This "tax protester" movement thing might get worse....

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This "tax protester" movement thing might get worse....

Post by Famspear »

This tax protester movement is bad, and it could get worse. Check out this report:
The evidence shows that the organized tax protestor group is growing rapidly. It has spread eastward from the West Coast and is adding substantially and wrongfully to the workload of the federal courts. The goal of UTAP [the "United Tax Action Patriots"] is to do away with federal income taxation by making the burden so heavy on the IRS and the federal courts that the government will have to yield. It is their philosophy that the Sixteenth Amendment was improperly passed and therefore invalid, and that anyone attempting to enforce the income tax laws is violating the rights of the taxpayers and should be treated as a criminal.

The organization meets on a regular basis for the purpose of teaching its members the various and sundry methods of obstructing the Internal Revenue Service. Many of their speakers travel about the country to appear on the programs at these meetings. The members are told at these meetings that they should file protest type tax returns, commonly known as "porth" returns, containing only the name and address of the taxpayer; and that they should object to the completion of the form on various and sundry constitutional grounds. They are also instructed to file W-4 statements claiming as many as 99 exemptions to avoid the withholding of any tax from their salaries. Since such returns will obviously result in the matter being referred to the Audit Division of the Internal Revenue Service, they are further instructed that upon being requested to appear for an audit they should resist, if possible; and that if forced to appear, they should make every effort to disrupt such proceedings to the point of making a farce of them. They are told that in all cases they should avoid giving any correct or meaningful answers to questions propounded to them. If their actions ultimately result in court proceedings, they are to take whatever action is necessary to delay, obstruct and disrupt all such proceedings. Their philosophy involves the subversion, not only of the Internal Revenue Service, but also of the federal judicial system by tying up its courts in fruitless proceedings involving tax protestors.
(bolding added).

Oh, wait a minute. I guess this report might be a little dated now......... It's from Ex parte Tammen, 438 F. Supp. 349, 78-1 U.S. Tax Cas. (CCH) paragr. 9302 (N.D. Tex. 1977) (footnotes omitted).

Gee, not much has changed in 31 years, I guess.

By the way, Ex parte Tammen is the earliest case I have found (so far) that mentions a Sixteenth Amendment invalidity argument, although that issue was not actually decided by the court in this case. Ex parte Tammen pre-dates the court cases mentioning Bill Benson's version of this frivolous crap and the cases mentioning the frivolous "Ohio was not a state until 1953" version of this crap.

Has anyone here ever heard the term "porth return" anywhere else, as used to describe tax returns containing tax protester arguments? (Remember the cases involving Mr. Porth?)

EDIT: I have corrected the style of the case as shown above; it's "Ex parte Tammen" (not "In re Tammen").
Last edited by Famspear on Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: This "tax protester" movement thing might get worse....

Post by The Observer »

I have seen the phrase "Porth-type returns" but that has been a quite a while ago. If I remember correctly, those returns seemed to be based on people amending the jurat or putting a "protest" statement across the face of the return about the illegality of taxes. I am just not sure that these types of returns are in "fashion" now with the TP movement.

I wonder if the returns filed by the CTC crowd will be referred to as "Hendrickson-type" or "CTC-type" or even just plain old "Crackhead-type" returns in future tax cases.
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Re: This "tax protester" movement thing might get worse....

Post by Gregg »

Gee, maybe they should hold them in contempt when they disrupt the courts, slap big civil penalties on frivolous returns, etc...

Oh, well, they do that. I have an idea, how about ruthless scorched earth type tactics to the idiots who do this garbage. How about diverting 20 or 30 people to make a crusade out of the crackhead forum and make an example of people like Hendrickson et al. Sorry, I'm just feeling a little mean tonight. But honestly, what might be the impact of charging all of the OWLS over there with perjury for the false 4852s they filed? Put a few in prison, make a few homeless, I'm sure there's a little deterrence in actually punishing criminal behavior.
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Re: This "tax protester" movement thing might get worse....

Post by cynicalflyer »

CaptainKickback wrote:I am rubbing off on some of you - I am usually the one who says to break them and break them hard so when they come out of prison they have absolutely zero. You know, burn them right to tyhe ground......
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Re: This "tax protester" movement thing might get worse....

Post by Number Six »

The "movement" exploded during the 1990's due to lack of money for enforcement, the burgeoning patriot movement, with dozens of the slickest promoters ever, and because it wasn't a huge priority when economic times were good.
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