Things just not going right for Crackhead "deslocc"

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Things just not going right for Crackhead "deslocc"

Post by Famspear »

This from user "deslocc" at losthorizons, on 12 October 2008:

So, since all of my earnings are being taken with a "notice", my W-4 has now been changed by the service to "single w/ zero", guess what I can do now is change that to "single w/ zero and increase (add) another say $500 on to that".. Lets have them "take it all"

It's getting to the point of me just saying the "heck with it all", my guess is what about reg's 6109?? Is there a method to change the "status" of these G** D*mm stupid numbers! I am at the point now where I am getting NOTHING[,] because I was suppose to get the $344 every two weeks, having hardship I took a 401k loan.. Well, the payroll people are taking the loan payment from the 344[,] so I get 'zero' for earnings. I work for nothing now... wonderful ...!!!

I just got a stupid letter where they are changing my W-4 from the "single w/ 8" down to "single w/ zero" unless I can provide a darn list of the "exemptions"... THIS FARGIN COUNTRY.. I HOPE SOME LOONEY BLOWS IT ALL TO HADES..

ANY SUGGESTIONS?? OTHER than going "parcel" and doing "Harry's War".. ?? (writer not responsible for the content of this message) ... =8952#8952

(bolding added).

What follows is a helpless response from another crackhead -- and then this from "deslocc":
[ . . . ]I've tried to tell them [deslocc's employer] they are wrong and all they tell me in response is "we're just doing what we are told". FEAR is what drives them, the irs destroys corps really quick by going to their suppliers and hinting at possible "evasion" or "seizure" of some type without going into details and so suppliers contact the targeted company and demand cash up front..

As it is I am getting "zero", so looking at what to do while I have time at least[,] but at this point I could care less..

Never a Genesis Device around when you need one!!
User "mutter" responds:
well if you are getting Zero for working why do you keep showing up?
Stop going. Find another job.
If theyre not paying you[,] what sense is there in going to work?
It would be some time before the IRSs figures out you switched jobs.
User "Patrick Mooney" offers this gem:
Another option is to bring a suit against your company.

You may also want to consider filing a complaint with your local sheriff's office. If your company is taking your property and turning it over to the service without a Court Order signed by a judge, then they are breaking the law.
Patrick, I know you weren't really trying to be funny, but can't you see that "deslocc" is hurting?

Patrick Mooney continues:
You have options.

As much as you are frustrated by your battle, it is not wise to post rants where you are wanting to blow stuff up. Doing so will alienate you from others in this forum, and will help to paint our group as anti-government extremists.

This is something we are not. We hold that the income tax is constitutional and lawful. We are merely trying to hold our government accountable to its own laws. We are not advocating the violent overthrow of anything.
User "deslocc" responds:
It just seems like there is a larger and larger rift forming between good, honest people and those of corrupt government and agency's.

[ . . . ]

I've tendered my resignation with work, the task is done. As for suit, atm I don't have any extra funds[,] since leaving on my own does not allow me to collect unemployment [ - ] but then the company wasn't going to fire me[,] and I think like most they try to get the person to "fire themselves" and then deny their unemployment for such things as insubordination.

When I worked for intel, they had soooo many rules that if they fired you[,] it was pretty much automatic that you would be denied unemployment[,] because they had a laundry list of stuff that you were "supposed to know not to do"..

Now for something completely different

This might help us save our country, eliminate ALL taxation and return ownership of the property of this nation back to the people. The site is still under construction but pass it around, we need to make this work..
User "mutter" writes:
Ive [sic] always been a firm beliver [sic] to kill them before I kill myself.
And this from "deslocc":

As it has gotten to the point where I received nothing for compensation into my hand for my labor, I have since resigned my position. The company did offer me "free" employee counseling services but my task is done.

Like so many I am adding my name to the unemployed,.. At this point it is what it is and I care not what the future holds...

Best of luck to you all...
What a miserable group of losers.
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Re: Things just not going right for Crackhead "deslocc"

Post by Gregg »

Crackhead motto # 25

"If at first you don't succeed, **** it, you're a loser"
I especially like the strategy of taking a 401K loan and not knowing they were going to take the repayment from his "net" pay.

