Hendrickson criminal trial (continued)

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Red Cedar PM
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Re: Hendrickson criminal trial (continued)

Post by Red Cedar PM »

Mr. Hendrickson has failed to effectively communicate with undersigned counsel during the past 30 days; has failed to fulfill obligations regarding attorney services and fees, and has declined opportunities to meet or communicate with undersigned counsel to address the above shortcomings. Mr. Hendrickson has been warned by undersigned counsel that the firm would withdraw its appearance unless the obligations set forth in the fee agreement are fulfilled.
"Pride cometh before thy fall."

--Dantonio 11:03:07
Grixit wrote:Hey Diller: forget terms like "wages", "income", "derived from", "received", etc. If you did something, and got paid for it, you owe tax.
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Re: Hendrickson criminal trial (continued)

Post by jcolvin2 »

Dezcad wrote:Seems like Pete isn't paying his attorney:
07/13/2009 48 MOTION for Withdrawal of Attorney Lyle D. Russell by Peter Hendrickson. (Russell, Lyle) (Entered: 07/13/2009)
Pertinent part of Motion below:
In addition, because of the lack of communication, avoidance of meetings intended to resolve these matters, and anomalies involving the fee agreement, undersigned counsel does not believe that he can effectively defend Mr. Hendrickson against the charges in this case. Ongoing disagreements regarding these matters have caused a breakdown in the attorney-client relationship. Continuation of these disagreements is not in the best interest of either counsel or Mr. Hendrickson, and in the opinion of undersigned counsel, is likely to negatively affect counsel’s ability to effectively defend Mr. Hendrickson. Withdrawal of the Firm and undersigned counsel is permitted within the discretion of the court pursuant to Local Rule 83.80.
"Anomalies involving the fee agreement"? Curiouser and curiouser ...
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Re: Hendrickson criminal trial (continued)

Post by Red Cedar PM »

jcolvin2 wrote:
Dezcad wrote:Seems like Pete isn't paying his attorney:
07/13/2009 48 MOTION for Withdrawal of Attorney Lyle D. Russell by Peter Hendrickson. (Russell, Lyle) (Entered: 07/13/2009)
Pertinent part of Motion below:
In addition, because of the lack of communication, avoidance of meetings intended to resolve these matters, and anomalies involving the fee agreement, undersigned counsel does not believe that he can effectively defend Mr. Hendrickson against the charges in this case. Ongoing disagreements regarding these matters have caused a breakdown in the attorney-client relationship. Continuation of these disagreements is not in the best interest of either counsel or Mr. Hendrickson, and in the opinion of undersigned counsel, is likely to negatively affect counsel’s ability to effectively defend Mr. Hendrickson. Withdrawal of the Firm and undersigned counsel is permitted within the discretion of the court pursuant to Local Rule 83.80.
"Anomalies involving the fee agreement"? Curiouser and curiouser ...
Apparently that law firm doesn't accept bills of exchange from the bank of David Merrill.
"Pride cometh before thy fall."

--Dantonio 11:03:07
Grixit wrote:Hey Diller: forget terms like "wages", "income", "derived from", "received", etc. If you did something, and got paid for it, you owe tax.
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Re: Hendrickson criminal trial (continued)

Post by cynicalflyer »

Tax cheats who are deadbeats.

Go figure.
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Re: Hendrickson criminal trial (continued)

Post by ASITStands »

CaptainKickback wrote:The "anomolies" in the fee arrangement probably occured because Pete tried paying in Liberty Dollars - coin and scrip.
I'd guess royalties from the sale of his book (which isn't selling well these days).
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Re: Hendrickson criminal trial (continued)

Post by The Observer »

Isn't this the point at which Hendrickson produces his new book, "Cracking the Retainer Code" that explains the term "attorney fee" doesn't appear in the Constitution and the definition by the BAR association is purposely misleading so as to induce innocenent people into thinking that they actually have to pay for legal services rendered?
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: Hendrickson criminal trial (continued)

Post by Demosthenes »

First Lyle Russell, now Ellen Denise... (Funky numbering is true to the original document.)
Motion to Withdraw as Counsel

Now comes Ellen Dennis, attorney for Defendant, Peter Hendrickson, and files this Motion to
Withdraw as Counsel.

Ellen Dennis says as follows:

1. Concurrence in this motion has been sought and granted. Defendant, Peter Hendrickson, concurred in the motion by e-mail on July 12, 2009. Assistant United States Attorney, Michael Leibson, concurred in the motion on July 13, 2009. Co-counsel, Lyle D. Russell, has also concurred in the motion.

1. Ellen Dennis is one of the attorneys of record for Defendant, Peter Hendrickson. The other attorney of record, Lyle D. Russell, has also filed a motion for withdrawal.

