losthorizon user "demolane" has a profound question

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losthorizon user "demolane" has a profound question

Post by Famspear »

Over at losthorizons, user "demolane" has begun a new thread with a profound question:
Well I just received a "Notice of Federal Lien" that just got filed against my property. Anyone have any suggestions about how to keep them from selling my house and land??

Um, oh, umm, well, let me think. Oh, um, well, how about uh, maybe, uh.... pay the tax??!!??
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Re: losthorizon user "demolane" has a profound question

Post by . »

Paging Mr. Van Pelt. Please pick up the NFTL courtesy phone. Paging Mr. Van Pelt.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
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Re: losthorizon user "demolane" has a profound question

Post by The Observer »

Well, he could always cross his fingers and hope that his house has no equity in the property that the lien attaches to - without equity he won't have to worry about the IRS seizing and selling the property.

Of course if he has equity, one of the paytriot scammers may suggest to him that he can create and record some false documents that would make it appear that his home is encumbered up to the hilt...but the IRS shouldn't fall for that if they are paying any attention.
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Re: losthorizon user "demolane" has a profound question

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Well I just received a "Notice of Federal Lien" that just got filed against my property. Anyone have any suggestions about how to keep them from selling my house and land??

Find a way to pay some or all of the tax owed as quickly as possible. The phrase "an offer in compromise" comes to mind if you're not completely brain dead.

Trust me, a forced eviction is a disaster of incredibly devastating emotional consequences. If you have a spouse and children you're putting your tax-protester fantasy battle in front of their best interests. It's easy to say you and your kids can shack up with family but trust me, your in-laws three bedroom, two bathroom home is overloaded with two families in it. After a short while things get ugly. You may not have even that option. Any idea how may people are living in vehicles because of their stupidity? Do you have any idea what your kids will go through?

Right wrong or indifferent the deck is stacked against you - any legal maneuvering is rarely much more than a delay unless your case is so egregious that it deserves outrage from some important or politically-connected source. The average debt victim is just the average victim and the collateral damage is accepted. Welcome to the economic safety net and the giant holes in it.

Your focus on your current cash position is telling you to find a way to avoid it, but YOU CAN NEGOTIATE a responsible resolution if you do so in good faith and don't fall for the mythologies.

From experience of people I've been involved with, I can say that there are predatory lenders and mortgage servicers that are far more ruthless (and aggressive) than the IRS.
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Re: losthorizon user "demolane" has a profound question

Post by Gregg »

The Observer wrote:Well, he could always cross his fingers and hope that his house has no equity in the property that the lien attaches to - without equity he won't have to worry about the IRS seizing and selling the property.

Of course if he has equity, one of the paytriot scammers may suggest to him that he can create and record some false documents that would make it appear that his home is encumbered up to the hilt...but the IRS shouldn't fall for that if they are paying any attention.
ding ding ding!!! We have a winner!
I live in Georgia. And it says they put a lein on all my property in which I own presently and anything I buy in the future. Everything is paid for except a pickup truck and small tractor although I personally put a UCC-! against my real property prior to this lien.
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Re: losthorizon user "demolane" has a profound question

Post by Quixote »

Everything is paid for except a pickup truck and small tractor although I personally put a UCC-! against my real property prior to this lien.
The utter cluelessness of the paytriot community is epitomized by their use of the UCC-1 nonsense to attempt to defend against a NFTL. If the UCC-1 filing had any legal effect, it would give the paytriot a security interest in his own property. A NFTL attaches to all property and interests in property. That is, the lien would, even in Paytriot Fantasyland, attach to the real property and the paytiot's security interest in that property.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat