
Wireless internet for meeting rooms/ sleeping rooms

Days Hotel- soon to be Clarion Hotel & Conference Center
$49.00 for room(s) with 1 King or 2 Double Beds & up to 4 people per room
Full Service Hotel
Restaurant with option to add full, hot breakfast buffet for $5.00 per person per day to sleeping room(s)
2 Swimming pools

Reservations: Please call perferred Hotel with numbers list above.
Please ask for “TRUTH ATTACK” Group block name when calling in to ensure you will receive the iscounted group rate.

Individual call in
Each pays own
Breakfast options must be made in advance when reserving sleeping room
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you!!

Crystal Thrasher
Sales & Catering Manager
281-931-0101 X 5121
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Re: Bob Hurt, Tommy Cryer, "secret" meetings, etc.

Post by Cpt Banjo »

Demosthenes wrote:49 bucks a night? Wow.
That's the post-Ike rate. If you want walls on your room, it's extra.
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