A flurry of acitivity in the Brown follower trials

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Post by Demosthenes »

Poor Stevie. He'll never get it because the Koolaid won't let him.

Post by SteveSy »

Dr. Caligari wrote:
SteveSy wrote:Yes, Ed had guns and home made pipe bombs. Was Ed and his supporters on a mission to kill federal agents....give me a break. He just didn't want to get arrested and pretended he was some big bad dude so they wouldn't come get him.
If Ed had said to the Marshalls, "don't try to arrest me, I have pipe bombs," but hadn't really built any bombs, I might agree with you. But why did he go to the trouble, expense, and risk (to himself, his followers, and his neighbors) of building bombs if he wasn't at least considering using them?
I think he did consider using them but I think the facts speak for themselves, he never did even when he had the opportunity. I don't think he had the balls to follow through. It sorta like the pissed off wife during the divorce that really considers killing her husband but never follows through. I'm sure he considered a lot of things faced with the fact he lost everything he owns, owe for the rest of his life and be stuck in prison to boot just for not paying a tax debt that he doesn't believe he owes to begin with. He should be punished for having them, pretending like its only by the mere ingenuity of federal agents is the reason none of them were killed or hurt is a bit silly. If Ed was truly on a mission to kill federal agents some would have been shot or at least shot at with the attempt to kill. Shooting blindly in the woods without a target doesn't count.
Last edited by SteveSy on Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Demosthenes »

The feds never gave him the opportunity, Stevie.

You probably think that it isn't an armed bank robbery if the thugs only aims the guns at the tellers but don't actually shoot.

Post by SteveSy »

Demosthenes wrote:The feds never gave him the opportunity, Stevie.

You probably think that it isn't an armed bank robbery if the thugs only aims the guns at the tellers but don't actually shoot.
He may not have had the opportunity right at the point of arrest but he did prior.

Demo, he could have snuck out or one of his followers passing by the agents could have at anytime shot at federal agents. His mission wasn't to kill agents. His mission was to say "leave me the hell alone or I'll..." and at the same time be an icon to the TP movement. "I'm big and bad and am willing to stand up for my rights!"
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Post by Demosthenes »

His mission was to put a bullet in his wife's brain, light his house on fire, and disappear into his bunker when the feds finally came in to arrest him.

Lovely guy, your hero Ed.
Last edited by Demosthenes on Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cobalt Shiva
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Post by Cobalt Shiva »

SteveSy wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:The feds never gave him the opportunity, Stevie.

You probably think that it isn't an armed bank robbery if the thugs only aims the guns at the tellers but don't actually shoot.
He may not have had the opportunity right at the point of arrest but he did prior.

Demo, he could have snuck out or one of his followers passing by the agents could have at anytime shot at federal agents. His mission wasn't to kill agents.
By his own statements, it was. His actions (namely, shooting blindly at the woods) demonstrated a willingness to wound or kill anyone who had the misfortune of being downrange.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Not to mention those booby traps, zip guns, and tripwire bombs.
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Post by Famspear »

SteveSy wrote:
I personally think the government is totally wrong to begin with. The Brown's owed some taxes big f-ing deal. No need to throw them in prison, take everything they had plus insure they won't have anything in future due to penalties and interest. What the government took and will take far surpasses the original tax debt. IMO it's really no different than any other fascist regime in action. It's just a debt and nothing more. They probably would have gotten less time and lost less property and money if they molested children. Pretty sad if you ask me.
(bolding added).


So, Steve, in your opinion, should all criminal tax laws be repealed by Congress? There should be no laws that put people in prison for cheating on taxes? That's your argument? If so, why? What's bad about putting people in prison for cheating on taxes?

When you say "the government is totally wrong" -- are you limiting that to the Brown case, or are you saying that you believe that the law on payment of taxes should be changed to be a strictly non-criminal matter?

What does all this have to do with a "fascist" regime? Do you know of any country in the world where there are no crimiinal penalties in connection with the failure to live up to tax return filing and tax payment obligations?

What do criminal penalties for tax violations have to do with "fascism"? "Fascism" is a technical term in politics. Do you really think that the United States has a "fascist" system of government? Do you really put the United States in the same category with Italy and Germany (German National Socialism being considered a form of fascism) during World War II?
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Post by Dezcad »

SteveSy wrote:
Dr. Caligari wrote:
SteveSy wrote:Yes, Ed had guns and home made pipe bombs. Was Ed and his supporters on a mission to kill federal agents....give me a break. He just didn't want to get arrested and pretended he was some big bad dude so they wouldn't come get him.
If Ed had said to the Marshalls, "don't try to arrest me, I have pipe bombs," but hadn't really built any bombs, I might agree with you. But why did he go to the trouble, expense, and risk (to himself, his followers, and his neighbors) of building bombs if he wasn't at least considering using them?
I think he did consider using them but I think the facts speak for themselves, he never did even when he had the opportunity. I don't think he had the balls to follow through. It sorta like the pissed off wife during the divorce that really considers killing her husband but never follows through.
And if the "pissed off wife" planted booby traps around the house, built pipe bombs that were specifically designed to kill the husband if he came near the house, bragged about killing the husband if he came near the house, recruited people to come to her aid and kill the husband if he came near the house, those supporters built pipe bombs, bought 50 caliber guns with the specific purpose to kill the husband... but didn't actually kill him....that's would be OK to you Steve?

Agent Observer got it spot on - you've perfected it.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Bye thread.