2. There has been a breakdown in the attorney/client relationship between Ellen Dennis and Peter Hendrickson. The breakdown is sufficiently significant to damage the defense, possibly depriving Defendant of his right to a fair trial and the effective assistance of counsel.

3. Inasmuch as trial is scheduled for October 20, 2009, there should be sufficient time for Defendant Hendrickson to retain new counsel to represent him.

Wherefore, for the reasons stated above, Ellen Dennis, asks the court to permit her to withdraw as counsel for Peter Hendrickson.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/Ellen Dennis (P-24400)
Law Office of Ellen Dennis
Attorney for Defendant Hendrickson
101 S. Ann Arbor St., Ste. 203A
Saline, Michigan 48176
734 944-5819
Brief in Support of Motion to Withdraw as Counsel

Ellen Dennis filed an appearance in this case November 14, 2008, the date of arraignment. Since that date she has represented Defendant Hendrickson, first as his sole counsel, and from March, 2009, as co-counsel with Lyle D. Russell, Jr. Together with co-counsel, she has reviewed the discovery and filed motions on Defendant Hendrickson’s behalf, several of which were taken under advisement by the court. She has also appeared in court for argument on the motions.

There has been recent deterioration in the attorney/client relationship between Defendant
Hendrickson and Ellen Dennis caused by issues that have not been satisfactorily resolved. At this point the breakdown in the attorney/client relationship between Defendant Hendrickson and Ellen Dennis is significant enough that there is a danger that Defendant Hendrickson’s defense might be adversely impacted, and it is in Defendant Hendrickson’s best interest to permit Ellen Dennis to withdraw from his representation.

Co-counsel, Lyle D. Russell, Jr., has likewise moved for withdrawal, but since trial is not
scheduled until October 20, 2009, Defendant Hendrickson should have sufficient time to retain new counsel, and his right to a fair trial should not be compromised by the withdrawal of Ellen Dennis.

Wherefore, for the reasons stated above, Ellen Dennis, asks the court to permit her to withdraw as counsel for Peter Hendrickson.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/Ellen Dennis (P-24400)
Law Office of Ellen Dennis
Attorney for Defendant Hendrickson
101 S. Ann Arbor St., Ste. 203A
Saline, Michigan 48176
734 944-5819

Dated: July 13, 2009
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Re: Hendrickson criminal trial (continued)

Post by ASITStands »

Where's a legal defense fund when you need it?

It would appear from these events that Pete Hendrickson has no money for attorney fees and will shortly be reduced to a court-appointed attorney. Since he writes the motions and responses, it's possible the court will appoint standby counsel, and he'll represent himself.

Because of his arrogance, that's probably a mistake, but since he's the most knowledgeable man in income tax laws (in his own mind), it might be the best thing for the CtC argument.
Last edited by ASITStands on Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hendrickson criminal trial (continued)

Post by Quixote »

The Observer wrote:Isn't this the point at which Hendrickson produces his new book, "Cracking the Retainer Code" that explains the term "attorney fee" doesn't appear in the Constitution and the definition by the BAR association is purposely misleading so as to induce innocenent people into thinking that they actually have to pay for legal services rendered?
No doubt that is covered in Hendrickson's new book, Upholding the Law and Other Observations, $29.95 on Amazon.
Does the United States Constitution authorize federal control over the private possession of firearms? Who is actually commanded to silence by the McCain-Feingold Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act? Are reasonable searches permitted without a warrant under the terms of the Fourth Amendment? What is the authority of a jury to judge the law as well as the facts, with or without the cooperation of the court? Peter E. Hendrickson, the man who taught America the liberating truth about the income tax in Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America, turns his attention to these and other questions of law and public policy in this wide-ranging, five-star feast for the freedom-loving intellectual appetite. The answers, insights, and clear thinking Hendrickson offers will startle, challenge, and energize every reader. No one who cherishes and respects America's founding principles of limited government and individual liberty will finish this book with the sense that all is well. But every reader WILL finish this book with a confident understanding that, although great effort is spent to persuade us to the contrary by clients of the powerful central state, those principles remain the uncompromised foundation of our legal structure-- needing nothing more to be realized than for those whose heritage they are to climb to their feet, with courage and dedication, and uphold the law.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
notorial dissent
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Re: Hendrickson criminal trial (continued)

Post by notorial dissent »

anomalies involving the fee agreement
Who knew, is this a new lawyerese for deadbeat client????
cynicalflyer wrote:Tax cheats who are deadbeats.
Perish forfend, say it ain’t so!!!!!

Demo, thanks for printing the MTW. Here before us is an actual article of work produced by an actual, practicing???, attorney. I say this with full awareness from having done time at a law firm. Two things we never did, if we could possibly help it, was let an attorney actually produce and send any document or letter for fear it would go out looking exactly like the one reprinted here.

