SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

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notorial dissent
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by notorial dissent »

Just when I thought this couldn’t get any funnier. I wonder which of the poor newbies they stuck with that. I can’t imagine Babcock even letting it stay on the docket, let alone really considering it. I don’t predict it will be there long unless the Denver court has completely lost its way. Really a pity his old buddy, Nottingham, still isn't on the bench, he'd probably be in jail for wasting the court's time, the man had a lot of faults, patience with idiots not being one of them.

Has anything been filed that has made it to Pacer yet?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Nikki »

David has complained that he is not able to log onto this site.

David is receiving adequate attention at SonOfSooey, so he doesn't need to enter a forum outside of Planet Merrill --- unless the hit counter on his threads drops low enough to provide adequate stroking of his ego.

In any case, no one seems to have noticed the actual nature of the current charge against David. From the third line on page four of the document saved as gibberish_3: Assault

David really needs to get a foot or two in the real world for this one. This seems to be a level 6 felony.

David needs to wake up.
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Demosthenes »

wserra wrote:If you want to post here to discuss this, I will police the answers you get.
Thanks, Wes.

David, I lifted your ban several days ago.
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by fortinbras »

On Sson-of-Sooey, SFBFKADMVP revealed a tiny chapter of his past:
It must have been early 1995 when I watched a budding Colorado Jural Society fall apart due to disagreements about confession of faith. I was the Scribe so I actually got to watch because I was in the front with the Arbiter. Now what you might want to look at is The Book of Hundreds and other material from King's Men and the Christian Jural Society out of California - Randy Lee stuff. They had it together but it is very difficult to have enforcement without a jural society behind you. Somewhere to remand or remove you to from a jurisdiction.
Some of us remember the sordid history of the Jural Society, including how the California branch hired a thug, Ralph Steiner, to pistol whip, and rape, the County Recorder in Modesto, CA.

Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Nikki »

It seems that David actually is attempting to post here, but is experiencing difficulties:(Image demarcated between lines


Perhaps some glutton for punishment could assist him?
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Given the amount of damage VanPelt may have done to the lives of the families of fools he leads off into his legal lala-land, it may be best to let this natural process take its course and let the buffoon get hoisted on his own admiralty petard. A few months of his being incommunicado would lower the goof-ball internet traffic load by at least 25%.

Granted, the truly delusional don't always belong incarcerated among criminals, but VanPelt seems to actually believe some portion of what various portions of his mind dream up and I'm doubtful there is any effective treatment, let alone long-term management. Any rational, factual argument is simply discounted because it comes from the alleged root-source of his torment du jour.

There is a real possibility someone like VanPelt could escalate his delusional state into acting out against people, and it appears at first glance he may have already done that.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Nikki wrote:It seems that David actually is attempting to post here, but is experiencing difficulties:(Image demarcated between lines


Perhaps some glutton for punishment could assist him?
FWIW - Images aren't appearing here and I suspect it's because you have to be logged in to the club to see much of anything.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Nikki »

I hate when that happens :(

I'll see what the uber-cat can do.
notorial dissent
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by notorial dissent »

wserra, sorry, momentary mental lapse, forgot entirely who I was dealing with. I, foolishly now I admit, had thought SFB had actually filed something with the court rather than in his magic miscellaneous file, from which he seems to think that anything he files magically comes to pass. This is how he practices his version of maritime law.

I would suspect his antics before the court were more than enough to earn him a few sessions with the men in white coats, and if he continues, he may find him self under permanent observation down in Pueblo. From what I can see here, he is just digging the hole deeper and deeper with every filing. I do not predict a happy ending here at the rate he is going, and in this instance he has no one but himself to blame for where he is.
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Demosthenes »

No usernames are currently banned, nor are any ips.

David has obviously been reading this forum because he talks about what is posted here on the new sui, which makes his screen print all that more interesting.

For example, does this suiclub message sound like it comes from someone who gets the message "You cannot read messages in this forum" when he tries to visit Quatloos?
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And it would seem by Nikki's thread on Quatloos, quite a few certified copies will be ordered simply for entertainment value!

