Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

The "Bill of Peace" thing is something I haven't seen before. It's sort of revealing in the sense that Brown is completely out of touch with reality. There's the classic 'no response means I win' with the added twist that if you ignore him you're at war.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by grixit »

I've seen a couple of those before. It's based on a version of the "we're in a state of emergency" theory. The idea is that the US government has defined all individuals as "enemies of the state", which means that the Bill of Rights, etc, are all inoperative. Interaction between the government and individuals is governed by an old law called the "Trading with the Enemy Act", which was passed some long ago year that the TPs can't agree on, but WWI seems to be the most common. Therefor, when you cast a spell, um, file an affidavit, declaring peace, you cease to be an enemy, and so can no longer be treated as one. And tada! they have to let you out of jail and stop taxing you.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by VanMeters Revenge »

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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Famspear »

Wow, what a mess. I wish I had a written transcript of this (or the time to transcribe it myself).

It takes some effort to transmute the story of these crooks from one that relates the truth of the sordid, tragic reality that the story certainly is to the laughable, blather that this guy has produced -- and this guy has gone to the effort to do so. In his eyes, it is the federal government employees who are the bad guys. What a dimwit.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by LPC »

I just listened to this "Ridley Report," and he's got to be as drunk as a skunk.

Just listen to the stumbled pronunciations.
Dan Evans
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Demosthenes »

It's about fricken' time he took the bait.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by LPC »

Demosthenes wrote:It's about fricken' time he took the bait.
Okay, I'll take the bait. What "bait" are you referring to?

Are you saying you put the "more horrible and dangerous" prison comment on your web site as bait?
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Demosthenes »

The use of "free state flakes" was guaranteed to cause a stir.

I have tried a few different times to engage various freestater / Brown supporters in a conversation but I've been banned each time, and all of my posts were deleted by the NHFree admins.

Edit: And for what it's worth, Dave Ridley is not a bad guy. He went to extraordinary lengths to avoiding seeing and reading about Ed's ugly and violent side, but in the end, Ridley conceded that Ed was not someone worth supporting.
notorial dissent
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by notorial dissent »

Demosthenes wrote:The use of "free state flakes" was guaranteed to cause a stir.
Edit: And for what it's worth, Dave Ridley is not a bad guy. He went to extraordinary lengths to avoiding seeing and reading about Ed's ugly and violent side, but in the end, Ridley conceded that Ed was not someone worth supporting.
I admit, I would be interested in their perspective on that particular reality, but there comes a point when you are so busy NOT seeing something that you totally quit seeing what really is going on, and then not only your viewpoint but your perspective and your moral brief ceases to be valid, and I am very much afraid that this is what has happened here. Whatever platitudes Ed was mouthing at any given point, I never saw any of them that had the ring of anything resembling sincerity. The only thing Ed was ever sincere about was getting as much for Ed as he possibly could and anything else was just a convenience for him.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Demosthenes »

New letter from Elaine to Ray.
Elaine-Alice: Brown
[03923-049] F.M.C. Carswell
PO Boxv 27137
Oct 8, 2008

Dear Ray,

It was so good to hear from your again. It has been too long. Thank you for including Ed's comments. He definitely is THE letter writer. He surprises. me also.

Sam's (Kennedy) comments not being able to help us due to the time is distressing to say the least. He probably doesn't know the following:

1. Around 1997 Ed and I filed with the county registry of deeds our Oath Purgatory and our Sovereignty Papers.
2. At the beginning of our trial when everyone had to introduce themselves to the jury, we did so as Sovereigns, spelling our names with upper and lower case.
3. I started back at the beginning of this year filing the documents Sam promotes,including rescission of signature, waiver of benefits, affidavits of non-corporate status.
4. All documents, letters, forms Sam talks about have been filed.

I cannot think that all our work these past several months was for naught. That would be too distressing. I don't know if you are able to contact him again, or how you contacted him in the first place unless it was to call in to his show.

Ray, what Sheriff's sale are you talking about? $20M? Surely not the so called traffic violation you had spoken of earlier. Can you write me more about it?

You are truly a courageous man of Yahweh and Yashua, to stand alone as you have done for so long. If we only had more men and women like you, what a better place this world would be.

Since coming to Carswell, I have been drawn more and more to our almighty Lord . Everything we have done has been in His name, so I know we have done the right thing. We didn't realize at the time we started this back in 1996 that Yahweh ws leading us to do what we did: we just know we felt compelled to do this thing. Now we know that this has been Yahweh's role for us in His plan. Just as He led me to the people He led me to in Danbury. I refuse to believe Sam, that there is no help for us. We have now done all we can do, so this is the point where we are told in the Bible to stand still and let God do His work. He will do what man cannot do. The day after I mailed the last document I was transferred fom Danbury. The timing alone tells me something.

This probably sounds like wishfulthinking, but I have great faith in God's godddness, and in His promises to those who stay in faith with Him.

You have fought a valiant fight, and are winning. You are doing it better that Ed and I did, as we should have done the same when we first started. But on the other hand, had we done so and won, we would not have had the impact on so many that we did. We awakened many to the corruption in government, and that is our role. So I guess, no matter the outcome for Ed and me, this is what we are supposed to do.

I pray for you, and I pray for Anita's peace; I know she is in a good place with Yahweh. I can only imagine the loss of a loved one such as you have endured. I can only come as close as being separated from Ed knowing the ache, nothing like yours.

My prayers to you my friend,

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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by LPC »

Elaine-Alice: Brown wrote:Sam's (Kennedy) comments not being able to help us due to the time is distressing to say the least. He probably doesn't know the following:

1. Around 1997 Ed and I filed with the county registry of deeds our Oath Purgatory and our Sovereignty Papers.
2. At the beginning of our trial when everyone had to introduce themselves to the jury, we did so as Sovereigns, spelling our names with upper and lower case.
3. I started back at the beginning of this year filing the documents Sam promotes,including rescission of signature, waiver of benefits, affidavits of non-corporate status.
4. All documents, letters, forms Sam talks about have been filed.

I cannot think that all our work these past several months was for naught.
Yes, you can. It'll take time and effort, but you can do it.
Elaine-Alice: Brown wrote:That would be too distressing.
On second thought, maybe she can't.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Dezcad »

Elaine-Alice: wrote: We awakened many to the corruption in government, and that is our role. So I guess, no matter the outcome for Ed and me, this is what we are supposed to do.
I can think of 4 people who right now may not be so thrilled that you helped them see their way into prison. But then again, I'm certain that not all 4 realize the folly of the "awakening" that you gave them.
Dr. Pepper

Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Dr. Pepper »

In looking at Ray's latest ramblings on MTS I see he's supposedly sold his house and is now living in a motor home. I have to wonder if it's up on blocks, in an abandoned lot. Way to go, Ray - continue onward in your never-ending downward spiral!
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by The Operative »

Ray's response to Elaine's letter. As with all things written by Ray the Kazoo, beverages down first.
Dear Elaine,

I too, am glad we are back in touch with each other. Yes, You, Ed, I and others are doing God's will in a godless land. No small task as you and Ed now well know. It is a solitary endeavor which tests the spiritual mettle of those who DARE to live as Sovereigns in a land of Slaves. What we do does not compute in the average Satanically conditioned Intellect of Political correctness. We stick out like a sore thumb when those have life-long, been conditioned to "go along to get along" find they are being led on a path straight
to hell.

Do not fret over what Sam, or for that matter, anyone else straddling the Satanic System thinks about what you and Ed have done. They don't have the back-bone, the "Cajones" or the Spiritual guidance you and Ed possess.so they tapdance their way through life playing the Lawyer game, whose rules are forged straight out of fires of Hell.

When the Divine Spirit of Supreme Intelligence, God, moves you, you will do the right thing at the right time. The plans of Mammon are incapable to derailing the Spirit of God, operating in Sovereign Men and Women. You and Ed are doing more good where you are than you think. The approach which led you to where you are was fraught with temptation to motivate the blind and the dead to see and BE ALIVE.

Our nation is being played out by traitorous leaders, who through the inertia of Its people have been allowed to do what they do by hypnotized masses of people conditioned to believe they are mere slaves of the State , or at least, not worthy of Freedom. You and Ed are freer where you now are, that the average so called free citizen who hasn't the capacity to see his true status as being a slave of the State.

Our two cases, Yours , Ed's and mine, hold the key to ending the tyranny that seems so inevitable, to our nation, yet the masses lack the discernment to see the simple solution. Your Issue of SHOW US THE LAW, and Mine of PROVE JURISDICTION over this Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient, Sentient, Natural, man, Sovereign son of God, stops all Fictional Courts in their Tracks, if only they are pressured by the masses to answer THOSE TWO QUESTIONS.

I did tell you, I think, that I had refused their offer of Sentencing which included probation. (Had I accepted, I would have been in prison, just as where you and Ed are now.) They ultimately unceremoniousley kicked me out of jail. Yet they persisted in one more last ditch attempt to revoke a non-existant probation. While cleaning up and packing, I ran across a court document, I had not seen before, filed by the the Josephine County Oregon Probation Office through the JOCO District Attorney's office seeking to revocate probation.. The court WOULD NOT MOVE ON IT. That alone PROVES my case like none other that the Fictional Court does not have JURSIDICTION over Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient Natural Men and Women when squarely challenged in court. .Since the court is able to control the news, such facts are NEVER KNOWN by the spoon fed publie.

All of this nonsense over the demise of the American and World Economy is nothing more than Satanically Controlled Theater to an enslaved audience. If Americans had the backbone of You and Ed, and do what we have done in our simple lives, government would dissolve like the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz because Evil is always a Satanic Illusion which cannot stand up to the Mirror of Truth.

If the nation of people would get beyond their fear, conditioned into them via the media, and launch a NATIONWIDE PHONE, LETTER WRITING campaign to the Courts, District Attorney's, Legislator's and Senators to COMPELL the question of SHOW US THE LAW AND PROVE JURISDICTION, over Ed and Elaine, Brown, and Raymond Ronald Karczewski© , that one act, which takes no more effort than a phone call, letter or email, would reveal where the real POWER of the People Reside in these united states of America.. They await their own militarized sons and daughters to be unleashed upon them following the directives of a Satanic Martial Law upon their own families. If thats's not Hell, what is?

You, Ed, and I are those Mirrors. They may have imprisoned your bodies, but they will never reach their goal of imprisoning your soul. That's the hold I have over the State of Oregon and County of Josephine Governments. With each passing day, they are exposed in their impotence to deal with a Sovereign Son of God, who knows who he is.

I am moving out of the house which is much too big for me. I purchased a 40 ft, Motor Coach outright with gold profits (Converted Bus) and am moving in to it. I am remaining in the area and plan to remain here until the State of Oregon and County of Josephine are brought to justice, Settle with me, or upon my death. That Ed and Elaine is clear to me of what my role has been in this matter.

Do not think of darkness, for such is the way of coming to the Light.

Bless you Both,

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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by notorial dissent »

What I still want to know is how you show something to someone who has their eyes tightly closed, their hands over their ears, and all the while chanting some inane TP gibberish. I keep wondering, silly me, what would constitute proof, when they find themselves sitting in a jail cell for having violated the very law they claim doesn’t exits. Oh wait, I forgot we were talking about TP patri-idiots, never minddddddd!!!!!!

Please continue giggling and snickering at latest run of nonsense.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by webhick »

notorial dissent wrote:What I still want to know is how you show something to someone who has their eyes tightly closed, their hands over their ears, and all the while chanting some inane TP gibberish.
  1. Sit them on a conveyor belt
  2. Smack them with a spatula until they remove their hands from their ears in an effort to defend themselves
  3. Turn on a table-saw at the end of the conveyor belt
  4. Put the belt in motion
I can tell you from personal experience that you'll have their undivided attention then.

Of course, if you're one of those "human rights" pansies, then you can just take them to a strip joint.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Dezcad »

CaptainKickback wrote:As Nelson Muntz would say, while pointing at the incarcerated "TPs": "Ha Ha!"
Like this?
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by The Observer »

While cleaning up and packing, I ran across a court document, I had not seen before, filed by the the Josephine County Oregon Probation Office through the JOCO District Attorney's office seeking to revocate probation.. The court WOULD NOT MOVE ON IT. That alone PROVES my case like none other that the Fictional Court does not have JURSIDICTION over Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient Natural Men and Women when squarely challenged in court.
I always find it incredible that TPs portray the government as able and willing to break the rules at the drop of hat, wrongfully imprisoning people, deliberately misuing the courts to get their way, ignoring rules and procedures, yet can find "evidence" that supposedly stymies the governement from taking further "illicit" action. In this case, if the government is so evil and corrupt, why would the court have any problem revoking his probation? After all, wouldn't the best way for the court to establish "jurisidiction over him be by ruling in favor of the motion? Why would the court pass up a perfect opportunity to stifle him forever and make it look like his sovereign person argument had no merit? People who have no problem wrongfully imprison people certainly are not going to have a problem with a little procedural issue like a court motion.
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