That being said, I find it fascinating that after all the crap and nonsense we have seen issued in this matter, that they are only now asking to withdraw when it finally dawns on them that Promising Pete ain’t never going to pay them, ain’t never going to have the money to do so, and ain’t ever going to actually listen to them. If they had done any kind of due diligence, they would have known that their client was a pathological liar, a deadbeat, and generally bad news, and at least gotten more than a retainer up front. I would really like to know what sort of mental and ethical gymnastics they went through to justify their actions of the last few months, because, it quite frankly is of Olympic quality. To put not too fine a point on it, I feel no sympathy for them whatsoever, and if there is any justice in the world, the judge will deny the MTW and make them continue on out of their own pockets and go down with the already sinking ship. The first attorney had no business taking the case on, as she wasn’t/isn’t qualified to handle it, and from what I have seen to date neither is the second batch. I am still curios to see if they will earn sanctions, as they should, for some of the stuff they have let Pete enter under their license, another really stupid move. Nope, no sympathy at all at this late date.
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Re: Hendrickson criminal trial (continued)

Post by . »

None of the criminal attorneys I've known over the years would have lifted finger one for this bozo without 1) at least $100K up-front and 2) a lien on any real estate owned.

That these two allowed this loser to get into them for even 10 cents is amazing.
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Re: Hendrickson criminal trial (continued)

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Mr. Hendrickson has failed to effectively communicate with undersigned counsel during the past 30 days; has failed to fulfill obligations regarding attorney services and fees, and has declined opportunities to meet or communicate with undersigned counsel to address the above shortcomings. Mr. Hendrickson has been warned by undersigned counsel that the firm would withdraw its appearance unless the obligations set forth in the fee agreement are fulfilled.
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Re: Hendrickson criminal trial (continued)

Post by Dezcad »

07/14/2009 51 NOTICE of hearing on 48 MOTION for Withdrawal of Attorney Lyle D. Russell, 50 MOTION for Withdrawal of Attorney Ellen Dennis as to *Peter Hendrickson*. Motion Hearing set for 7/27/2009 02:00 PM before District Judge Gerald E Rosen (RBri) (Entered: 07/14/2009)
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Re: Hendrickson criminal trial (continued)

Post by cynicalflyer »

And Pete breaks out the tin cup to pay the bills...

My legal expenses for the pernicious assault on the rule of law detailed at http://www.losthorizons.com/LastShotFor ... efiers.htm are looming large right now. At the same time spreading the truth remains a key imperative. Also at the same time (as it happens), the eleventh printing of CtC is now available.

Here's a notion, then: Pick a worthy fellow American to gift with your old copy, and order a fresh, new, latest-updated-copy for yourself at http://www.losthorizons.com/cc.htm . You'll be spreading the truth about the tax and the law, while at the same time equipping yourself with all the text upgrades, additional authorities and appendix supplements included to one degree or another in every new edition of CtC.

Of course, you're welcome to order additional copies to share, as well. Or consider adding 'Upholding the Law and Other Observations' to your library, and learn how the same principles of law that inform the "income" tax also control the rest of the federal statutory structure.

Simple donations remain most welcome and appreciated, of course, but I'd really rather that the truth got spread at the same time.

Thanks for giving this your consideration,
"Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty." -- General Henry M. Robert author, Robert's Rules of Order

Re: Hendrickson criminal trial (continued)

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

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Re: Hendrickson criminal trial (continued)

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

cynicalflyer wrote:And Pete breaks out the tin cup to pay the bills...

My legal expenses for the pernicious assault on the rule of law detailed at http://www.losthorizons.com/LastShotFor ... efiers.htm are looming large right now. At the same time spreading the truth remains a key imperative. Also at the same time (as it happens), the eleventh printing of CtC is now available.

Here's a notion, then: Pick a worthy fellow American to gift with your old copy, and order a fresh, new, latest-updated-copy for yourself at http://www.losthorizons.com/cc.htm . You'll be spreading the truth about the tax and the law, while at the same time equipping yourself with all the text upgrades, additional authorities and appendix supplements included to one degree or another in every new edition of CtC.

Of course, you're welcome to order additional copies to share, as well. Or consider adding 'Upholding the Law and Other Observations' to your library, and learn how the same principles of law that inform the "income" tax also control the rest of the federal statutory structure.

Simple donations remain most welcome and appreciated, of course, but I'd really rather that the truth got spread at the same time.

Thanks for giving this your consideration,
... and while his fleeced sheep start to trickle away from the fold, Petey-Boy reacts not by being honest with them, but by casting about for more suckers --er, followers to bleed of their FRNs.
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Re: Hendrickson criminal trial (continued)

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

But...but...it worked before.

The laissez-faire argument relies on the same tacit appeal to perfection as does communism. - George Soros