SteveSy wrote:
Now I'm really confused. People always get a CP letter prior to a NoD which according to you would not be normal. Because an assessment takes place after a NoD and after CP notices.
Someone getting a CP Notice PRIOR to an NoD is not going to get an NoD, because they're being assessed a frivolous penalty, which does not require deficiency procedures. I've seen that many times, especially, in the case of 'Cracking the Code' or other 'zero' returns.
Assessment does not take place AFTER a CP Notice but BEFORE. It's a "collection" notice, and you can only "collect" what's been assessed. Assessment of a liability takes place first.
So, the first thing to consider when you find someone receiving a CP Notice prior to an NoD, would be to ask if it's the result of filing something not recognized as a return.
It's simply not true that every time someone gets a CP Notice it's PRIOR to an NoD. I've seen case after case after case in which a notice of deficiency was received, and acted upon or not, then later, CP Notices were sent to "collect" the amount assessed AFTER the NoD.
SteveSy wrote:btw, I appreciate your explanation but again I fail to see where any of that is written in the law. I can understand why the "movement" fails to understand it. Reading the plain language of the law it simply says you get a CDP hearing if you request one for the liability prior to a NoD. You may also get one if you challenge the appropriateness of the collection action, and you admit the receipt of a CP letter is a collection action. It seems to me the designation alone proves its a collection action, doesn't CP stand for "Collection Process". You get a CP 22, I think, stating they don't agree with your return or that they have changed your account based on third party information. This is one of the very first letters you get long before a NoD.
You can receive a CDP hearing by request. Yes. But the only instances in which it would occur PRIOR to an NoD would be in the cases mentioned by Dan and myself, which go to penalty assessments and not tax assessments [or deficiency procedures in regard to a return].
And, frankly, in those cases, you will not receive a notice of deficiency. That's why it seems to be PRIOR to an NoD, because an NoD will not be issued. It's a contradiction in terms.
To understand "where" it says that in the Law, you have to read more than IRC 6330(c). However, it's in the word "otherwise," as Dan explained earlier, and in relation to deficiency procedures for tax assessments and no deficiency procedures in relation to penalties.
CP = Computer Paragraph - according to that mysterious ADP Manual discussed elsewhere
It does not stand for "Collection Process" or "Collection Procedure." But CDP does stand for "Collection Due Process," and as stated before, collection cannot occur before assessment.
It's a contradiction in terms to say, "You get a 'collection' hearing prior to an assessment being made as a result of a notice of deficiency." That simply cannot happen. However, again, it could happen if it were a penalty assessed without deficiency procedures.
Those would be the result of filing some sort of 'unprocessable' return. Things like a 'zero' return or a 'Cracking the Code' return qualify as 'unprocessable,' because there's not enough information to make a correct determination of liability [sounds like IRC 6702].
And, in those cases, there would never be an NoD but collection notices instead.
BEFORE assessment, the following CP Notices can be received:
CP-515, 1st Notice - Return Deficiency
CP-518, 4th Notice - Return Deficiency
Letter 1862 or Letter 2566, Proposed Assessment - 30-Day Letter
Notice of Deficiency - 90-Day Letter
AFTER assessment, the following CP Notices can be received:
CP-21A or 22E, Adjustment Notice - We Changed Your Account
CP-21A or 22E is also the notice and demand [IRC 6303] or notice of assessment [IRC 6213(c)]
CP-501, 1st Notice - Balance Due
CP-503, 3rd Notice - Balance Due
CP-504, 4th Notice - Balance Due
In the case of penalty assessments, the following can be received [and no NoD received]:
CP-14, 1st Notice - Balance Due w/no Math Error
CP-15, Civil (Frivolous) Penalty - Notice of Penalty Charge
After which the 500 Series starts.
Hope this helps explain some of it. You have to watch the progression of notices carefully.