Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

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Khedive Ismail Quatoosia
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Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Dezcad »

Edward - Lewis: Brown
[03923-049] USP. T.D.C.
P.O. Box 2000
Marion Illinois, 62959

Dear Ray,

Are you gone from the field? I pray that you are well and not troubled by any dark clouds.

It has taken nearly a year, but as of the first of August, Elaine has been able to finish the process and We are American National Sovereigns.

The C.E.G. immediately transferred Elaine to Texas and have systematically eliminated all of outside contact exeept some mail.

The tax allegation for us was $216,000 that was increased to $642,000 with interest and penalties which were then increased again with interest and penalties to $1,832,000.00, then again to $1,947,000.00. At any rate, we paid the presentment of the I.R.S. which ended any claim. That was done in March. The D.O.J. is preventing us from getting council with "Power of Attny" like Kennedy's people. The Redemption is lawful and is the correct way to go.

Elaine and I are both secure in our position with YAWEH and will not falter from the path. He is our King and we are Bondsman, ministers, servants, Stewards in his trust.

These C.E.G. ( Criminal Element in Government) have no sway with us. We absolutely will give unto Ceasar what is his, as true Auditors, Ceasar will give back to us what is ours. We are of the Body. We are already of the Kingdom.

Thank You, One day we shall meet. I like having photographs for my photo album. This whole adventure is being documented by people inside as well as outside. One day the love story of Ed and Elaine Brown will be told.

The hand of God keeps a clear path for the righteous.


p.s. Ray, would you see if you can get Sam Kennedy's Address for me and Elaine.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Famspear »

Edward Lewis Brown wrote:
Dear Ray,

Are you gone from the field? I pray that you are well and not troubled by any dark clouds.

It has taken nearly a year, but as of the first of August, Elaine has been able to finish the process and We are American National Sovereigns.

[. . . ]

Elaine and I are both secure in our position with YAWEH and will not falter from the path. He is our King and we are Bondsman, ministers, servants, Stewards in his trust.

[ . . . ]
Way back when, I seem to recall seeing a report, possibly unconfirmed, that Ed Brown had once been in the pest control business.

Maybe he inhaled too much of the bug spray.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

It has taken nearly a year, but as of the first of August, Elaine has been able to finish the process and We are American National Sovereigns.

Be sure to let me know how that American National Sovereign thing works out for you. I'm sure it will open the door of the jail for you. Unfortunately, the .gov will take you straight to the nuthouse. :roll:

I wonder if the .gov ever gets around to prosecuting E&E for the standoff, if E&E will avoid a trial due to a lack of competence?

Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Leftcoaster »

Famspear wrote: Maybe he inhaled too much of the bug spray.
If he could write cogently and had actually shot Elaine, then I would believe that.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Demosthenes »

Another Ed to Ray letter:
Ed Brown 03923-049
P.O. BOX 2000

Sept. 26, 2008

Dear Ray,

The loss of Anita is clearly understood. I stand with you with a knowing heart.

She stands in the light on the other side,
Watching you fight, she has heartfelt pride.
Knowing one day you will gain tenfold,
all that you have lost because you were bold.
Together again we all shall be
With Yahweh and friends we will all be free.

Don't mind me Ray. These simple poems are impulse. I rarely do them.

I only care for those that are innocent or follow God's law. The rest are not my concern. All have free will. Let them follow their own path.

I am trying to contact Ed: Brannum. He wrote "Owners of the Prison System in America." It's a great read and we've confirmed it from here.

There is remedy for us in his writing. I need to contact him but do not have his address. Oh! but to have a computer..

I only wish I had been smart enough to have picked up on the Redemption process sooner. We wouldn't be here if I had.

At some time, one of the places I need to see is the Northwest. I have been everywhere else in the country.

Elaine and I are country folks or rural, at heart. Within an hour of the metropolitan complex. We like good restuarants.

My interest in the slave mentality people is no more. We have tried to help them for so long we are about burned out with them..

There are a great many people of the mind that would like to come together and form their own community that I think that that's what we are probably going to do. Elaine and I want to choose who and where we live.

The only way I can see to do it is to develope your own little (big) town.

I know this is very old, as an idea. Its been going on since creation. I don't want to re-create the wheel but we can't find a community that fits our desires or needs. So we have to create one. We've already put a lot of thought and discussion on it.

Elaine's address is: Elaine-Alice: Brown
[03923-049] F.M.C.
PO Boxv 27137

The suppression of the UCC process is the obvious earmark of their concern. The "Grey" people here within the B.O.P.-D.O.J. suppress any UCC activity with emotion, so I know we're hitting the bone. That's why Elaine and I are placed in high security instead of a camp, even with these bogus charges against us.

