famous WTP appeal sealed...

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David Merrill

famous WTP appeal sealed...

Post by David Merrill »

http://pacer.cadc.uscourts.gov/docs/com ... -5359a.pdf

A week after passing a hardcopy of the linked opinion around the local We the People chapter meeting, I am concerned that Bob Shultz and his moderators will not update the WTP information update docket.

http://www.givemeliberty.org/RTPLawsuit ... Docket.htm

It seems like people would be a little more interested.


David Merrill.

P.S. It sounds like somebody named J.A.I.L. is ready to bail WTP out; if they should ever be informed, that is:
The Right to Redress
--Not "Petition"

Congress shall make no law ... abridging ... the right
of the people ... to petition the government
for a redress of grievances.
First Amendment (pertinent portion)

An organization, We The People Foundation (WTP), brought a federal lawsuit that has been ongoing for the last five years on whether the People have the right to petition government for redress of their grievances. The decision by the Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit, decided May 8, 2007, may be found at
http://pacer.cadc.uscourts.gov/docs/com ... -5359a.pdf

If there was ever a case that screamed out for the J.A.I.L. solution, this one is it! There are two issues to be discussed here. (1) Analysis of the Petition Clause; and (2) The court's reliance on Supreme Court precedents.

1. The court fails to consider the material portion of the Petition Clause

This issue is so simple to figure out, that the court's decision is baffling. It states:
These scholars [referring to Law Review authors] note that the Petition Clause by its terms refers only to a right “to petition”; it does not also refer to a right to response or official consideration. (Pg.9)

The Petition Clause reads: "... to petition the government for a redress of grievances." In ruling on the merits of this clause, the entire clause must be read and considered --not just one or two words. In fact, the most significant part of that clause was not considered by this court. "To petition" is qualified by "government" and "for a redress of grievances."

The first qualifier, "government," indicates to whom the petition is made. It doesn't specify any particular branch or agency, nor does it limit the term. The subject matter of the issues of petition would determine which branch or office of government is addressed by petition. The second qualifier, "for a redress of grievances," is the one that gives meaning to the entire clause. Without that qualifier, there is no meaning whatsoever to the Petition Clause. There must be an objective, a purpose, a reason, indicated for petitioning. A petition for nothing is not a right.

The phrase "to petition" or even "to petition the government" is not a complete thought. The logical missing ingredient is "why"? "for what purpose"? Without an objective to be sought by petitioning, it is no right at all. The phrase "for a redress of grievances" provides the objective for petitioning. It is the objective complement which completes the thought of the entire clause and gives it meaning. Ignoring that phrase is not an option.

The core ingredient of the right of petition is "redress." The modifiers indicate the kind of redress (of grievances) and who is responsible to provide that redress (government). "To petition" is merely the means by which the objective (redress) is sought from government by a petitioner. It is a means to an end, not an end in itself.

To rule that the right to petition does not necessarily include within that right the right to a response or consideration of that petition is unconstitutional on its face, since it fails to consider (1) the objective of petition, to wit, "redress of grievances" and (2) to whom the petition for redress is addressed, to wit, "government." Government is responsible for considering and responding to a petition for redress of grievances, and thus, for providing the redress sought by the petition, within the prima facie meaning of the Petition Clause as stated.

Having failed to grant that right, the appellate judges involved have violated the First Amendment Petition Clause, rendering their decision null and void as repugnant to the Constitution. They, as well as the trial court judge(s), are prime candidates for the J.A.I.L. process when it becomes available, if petitioners elect to pursue it in the future after exhausting the USSC and the violation is not corrected.

2. The court fails to rely on the Constitution as its supreme authority.

The final full paragraph of the decision states:
We need not resolve this debate, however, because we must follow the binding Supreme Court precedent. See Tenet v. Doe, 544 U.S. 1, 10-11 (2005). And under that precedent, Executive and Legislative responses to and consideration of petitions are entrusted to the discretion of those Branches. (Pg.9)
Rather than rely on the entire Petition Clause as provided in the Constitution, as aforesaid, this court abandons that consideration and turns to "binding Supreme Court precedent" which holds that "Executive and Legislative responses to and consideration of petitions are entrusted to the discretion of those Branches." As the guardian of petitioners' rights, the federal court had the responsibility of overruling that "precedent" as violative of the Constitution. Court precedent is not binding if it violates the Constitution.

The concurring judge even stated:
Even where the plain text yields a clear interpretation, the Supreme Court has rejected a pure textualist approach in favor of an analysis that accords weight to the historical context and the underlying purpose of the clause at issue. (Concurring Opinion, Pg.1)
Rather than considering the Constitution for what it clearly says in its text, this court turns to "weight to the historical context" and "underlying purpose of the clause at issue." The clear "underlying purpose of the clause at issue" in this case is shown in the clause itself. No other "underlying purpose" need be conjured up. The "weight to the historical context" can mean whatever the judges want it to mean--that's a very vague and subjective standard not deserving of the Constitution.

Thomas Jefferson said:

"Let no more be heard of confidence in men, but rather bind them down by the chains of the Constitution."

The Constitution stands on its own except with reference to the Declaration of Independence upon which it is based. The DOI sets forth the origin of government, to wit, "...That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, ..." This institution of government is done by charter, i.e., the Constitution which establishes the consent of the People to their government. The Constitution establishes everything anew and does away with the historical tyranny under English law. It does not require any crutch, such as an "historical context" in the subjective opinion of judges, upon which to maintain its integrity. Indeed, all judges are bound by their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. They do not take an oath to uphold and defend "Supreme Court precedent."

Relying on anything other than the Constitution, and going beyond the limitations of the Constitution in making this decision renders it null and void. One need not look beyond the Petition Clause itself to determine its full meaning and intention.


He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation. - Declaration of Independence

"..it does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." - Samuel Adams

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Post by . »

The voices in Van Pelt's head wrote:after passing a hardcopy of the linked opinion around the local We the People chapter meeting
First, in order to pass anything around, someone would have to show up, other than in your head.
The voices in Van Pelt's head wrote:It seems like people would be a little more interested.
Why? Assuming there were actual people present, why would anyone pay any attention whatsoever to someone who claims that his name isn't his name, sues people in the name of his motor scooter, claims that federal tax liens need some sort of court process before they are enforceable and claims that he can provide "remedy" to "suitors" only if they pay him supposedly unlawful money?

I would ignore any such person and so would the rest of the sane world. Of which you are not a part. But you already know that, right?
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

. wrote:
The voices in Van Pelt's head wrote:after passing a hardcopy of the linked opinion around the local We the People chapter meeting
First, in order to pass anything around, someone would have to show up, other than in your head.
The voices in Van Pelt's head wrote:It seems like people would be a little more interested.
Why? Assuming there were actual people present, why would anyone pay any attention whatsoever to someone who claims that his name isn't his name, sues people in the name of his motor scooter, claims that federal tax liens need some sort of court process before they are enforceable and claims that he can provide "remedy" to "suitors" only if they pay him supposedly unlawful money?

I would ignore any such person and so would the rest of the sane world. Of which you are not a part. But you already know that, right?

I don't think you understand.

I accept psychiatric evaluations from someone named "." over the Internet for what it is worth. According to your blurt, it is much better you believe that there was no meeting...

We are much safer.


David Merrill.
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Post by . »

I don't think you understand.
This is just one more instance of where you go completely off the rails. I, and everyone else here with the exception of yourself, do in fact understand. You're nucking futs.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
David Merrill

really now

Post by David Merrill »

Then you are saying everybody here is nuts. I don't buy that. Folie a deux, maybe, but not nuts.

http://friends-n-family-research.info/F ... a-Deux.jpg
group psychotic disorders

I am fully confident that even wserra and Judge Roy Bean are able to accept the possibility that I was at a We the People meeting a week ago and I passed around a hardcopy of the above linked opinion.

Therefore I explain why I am accepting your input, your psychiatric evaluation of me for exactly what it is worth ".".


David Merrill.
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Re: famous WTP appeal sealed...

Post by webhick »

David Merrill wrote:It seems like people would be a little more interested.
The only way the WTP is going to report anything bad happening with their case is if they can spin it so that it a) looks like a win b) enrages their followers do donate more/work harder for them.

Seriously, are you surprised?
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Post by Demosthenes »

Schulz hasn't even announced the civil injunction suit against him. Not informing his followers about the class action lawsuit loss is no surprise at all.
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Re: really now

Post by The Observer »

David Merrill wrote:I am fully confident that even wserra and Judge Roy Bean are able to accept the possibility that I was at a We the People meeting a week ago and I passed around a hardcopy of the above linked opinion.
Except for the fact that you have claimed to have been at meetings where the evidence seems to indicate otherwise. Nikki, bless her little heart, confronted you with evidence that a "David Van Pelt" signed a document at the very meeting at which you, David Merrill, claimed to be. Of course, there was no signature for a "David Merrill." And up to this point you have failed to make even an attempt to explain this contradiction, even when provided the opportunity on this thread:


So you will have to excuse us when we express doubts about the claims that you make in regarding your appearance.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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David Merrill

Re: famous WTP appeal sealed...

Post by David Merrill »

webhick wrote:
David Merrill wrote:It seems like people would be a little more interested.
The only way the WTP is going to report anything bad happening with their case is if they can spin it so that it a) looks like a win b) enrages their followers do donate more/work harder for them.

Seriously, are you surprised?
Not at all. But I have kept up with WTP very little.

Thanks for your opinion. It seems that is about the only logical explanation for the abrupt end to the 'docket'.


David Merrill.

P.S. Dear Observer;

No sense exacerbating your pseudonomania.
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Re: famous WTP appeal sealed...

Post by The Observer »

David Merrill wrote:P.S. Dear Observer;

No sense exacerbating your pseudonomania.
No, you mean no sense trying to lie your way out of this one, so you will keep hoping that your earlier faux pas will be forgotten if you keep avoiding answering the question.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
David Merrill

Re: famous WTP appeal sealed...

Post by David Merrill »

The Observer wrote:
David Merrill wrote:P.S. Dear Observer;

No sense exacerbating your pseudonomania.
No, you mean no sense trying to lie your way out of this one, so you will keep hoping that your earlier faux pas will be forgotten if you keep avoiding answering the question.

Actually it is simply that you will not read, or keep misreading or misunderstanding two concise definitions from a law dictionary:

http://friends-n-family-research.info/F ... nition.jpg
http://friends-n-family-research.info/F ... _legal.jpg

And that I do not answer to your ignorance about names.


David Merrill.

Post by Nikki »


This question gets a one word answer, either Yes or No.

Did you sign the common law jury document as either David Merrill Van Pelt or David Van Pelt?
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

Nikki wrote:David:

This question gets a one word answer, either Yes or No.

Did you sign the common law jury document as either David Merrill Van Pelt or David Van Pelt?

You are just too much fun, Nikki.


David Merrill.

Post by Nikki »


This question gets a one word answer, either Yes or No.

Did you sign the common law jury document as either David Merrill Van Pelt or David Van Pelt?

Is this too difficult a question for you to answer?
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

David Merrill wrote:
Nikki wrote:David:

This question gets a one word answer, either Yes or No.

Did you sign the common law jury document as either David Merrill Van Pelt or David Van Pelt?

You are just too much fun, Nikki.


David Merrill.
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Post by . »

Is this too difficult a question for you to answer?
Clearly, it is. Van Pelt cannot admit that he used the name "Van Pelt" when he has said that he hasn't used the name "Van Pelt" for 10 years because it would incontrovertibly expose him as the liar that he is.

Rock => Van Pelt <= Hard place.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

. wrote:
Is this too difficult a question for you to answer?
Clearly, it is. Van Pelt cannot admit that he used the name "Van Pelt" when he has said that he hasn't used the name "Van Pelt" for 10 years because it would incontrovertibly expose him as the liar that he is.

Rock => Van Pelt <= Hard place.
Not that I am responding to Van Pelt (delicious thought) but this comes from somebody named "."??

My name is David Merrill and I find it quite tittlating that you call me a liar over that fact.


David Merrill.
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Post by . »

Not that I am responding to Van Pelt
Of course you are, as you always do.
from somebody named "."
Who cares what my moniker is? It's your lying about your legal name that we're discussing.
That's "titillating." Your voices seem to be illiterate. You might want to consider getting some new ones. Or better meds. Or any meds at all.
The voices in Van Pelt's head that Van Pelt forgot about wrote:I have signed nothing "David M. Van Pelt" for well over a decade.
http://ecclesia.org/forum/topic.asp?TOP ... hichpage=5

Why don't you answer the simple question about why you signed as Van Pelt when you have also said that you haven't done any such thing for at least 10 years?

Rock => Van Pelt <= Hard place.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

Who cares what my moniker is? It's your lying about your legal name that we're discussing.

There you have it; admission that you understood the law dictionary definitions and admission that it is you who is lying.

To this point you will not find one post accusing about legal name - from anybody here! At least I think I would have spotted it.

I have no legal name. I have no last name.

You may think I am lying but you are blinded by conditioning. So the question is do I have the right to control what I have and do not have?


David Merrill.

P.S. Brian Rookard shoved his foot down his throat on a much more appropriately named thread about this:

Brian Rookard
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Post by Brian Rookard »

David Merrill wrote:P.S. Brian Rookard shoved his foot down his throat on a much more appropriately named thread about this:
You keep thinking that David Merrill of the Van Pelt family.

Mr. Birth-Certificate-Admiralty-UCC-Commercial-Fringe-Flag-I-Am-Not-David-Merrill-Van-Pelt.