Ed adds names to his revenge killing list

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Ed adds names to his revenge killing list

Post by Demosthenes »

Brown: War is coming
Union Leader Correspondent
7 hours, 10 minutes ago

PLAINFIELD – Ed Brown is at war.

The battleground, for now, is his castle-like home in otherwise peaceful Plainfield. But Brown sees this war spreading, becoming an uprising against a corrupt federal government, and eventually, a revolution.

"It has never, ever been resolved without war!" an infuriated Brown shouted during an interview on his porch Wednesday.

If federal agents storm Brown's property, he and his supporters will come out shooting. Brown said yesterday that if those agents kill him or his wife, Elaine, his supporters will systematically find and kill Plainfield Police Chief Gordon Gillens, Sullivan County Sheriff Michael Prozzo and others Brown says are sworn to protect him.

"Why do you think we know where they live?" he said.

Brown predicts the people's war against corruption will begin within the next 18 months.

He has spent the last 15 years doing research, trying to identify the culprits of that corruption. "I'm still conducting my investigation," he said.

He points his finger at Freemasons, Zionist Jews and what he says is a secret society known as the Illuminati. Brown said his extensive research shows these groups are all working together in a global conspiracy.

"We're not conspiracy theorists," Brown said, settling into a chair on his unfinished concrete porch. "We deal with conspiracy facts. Freemasonry and Judaism -- that is the truth. That is the fact. That is where all the world's problems come from . . . I know for a fact that they're working together."

Pressed for proof of his claims, Brown said people should do their own homework and look up groups like the Freemasons on the Internet. Indeed, a great deal of speculation surrounds the secret fraternal organization, especially with regard to its origins, but so far, proof of an international conspiracy is lacking.

Ed and Elaine Brown stopped paying federal income taxes in 1996 and claim that no law requires average American workers to pay the tax.

Confronted with the Browns' claim, a high-ranking spokesman for the Internal Revenue Service pointed to two sections of Title 26 in the U.S. Code, neither of which make clear who is liable to pay income tax. The spokesman, Frank Keith, said Title 26 must be taken as a whole, not dissected, and that criminal convictions prove people are liable.

Ed and Elaine Brown were convicted of felony tax evasion in January, but they have remained in their home, pledging to defend themselves against federal authorities with deadly force.

On June 7, more than 100 heavily armed state and federal law enforcement officers swarmed the area around the Browns' home. While taking a morning walk, 39-year-old Danny Riley, a supporter who was staying there, discovered armed officers in the woods near the driveway. He claims he was shot at, struck with a Tazer, detained and questioned for hours before being released.

That's when the war started, Brown says.

"If they're willing to kill him, then they're willing to come in here and kill us," he said. "We're in a state of war now, and we're going to act accordingly." A few minutes later, Brown admitted he's "antsy." He hasn't left his home in more than seven months. "I'm not accustomed to sitting around," he said.

The house was quiet Wednesday evening, once he finished his war tirade. It appeared that only Ed, Elaine and Jim Hobbs, formerly of Phoenix, Ariz., were staying there.

Ed said some supporters have left and others were asked to leave after they broke "house rules," by having a "secret meeting" in the house. But more are on the way, he said.

"We'll be getting better help here. It's just a matter of time before they come." Brown still offers no prediction as to what might happen to end his standoff with federal authorities.

"The ball's in their court now," he said.

U.S. Marshal Steve Monier has repeatedly said he wants to avoid a violent clash on the Browns' property and said that his office continues to seek a peaceful solution to the situation.

"Time will tell, won't it?" Brown said.
Evil Squirrel Overlord
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Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

Looks like Ed has made a clear death threat against the sherriff. Not good if you want the people to rise up to help you.

Pressed for proof of his claims, Brown said people should do their own homework and look up groups like the Freemasons on the Internet. Indeed, a great deal of speculation surrounds the secret fraternal organization, especially with regard to its origins, but so far, proof of an international conspiracy is lacking.
Ahh one of the best arguing tactics on the internet:

"There is indisputable proof of _______!"
Can you show me this proof?
"Go look it up yourself!"

Ed said some supporters have left and others were asked to leave after they broke "house rules," by having a "secret meeting" in the house. But more are on the way, he said.
Help is on the way. Unless the Mason-Zion-Illuminati coalition have killed the unicorns of the Constitution Ranger Brigade.

Post by Weathervane »

I guess Ron Paul's attempts at becoming the Jesse Jackson for the armed tax-resistor movement have been falling on deaf ears at the Brown camp.

