Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

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Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by Quidnunc »

Long time lurker here on Quatloos, first time poster.

I really had to chime in on TUC's comments.

What seems to be missing from the whole idea of "I can make up my own money" is that no one has to accept it! As an American citizen, I choose to accept currency printed by the Treasury. I know there may be periods of inflation/deflation, but throughout the recent history of this currency, it has is always redeemable for whatever I want to buy in the US (and quite a few other countries).

If you want to go and create your own money, and insist to me it is legal tender backed by billions in assets, go right ahead. If people are stupid enough to accept it in payment from you, too bad for them - no one will accept it from them as payment for goods or services rendered and they will be stuck with worthless pieces of paper. You cannot say "My money is good" and expect that will force any bank or outside entity to accept it.

Whether you think the U.S. dollar is worthless is up to you - but it is the accepted means of exchange. If you say your currency is backed by bullion reserves, fine - if you want to buy something from me, give me that instead. At least that I can trade for something of value.
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Re: Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by The Observer »

Except the Department of Treasury is going to take a very dim view of you making your own money and attempting to use it. So your theory already is placing a person in danger should they decide to act upon it.
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Re: Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by Quidnunc »

Sorry -

I should have clarified which of the comments on the old thread I was specifically commenting on - this is the one:
TUC wrote:It seems that you don't really have the answer to my questions. but I will tell you the answer anyway.. Because they don’t have anything on us; that’s why!

You want to know more about TUC..?

All benefits are paid in full by the TUC network, through a grant program provided to employers on the employee’s behalf. The financing of all these benefits actually comes from you, “The People” who become the employers, employees, taxpayers, consumers, investors and ultimate beneficiaries of the network.

Our currency called “The United States Private Dollar” and "United States Notes" are unlike any currency used in the world today. The currencies are backed by the total net worth of the entire network. This is very "powerful" as we have all felt the burden of inflation caused by the devaluation of the Federal Reserve Note commonly known as US Dollar. Contrary to the FRN and other world currencies such as the EURO that are classified as Fiat currency which are only backed by the faith and trust of “The People”, most whom have no secure jobs, life or health insurance, the TUC currency is not susceptible to devaluation. In direct contrast to these currencies which lose their purchasing power every time new notes are created, TUC currency gains strength and value with every new member, service provider and real property purchase including personal and business recurring income revenue streams. (this explain 357 "BILLION" certified portfolio acknowledged by PRES. W. BUSH, HIS ADMINISTRATION, SECRET SERVICE, FBI, IRS, HOME LAND SECURITY,ETC) among others. This also explain Why SS, FBI can not do anything (b/c they are aware of the legality of the portfolio they certified it themselves).
I'm sorry I wasn't able to pull the comments in so they show up as coming from another post, but since the old thread is closed, I wasn't able to get it to work.
Just use the squarebracket quote="source's name" squarebracket .... squarebracket /quote squarebracket wrapped around the text and -- Voila! -- as edited above

This guy doesn't seem to understand or have any interest in obeying the law, so I didn't even bring that into my comments. If he and a bunch of other fools want to trade among themselves, have fun. They seem to think that they can force the rest of us (and BOA) to accept their currency. And even if it wasn't illegal, no one is going to accept their system. They don't seem to get that.
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Re: Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by fortinbras »

TUC talking about "our currency", called "private dollars" and such, raises a serious question of whether TUC is violating 18 USC §489 & §491, criminalizing the use of the "likeness" of money even if it is not a counterfeit of the real thing.

The TUC website has a small - very small - image of its Private Dollar in the $100 denomination. It might have been a cartoon and not a facsimile of the actual TUC funny money, in which case my description is wrong, but it looked like an amateur copy of the real $100 bill, portrait of Franklin in the center, the numbers and text in the usual places, with a TUC seal where the Federal seal would be expected -- someone who isn't paying close attention (although I think most people would pay attention to a $100 bill) might be fooled.
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Re: Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by Demosthenes »

Did you notice that TUC's funny money spelled Treasury wong?

Re: Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by TUC »


you can add this to the list

- violating 18 USC §489 & §491

A: Find out first what "counterfeiting" is.. then come back to me.


"And even if it wasn't illegal, no one is going to accept their system. They don't seem to get that."

A: Quidnunc, Sorry. but you don’t have any control over this, like you don’t have control over inflation, bankruptcy, high gas price. This is something that will have to accept whether you like it or not. The same way that you are accepting FRN with not intrinsic value as stated in the FR website. They even printed it on your FRN bills but for some reason they removed it.

The Observer

"Except the Department of Treasury is going to take a very dim view of you making your own money and attempting to use it. So your theory already is placing a person in danger should they decide to act upon it."

