Sherry P. Jackson in prison

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Sherry P. Jackson in prison

Post by Demosthenes »

Sherry's update 6-12-08?
From: Sherry Jackson (
Sent: Thu 6/12/08 6:02 PM
To: Sherry Jackson (

Hello Friends,

I do pray that all of you are doing well. We are doing well. Last weekend, Sherry’s mother and best friend drove down to see her. Sherry said that she and her mother had a very good visit together. However, her best friend could not see her because her paper work had not yet been processed. She (Sherry’s friend) had a very hard time when it was time to leave. All of Sherry’s co-inmates noticed her in the parking lot (they can see the parking lot from the dorm) and asked Sherry who she was. When Sherry told them that she was her best friend, the told Sherry she had been sobbing. Sherry told me that it’s always difficult for her when we leave. She wants to leave with us.

Sherry has a job. I will attach an interesting article about the labor pool in prisons. But, she is working with the chaplain. That was a position she really wanted, as opposed to cleaning out garbage cans or something. She logs books and tapes in and out when inmates want to see or read them. She also sets up the room and microphones for the various services they have. She works two 12 hour days per week. She is also looking forward to taking Spanish classes. God has given her favor while she is there.

At this point, we are really relying on the Lord. We are really learning to live out Proverbs 3:5, “Trust the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not to thine own understanding.” There are a lot of things that are not making sense to me right now. I’ve been thinking about the way my wife was vilified and how that one of the strongest assets she has is her utmost integrity. The case was lost, not because of the laws that were presented. It was lost because the prosecution brought 4 witnesses who were willing to lie against Sherry. She lost because the jury felt she was a liar. My wife has not told a lie since I’ve known her (22 years). That’s the thing that bothers me the most.

There was a pastor who knew about Sherry. He told our associate pastor that God shared something with him that he was to share with Sherry. He told us that God said, “You know, Joseph was innocent, too.” If you are not familiar with the story of Joseph, you HAVE to read it. It is an amazing story of God’s overall plan. It’s in Genesis 30 – 45, culminating in verse 45:8, “… it was not you that sent me, but God.” It may look like she got railroaded. But, somehow, I believe God has a bigger plan.

I’ve been speaking with several people who said they know how to get her out. I am pursuing all the ones I can afford. It’s amazing how many people have answers, and how few have a real history of success. I can only trust the Lord and ask for His guidance. There’s one person in particular who sounded very compelling. But, he wants way more than I can afford and he wants it before she walks out. I told him to basically put his money where his mouth was. I would be willing to come up with more than what he asked for if he waited until AFTER she was released.

The finances are very tight right now. But, I realize it’s that way for almost everybody. This economy has really strangled a lot of people. My mother used to tell me, “If you have somewhere to sleep, clothes on your back and something to eat, you have all you NEED. Everything else is just a WANT.” We have those three so we’re okay. I’m doing a few businesses that I’ve started and am looking around the house to see what I can sell. We’re going to be okay, though.

Well, I am excited about what the Lord is about to do. I continue to have hope in God; not hope in hope. There are a few things that I’m certain of. I know there is a God. I know that He knows what’s going on with us. I know He cares about what’s going on with us. I know He has a plan with what’s going on with us. And, I know He is able to carry out His plan. Those facts are what keep me going.

God bless you all. As always, I have included Sherry’s and my addresses at the bottom. Take care and continue to trust God.

In Christ, Colin

Sherry Peel Jackson
FCC Coleman Camp
P.O. Box 1027
Coleman, FL 33521-1027

Colin L. Jackson
c/o 1560 Fieldgreen Overlook
near Stone Mountain, Georgia [30088]

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Re: Sherry P. Jackson in prison

Post by Famspear »


Sorry, Sherry. I guess some of us here (i.e., yours truly) had kinda forgotten about you.... ... &x=22&y=23

Sherry P. Jackson
Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) - Medium in Coleman, Florida.
Prisoner number 59085-019, age 45.
Projected release date: not yet specified.

Former CPA, former IRS employee. What a waste. I sincerely hope she turns herself around.
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Re: Sherry P. Jackson in prison

Post by The Observer »

At this point, we are really relying on the Lord. We are really learning to live out Proverbs 3:5, “Trust the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not to thine own understanding.”
Did it ever occur to Sherry and you that Sherry is in prison precisely because she leaned on her own understanding of the tax laws?
There are a lot of things that are not making sense to me right now.
That is another clue how about how wrong your wife was.
I’ve been thinking about the way my wife was vilified and how that one of the strongest assets she has is her utmost integrity. The case was lost, not because of the laws that were presented. It was lost because the prosecution brought 4 witnesses who were willing to lie against Sherry. She lost because the jury felt she was a liar. My wife has not told a lie since I’ve known her (22 years). That’s the thing that bothers me the most.
Hmmmm. As I recall, Sherry did tell some whoppers about supposedly not having any income and it turned out that she did.
It may look like she got railroaded. But, somehow, I believe God has a bigger plan.
Yes, it does look like she got railroaded...but it was due to her listening to the siren call of the con artists out there and her attempt to make an easy buck. And yes, God always has a bigger plan - in this case making sure your wife reaped the consequences of her actions.
I’ve been speaking with several people who said they know how to get her out. I am pursuing all the ones I can afford. It’s amazing how many people have answers, and how few have a real history of success. I can only trust the Lord and ask for His guidance. There’s one person in particular who sounded very compelling. But, he wants way more than I can afford and he wants it before she walks out. I told him to basically put his money where his mouth was. I would be willing to come up with more than what he asked for if he waited until AFTER she was released.
See - you're learning something from this experience already. You are starting to realize that what people promise and what they can deliver are entirely two different things. If Sherry had applied the same principle of demanding to see valid proof that the income tax was illegal before she put her neck on the chopping block, maybe she would be still gainfully employed and not sitting in a prison cell.
The finances are very tight right now. But, I realize it’s that way for almost everybody. This economy has really strangled a lot of people. My mother used to tell me, “If you have somewhere to sleep, clothes on your back and something to eat, you have all you NEED. Everything else is just a WANT.” We have those three so we’re okay. I’m doing a few businesses that I’ve started and am looking around the house to see what I can sell. We’re going to be okay, though.
Well, at least you haven't the chutzpah to ask for donations.
Well, I am excited about what the Lord is about to do. I continue to have hope in God; not hope in hope. There are a few things that I’m certain of. I know there is a God. I know that He knows what’s going on with us. I know He cares about what’s going on with us. I know He has a plan with what’s going on with us. And, I know He is able to carry out His plan. Those facts are what keep me going.
I will be presumptuous here and venture that I bet God's plan is to follow his commandments and the laws of the country in which you reside.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Sherry P. Jackson in prison

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

CaptainKickback wrote:
If my mom were alive, all she would ask Mrs. Jackson is, "What in the hell were you thinking?"

And really, that's what it boils down to, did Mrs. Jackson take her chosen path because she relay believed the horsesh*t she was peddling, or was it a quick, easy, morally bankrupt way to grub as much lucre as possible?

As a bonus, not only did she completely wanker her life, but also that of her family, husband and kids. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, "What in the hell was she thinking?"
I wonder if Sherry's train doesn't go all the way to the station...
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Re: Sherry P. Jackson in prison

Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:
Joseph was innocent, too.
Did he know Galileo?

BTW, for those of you who have not had substantial contact with inmates: They're all innocent. Just ask them. The only ones who aren't are those about to go before the parole board (for those jurisdictions which still have parole boards). Even then, if their parole is denied, they're innocent again.
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Re: Sherry P. Jackson in prison

Post by grixit »

Since her husband believes that what she did was right, and is starting some businesses, he just might end up in the same situation as her.
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Re: Sherry P. Jackson in prison

Post by LPC »

Colin wrote:I’ve been speaking with several people who said they know how to get her out. I am pursuing all the ones I can afford. It’s amazing how many people have answers, and how few have a real history of success.
There's almost a glimmer of understanding there. Perhaps he's beginning to see that there are lots and lots of charlatans and crackpots out there.

The next step would be for him to see that his wife, Sherry Jackson, was one of them.
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