You've got a US Congressman going on national TV saying he supports the Browns "passive, non-violent civil disobedience", comparing these dirt-bags to saints like Ghandi and MLK, and the next day, the objects of his affection continue to spit even in his face.
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Post by Demosthenes »

"There is indisputable proof of _______!"
Can you show me this proof?
"Go look it up yourself!"
OK everybody, chant after me. "Show me the Illuminati Conspiracy! Show me the Illuminati Conspiracy!"

Re: Ed adds names to his revenge killing list

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

Demosthenes wrote: He points his finger at Freemasons, Zionist Jews and what he says is a secret society known as the Illuminati. Brown said his extensive research shows these groups are all working together in a global conspiracy.

"We're not conspiracy theorists," Brown said, settling into a chair on his unfinished concrete porch. "We deal with conspiracy facts. Freemasonry and Judaism -- that is the truth. That is the fact. That is where all the world's problems come from . . . I know for a fact that they're working together."
Must have been a slow news day if the Union Leader decided to send someone up to talk to Ed.

Imagine the conversation in the editor's office:

Editor: Not much going on today in New Hampshire. What are we going to put in the local section? I know, lets interview Ed Brown again.

Kristen Senz: What? Why?

Editor: Ed is always good for a story. Kristen, go up and interview him?

Kristen Senz: He's a G*d d*mn nut case with guns. Plus he thinks we are part of some Shriner conspiracy or something like that.

Editor: To bad. Go up and ask him how he is holding out. Plus call the Marshall's Office so they can repeat the same line about letting Ed and Elaine live in peace till the end of time. Finally, see if you can get Ed to talk about the Freemasons and Jews again. We need to keep the public distracted from the Zoroastrian Illuminati.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Sent out by Jim Hobbs.
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
Date: Aug 9, 2007 5:00 PM

Ed and Elaine Brown should be exonerated of any wrong doing.

The Judge in the Browns' Case should be arrested for Treason. He did, "War against the Constitution": And, "Any Judge that is not fully compliant Constitutionally orders are void, without jurisdiction, and are acts of treason." 124. U.S. 200 (1888)
The present siege of the Browns home by the US Marshal and others should stop immediately. U.S.C. Title, 18, Sec. 241... and 124. U.S. 200; et al... It behooves the US Marshal's Office to demand the Attorney General produce the Law.

The Sheriff should be recalled for negligence of (jurisdictional) duty in authorizing Federal Law Enforcement activity against the Browns. It behooves the Sheriff to secure a copy of the Law and the Charges of Violation before allowing Federal Agents to conduct law enforcement within the Sheriff's jurisdiction - That's why your Sheriff is elected - Your Sheriff represents you; and is bound by Oath to uphold the Constitution to prevent the very type of illegal and unConstitutional conduct perpetrated against the Browns. The Browns are not the criminals.

Any and all Warrants against the Browns should be rescinded. The Browns are NOT tax evaders. They are willing and able to pay tax for which there is an applicable law.

The Browns request, and six years of many legal filings by IRS Agents, Attorneys, and Citizen Organizations to, "SHOW ME THE LAW", have gone entirely unanswered - that's because THERE IS NO INCOME TAX LAW (on wages).

Not adhering to the Rule of Law - not an aside.

Whenever someone can be arrested and sentenced for transgressing a non-existent "law", there is no Rule of Law.

The truth of the matter is that there is a lot of High Treason going on in a lot of high places.

If you think that's conspiracy theory - get on Google and prove me wrong. There's no theory to it - the evidence portrays a conspiracy that spells coupe de' tat. Get a grip on reality - read - video - know.

There are many websites with a lot of solid evidence: Google: 911, War on Terrorism, War in Irag...

The Constitution and the long standing will of 70-85% of US Citizens on a number of subjects is being ignored by Congress. (FYI, "Only Congress can Declare War", and they haven't done that one single time since WW2.)
The Constitution (Bill of Rights included), The Declaration of Independence, and the Federalist Papers of our Founding Fathers are all very clear in Mandating that Citizens over-throw those in Government (and replace them with people who do/will represent We the People, and do/will uphold the Constitution).

The Rule of Law pertains to US

The Rule of Law should not be sacrificed because of the egregious Infringements of our Rights or severity of Crimes.

Short of a False Flag "terrorist" event (like the 911 inside job) and declaration of Martial Law making the President a virtual Dictator; there is no call for violence as a solution to problems. That's a two-way street - Citizens and Government.

