New phone call from Ed Brown

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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by ElfNinosMom »

I actually was a grieving spouse, being widowed in 2002 at age 39, after 20 years of marriage. I still grieve for that loss, because that's a loss you never recover from, you just learn to deal with it over time.

A lot of things a widow(er) might say can be easily misconstrued, not the least of which is because they are not thinking straight when it comes to referencing that relationship, even a long time after they lose a spouse. Furthermore, some of what sounds odd coming from a stranger could make perfect sense if you actually knew the couple.

I didn't think twice about his saying "we were lucky to have each other", and I still don't. Hell, I might have said the same thing at one time or another, because it was true. We were a team, and one helluva team at that, so we were lucky to have each other. Those who don't know me might think that sounds odd, but those who knew us as a couple will understand perfectly what I mean by that, so I don't apologize for saying it. For all anyone knows, Ray and his wife viewed their marriage as a team as well, since many longtime couples do.

I also don't think anything about his comment that she died with his name on her lips. Seemingly strange things can bring great comfort to a widow(er). For all anyone knows, he was away from her for only a little while. Either way, none of us knows their circumstances, so I think you need to lay off the guy, at least insofar as his marriage and the loss of his wife is concerned. :naughty:
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by webhick »

I didn't mean to make it sound as though I was laying into him for that. Sorry.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

Now I am feeling bad for poor Ed. Maybe I should send him a magazine subscription to keep him entertained. Maybe People or perhaps Gardening Today.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Maybe People or perhaps Gardening Today.
How about the Journal of Taxation? Or Taxes-- The Tax Magazine?
Dr. Caligari
(Du musst Caligari werden!)

Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by Nikki »

ElfNinosMom wrote:I actually was a grieving spouse, being widowed in 2002 at age 39, after 20 years of marriage. I still grieve for that loss, because that's a loss you never recover from, you just learn to deal with it over time.

A lot of things a widow(er) might say can be easily misconstrued, not the least of which is because they are not thinking straight when it comes to referencing that relationship, even a long time after they lose a spouse. Furthermore, some of what sounds odd coming from a stranger could make perfect sense if you actually knew the couple.

I didn't think twice about his saying "we were lucky to have each other", and I still don't. Hell, I might have said the same thing at one time or another, because it was true. We were a team, and one helluva team at that, so we were lucky to have each other. Those who don't know me might think that sounds odd, but those who knew us as a couple will understand perfectly what I mean by that, so I don't apologize for saying it. For all anyone knows, Ray and his wife viewed their marriage as a team as well, since many longtime couples do.

I also don't think anything about his comment that she died with his name on her lips. Seemingly strange things can bring great comfort to a widow(er). For all anyone knows, he was away from her for only a little while. Either way, none of us knows their circumstances, so I think you need to lay off the guy, at least insofar as his marriage and the loss of his wife is concerned. :naughty:
Just to get back on the properly irrelevant and irreverant track, those who DO know you think just about everything sounds odd.

In any case, I've been with my spouse for 20 wonderful years (we were married in 1971). That relationship is probably the only thing keeping me alive and moderately sane.

I can't imagine being alone, but I totally understand what was running through his mind.

Despite being a total looney-toon, he probably is a caring, loving person -- on a one-to-one level.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by wserra »

Nikki wrote:In any case, I've been with my spouse for 20 wonderful years (we were married in 1971). That relationship is probably the only thing keeping me alive and moderately sane.
Albeit somewhat mathematically-challenged.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by Nikki »

The math is 100% correct.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by LPC »

wserra wrote:
Nikki wrote:In any case, I've been with my spouse for 20 wonderful years (we were married in 1971). That relationship is probably the only thing keeping me alive and moderately sane.
Albeit somewhat mathematically-challenged.
The 20 wonderful years weren't necessarily consecutive.
Dan Evans
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by wserra »

Nikki wrote:The math is 100% correct.
I should remember not to assume stuff.

Zay gezunt.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by Imalawman »

LPC wrote:
wserra wrote:
Nikki wrote:In any case, I've been with my spouse for 20 wonderful years (we were married in 1971). That relationship is probably the only thing keeping me alive and moderately sane.
Albeit somewhat mathematically-challenged.
The 20 wonderful years weren't necessarily consecutive.
Or 27 consecutive years, just 7 bad years, and 20 wonderful ones.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by Imalawman »

UGA Lawdog wrote:
Imalawman wrote:Or 27 consecutive years, just 7 bad years, and 20 wonderful ones.
More like 17 bad years. I was born in 1971. I wish I were 27. I'm 37.
HA! Now I have a serious math problem.... :roll: You see my point....
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by Demosthenes »

From Elaine to Ray:
From Elaine Brown March 6, 2008

Dear Ray,

I am so sorry to hear of Anita's passing. She is resting now in that good place, and I am sure she is watching over you. her dear husband of so many years. I pray you are doing well and finding solace in her peace.

Good to hear you are still energized to continue the fight. If only more people would stand up well. YASHUA will take care of us in His time; all we can do is continue to carry on His fight until then. It must be coming soon, it feels like it. The corruption has become so blatant and is accelerating . I get mail from so many people who are aware and of the same mind, but I just wish.more of them would make a stand. Not for me to say, I

I'm not sure why Ed has not responded. I do know that his communications have been restricted, so perhaps it has something to do with that. Also, his mail was really spotty untill he go settled in N.J. Many people write to us that letters/(illegible word") they had sent him were returned; others just disappeared.

Anita is in my prayers, but I suspect that those of us who are still here are more in need of them.
Love Elaine

I have finally found someone who can publish our name copyright at an affordable cost; a few weeks and that will be done.
From Ed to Ray:
From Ed Brown: 3-3-08 AD

Dear Ray,

I finally got a letter from you. I do understand what you say. They've been holding my mail in and out since the beginning.

RBN and others gave me at least some exposure, but it seems all to no avail. The people will stay divided right up till perdition.

I feel the best we can do is obey God's law and guide what few that we can. I feel it coming soon. Elaine can confirm my insight is very strong and foresight is stronger.

Social meltdown is now and will come to fruition soon.

As Elaine and I are: Slave, minister, Bondman, who are homeless, Stewards of the land for Jesus the Christ and God, we will continue to hold to the code.

We have no illusions as to the horror and Joy thats coming, By the Grace of God.

Ray, Elaine wrote of your untimely loss of Anita. We both know there is nothing I can say to ease the hurt, but you can be absolutely sure that I can feel your pain. "A tear of love for Anita and Ray is a drop of Love God is paying close attention to."

Don't be too dis-heartened for us Ray. Elaine and I are very strong. The biggest loss to us is each other, but we both have much to do in helping as many as we can in our respective locations. God's work is never done. Our biggest problem as usual is people always trying to stop us, out of ignorance and fear. The love Elaine and I have always had for our fellow man is now restrained. We'll do what we must. In good cheer. "Ya, right."

I now know for sure we are dealing with the Luciferian, Vatican. They have done well for themselves.

In my wildest dreams I can't imagine why they want to rule the world? It would seem its tough enough just to live your own life with your familiy. Unless the scriptures are correct and Revelations is more real than not. Whichever way, we stay with God.

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone just got along?

I am in an 80% Black facility here at Farimont N.J. Mos of these men are young an out of Washington D.C. City guys.

I shouldn't be here but there must be a reason, so I'll what I can for them. The rest of the population is 15% Hispanic and 5% white.

Most of them are loud and foul-mouthed. The young men of course are into deviant sex and naked women. I'm trapped in a locked room with two men thirty years my junior who are extremely offensive.

God will punish. Right now, I'm getting punished from almost everyone.

I lost my phone privileges because I gave one of my calls to a cellmate whose father died, and he wanted to speak to his daughter. No good turn goes unpunished, again.

Its good to hear from you Ray. Lets keep in touch.

In God we Trust.
Your friend :
Edward (Ed) Lewis: clan: Brown
From Ray to Ed and Elaine:
Ed, Elaine:

I have taken the liberty to link your two letters together so that I might share them with the world. Edward Brown, where have you been hiding all of this hidden eloquence resonating from your written communications. That is the Ed Brown, your RBN radio listening audience have not been privvy to.

I do hope those who read your words recognized the spirit of love and service your sacrifice epitomizes. Yes the vast majority of those who will read it shall not perceive the depth of spirit guiding your communications as they are limited by their public schooling dumbing down lifelong campaign. They have been conditioned to be order takers, non-thinking, non-feeling, automatons. They do what they are told to do. They question
nothing of consequence yet rail forever over petty peripheral matters toward which their Satanic media mind controllers have directed them.

They are inert "talkabouts" Genesis, RBN and mainstream media thrive and profit on such peripheral go-nowhere formats. Yet, the people DON'T GET IT!! That is the ignorance I speak of in my writings and conversations. I do not intend to insult anyone, merely to point out the obvious. You see how welcome that approach to Truth is?

At this point, I still cannot get a response out of the Josephine County Oregon District Atttorney STEPHEN CAMPBELL, regarding my demand for criminal prosecution of the policy makers of the OREGON STATE POLICE, GRANTS PASS POLICE, JOSEPHINE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, AND JOSEPHINE COUNTY TRIAL COURT ADMINISTRATOR responsible for creating Traffic enforcement policies which infringe upon the Right to Travel of those over whom they have no JURISDICTION. In my case, they have put officers on the street who have committed act of PIRACY,
ARMED ROBBERY, THEFT BY EXTORTION, FRAUD, etc when stopping a Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient Natural man who is simply travelling and not engaged in commercial activities while on the Oregon Roadways. Such a man DOES NOT NEED A LICENSE.

They commit a crime based on an "assumption" and follow through with theft even after their false assumptions are dispelled. They are made well aware that I, who am not a 14th Amendment Citizen, nor subject to the private Corporate policies of the STATE OF OREGON AND COUNTY OF JOSEPHINEam not subject to their unconstitutional "color of Law" policies, yet they proceed with blind obediance to satanic policies which have no basis in law.

I, like you cannot seem to reach the average man out there in the world. As for the so-called intellectual acivists, they're too damned busy arguing with each other over who is right and who is wrong. They do not even realize they are Satanic driven themselves. What is it that was said about a "House Divided?"

This issue of taking back our Country is ALL SO SIMPLE, BUT IT TAKES
CAJONES of every freedom loving man and woman to pull it off.. There are few Ed and Elaine Browns, and sure as hell few of Ray Karczewski's to go around, who ACTUALLY demonstrate how to rise above the idle talk and actually the Satanists responsible for their unlawful behavior.

All it takes from them is a phone call, a simple letter, an email, a fax. to the COURTS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE AND JOSEPHINE COUNTY OREGON DISTRICT ATTORNEY and to the other public servants listed in my communication "Who In Government is the True Enemy of the People?"
"Criminal Complaint Charging, Oregon State Police, Josephine County Sheriff, Josephine County Court Trial Administrator and Grants Pass Police Department policy makers with crimes of Conspiracy to commit, Piracy, Robbery, Theft by Extortion, and criminal coverups"
with these two questions: SHOW US THE LAW --- PROVE YOUR JURISDICTION.

That one act alone brought about by a mandate of the Sovereign People would be the MOMENT OF TRUTH for government in America.

All is takes is for the REAL GOVERNMENT, the SOVEREIGN PEOPLE to realize that their government SERVANTS work for them, and not the other way around.

The Satanic Illusion that they consider themselves slaves, human resources to be used up, cast away and annihilated when they are seen to be of no longer use to the State would disintegrate in the moment of the manifested BLINDING LIGHT OF TRUTH.

Ed and Elaine, hang in there. I'll do what I can here. When the people wake up to the Truth contained in this communication, we will see whether they have the CAJONES to do else but TALK.

My best to both of you.


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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

:roll: :angrybird:
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by ElfNinosMom »

If Ed's insight is very strong, and his foresight even stronger, then why is he sitting in a prison cell?

Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by RyanMcC »

Ed wrote:Elaine can confirm my insight is very strong and foresight is stronger.
If that were remotely true he and Elaine would be sippin' Mojitos on their beachfront property in Mexico they purchased with all that tax free dough, or even (gasp) paid their taxes and avoided the situation to begin with.

Armed standoff with US Marshals as opposed to paying your taxes or getting the hell out of Dodge is about as insightful and shows as much foresight as this little guy -----> :brickwall:
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by Demosthenes »

ElfNinosMom wrote:If Ed's insight is very strong, and his foresight even stronger, then why is he sitting in a prison cell?
He got those evil Feds exactly where they want him.,

Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by ElfNinosMom »

Demosthenes wrote:
ElfNinosMom wrote:If Ed's insight is very strong, and his foresight even stronger, then why is he sitting in a prison cell?
He got those evil Feds exactly where they want him.,
:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
Doktor Avalanche
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

CaptainKickback wrote:
Doktor Avalanche wrote::roll: :angrybird:
Dok, you had a typo, I think you meant to say: :roll: :angrybird: :angrybird: :brickwall:

I am extrordinarily thankful I do not ever have to deal with a**-clowns like that. Ever.
I'm so glad someone here was able to correctly decipher my shorthand lest it get lost in translation.
The laissez-faire argument relies on the same tacit appeal to perfection as does communism. - George Soros
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by LPC »

Ed Family:Brown wrote:I feel the best we can do is obey God's law and guide what few that we can.
I really don't believe that God's law includes a commandment to structure financial transactions to avoid currency reporting laws.
I am in an 80% Black facility here at Farimont N.J. Mos of these men are young an out of Washington D.C. City guys.

I shouldn't be here but there must be a reason, so I'll what I can for them.
Yes, I'm sure a lot of young black criminals from DC are looking forward to guidance from a crazy old white guy. No wonder Ed needs protection.
Most of them are loud and foul-mouthed. The young men of course are into deviant sex and naked women.
I prefer naked sex and deviant women, so I can understand Ed's revulsion.
I'm trapped in a locked room with two men thirty years my junior who are extremely offensive.
Wait. I think he's starting to get it.
God will punish. Right now, I'm getting punished from almost everyone.
False alarm. He's drifted off again.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by Prof »

CaptainKickback wrote:
LPC wrote: I prefer naked sex and deviant women, so I can understand Ed's revulsion.
How do you feel about naked sex WITH deviant women and/or naked sex with naked deviant women. I am in favor of it myself. Ditto for naked sex with naked women (of a non-deviant nature.


Back on point. I think it might just be beginning to dawn on Ed Brown that he is well and royally f*cked and that he is no martyr and no one gives a tinker's damn.
Are you running for governor of New York?
"My Health is Better in November."