Thank you Ray. Yes. we have done our part. However, there are so many good people trapped inside this prison system becaused of these "Grey" (Zionist-Jesuit), people that I fear my work is not yet finished.

When you read the article "Owners of the Prison System in America" you'll see how that particular fraud works.

Most of the prisoners are pretty smart. Theiy're individualists that went too far and got noticed, like me. Not so smart. But somebody had to do it.

The "Greys" don't realize that the really smart folks are the ones that stay in the background and observe them.

People like me are just point witnesses. We prod for reaction. We don't need to prod anymore. Now we all know. Everywhere people wait for it, as they continue to witness and educate quietly. The Market slide just wakes more people up.

I just miss Elaine.

I tried to get the American Bulletin in here but, these people (Greys) panicked and said it may cause criminal activity, so it was dened U.C.C. offices are in every State of the union and these people that operate under UCC say it could lead to criminal activity.

Their world is coming down around their heads and they still deny the reality of their sins. They're causing all this misery themselves.

Elaine had just sent in the final sovereignty documentation to the U.N. and the Hague a few days before they sent her to the high facility unit in Texas about six weeks ago. Now the steps need to be taken to force the issue of release? Any Ideas? Its all a little new to me.

We "accept for value" every/any presenytment they send us. Even though they restrict our mail, visits, telephone "council" etc, etc.

We're with you Ray. On this to Elaine and I have both pretty well memorized the process and we practice it all the time. I do every day. looking forward to further nose to nose with the "Greys" in their Hangeroom. And the black robed Pharisee has been exposed. He has no clothes and he now has all our attention. His Stonewall of Silence will no longer do him any good..

The Truth is absolute which cannot be changed or denied!

The Greys have no more secrets. The dam has opened and Truth pours forth. Each day more men and women become educated to the horror these Zionist/Jesuits/Pharisees'Freemason'Communist/Nazi/Globalists/ etc inflict upon the world and things never appear ass they really are, so We will let them eat cake.

Just finished a book "Freedom's Ferment" by Alice Felt Tyler on phases of American Social Order from Colonial time to the Civil war.

Clearly of Historical record the Vatican/and Jesuit assassins were doing their best to destroy the Constitutional Republic. Looks like they fanally made it.

God Bless you Ray

Ray responds:
Dear Ed and Elaine.

Sorry Elaine, but Ed wins hands down as THE letter writer. This was a whopper. I am glad Ed gave me your address. We can now resume where we left off.

Ed. where the hell was this heartfelt, in-depth insight on the radio program. Had you expressed yourself as you have in this letter, the outcome might well have been different.

Ed, Elaine, we shall never beat them at their game. It is Satanic, and they are well versed in the Satanic opposition they promote. We will not beat them with endless, endless talk, for that merely occupies time and misdirects attention away from the Satanist NWO who continue to get their Ducks lined up in a Row, before they declare open war on the Sovereign American People.

Your poem touched on one of the keys to Spiritual and Political Liberation. One must be BOLD, yet one must remain PEACEFUL. I have demonstrated those two spiritual keys in the courts, the jail and on the internet. They are boldness and peacefulness, yet such energy, while it remains shocking to a mass of conditioned sheeple who only know opposition, violence and fear, it does not cause them to penetrate deeper beyond their superficial consciousness of things. . It never dawns on them that one can be both, bold and peaceful at the same time.

For example, two days ago, accompanied by a friend and the Editor of the Local Newspaper, I went to the courthouse to serve a Lis Pendens action which would have blocked the Sale of the JOSEPHINE COUNTY SHERIFF'S SALE, amounting to some $20,000,000.00 (Twenty Million) until they answered the question of JURISDICTION over me, a Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient, Natural Man, Son of God., a question, which by law they are compelled to answer, yet they do not follow the law of the land, the US Constitution, and/or Common Law. That is the state of our Judiciary, prosecutors, jails, and cops today. They are corrupted
beyond all recognition.

One would have thought I dropped a "proverbial bomb" on them. The clerks, when observing the content of the Notice naming the long list of State and County Agents including the Oregon Governor and Attorney General in their part of the coverup of my Fraudulent prosecution, called for the Assistant County Recorder. He claimed that he would have to have it checked by the County Attorney before he could file it. This he said in light of the fact that Lis Pendens actions are quite commonly filed at that office..

What does that tell you about the performance of public officials according to their oath of office. When those who hold the power of freedom and incarceration, life, and death, in their hands cannot answer a question their own law compells them to answer. Who is the criminal?

Since that attempt to file, the STATE OF OREGON has been on my site investigating the various motions and articles concerning their Collective Fraud.. They have for six years, tried to KISS THIS OFF, by stonewalling me. Only now they understand they picked on the wrong guy.

I have them over the proverbial barrel. Since they threw me out of their jail and cast me at the curbside of the Local Hospital's emergency room , I have continued to do all of the things for which I was arrested and tried.

The difference is my case (UCC liens placed against judges, prosecutors, and sheriffs in attempt to hold them accountable for their actions) was the first of its kind in Oregon. I had learned from a friend "in the know" that Former US Attorney General Ashcroft had made a special trip to Oregon to confer with Governor Kulongoski over the first Paper Terrorist Trial, under the new Patriot Act.-- Me.

As you can see, after threatening me with 35 years in prison, I sit here at home a FREE MAN , no Encumbrances, and I AM TAKING THEM DOWN in the court of PUBLIC OPINION, because from my present viewpoint, THERE IS NO LAW BEING ADMINISTERED IN OUR COURTS..

The stress they put on Anita contributed to her death. I want my reputation back. I want the phoney convictions removed from the records, and I expect them to make a reasonable financial offer to compensate me and my family for what they have done to a man who did not have any blemishes on record until the night they arrested me for travelling in my private automobile with my hi beam headlights on-- and they took me at gunpoint, to boot!. . If they don't see that such apology, removal of records and settlement is their only way out, then they are not smart enough to be holding down the jobs they are holding. They have the Satanic Power. I have the Divine Truth.

I' ve got them nailed, and they know it. I know who I am. I am the real man. The Son of God, The Sovereign which is within every man who has not been made to doubt himself. They, the government, the courts, are the fiction. A fiction can never have JURISDICTION over a Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient, Natural Man unless the latter confers such jurisdicion through consent or contract. That is the scam they have perpetrated upon the American People through the Birth Certification, Social Security, Bank Accounts, Driver Liceense, marraige license, etc. Goverment has inserted itself into two party contracts giving itself supreme claim as a third party intercessor. That has been the implementation of their plan to own the world and its people.

And then they ran up against a Son of God, one who knows who and what he was, and could not be shaken, intimidated, or incarcerated without the Question of JURISDICTION having to be answered sooner or later, even should that man die from the effects of the combined 55 day hunger strike. Yes, Ed and Elaine, it can be said that I've got them where I want them.

By the way Ed, I contacted Sam Kennedy as you requested. His sentiment was that he could not help you as, in his opinion you waited too long and did not assert your sovereignty at the very beginning. I perceive his opinion to be correct. Keep in mind such loophole can be seen a moot when a Sovereign can be seduced into jumping through such administrative, bureaucratic hoops held by a Government with "dirty hands" and exuding an indisputable "conflict of Interest" when the judges are seen to be employees of the State which are party to the UCC Lien. That is why they must hide behind a STONE WALL OF SILENCE. Any utterance on
their part would be an act of self-condemnation. No ed, your's and Elaines release along with thousands of others who have been scammed by such Satanic deceptions, lie in the hand of the People.

I have given the solution. BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT, the peaceful, Resist not Evil Way. The system is crashing. If the People BRING IT DOWN and rebuild from scratch, we will have Freedom and Peace on the land. If the Satanic Government BRINGS IT DOWN, there will be a two tier world of NWO MASTERS AND SLAVES..

Like most failing government agencies, their only hope is for a open declaration of War via Martial Law to save them from their just spiritual desserts.

Hang in there you two. IT AIN'T OVER TILL IT OVER!!

Raymond Ronald Karczewski©
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Demosthenes »

The "Greys" don't realize that the really smart folks are the ones that stay in the background and observe them.
The shape-shifting lizard theory rears its scaly head. Awesome!
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by notorial dissent »

Remind me again who “Karczewski© ” is, please? It is obvious he is as batshit as the two he is writing too, but I don’t remember the name for some reason.
Demosthenes wrote:The shape-shifting lizard theory rears its scaly head. Awesome!
Well, they seem to think that the UCC is some sort of super law that supercedes everything else, so it sort of goes hand in hand I would guess-one fantasy with another, and that one I have never understood either, someone can explain that one to me sometime too.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Nikki »

Ed:FamilyInbred wrote:I only wish I had been smart enough to have picked up on the Redemption process sooner. We wouldn't be here if I had.
Redemption process, Zionists, Jesuits, sovereignty documentation to the U.N. and the Hague, Greys, Pharisees, Freemason, Communist, Nazi, Globalists, yada, yada, yada ...

