IRS Issued Over $1B in Fraudulent Refunds in 2007

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Red Cedar PM
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IRS Issued Over $1B in Fraudulent Refunds in 2007

Post by Red Cedar PM »

Report: IRS issued $1B in bad refunds in 2007

By JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press Writer Jim Abrams, Associated Press Writer – 2 hrs 9 mins ago

WASHINGTON – The government sent out more than $1 billion in fraudulent refunds last year and offered this explanation Thursday for the bad checks in the mail: The Internal Revenue Service has too few resources to pursue every tax fraud case.

IRS investigators never even looked at an estimated $742 million in fraudulent refunds, according to a report by the Treasury Department office that monitors the agency. When they did identify an additional $264 million in bad refunds, it was too late to stop them from being issued.

The report noted that the IRS must divide its limited resources among numerous areas of compliance. "However, this is a significant revenue loss to the federal government and that must be addressed," said J. Russell George, the Treasury's inspector general for tax administration.

The number of improper refunds filed appears to be growing rapidly, the report said. "The problem is becoming unmanageable, and the IRS cannot afford to continue handling it in the same manner as in the past," according to the report. It urged the tax agency to make the refund screening program — known as the Questionable Refund Program — a priority.

The IRS has estimated that the tax gap — the difference between taxes owed and taxes actually paid — at about $290 billion a year. Of that, about 57 percent comes from individuals understating incomes or overstating deductions and exemptions.

IRS spokesman Terry Lemons said the agency has made significant improvements over the past two years. "We stop the vast majority of fraudulent refunds and we prosecute people who try to cheat the system," Lemons said.

George's report recommended the IRS divert resources to go after such fraud cases. But Lemons said that could hurt other operations and mean fewer dollars from enforcement activities.

Lemons said the agency issued more than $470 billion in refunds in 2006 and 2007.

The report said the IRS fraud detection centers stopped more than $1.2 billion in fraudulent refunds in 2007, compared with $412 million in 2005, the last year the detection system fully functioned.

Because the system picks up only those refunds with higher dollar values, about 500,000 potentially fraudulent refunds did not enter the centers' screening process. Had those refunds been included, the centers would have identified an additional $742 million in fraud, the report estimated.

In 2006, because of a technical problem in the fraud detection system, the IRS succeeded in identifying and stopping only $189 million in fraudulent refunds while paying out an estimated $894 million, the report said.

The Treasury's inspector general, in a separate report Thursday, lauded the IRS for what it said was a "generally successful" 2008 filing season during which returns and refunds were processed in a timely fashion.

This report said the IRS did a good job in overcoming several obstacles, including changes involving the alternative minimum tax. The agency was also responsible for sending out checks to more than 130 million people as part of the economic aid plan signed into law in February.
While it may be a small percentage of the overall refunds issued, this is still a huge number and has been growing over the past few years. While about $1.2 billion in fraudulent refunds were blocked, that is still just barely over half which is totally unacceptable. Just over half is not the "vast majority," Mr. Lemons. The IRS needs to fix its system of catching fraudulent refunds, and if it needs resources, it needs to do a better job of expressing the importance of getting additional resources to Congress. This report would be a good selling point if that is the case.

Of course, according to the LostHeads, if these people got a refund from the IRS, it must be 100% valid. The IRS never makes mistakes.
"Pride cometh before thy fall."

--Dantonio 11:03:07
Grixit wrote:Hey Diller: forget terms like "wages", "income", "derived from", "received", etc. If you did something, and got paid for it, you owe tax.
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Re: IRS Issued Over $1B in Fraudulent Refunds in 2007

Post by grixit »

In the interests of keeping the thread together, i'm locking this. The story has already been quoted here:
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