Fiscal Year 2007 Enforcement and Services Results

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Fed Chairman of the Quatloosian Reserve
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Fiscal Year 2007 Enforcement and Services Results

Post by jg »

Results at,, ... 01,00.html

Tax Prof Blog coverage at
Among the highlights:

Enforcement revenue in 2007 increased 21.6% ($59.2 billion) from 2006 ($48.7 billion).
Audits of individuals increased by 7.0% (1,384,563) from 2006 (1,293,681), the most individual audits since 1998. The audit increase was most prevalent among higher income individuals:
> $1 million: Audits increased 84.4% (31,382) from 2006 (17,015).
> $200,000: Audits increased 29.2% (113,105) from 2006 (87,885).
> $100,000: Audits increased 13.7% (293,188) from 2006 (257,851).
Audits of businesses increased by 14.0% (59,516) from 2006 (52,223). The audit increase was due to the IRS's efforts to target flow-through entities and mid-market corporations ($10-$50 million of assets):
S corporation audits increased 26.4% (17,681) from 2006 (13,984).
Partnership audits increased 24.7% (12,195) from 2006 (9,777).
Mid-market corporation audits increased 6.0% (4,473) from 2006 (4,218).
Taxpayer services:
57% of individuals e-filed their returns in 2007, compared to 54% in 2006
Hits to the IRS's website increased 10.5% (217 million) from 2006.
Individuals used the Where’s my Refund? system 32.1 million times in 2007, up 30% from 2006 (24.7 million)
The IRS's accuracy rate was 91% on tax law questions answered through its toll-free telephone service, the same rate as 2006.
The IRS had a 94% customer satisfaction rating for its toll-free telephone service.