Everything except "I really fucked up."

We have here the stereotypical TP, Sovereign, DownTrodden individual. The whole world is allied against me (us) and is conspiring to suppress us. We are right and will prevail in the end once all our fellow patriots arise and overthrow these treasonous usurpers.

Ed: Family-Deranged is seriously mentally ill. He has managed to completely dissociate himself from reality and should NEVER be released from institutional custody and care.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by . »

This is all extremely funny sh!t, whether or not they're all mentally ill.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by webhick »

Ray wrote:And then they ran up against a Son of God, one who knows who and what he was, and could not be shaken, intimidated, or incarcerated without the Question of JURISDICTION having to be answered sooner or later, even should that man die from the effects of the combined 55 day hunger strike.
I'm sorry, I stopped reading there. Combined 55 day hunger strike? My mind is spinning as I think about what exactly this means. Did he skip breakfast for 165 days? Does he not eat one day, and then feasts the next? How does he expect to die from the hunger strike when he is clearly still eating? Does he planning on being the first person on a hunger strike to die from obesity?
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

webhick wrote: Did he skip breakfast for 165 days?
I tried to skip breakfast today, but that didn't work out so good. It is harder than it sounds. :lol:
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by wserra »

notorial dissent wrote:Remind me again who “Karczewski© ” is, please?
There is a name that I was really startled to see. I remember Ray Karczewski from what must be close to 20 years ago on Usenet. He's one of the original online wackos. I had no idea that he was still around. I actually would have thought that he would be dead from eating rocks by now.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Demosthenes »

If you compare his old usenet posts to his Ed Brown posts, you'll find not much has changed.

He spent so much time talking to himself on the Brown forums, that they gave him his own area so he wouldn't clutter up the "normal" boards with his ramblings and ravings.

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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Dezcad »

wserra wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:Remind me again who “Karczewski© ” is, please?
There is a name that I was really startled to see. I remember Ray Karczewski from what must be close to 20 years ago on Usenet. He's one of the original online wackos. I had no idea that he was still around. I actually would have thought that he would be dead from eating rocks by now.
Kazoo has not slowed down at all. Check out all his Kook awards here.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by webhick »

Dezcad wrote:Check out all his Kook awards here.
While the concept of that site is interesting, it seems to spout unsubstantiated stuff about him in the bio. Would love to see some cites.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by AFTP »

The tax allegation for us was $216,000 that was increased to $642,000 with interest and penalties which were then increased again with interest and penalties to $1,832,000.00, then again to $1,947,000.00.
So when a TP is in prison even if they wanted to pay they can’t and the interest builds?

The IRS will never see this money.

Damn “Greys” ! :twisted:
Whenever you hear a man speak of his love for his Country, it is a sign he expects to be paid for it. – H. L. Mencken

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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Demosthenes »

Ed Brown wrote:The tax allegation for us was $216,000 that was increased to $642,000 with interest and penalties which were then increased again with interest and penalties to $1,832,000.00, then again to $1,947,000.00.
Ed, of course, didn't get any of his own numbers right. The $215,000 amount was the forfeiture total resulting from the structuring charges. Elaine owes about $625,000 (before interest and penalties) on the income she earned for the tax years in question. She also owes another $343,000 to the state of New Hamshire since she didn't pay business taxes either. Add it all up, factor in the interest, and the total comes to more than $3 million.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by AFTP »

But it they are in jail and can’t pay even if they wanted to
isn’t interest still building?
Whenever you hear a man speak of his love for his Country, it is a sign he expects to be paid for it. – H. L. Mencken

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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Demosthenes »

AFTP wrote:But it they are in jail and can’t pay even if they wanted to
isn’t interest still building?
The Browns have at least a couple of million dollars in real estate, gold, silver, cash, furnishing, and so on.
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Re: Ed Brown's Letter to Ray

Post by Quixote »

AFTP wrote:
The tax allegation for us was $216,000 that was increased to $642,000 with interest and penalties which were then increased again with interest and penalties to $1,832,000.00, then again to $1,947,000.00.
So when a TP is in prison even if they wanted to pay they can’t and the interest builds?

The IRS will never see this money.

Damn “Greys” ! :twisted:
As Demo pointed out, E & E have property worth several million. If they wanted to pay, all they would have to do is arrange for its sale. Due to the liens, all proceeds after cost of sale, including reasonable agents' commisions, would have to go to the IRS.

In E & E's favor, the 10 year collection limitation period continues to run whether they're in prison or not.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat