Another LostHead on the road to ruin

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Re: Another LostHead on the road to ruin

Post by Gregg »

mutter wrote:
Gregg wrote:
I have already won that debate, no need to further argue it with you children like adults.
And with that, I first need to know where to send the bill for the keyboard, and further I move we put this knucklehead on moderated status or do something else to please make it stop.
so its ok for you to do it but not him? BTW i want to continue our discussion on the currency system, but I dont know where to create the thread. Oh and do the math .06 cents for a loath in 1913. a good loaf of potato bread cost about $3.89 today. thats a 5K increase.

and like I always say dont feed the animals and they wont get in the trash

on the main page, there is a create new thread link
when pricing a basket, it's usually more relevant to compare it to the percent of an hour of income. Work an hour in order to earn enough to buy X etc...
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Red Cedar PM
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Re: Another LostHead on the road to ruin

Post by Red Cedar PM »

Weston White wrote:
Also tell me how the source or type of income would matter in reference to the below citation:

“Plaintiff apparently bases his position on a strict interpretation of the statutory language of section 3401(c) which does not on its face include all persons who earn wages from an employer. ... The definition should not be read as exclusive, but rather as indicative of Congress' intent that those persons so designated in section 3401(c) would be subject to the income tax withholding provision in the same manner as all other employees. The definition of "employee", contrary to the interpretation urged by plaintiff, is more properly read to include all those persons with the ‘status of employee under the usual common law rules applicable in determining the employer-employee relationship.’”

Chamberlain v. Krysztof, 617 F.Supp. 491, KTC 1985-137 (N.D.N.Y. 1985) (footnotes omitted).

See in a lower court case it the evidence submitted by the parties the judge bases their decision upon. That and the judge can disallow whatever evidence they so choose to. Enough said.

Besides that why should I give a care what that case says? How does it even apply to me at all? All that is a quote, for all I know that is the opposite party talking there, what was the actual statement and evidence submitted? What evidence was permitted? Who did the person in question actually work for, what types of compensation were exchanged, etc., etc.? You are leaving out many required facts. You are wanting me describe a room to you that I have never been inside of before. Sorry I can’t do it.
It's the judge who wrote the opinion who he is quoting... Also, the judge isn't talking about evidence, he is interpreting the law and applying it to the case. You can find the evidence of the case under the "findings of fact" portion of the case citation. If certain evidence was not permitted that should have been, this person would have a great reason to appeal the ruling. That has nothing to do with how the judge interprets the law in the case, which is what is being quoted.

For such a self-proclaimed genius when it comes to interpreting the law you really don't know the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground, do you?
"Pride cometh before thy fall."

--Dantonio 11:03:07
Grixit wrote:Hey Diller: forget terms like "wages", "income", "derived from", "received", etc. If you did something, and got paid for it, you owe tax.
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Re: Another LostHead on the road to ruin

Post by Famspear »

I'll expand and repeat my questions to Weston White:

1A. Weston, have you actually used the Cracking the Code method on a tax return?

1B. If so, for which year or years?

2. Do you think the IRS will at some point assert any section 6702 penalty against you?

3. If so, what will be your basic approach or theory in trying to fight the penalty (what specific argument or arguments will you make)?
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet
Weston White

Re: Another LostHead on the road to ruin

Post by Weston White »

And now for an intermission...

A Former IRS Commissioner's Statement

T. Coleman Andrews served as commissioner of IRS for nearly 3 years during the early 1950s. Following his resignation, he made the following statement:
"Congress [in implementing the Sixteenth Amendment] went beyond merely enacting an income tax law and repealed Article IV of the Bill of Rights, by empowering the tax collector to do the very things from which that article says we were to be secure. It opened up our homes, our papers and our effects to the prying eyes of government agents and set the stage for searches of our books and vaults and for inquiries into our private affairs whenever the tax men might decide, even though there might not be any justification beyond mere cynical suspicion."

"The income tax is bad because it has robbed you and me of the guarantee of privacy and the respect for our property that were given to us in Article IV of the Bill of Rights. This invasion is absolute and complete as far as the amount of tax that can be assessed is concerned. Please remember that under the Sixteenth Amendment, Congress can take 100% of our income anytime it wants to. As a matter of fact, right now it is imposing a tax as high as 91%. This is downright confiscation and cannot be defended on any other grounds."

"The income tax is bad because it was conceived in class hatred, is an instrument of vengeance and plays right into the hands of the communists. It employs the vicious communist principle of taking from each according to his accumulation of the fruits of his labor and giving to others according to their needs, regardless of whether those needs are the result of indolence or lack of pride, self-respect, personal dignity or other attributes of men."

"The income tax is fulfilling the Marxist prophecy that the surest way to destroy a capitalist society is by steeply graduated taxes on income and heavy levies upon the estates of people when they die."

Mmmm... The Communist Manifesto springs to my mind (plank 2). Just as as a question, are we not a Republic with inalienable rights to all?

Also consider this if Congress could tax your right to labor commonly as an indirect tax, could they also not tax your right to breath, or walk, or age, or see, or taste, or eat and drink, or relieve yourself, or cleanse yourself, or speak, or experience emotions, or practice religion, or enter into contracts, or pre-tax you in preparation for your passing (death), etc., etc. and at any percentage they so choose for each individual activity?
Last edited by Weston White on Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Another LostHead on the road to ruin

Post by Duke2Earl »

So what? Tony the Tiger said "Greeeeaaaaaat!" Why in heaven's name do you think whatever he said means absolutely anything?

And yes, Congress has the power to tax just about anything they want. And we have the power to elect a new Congress.
My choice early in life was to either be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politican. And to tell the truth there's hardly any difference.

Harry S Truman
Weston White

Re: Another LostHead on the road to ruin

Post by Weston White »

Your are missing the point, it is the substance of what was stated that is of importance, who said it is really inconsequential. However, I do believe an actual living being that worked in the field trumps a carton character that really serves no purpose other than to make both children and Quatloosians stupider.
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Re: Another LostHead on the road to ruin

Post by Duke2Earl »

And no I didn't miss the point. Lots of people say lots of things. You can find a quote that says just about anything you want. So what? It doesn't make it true. One of the list of your cognitive problems is that you seem to think that quotes mean something ... be it quotes from dead philosophers, quotes from dead politicians, quotes from god only knows where. Get this once and for all ... quotes are not law. They are only that person's opinion and that opinion is worth exactly what you paid for it.
My choice early in life was to either be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politican. And to tell the truth there's hardly any difference.

Harry S Truman
Weston White

Re: Another LostHead on the road to ruin

Post by Weston White »

Famspear wrote:I'll expand and repeat my questions to Weston White:

1A. Weston, have you actually used the Cracking the Code method on a tax return?
No, never. I truly want to though, it is just that I am just way too scared and intimidated by the awesome power of the IRS and their pet the DOJ.... oh and of course the corrupted court system just adds to the fear factor I experience every waking day.
1B. If so, for which year or years?
I have filed using CtC for both me and my spouse for the following years (and it was a lot of work, let me tell you!): 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and I have already pre-filed in anticipation for 2009. We now have a combined total penalty assessment of $110,000.00, not including penalty interest, which is running at about $726.00 for each passing month that we refuse to pay.

Normally, I would be really worried but being that I have yet to have filed CtC for my state, which my wife is very thankful for, I figure things could be so much more worse than they already are, (my wife thinks I am crazy and out of my mind and keeps joking around about divorcing me and having me checked into a mental facility, funny thing is my entire family has been calling me a lot lately to check up on me, I can't figure out why? Seems sort of strange to me, you know?). I know I did it right though, because I figure why file for state when the federal aspect has yet to have been corrected? I mean that is just silly, right? So at least I have that going for me.

And you know it is just so true what Hendrickson teaches, one can really only experience the glamorous feeling of victory when they have received fine after fine after fine. After awhile the fines and penalties, they really only serve to substantiate and verify the underlying truth. Which is that we are right and the IRS is entirely wrong, though they cannot admit to defeat so they just keep perpetuating the lie that we have worked and exerted to expose in the filing of our amended returns! I now have many victories I can claim and I am proud! My wife jokes that she is not proud and has come to hate and despise me, though I know in her heart she to realizes the victories Hendrickson has taught us both.
2. Do you think the IRS will at some point assert any section 6702 penalty against you?
Since last speaking with you about this, we have received Final Notices of Intent to Levy for the following years 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008... our notice for 2009 is still pending. Though I really don't know how the IRS expects us to actually pay anything. Being that we live in a shabby little $600. a month run down 2 bedroom boxed-house we rent that was built in the 1940's, in a crummy part of town. We only have one vehicle, so my wife has to take the bus to work and back to her minimum wage job and I drive a 1994 Nissan Sentra POS that is actually a salvaged vehicle, I just finished paying it off about 2-years ago, it now worth about $500., if that (oh joy!). We have nothing else of value that we ourselves own. We can barely keep a couple hundred Dollars in the bank each month. No savings, no retirement, no IRA's, no vacations; we really have nothing of our own, and why? Because the IRS takes all of our money from us in taxes already... and what they want another $110-grand? I say good luck, ROFL.
3. If so, what will be your basic approach or theory in trying to fight the penalty (what specific argument or arguments will you make)?
If it comes to that I plan on OD’ing on Paxil and filing a massive lawsuit against Rouche or Merck and in the meantime I will just plead mental insanity… either that or I will use the clamshell defense by joining a militia back East and hiding in the mountains bunkered down, they will never find me that way. So I will just live out the rest of my life working in the mines of the back county and staying dedicated to the militia cause (I already have a couple of fake ID’s and SSN’ numbers and I even have a fake visa if really needed). I also have already made contact with a few militiamen who are interested in recruiting me to serve the Southern cause, though I am a bit worried they are a tad too extreme, because they make frequent jokes about taking out government officials and training me in making and carrying explosive devices, also they seem to really admire Mcveigh. Though they could just be testing me as part of their process to see how far I am willing to go to serve their cause. Who knows though we will have to see how it plays out. I know I have God on my side!

-- Praise be to Allah
Last edited by Weston White on Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Weston White

Re: Another LostHead on the road to ruin

Post by Weston White »

Duke2Earl wrote:And no I didn't miss the point. Lots of people say lots of things. You can find a quote that says just about anything you want. So what? It doesn't make it true. One of the list of your cognitive problems is that you seem to think that quotes mean something ... be it quotes from dead philosophers, quotes from dead politicians, quotes from god only knows where. Get this once and for all ... quotes are not law. They are only that person's opinion and that opinion is worth exactly what you paid for it.
Who is talking about "the law"? I am not. So you do miss the point, this is not about the law, this is about what he said being poignant and on point. What he said is true, it can happen, and it has happened. Are you saying he is lying in what he stated? I didn't think so.
Doktor Avalanche
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Re: Another LostHead on the road to ruin

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Weston White wrote:If it comes to that I plan on OD’ing on Paxil and filing a massive lawsuit against Rouche or Merck and in the meantime I will just plead mental insanity…
And I'll be making sure the judge and the opposing attorney(s) see this statement.
The laissez-faire argument relies on the same tacit appeal to perfection as does communism. - George Soros
Weston White

Re: Another LostHead on the road to ruin

Post by Weston White »

Doktor Avalanche wrote:
Weston White wrote:If it comes to that I plan on OD’ing on Paxil and filing a massive lawsuit against Rouche or Merck and in the meantime I will just plead mental insanity…
And I'll be making sure the judge and the opposing attorney(s) see this statement.
Dang I knew that was a trick question! Darn it. You got me again! :roll:
Knight Templar of the Sacred Tax
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Re: Another LostHead on the road to ruin

Post by Famspear »

Weston White wrote:
Famspear wrote:I'll expand and repeat my questions to Weston White:

1A. Weston, have you actually used the Cracking the Code method on a tax return?
No, never. I truly want to though, it is just that I am just way too scared and intimidated by the awesome power of the IRS and their pet the DOJ.... oh and of course the corrupted court system just adds to the fear factor I experience every waking day.
1B. If so, for which year or years?
I have filed using CtC for both me and my spouse for the following years (and it was a lot of work, let me tell you!): 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and I have already pre-filed in anticipation for 2009. We now have a combined total penalty assessment of $110,000.00, not including penalty interest, which is running at about $726.00 for each passing month that we refuse to pay.

Normally, I would be really worried but being that I have yet to have filed CtC for my state, which my wife is very thankful for, I figure things could be so much more worse than they already are, (my wife thinks I am crazy and out of my mind and keeps joking around about divorcing me and having me checked into a mental facility, funny thing is my entire family has been calling me a lot lately to check up on me, I can't figure out why? Seems sort of strange to me, you know?). I know I did it right though, because I figure why file for state when the federal aspect has yet to have been corrected? I mean that is just silly, right? So at least I have that going for me.

And you know it is just so true what Hendrickson teaches, one can really only experience the glamorous feeling of victory when they have received fine after fine after fine. After awhile the fines and penalties, they really only serve to substantiate and verify the underlying truth. Which is that we are right and the IRS is entirely wrong, though they cannot admit to defeat so they just keep perpetuating the lie that we have worked and exerted to expose in the filing of our amended returns! I now have many victories I can claim and I am proud! My wife jokes that she is not proud and has come to hate and despise me, though I know in her heart she to realizes the victories Hendrickson has taught us both.
2. Do you think the IRS will at some point assert any section 6702 penalty against you?
Since last speaking with you about this, we have received Final Notices of Intent to Levy for the following years 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008... our notice for 2009 is still pending. Though I really don't know how the IRS expects us to actually pay anything. Being that we live in a shabby little $600. a month run down 2 bedroom boxed-house we rent that was built in the 1940's, in a crummy part of town. We only have one vehicle, so my wife has to take the bus to work and back to her minimum wage job and I drive a 1994 Nissan Sentra POS that is actually a salvaged vehicle, I just finished paying it off about 2-years ago, it now worth about $500., if that (oh joy!). We have nothing else of value that we ourselves own. We can barely keep a couple hundred Dollars in the bank each month. No savings, no retirement, no IRA's, no vacations; we really have nothing of our own, and why? Because the IRS takes all of our money from us in taxes already... and what they want another $110-grand? I say good luck, ROFL.
3. If so, what will be your basic approach or theory in trying to fight the penalty (what specific argument or arguments will you make)?
If it comes to that I plan on OD’ing on Paxil and filing a massive lawsuit against Rouche or Merck and in the meantime I will just plead mental insanity… either that or I will use the clamshell defense by joining a militia back East and hiding in the mountains bunkered down, they will never find me that way. So I will just live out the rest of my life working in the mines of the back county and staying dedicated to the militia cause (I already have a couple of fake ID’s and SSN’ numbers and I even have a fake visa if really needed). I also have already made contact with a few militiamen who are interested in recruiting me to serve the Southern cause, though I am a bit worried they are a tad too extreme, because they make frequent jokes about taking out government officials and training me in making and carrying explosive devices, also they seem to really admire Mcveigh. Though they could just be testing me as part of their process to see how far I am willing to go to serve their cause. Who knows though we will have to see how it plays out. I know I have God on my side!

-- Praise be to Allah
Weston, what specifically do your parents think?
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet
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Re: Another LostHead on the road to ruin

Post by Duke2Earl »

Weston White wrote:Who is talking about "the law"? I am not. So you do miss the point, this is not about the law, this is about what he said being poignant and on point. What he said is true, it can happen, and it has happened. Are you saying he is lying in what he stated? I didn't think so.
I have no idea if he was lying but there is no doubt that he was wrong. And you don't think at all.
My choice early in life was to either be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politican. And to tell the truth there's hardly any difference.

Harry S Truman
Weston White

Re: Another LostHead on the road to ruin

Post by Weston White »

Duke2Earl wrote:
Weston White wrote:Who is talking about "the law"? I am not. So you do miss the point, this is not about the law, this is about what he said being poignant and on point. What he said is true, it can happen, and it has happened. Are you saying he is lying in what he stated? I didn't think so.
I have no idea if he was lying but there is no doubt that he was wrong. And you don't think at all.
Great what is he lying about or what is he wrong as per your own statement?
Eighth Operator of the Delusional Mooloo
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Re: Another LostHead on the road to ruin

Post by Duke2Earl »

Weston White wrote:
Duke2Earl wrote:
Weston White wrote:Who is talking about "the law"? I am not. So you do miss the point, this is not about the law, this is about what he said being poignant and on point. What he said is true, it can happen, and it has happened. Are you saying he is lying in what he stated? I didn't think so.
I have no idea if he was lying but there is no doubt that he was wrong. And you don't think at all.
Great what is he lying about or what is he wrong as per your own statement?
In order for him to be lying he would have had to know that what he was saying was specifically deceptive. But he is wrong about the invasion of privacy. He is wrong about the class warfare and he is wrong about the communists hiding under his bed. So that leaves just about nothing of his statement if he ever made it.
My choice early in life was to either be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politican. And to tell the truth there's hardly any difference.

Harry S Truman
Weston White

Re: Another LostHead on the road to ruin

Post by Weston White »

Weston, what specifically do your parents think?
They told me that I better get my narcissism in check or else they are removing me from their wills. They both agreed, as do I that they will be damned if they are going to permit their lives work be confiscated by the government because of their sons childish antics!

SO I told them maybe they should consider donating it all to a good cause then, or other relatives, because at least I am standing up for my principles and that I will not be wavered by mere possessions!
Weston White

Re: Another LostHead on the road to ruin

Post by Weston White »

In order for him to be lying he would have had to know that what he was saying was specifically deceptive. But he is wrong about the invasion of privacy. He is wrong about the class warfare and he is wrong about the communists hiding under his bed. So that leaves just about nothing of his statement if he ever made it.
Ahah! Just as I had suspected, you got nothing.