New and Improved! Larken Rose 861 report

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New and Improved! Larken Rose 861 report

Post by Demosthenes »

Dear Subscriber,

One thing about the "tax honesty movement" which I find discouraging is how many people seem to be looking for some magic trick so that they can escape the IRS' evil clutches, without bothering to first seek the TRUTH. Such people judge the value of an idea, not by whether it makes sense or matches the evidence, but by whether it "works"--i.e., whether it can quickly and easily get THEM out of having to give the IRS money.

Mind you, trying to avoid being robbed is a fine goal, but in their quest for freedom, some people don't really seem to care what the truth is. They will flit from one theory to another, failing to thoroughly check out any of them, in the hopes of finding those magic words which will make the IRS disappear from their lives. Such people have often chided me for sharing my legal conclusions WITHOUT also giving people advice on what to DO about it, or offering some "solution." I find that viewpoint rather odd. Suppose you were shopping, and some guy came running into the store, and said to you, "Hey, buddy, I think someone is stealing your car!" How would you respond?:

1) "Woaw, thanks for telling me. I'll go see what I can do about it."
2) "Well, what do you expect me to do about it? What would you suggest? How can I do something about it without getting in trouble? What's your solution?"

Who on earth would respond in the latter manner? No one. Yet when a lot of us try to tell people, "You're being robbed!" (via the misrepresentation and misapplication of the federal income tax), a lot of people in the "movement" respond along the lines of, "Well, how are YOU going to save me from that?" I'm not, and anyone who pretends they can guarantee you protection from the IRS should be avoided at all costs. In the long run, the best chance--probably the only chance--for anyone to really be free from fear of the IRS is by the truth being widely known. But for that to happen, some of us have to actually know and UNDERSTAND the truth, and then spread it to others.

But taking the time to understand the truth, without even being sure if you'll be in a position to DO anything about it, is something most people don't bother with. In the long run, however, the fraud will be ended, not by those who seek a quick and easy "fix" to their own problem, but by those who, first and foremost, seek the TRUTH--the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Then, when they thoroughly understand the fraud, they will pass it on to others (as has already been happening on a huge scale).

So, without further ado, I'm happy to announce the release of the much-improved new version of my "Taxable Income" report. And guess how much it costs? Despite the fact that the feds mischaracterize everything I do as a "tax fraud scheme," it's the same price it has always been: FREE. To download it in PDF format, first go to the web site. Then skip down PAST the part about the video, and just near the bottom, right above the picture of my "Tyrant" book, you'll see a link to click to get it. (If you want to buy the video, be my guest, but you do NOT have to pay a dime to get all of the information.)

Please don't assume that the report is worthless just because it's free. (Some have suggested I should sell it, just so people would perceive it as being of value, but I still refuse to do that.) I think even those already familiar with the issue could get something from reading it. More importantly, it would be good for a lot of you to make someone else you know read it. Then see if they can say, with a straight face, that the issue is "frivolous," "without merit," "nonsensical," or any of the other insults the power-control freaks like to throw at it.

"The powers that be" put me in a cage for a year for sharing my findings. (The actual "willful failure to file" charge was a pretty darn transparent excuse, as those of you familiar with my case
know.) But I intend to keep telling the truth, and I will keep hoping people will pay attention. Most won't. Some will. But nobody will pay attention until someone--someone like you--puts the evidence in front of them first. So there it is.


Larken Rose
Joey Smith
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Post by Joey Smith »

Please don't assume that the report is worthless just because it's free.
Translation: I hope that you use this report to convince yourself to buy my CD for $14.95.
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Post by jg »

Suppose you were shopping, and some guy came running into the store, and said to you, "Hey, buddy, I think someone is stealing your car!" How would you respond?:

1) "Woaw, thanks for telling me. I'll go see what I can do about it."
2) "Well, what do you expect me to do about it? What would you suggest? How can I do something about it without getting in trouble? What's your solution?"

Who on earth would respond in the latter manner? No one
Rose sees himself as the guy with the warning.

What kind of a maroon goes in the store to tell the person the car is being stolen? Most of us would ask the maroon why he did not already alert the authorities!
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Post by . »

MulletBoy is trolling for an injunction and/or a probation violation. Anything to get back into the spotlight, instead of being a discredited and discarded TP loser.

Perhaps he's feeling suicidal. When you're a perpetual attention-whore, what further depths could you sink to than being rejected by a bunch of moronic TPs?
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Post by Demosthenes »

Larken has to be the center of attention and he's had almost no attention whatsoever since he lost his case. Watching morons like Ed Brown and Hendrickson steal all of his limelight must be killing him.
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Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:Larken has to be the center of attention and he's had almost no attention whatsoever since he lost his case. Watching morons like Ed Brown and Hendrickson steal all of his limelight must be killing him.
Ahh. So that "concisely-written" 63 pages is the product of attention deficit disorder.

That makes a certain amount of sense.
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Post by LPC »

The most outrageously false claim on Rose's website is his description of his "Taxable Income" report as "concisely written."
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Re: New and Improved! Larken Rose 861 report

Post by Weathervane »

But nobody will pay attention
'nuf said.