The 1st Amendment is infringed by Hate Crime Laws and Free Speech curtailment to "Free Speech Zones" - both are blatant infringements.
The 2nd Amendment specifically says, "shall not be infringed", and is the Constitutional Right and Mandated Duty of Citizens to resist and replace (at the point of arms if need be) any Elected Official or Judge that refuses to represent them according to the Constitution (The Primary Law of the Land).

Tax code to illegal wars - the list is long). Think "Arrest" - Think "Rule of Law".

No Society has ever survived when there is no confidence in the Justice System - The Rule of Law - that's a fact!

There is the opportunity to peacefully resolve the tenuous situation of the Browns; and Constitutional tax code problems.

A lot of people have been intimidated, some harassed, and some extorted by the IRS. These wrongs of the past should be discontinued immediately. The proper trial and verdict in the Cryer Case is reason enough for exonerating the Browns.

Google; Income Tax, Ed and Elaine Brown, Tom Cryer, Quixote's Horse (George Hansen rep/R-Idaho). There are many honest and accurate websites by Citizen Tax Organizations about the Federal Reserve, Central Banks, 16th Amendment .
If you have not seen it, you owe it to yourself to watch a documentary by Aaron Russo, America - Freedom to Fascism.
Also, see Ron Paul (R-Presidential candidate).
Evil Squirrel Overlord
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Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

Demosthenes wrote:
"There is indisputable proof of _______!"
Can you show me this proof?
"Go look it up yourself!"
OK everybody, chant after me. "Show me the Illuminati Conspiracy! Show me the Illuminati Conspiracy!"
Because it is slow at work, I looked it up to refresh my memory about such ideas. Suddenly they made sense and my paper money turned to gold but that was bad because the coffee machine only accepts notes with the illuminati seal on the back.

I'd better start thinking about normal things. I have a Neurology exam in a few hours and if I am ranting about the Buildbergs and such I WILL get another MRI of the brain. (Is it really a scan to detect the cause of my phantom pain, or to readjust the mind control device... or something sinister? Must fight Ed Brown...
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Post by The Operative »

Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:(Is it really a scan to detect the cause of my phantom pain, or to readjust the mind control device... or something sinister? Must fight Ed Brown...
They have remote controls for those mind control devices now. You must have the old Windows 98 model installed. Periodic crashes cause the phantom pain. :wink:
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Post by webhick »

Jim Hobbs wrote:Any and all Warrants against the Browns should be rescinded. The Browns are NOT tax evaders. They are willing and able to pay tax for which there is an applicable law.
Except property taxes. Oh, and please send money.
Jim Hobbs wrote:The 1st Amendment is infringed by Hate Crime Laws and Free Speech curtailment to "Free Speech Zones"
I guess they don't like it when they can't commit crimes against other people on the basis of their skin color. I will admit to being unnerved by the Free Speech Zones.
Jim Hobbs wrote:A lot of people have been intimidated, some harassed, and some extorted by the IRS.
I can't really argue with that. But it certainly doesn't apply to E&E.
Jim Hobbs wrote:The proper trial and verdict in the Cryer Case is reason enough for exonerating the Browns.
But Ed said that the only reason Cryer won is because he's one of the bad guys. So which is it? Did Cryer win because "there is no law" or because he was part of the conspiracy? We all know that a "not guilty" on "willful failure to file" has nothing to do with the tax law - and I thought Ed acknowledged that. Or not, I'm a little confused this morning.
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Post by Demosthenes »

The Operative wrote:
Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:(Is it really a scan to detect the cause of my phantom pain, or to readjust the mind control device... or something sinister? Must fight Ed Brown...
They have remote controls for those mind control devices now. You must have the old Windows 98 model installed. Periodic crashes cause the phantom pain. :wink:
Vista, the window to the brain...
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Re: Ed adds names to his revenge killing list

Post by The Observer »

Ed said some supporters have left and others were asked to leave after they broke "house rules," by having a "secret meeting" in the house.
See? Even more proof of the evil Masonic conspiracy! It's so insidious that even Constitution Rangers don't realize that they have been taken over and controlled by those fez-wearers.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff

Post by ElfNinosMom »

Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:I'd better start thinking about normal things. I have a Neurology exam in a few hours and if I am ranting about the Buildbergs and such I WILL get another MRI of the brain. (Is it really a scan to detect the cause of my phantom pain, or to readjust the mind control device... or something sinister? Must fight Ed Brown...
Did you try adjusting the "V" mask as a potential source of your pain, Overlord? :wink:

MRI, unbeknownst to the public, really stands for "money received as income". It doesn't really do anything at all, except freak people out with its claustrophobic features and loud noises, so they believe something medically important must have been done to them. :wink:

Seriously, I wish you only the best. Living with chronic pain, especially when no one knows why you are having pain (luckily not one of my many problems, so it's easier for me to get pain treatment), is no way to live at all. I feel for you, I sincerely do. I hope they find the source quickly, and are able to repair it with relative ease. I'll definitely keep you in my thoughts; please let us know how things went at the doc's!

By the way, did I ever tell you that - thanks to you - "Evil Squirrel Overlord" is now part of my everyday vocabulary? Of course, I have no life, but that doesn't make the title any less cool. 8)
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Post by wserra »

ElfNinosMom wrote:MRI, unbeknownst to the public, really stands for "money received as income".
Really? All along I thought it meant "Meal, Ready to Investigate" - another legacy of John Ashcroft.
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Post by Duke2Earl »

The real and ultimate problem here is that we are dealing with people that are actually insane. Insane people don't have to make sense... in fact, by definition that's how you tell they are insane.

Post by silversopp »

Duke2Earl wrote:The real and ultimate problem here is that we are dealing with people that are actually insane. Insane people don't have to make sense... in fact, by definition that's how you tell they are insane.
Oh Duke2Earl, insane is when you're MORE than sane. These people, the tax protesters, are not just sane, they're IN sane.
Evil Squirrel Overlord
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Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

ElfNinosMom wrote:
Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:blah, blah, blah,...incoherent ramblings...blah, blah, blah
Seriously, I wish you only the best. Living with chronic pain, especially when no one knows why you are having pain (luckily not one of my many problems, so it's easier for me to get pain treatment), is no way to live at all. I feel for you, I sincerely do. I hope they find the source quickly, and are able to repair it with relative ease. I'll definitely keep you in my thoughts; please let us know how things went at the doc's!
Oh no worries, it's normally low key and minimally annoying (and like my evil sisters with their paraniod plans of how I will steal their invesments and run off to Wisconsin) it only flairs up once every couple of years sending me for another round of probing and prodding by the "experts". Today everything went well. No brain chip repositioning, only a poke with a Liberty Needle Tool to get some Patriot Fluid from my Red Blooded American-Arteries.

Long Live the Constitution!
By the way, did I ever tell you that - thanks to you - "Evil Squirrel Overlord" is now part of my everyday vocabulary? Of course, I have no life, but that doesn't make the title any less cool. 8)
Excellent! My plan is working. Soon the Illuminati Grand Concil will take notice of my work....

End transmission.

Post by ElfNinosMom »

The house was quiet Wednesday evening, once he finished his war tirade. It appeared that only Ed, Elaine and Jim Hobbs, formerly of Phoenix, Ariz., were staying there.
Sounds like a good time for the Marshals to move in with the least danger of bloodshed.
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Re: Ed adds names to his revenge killing list

Post by LPC »

The house was quiet Wednesday evening, once he finished his war tirade. It appeared that only Ed, Elaine and Jim Hobbs, formerly of Phoenix, Ariz., were staying there.

Ed said some supporters have left and others were asked to leave after they broke "house rules," by having a "secret meeting" in the house. But more are on the way, he said.
And when more come, they will also be asked to leave or will be so alienated by Ed that they will leave on their own.

It seems that the best way to isolate Ed is to let him associate freely with his supporters, because his supporters consist mainly of people who have never actually met him. As that numbers shrinks, so will the number of persons likely to interfere with his arrest.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
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Post by grixit »

ElfNinosMom wrote:
By the way, did I ever tell you that - thanks to you - "Evil Squirrel Overlord" is now part of my everyday vocabulary? Of course, I have no life, but that doesn't make the title any less cool. 8)
Wouldn't "Evil Squirrel Overlord" be a great name for a band? Suggest it to the elf child.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Post by LPC »

Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:
ElfNinosMom wrote:By the way, did I ever tell you that - thanks to you - "Evil Squirrel Overlord" is now part of my everyday vocabulary? Of course, I have no life, but that doesn't make the title any less cool.
Excellent! My plan is working. Soon the Illuminati Grand Concil will take notice of my work....

End transmission.
Are you the one responsible for all the squirrel hazing?
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.