This guy's officially off my short list for the Nobel Prize in Economics this year.
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Re: Things just not going right for Crackhead "deslocc"

Post by Dezcad »

I've seen real Crackheads have more cogent thoughts.
mutter wrote: Ive [sic] always been a firm beliver [sic] to kill them before I kill myself.
It would be very hard to do it "after".
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Re: Things just not going right for Crackhead "deslocc"

Post by The Observer »

Gregg wrote:Crackhead motto # 25

"If at first you don't succeed, **** it, you're a loser"
I especially like the strategy of taking a 401K loan and not knowing they were going to take the repayment from his "net" pay.

This guy's officially off my short list for the Nobel Prize in Economics this year.
It's even worse than that. It doesn't appear deslocc would have had enough time to repay his 401K advance before resigning. So with it unpaid, he has increased his tax liability for 2008.
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Re: Things just not going right for Crackhead "deslocc"

Post by LOBO »

Famspear wrote:This from user "deslocc" at losthorizons, on 12 October 2008:
I've tendered my resignation with work, the task is done.

I wonder if he scanned it and sent it to Blowhard for the victory page.
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Re: Things just not going right for Crackhead "deslocc"

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Stupidity abounds.

My understanding from more than a few people who work there, Intel is one of the best companies in the world to work for, particularly if you're there to do the best you can.

Not that many firms offer paid sabbaticals in addition to the typical vacation.
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Re: Things just not going right for Crackhead "deslocc"

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

ANY SUGGESTIONS?? OTHER than going "parcel" and doing "Harry's War".. ??
God, there's that dumbass movie again. Even Rotten Tomatoes can't get anyone to review it it's so bad. And what's even worse is someone did leave a blurb about it:
Only BOOTLEG copies are found. I saw the movie at a hotel one day where a
Law School that dealt with Freedom issues had it playing. I wont say which law school, but do a web search with words like freedom, who knows, you might find a way to confirm the bootleg status of this film, and lawfully report those who are breaking the law by making this film available. Once I discovered that the showing/giving away of this movie violated Law, I have distanced myself from people who would engage in such activities. Unfortunately the knowledge I learned from viewing the film cannot be purged from my memory, and I can understand why the i r s would wish to keep such information away from the public, the house of cards might come falling down.
A "law school" that dealt with freedom issues had it playing.... :roll:

I thought Mr. Mottahedeh was in prison and his "law school" shut down.

And one last thing: if "Harry's War" is illegal to obtain, how come I can rent it down at Blockbuster?
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Re: Things just not going right for Crackhead "deslocc"

Post by Demosthenes »

I thought Mr. Mottahedeh was in prison and his "law school" shut down.
He hasn't even been indicted yet.
Doktor Avalanche
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Re: Things just not going right for Crackhead "deslocc"

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

He hasn't even been indicted yet.

It doesn't look like his "law school" has been shut down, either. His website's still up.
The laissez-faire argument relies on the same tacit appeal to perfection as does communism. - George Soros

Re: Things just not going right for Crackhead "deslocc"

Post by Nikki »

Demosthenes wrote:
I thought Mr. Mottahedeh was in prison and his "law school" shut down.
He hasn't even been indicted ... yet.
Edited for appropriate emphasis
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Re: Things just not going right for Crackhead "deslocc"

Post by Famspear »

Speakng of Peymon ("Motorheader") Mottahedeh, I believe he gets little respect even from some within the tax protester community. Devvy Kidd nails him for dishonesty here:
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Re: Things just not going right for Crackhead "deslocc"

Post by LPC »

Famspear wrote:Speakng of Peymon ("Motorheader") Mottahedeh, I believe he gets little respect even from some within the tax protester community.
From the Quatlooser's Hall of Shame entry for Mottahedeh: "You know you're a scam artist when other scam artists call you a scam artist."
Dan Evans
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Re: Things just not going right for Crackhead "deslocc"

Post by Famspear »

From the Quatloos page referenced by Dan:
You know you're a scam artist when other scam artists call you a scam artist. Quatlooser Peymon Mottahedeh, who runs the bogus "Freedom Law School" based in prestigious Phelan, California (near Adelanto, California, which is best known for parking old jets in the middle of the desert for those of you not familiar with the area).
(bolding added).

Perhaps fittingly, Adelanto is also known as the "home" of tax protester Bonita Lynne Meredith (i.e., she has been "residing" for some time now at the Victorville Federal Correctional Center, or "Victorville Medium II," near Adelanto).

Maybe "Peymon Motorheader" should "move in" there some time????
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet