City of Detroit Property Tax Abatement & Corruption

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Red Cedar PM
Burnished Vanquisher of the Kooloohs
Posts: 221
Joined: Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:10 pm

City of Detroit Property Tax Abatement & Corruption

Post by Red Cedar PM » ... /710190423

Interesting article by the Detroit News, just one of the many instances of the pervasive corruption in the city. My favorite part of the article is a quote that many TP's should hear (and can probably understand):
Detroit News wrote: Her neighbor, retired cafeteria worker Meredith Kominsky, 77, is puzzled by Robertson's tax break.

"There is no way this is fair," said Kominsky, who pays $1,000 a year in taxes.

She believes taxes are high in Detroit -- and at 69 mills, they are -- but says paying them is a part of civic responsibility.

"I could use the extra $1,000 a year to buy me some extras, but that's my duty," she said. "I get police protection. I get my street cleaned. I get my trash picked up. That stuff ain't free."