A: My bad "Observer". In my previous post, I missed to mention among those, The Department of Treasury (they are also aware and verified our portfolio as genuine)

Per you all comments, I am getting the idea that you think there is something illegal about printing your own money… mmmm. Interesting …
It would be a good idea for you guys to do some research on this matter..there are more than 40 differents private currencies in the US, ( ) BerkShares on ABC News ( 2007 ) check this out!
unless of course you are the board member's of the federal Reserve (monopoly system, with monopoly money) and don’t want a little competition or perhaps be afraid that we do a better job.

I mean, We are not trying to impose anything on you. We all have something called “Free will”, you accept it or not, it has nothing to do with the fact that this will happen. You don’t have to become a “TUC” member. Continue using your FRN, no problem.

TUC did not just come out the BLUE..
TUC has been working on this many years. Ever since we started we made sure to notify every member of the Congress, President in power and his Administration).


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Re: Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

Private currencies are legal as long as they are backed dollar to unit with US dollars. If you like to back it with specis you can use US coins.

Basically the dollars as I saw printed on the website are so close that they can only be meant to be confused with regular US currency. Oh and what happened to the Great Seal on the back of the one dollar? Too afraid of shapeshifting reptiles?

Anyway, the whole website smells of fraud. All the documents are vague and rambling meant to confuse the sucker who might wander on. I like how descriptions end abruptly and nothing is really described in detail. It's okay though, I understand that it is far cheaper to have websites designed in Asia.

But according to your website there is an office in Northern Minnesota. What city is it in?
Gopher City or Lake Woebegon?
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Re: Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by Demosthenes »

Anyone here in with the Florida Bar? Looks like at least three of the TUC execs are Florida attorneys.

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Re: Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

...The Department of Treasury (they are also aware and verified our portfolio as genuine)...
Genuine? Care to point out someone outside TUC who audited the alleged portfolio?

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Re: Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

Please ignore if already posted ... 8480.story
Cruz -- whose company triggered a federal fraud alert when Kissimmee-based employees deposited its invalid checks last year -- was arrested while trying to take over a Bank of America branch his group targeted in Miami.

Cruz and his supporters, now operating as The United Cities Group, claim that Bank of America owes them more than $15 billion because it blocked drafts for large sums of money requested through a "United Cities" bank.

They showed up at a Miami branch with armed guards earlier this month to execute what police said was a fake court order issued by a non-existent judge.
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit
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Re: Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

Demosthenes wrote:Anyone here in with the Florida Bar? Looks like at least three of the TUC execs are Florida attorneys.

Annabella Trujillo
Paul Woods
Mario Garcia
Who needs liscensure?
H. William Marrero, acting as TUC's lawyer, tried to introduce its head Angel Cruz as "chairman of the United States" and Gladstone Gardner as "vice chairman of the United States." Marrero also challenged Gold's jurisdiction to hear the case, but the judge refused to let him speak because he isn't a licensed attorney.

Marrero said later TUC has $357 billion in assets and posted a $15.25 billion appeal bond.
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit
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Re: Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by wserra »

Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:Marrero said later TUC has $357 billion in assets and posted a $15.25 billion appeal bond.
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Re: Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by TUC »

Evil Squirrel Overlord

"Private currencies are legal as long as they are backed dollar to unit with US dollars. " (( ) BerkShares on ABC News ( 2007 ) check this out!)

So, you are saying "BerkShares" are illegal, b/c 90 BerkShares currency is equal to $100 FRN. (90BS = $100) therefore they are no equal. BerkShares has more value than FRN and curiously bank's take them.

Guys, Let me ask you. How many of you think that FRN is backed up by GOLD or SILVER as today?

Please I am just asking you for a straight answer here.

Don't go around by stating "Anyway, the whole website smells of fraud. All the documents are vague bla… bla… bla… bla… bla…." and avoiding the question


Yes, They are Lawyers. Do you know there is a difference between attorneys and Lawyers.. right?

The word “attorney” has French origins, and once referred to “a person acting for another as an agent or deputy.” A person with the legal capacity to act on behalf of another is an “attorney-in-fact.” An attorney-in-fact does not need formal legal education and does not need to be licensed. So, you can designate your spouse as your attorney-in-fact to make health care decisions about you even though has never set foot in a law school.

The word “lawyer” has Middle English roots and refers to anyone who is trained in the legal field and gives legal advice. So, a person who has graduated from law school, Well, we all convinced ourselves of this distinction while enduring the excruciating four-month gap between taking the bar exam and getting our results.

Judge Roy Bean

“Genuine? Care to point out someone outside TUC who audited the alleged portfolio?”

Yes, Honorable Judge Roy Bean. It was audited and certified by Donna Maria Johnson.CPA and twice along with previously mention agencies of the US government.
I had the chance to meet her. Amazing background if may I say. (I don’t have anything to do with her website, for some of you that may comment that "Anyway, the whole website smells of fraud.” )

Best Regards,

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Re: Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by Demosthenes »

That's some painfully ignorant stuff. People who don't have a strong command of English shouldn't engage in word games.

Prison is going to be unkind to you.
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Re: Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by Dezcad »

TUC wrote: BerkShares has more value than FRN and curiously bank's take them.

What bank will take TUC's "Private Dollar"?

When will TUC seize BOA assets as they allege they can?

Has Rafael Perez lost his house yet?

Has JC Consultores Laborales been able to pay its employees yet?

How come no lawyer appeared with TUC at the BOA hearing in US District Court?

Re: Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by Lasagna »

Yes, They are Lawyers. Do you know there is a difference between attorneys and Lawyers.. right?
Ha! That's great. What is it with nutjobs and their unholy attachment to parsing language and attaching mystical significance to the result? TUC, I'm a lawyer. I'm also an attorney. There isn't a difference. It doesn't matter that YOU'VE decided there is a difference. If you hold yourself out as an attorney or a lawyer (and act as one) but you aren't a member of the bar, then you are practicing law without a license. Your wordsmithing is as meaningless here as it is with your "FRN" nonsense. The fact that you can give someone who is not a lawyer your "power of attorney" does not change this reality.

And we went off the gold standard some time ago, TUC. Can't wait to hear the sinister importance you attach to that fact.

Re: Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by Nikki »

Dezcad wrote:What bank will take TUC's "Private Dollar"?

When will TUC seize BOA assets as they allege they can?

Has Rafael Perez lost his house yet?

Has JC Consultores Laborales been able to pay its employees yet?

How come no lawyer appeared with TUC at the BOA hearing in US District Court?
1 - The first national Bank of NESARA

2 - In 8 to 10 years, counting time for good behavior

3 - No, he's just confused about where he lives.

4 - Yes, but no one will accept the funny cash.

5 - Something about them wanting to avoid sanctions and disbarment?
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Re: Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

TUC wrote:Evil Squirrel Overlord

"Private currencies are legal as long as they are backed dollar to unit with US dollars. " (( ) BerkShares on ABC News ( 2007 ) check this out!)

So, you are saying "BerkShares" are illegal, b/c 90 BerkShares currency is equal to $100 FRN. (90BS = $100) therefore they are no equal. BerkShares has more value than FRN and curiously bank's take them.
I stand corrected on the denominational 1:1, but not all banks take them and BerkShares are still backed by deposits of US Dollars.

Guys, Let me ask you. How many of you think that FRN is backed up by GOLD or SILVER as today?
Why ask such as stupid question? Are your fake dollars backed up?
Please I am just asking you for a straight answer here.
So are we. are you going to adress any real issues I have brought up?
Don't go around by stating "Anyway, the whole website smells of fraud. All the documents are vague bla… bla… bla… bla… bla…." and avoiding the question
Why are all the statements on that website vague? Where is this Minnesota branch office? Why does TUC have it's own judiciary? Secret Service? Why does it feel the need to attempt to con billions out of Bank of America?
TUC website wrote: The United Cities Group Inc. (TUC) is a private global network and the world’s only people
based monetary barter and digital currency system.

What does “people based monetary barter and digital currency system” mean?
TUC has Through it’s automatic and electronic “financial mechanism” developed what has
arguably become the most significant project for the benefit of “The People” ever seen by
By a direct reading you are trading in people. Or is the ink you use on the phony bills people-based? There are a lot of words here with no substance.

What is a Financial Mechanism of TUC?
TUC - The United Cities Group. With it’s global consortium of member companies has developed and launched a “financial mechanism” incorporating 30 year service contracts that address and provide solutions for our major financial concerns today. The “Financial Mechanism” of TUC is open and transparent in accordance with TUC’s rules and regulations including but not limited to the Sarbanes-Oxley act of 2002.
So what is the Financial Mechanism? Do you have examples of these "service contract" solutions? Who are your major financial concerns? Can you name one?
How is TUC funded?
TUC has a certified financial portfolio in excess of three hundred fifty seven billion, one
hundred seventy million, nine hundred ninety three thousand, and four hundred and eighteen
dollars BILLIONS (357,170,993,418).
How come this number is sans the dollar sign? Or are you talking about Zimbabwe dollars? Because that would be fifty US "golden dollars", Canadian Loonies or Mexican Pesos.

And who has certified this portfolio? TUC?