Thanks again Nikki!
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by webhick »

I suspect that David really couldn't see the posts when logged in. I checked the DB and it looks like he wasn't part of any group. Since banned users don't have an entry in the user table, it wasn't caught during post-crash cleanup. It's fixed now, so he should be able to see posts and respond.
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Lambkin »

webhick wrote:I suspect that David really couldn't see the posts when logged in. I checked the DB and it looks like he wasn't part of any group. Since banned users don't have an entry in the user table, it wasn't caught during post-crash cleanup. It's fixed now, so he should be able to see posts and respond.
Your story is likely enough but I still prefer an explanation involving alien mind-control weaponry or an ancient religious cabal.
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Demosthenes »

webhick wrote:I suspect that David really couldn't see the posts when logged in. I checked the DB and it looks like he wasn't part of any group. Since banned users don't have an entry in the user table, it wasn't caught during post-crash cleanup. It's fixed now, so he should be able to see posts and respond.
Thanks, Webhick.
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

wserra wrote: You're an adult. It's up to you.
Why does that sound like an epitaph?
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Judge Roy Bean
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

wserra wrote:....

You're an adult. It's up to you.
Wes, with all due respect, David has exemplified a truly child-like ability to not only fantasize the world around him but to lure others into playing in his fantasy - but it's at their peril, not his.

You can't expect the ego to seek help from all that he has railed against for so long and somehow admit to what he believes is his audience of sycophants that he is full of BS.

He is in the proverbial painted corner but he can't accept it. I have seen this before but the outcomes aren't predictably reliable. There usually comes a sense, which becomes a fear, then can turn into a downright terror that the subject's audience might be turning away from them. Abandonment is a powerful loss so making the wrong move might alienate the fan base and if you're not a real celebrity those site counters will tell the story in almost real time. It's a thin thread to pull on if you don't have star power and a good agent.

The narcissist ego can't accept being abandoned. Oddly enough it sometimes turns even more inward if there isn't a replenishing source of fulfillment. David's ego apparently can't survive without the connection to the alleged "masses" of disaffected people supposedly like him on the Internet. Unless there are people reading (or at least hitting) the things he posits he has no viable purpose in life and without professional help, the personality can become more than just self-destructive.

The best thing, IMHO, that could happen to David is to be evaluated by professionals over some period of time. There is no cure but there might be a course of management to preclude allowing him to lure other people into their legal doom.

It's bad enough seeing ordinary people being taken advantage of left and right. We don't need any more court jesters like him sending the ignorant into the quicksand.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Nikki »

David doesn't have to appear in court.

The outstnding warrant is several years ole, so he can ignore it.

The State Attorney General didn't have an oath of office filed where David can find it, so the attorney general's office is vacant.

None of the judges involved in David's case have terminated their membership in the state Bar association, so they're practicing attorneys and are not eligible to sit as judges.

David has not been charged with anything against his true name, so all the charges are nullities by misnomer.

David has timely refused for cause all presentments served on his personal court -- his mailbox -- and those presentments are no longer valid.

David has filed in the misc. jacket sufficient documents to prove that the laws of Planet Merrill have been invoked against everyone who is persecuting him.
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by fortinbras »

Having been tossed out of his mother's house because he beat her up, SFBFKADMVP can look forward to free room and board provided by the State of Colorado. And one amusing feature of this is that the quality of his accommodations is, more or less, proportional to the willingness of Colorado residents to pay the taxes that SFBFKADMVP told them not to pay.

I expect that he will have many new and interesting experiences in the state prison. Of course, if he remains as finicky about how mail is addressed to him, he might not get many letters to lift his morale; on that point, at least, prison may make him less anal retentive.
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by fortinbras »

David Merrill wrote: Attorneys believe that SAMELSON can plea on my behalf - but when called on it, "That is practicing law from the bench." He immediately withdrew his plea on my behalf. The point being he honored the abatement and did so in two entries.
The judge wasn't pleading on his behalf. When SFBFKADMVP refused to enter a plea - he had a choice of three - the judge had to comply with the law, expressed in Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (and the Colorado criminal rules) rule 11 (and going back to a federal law enacted in the First Congress) that if a defendant refuses to enter a plea then a Not Guilty plea (which preserves all legal rights and options) will be automatically entered. Was this plea withdrawn?? No, because if it had been it would have to be replaced by either Guilty or Nolo Contendere, at which point the case would have gone immediately to sentencing instead of dragging on and on for years.

You'll notice that, in all of his postings, here and elsewhere, SFB doesn't deny that he is being tried for assaulting his mother, or that his mother successfully got a restraining order against him. It's a very revealing felony and it will have a very special punishment; many prison inmates were, as children, the victims of domestic violence and when they find out that SFB was an inflicter of domestic violence they may take a golden opportunity to vent themselves.
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by The Observer »

David Merrill wrote:...so that I could maybe send them to another court like federal court...
Why would you want to go to federal court? Isn't that administered by a lawyer in black robes? Surely no good could come from that?
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