Then you don't understand Schiff very well. He's a zealot. He'd already spent years in prison on two occasions as a result of peddling his scam. He violated the terms of his release the second time he was incarcerated and was sent back to prison to finish his sentence. Knowing all of this, as soon as he was released, he went right back into scam peddling. He's 80 years old and knew that this was his last chance, and he sold his scam anyway.SteveSy wrote:I seriously doubt Schiff is going to sneak a cell phone to try and promote his crap under those conditions, it would be his last chance and he would know it. Its that or sit in a cell do not pass go.
This was not a victimless crime. He's ruined thousands of lives (50,000 by Schiff's estimate) by selling crap to people who were financially desperate. Same with Lynne Meredith, same with all the other promoters who got rich of scamming people who were struggling. Why do you think that tax scammers have now moved into debt elimination scamming? That's where people/marks are desperately looking for help right now.