The Business Model
The United Cities – TUC is a worldwide network of private companies committed to delivering a better life to their employees and affiliates through the voluntary use of a new private currency system and a new financial mechanism that makes it all work. Through these new initiatives and programs TUC can deliver and guarantee all participants a Special Benefits Package – SBP that will be provided to all employers and employees within TUC, by private network companies.
Can you list specific companies? Or is it your brother's bait stand? Potential investors need to know.
The Members
IC- the Independent Contractor business (IC) voluntarily contracts for 30 years to provide
services to the TUC worldwide network and consume services under the voluntary credit
enhancement programs from TUC and its consortium member companies.
CE- the Contracted Employee (CE) voluntarily contracts for 30 years to work for a TUC IC
member company and to consume services from TUC worldwide member companies. They also
voluntarily accept the TUC special benefits package.
Sounds like indentured servitude.
How is that possible?
TUC is a self-governing private regulatory body and has voluntarily declared separate and equal
station for the network worldwide.
First off how is what possible?

The Next 5 years
A private research study conducted by TUC and associates has confirmed TUC,s internal
projections the study concluded that within 3-5 years TUC will be operating and providing goods and services in 28 of the 50 states of the union yielding a certified financial portfolio is excess of 129 Trillion dollars. Full operations are expected to be achieved in 7-10 years having a global reach throughout the States of the Union and 27 other nations.
You conductd your own study and concluded you would make money. How come there was no independent study? How come there are no links to said "study" or the individuals who conducted the "study' not listed?
On May 7, 2008, TUC and it's Global Private Network representing hundreds of thousands of
members suffering under the deepening global financial crisis and the deteriorating US mortgage
market put it’s Certified Financial Portfolio of more than 357 Billion dollars to work by
announcing TUC’s “PROPERTY LIFELINE”, a targeted program to help delinquent businesses,
commercial developers, residential investors, industrial and residential property owners
immediately escape from the "financial pressures" created by delinquent payments or loans in
default through a quick sale of their home, or refinance of their mortgage for all residential,
vacant land, commercial or industrial property with TUCs Business and Property Lifeline
Sounds like you are getting into mortgage fraud as well. Buying up properties at fire sale prices with those Zimbabwe Dollars?
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit
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Re: Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

TUC wrote:....

Guys, Let me ask you. How many of you think that FRN is backed up by GOLD or SILVER as today?

Please I am just asking you for a straight answer here.
I doubt anyone here thinks FRN's are backed by gold or silver. My 'so what?' light is on again.
TUC wrote:....

Judge Roy Bean

“Genuine? Care to point out someone outside TUC who audited the alleged portfolio?”

Yes, Honorable Judge Roy Bean. It was audited and certified by Donna Maria Johnson.CPA and twice along with previously mention agencies of the US government.
Wrong again. She is almost-cleverly titled in your video but is not "outside" TUC:


Try again.

And have you found a bank that will accept your funny money or your checks?
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Continuation on the FRNs are unconstitutional topic

Post by Demosthenes »

According to TUC's website, she's a board member.
Our Leadership

Mr. Angel Cruz – Founder, Chairman & CEO - The Financial Mechanism of TUC and Consortium

Honorable Gary L. Loster – President TUC – Former Chairman of World Conference of Mayor

Carmen M. Carter – Vice-President TUC – Chairman & CEO Multicultural Women’s Council

Honorable Jack C. Sims – TUC Secretary – Former Chairman of Atrium Group

William Jones – TUC Treasurer – National & International Business Consultant

Elio Vazquez, Esq. – TUC Board Member - Chief Legal Counsel

James Sabatino, Esq – TUC Board Member – Assistant to the Chief Legal Counsel

Josefina Calderon- TUC Board Member - Chairman & CEO - JC Consultores Laborales, Inc.

Carlos Benitez- TUC Board Member – Chairman & CEO - D.G.I International

Henry Rios, CFP® - Independent Chief Certified Financial Planner

Omar Encarnacion – TUC Board Member – President, Resources in People

Edgar Caballero – TUC Board Member – Master Contractor - Valor Partners Construction Group, Inc.

Gladstone Gardner – TUC Board Member – Master Realtor - Happy Rock Realty

Nader S. Jallad, Ph.D., F.C.P. – TUC - Chief Pharmaceutical Administrator – Chairman - Lifespan Research Foundation, Inc.

Jorge Monteagudo – TUC Board Member – Potentially Named –The United Cities Private Bank

Reynard Smith - TUC Board Member- President - The United States Infrastructure Improvement Private Deposit Insurance Corp

Bruce Perry – TUC Member – President - The United States Infrastructure Improvement Insurance Corp

Donna Maria Johnson – TUC Board Member - Chairman & CEO - Donna-Maria Johnson CPA, P.A.

Juan Vazquez – TUC Board Member – President - Global Private Security, Inc.

Wade F. Smigelski – TUC Board Member – Chairman & CEO – Security & Monitoring Services – Former Homeland Security TN