Randy's back...

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Randy's back...

Post by Demosthenes »

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Message from Ed and Elaine to their Neighbors
Current mood: cheerful
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

On Sunday a letter was found posted to a tree at the end of the Browns drive way. The letter express concerns from a few neighbors that the people going in and out of the browns property were of concern to them and made them fearful of there childrens safety. Today Randy Weaver and I delivered the Browns responce to all the Neighbors in the area.

To our concerned neighbors,

We have read your letter and appreciate the way it was written, as we know you would have liked to express yourselves in a very different way.

We are aware of your concerns, and you are right to fear for your children's safety, although not for the reasons you stated. We also are concerned for our children, all our children; that is what we are fighting for. If you have not followed our case through the true media, you will not know that we are not doing this because we do not want to pay taxes.

Our stand is against the corruption and criminal activity in our administration. There are millions like us across this country, who know that we must return our country to the republic it was intended to be, or live in slavery. These are the choices our children face, it is their future we are all fighting for.

Think about the REAL ID, the North American Union, the decline of the dollar and the replacement of it with the Amero, the TransAtlantic Union, the fact that even now all new hires must be approved by Homeland Security, the corruption in our courts.

We have chosen the IRS as our means to fight this battle because it effects all of us; because so many people have been persecuted, their lives ruined, their businesses destroyed, their homes confiscated, their families lost, even their lives lost, in the name of a law that does not exist. Remember, since 1994, we have been asking the IRS to show us the law. Show us the law and we will pay. Even at our trial, we said, show us the law and we will pay. No one has shown us or anyone else such a law.

We all have been lied to, tricked, defrauded into believing something that does not exist. "I pay my taxes, why shouldn't they pay theirs?" We hear this often from those who have not studied the law and do not know they don't have to pay these taxes,that the right to labor and the fruits of that labor come from our Creator, and cannot be taxed.

We are thankful for the thousands of friends and supporters who have stood with us, people like ourselves from all over the country, who want nothing more than to be able to live in freedom and peace, to go about our lives without interference and tyranny from our public servants. This stand, this fight is not about just taxes; it is about our children's future. All that is necessary for evil to abound is for good people to do nothing.

We know you are all good people, but lack of knowledge leads to fear, which leads to inaction. We only ask that everyone learn and get together to fight for our liberties, to remove the criminals from our administration. The law-breakers and the ignorant serve at all levels of our government, from local to federal. Just last week, our own selectboard, stated that they would not protect us, even after being shown the law that shows how the feds have violated RSA 123:1 by not registering in the state, and thereby having no authorization to conduct any business in New Hampshire. Sheriff Prozzo has violated the law also by refusing to do his duty to keep the feds out of Sullivan County as he is supposed to do. Chief Gillins has said he will take his orders from the state. He is supposed to take orders from us, here in Plainfield.

Friends, it is up to us, as we are the government, to hold our employees to task, to insist on accountability, and to see to it that they uphold the laws of our land or remove them. Thomas Jefferson said, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. We have not been vigilant, and have thus allowed the deterioration of our wonderful country to its present condition. We have lost too many of our freedoms, allowed our God-given rights to be taken from us, many in the name of security. As such, we have neither.

Your children are safe from us; their only danger is from a government out of control. We know many of you think of us as kooks, conspiracy theorists, anti-government, etc., and wish we had never moved to Plainfield. Others around the country feel the opposite; people have come from as far away as California and Washington, Florida and Texas, just to shake our hands. Even Ron Paul has acknowledged us as true patriots. Ask yourselves why would we put everything, including our lives, on the line for this. Why would anyone place themselves in our position? certainly not to avoid paying some 'lawful' tax. We do it because we love our country, as do millions of others, and have taken a stand hoping to give courage to others to fight injustice. When people in a locality stand together for justice, there is no need for others from distant places to come to their aid.

All of you are always welcome in our home; we invite you all to come, whether individually or all together, for coffee and a chat. You see how many come; it is heartening to see some of our neighbors starting to respond now, also. The scriptures say that most resistance will be seen in our own families/neighbors. Hopefully you will start to question what you have heard and seen in the media, and will come by for enlightenment.. You might be surprised to find that we are not evil or crazy people, but are only doing what Americans are supposed to do, are demanded to do in the Declaration of Independence.

We pray daily to Yahweh for enlightenment of the people, that they may see the truth and act on it. May He be with you always.

Your neighbors
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Post by The Observer »

Translation: We could care less about the safety of your kids - not paying our taxes is a higher priority.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
Joey Smith
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Post by Joey Smith »

My recollection is that Ron Paul was within a couple of miles of the Brown residence but refused to visit.

Not that Ron Paul has even the proverbial snowball's chance in hell of getting nominated, and is only engaged in this charade to fatten his bank account with contributions before he retires.

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Re: Randy's back...

Post by LPC »

If you have not followed our case through the true media, you will not know that we are not doing this because we do not want to pay taxes.
And that's when I gagged.

That they could write this with a straight face, or even think for one moment that anyone would believe it, is clear evidence of an irreversible kool-aid addiction.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Re: Randy's back...

Post by Weathervane »

Thomas Jefferson said, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
Gimme a frikin' break. If TJ were alive today, he'd have them all horsewhipped.

Why don't these kooks ever use a few quotes from the FF's about how they had to ruthlessly put down the Whiskey Rebellion?

Post by Disilloosianed »

If I was a neighbor, I wouldn't feel safer having Randy Weaver deliver any letter to my house, no matter what it said.
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Post by Randall »

the decline of the dollar and the replacement of it with the Amero

Post by Weathervane »

Randall wrote:
the decline of the dollar and the replacement of it with the Amero
You mean you haven't heard?

Its a merger of the dollar with the peso. Of course, the Canucks are on their own.

One Amero is going to be worth about 1/5000th of a cent, and have a picture of W wearing a sombrero.

Post by silversopp »

Joey Smith wrote: Not that Ron Paul has even the proverbial snowball's chance in hell of getting nominated, and is only engaged in this charade to fatten his bank account with contributions before he retires.
I'm guessing Ron Paul knows enough about campaign finance to know that he can't fatten personal his bank account with campaign contributions.
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Post by Quixote »

Joey Smith wrote:My recollection is that Ron Paul was within a couple of miles of the Brown residence but refused to visit.

Not that Ron Paul has even the proverbial snowball's chance in hell of getting nominated, and is only engaged in this charade to fatten his bank account with contributions before he retires.

I've always gotten the impression that Ron Paul's a kook, but a sincere kook.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
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Post by LPC »

Quixote wrote:I've always gotten the impression that Ron Paul's a kook, but a sincere kook.
I completely disagree with almost everything Ron Paul says, but in the interviews of him that I've seen, he comes across as thoughtful, polite, compassionate, and very likable.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.