Paranoia runs deep in the Ed Brown case

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Paranoia runs deep in the Ed Brown case

Post by Demosthenes »

Retreat | Advance
Trouble with Feds in Tennessee
• 29th Jun, 2007 at 10:35 PM

Tyler, the person who wrote this, is a 19 year old college student in Tennessee who drove up to New Hampshire to see the Browns during his spring break and was horrified at the black helicopters that were being used to monitor traffic...
Last edited by Demosthenes on Thu Jul 19, 2007 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by . »

It's good to be a total nut-ball. True believers suddenly remember that they have to go home to water their plants.
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Post by ASITStands »

I wanted to ask whether anyone believed any of the story was actually true. I have my answer. You have to read these things with a healthy dose of skepticism to match the paranoia.

Did Reno leave the compound? I had not seen that news.
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Post by Demosthenes »

ASITStands wrote:Did Reno leave the compound? I had not seen that news.
Posted today by Reno's father.
Saturday, June 30, 2007

Category: News and Politics

Recent events have managed to slow the flow of information and activism. We must all remain on target. The cause is SHOW ME THE LAW… period. Reno is on the move and still in the picture. The success of this movement will benefit MILLIONS of real Americans and is only the beginning. Please, keep the information flowing and keep the faith.

Together, WE are the cure for the cancer that occupies the Federal government.

Maintain openness. Federal, state, and local agents are americans and have to potential for becoming Americans (capital "A" for AWAKE).

Remember that individual SODLIERS (not the army) refused to fire upon Chinese citizens in Tiananmen Square in 1989; Individual GUARDS refused to fire upon East Berliners flooding the checkpoints and, later, the Maueserpechte that brought sledgehammers to destroy the Berlin Wall. Federal agents stand to gain as much from SHOW ME THE LAW as every other American. Our goal is to bring attention to this cause. Be LOUD in a polite manner and maintain your confidence.

Keep the faith.

:{ jmg

Sounds like Reno just moved from home security to shooter status.
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Post by grixit »

[Voiceover: Coming this fall to FoxTv--

This is America as you've never dared to see it. Here the uncensored truth is shown in all its ugly reality. It is the story of an occupied couintry and the brave underground resistance that struggles on to rekindle the embers of freedom while all around them the masses meekly surrender themselves and collaborate with the forces of oppression. Tomorrow may bring capture and imprisonment, torture or even death. But they are ready to make whatever sacrifices are required. Theirs is a bitter struggle, one which only the hope of restoring liberty can make bearable. In the meantime they depend on each other for information, support, and to lighten the loneliness of fighting for their indifferent families and neighbors. And this is where they get together for those fleeting moments of comradship, the secret sanctuary nicknamed--


[Queue drumroll and theme music remeniscent of Hogan's Heroes. Fade in on a shop. Simple sleds hang in a row along one wall. Scarves, gloves, and other cold weather gear fill the shelves. The man behind the counter looks up as a bell rings. A man enters.

Shopkeeper: May i help you?

Customer: I will not buy this parrot, it is scratched.

Shopkeeper: I'm sorry-- this is a tobogganist's.

Customer: Say no more!

[After glancing around to make sure there is no one else there, the shopkeeper pulls a lever under the counter. A hidden door swings back. The customer slips through. The door closes.]

[Dissolve to the next room It's fitted like a small clubhouse. There are posters on the wall with images of Thomas Payne, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Irwin Schiff on one wall. Above them, a handlettered banner says "HOTEL FOXTROT". Two men and a woman are already seated at one of the small tables. They look up as the customer enters.]

Man 1 (Alpha Dingbat): Sierra! We were afraid they'd caught you. What happened? Are youi ok?

Customer (Sierra Tahoe):I, um, i think i'm ok. But they got Whisky!

Alpha Dingbat: Who?

Sierra Tahoe: Come on A-Dog, you remember Whisky Breath! He gave you a ride to the clinic that time when you--

Alpha Dingbat (hastily): Oh, right, him. How'd it happen?

Woman (Delta Dishrag): Wait-- so now our codenames have nicknames? That's not in the manual!

Alpha Dingbat: You mean you haven't got the latest update, Double D? You need to get over to Lost Whooping Cranes and get one.

Delta Dishrag: Oh.

Sierra Tahoe: Twenty nine ninety five.

Man 2 (Kilo Wingnut): So what about Whisky?

Sierra Tahoe: I was at his place. He was out of tortilla chips so i was looking for some more in the garage when i heard the sound of the front door being knocked down and suddenly there was a lot of shouting and commotion. I quickly hid in the back of that old rambler of his. Someone came in but they didn't see me and left. Meanwhile i heard a lot of banging and screaming. I realized with a shivver that it was Whisky screaming. And-- it could have been me! Then everything turned quiet. I snuck out of hiding and checked the house. It had been completely trashed. Whisky was gone. But they left something.

Delta Dishrag: What?

Sierra Tahoe: A card. This one.
[He displays a card. It has a grinning helmeted feline head and the words; DEATH AND TAXES: THEY COME TO ALL AT LAST.

There is a collective gasp.]

Alpha Dingbat: The MelonCat!

[fade to black]

[Voiceover: Hotel Foxtrot. check into Fox for drama!]
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . Dr Pepper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4

Post by silversopp »

That story was pretty funny.

The Feds are HF, tapping her workplace/cell phone and circling the office parking lot. HF talks to Tyler, a miltary tactics expert that devises contigency plans. As the pressure mounts, they leap into action! HF leaves work when her shift is over.

The Feds, not expecting this at all, scramble a fleet of 300s to follow HF. Meanwhile, secret locations are discussed and changed to keep the Feds off balance. HF manages to lose the 300s for a little while, and use this valuable opportunity in the most productive way possible - stop and eat dinner with a friend.

Here's what really happened:

Tyler and HF discuss plans for the evening, including meeting a friend AN. Tyler coordinates the plans by calling AN and HF a few times before her shift ends. HF leaves work when her shift is over, goes home, changes, and heads to town. During her commute to and from her house, discussions continue as to where they will shop and eat. They met in town, shop, take one car to a resataurant, eat, return the shop, and take their cars back home.

Tyler uses this very normal daily occurance to pretend he's some top notch military commander. My friends and I used to do this sort of thing all the time when we were ten. We'd get nerf guns and divide into teams, call each other by code names, and plan very detailed strikes into the enemy's base. It was a lot of fun. I think Tyler may have missed that part of his childhood.
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Post by Cobalt Shiva »

CaptainKickback wrote:It seems to have never occurred to numb-nuts that the reason the Feds want to talk to HF is to get information about the Browns' habits and patters, their firepower and where their guns are located. All the amateur skullduggery is probably doing nothing more than pissing off the Feds, which is not as good an idea as it sounds.
These are the idiots who bleat about refreshing the tree of liberty--but preferably with someone else's blood.
A side note - the guy writing is a total wannabee. He tries to act as if he has real military experience, by using Zulu time and using the military phonetic alphabet. My only advice is to find out what university in TN he goes to and remove my children from it.
He's an elite Chairborne Ranger Keyboard Kommando. Show an appropriate amount of respect, already.

Post by ElfNinosMom »

I think it's hilarious that they actually think nobody can figure out what they're saying in messages like that. Where'd they get their super-secret decoder ring, a box of Cracker Jacks? :lol:

Everybody knows the real super-secret decoder rings are actually in boxes of Apple Jacks. 8)
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Post by webhick »

ElfNinosMom wrote:Everybody knows the real super-secret decoder rings are actually in boxes of Apple Jacks. 8)
Of course! And don't forget the ones in Lucky Charms and Count Chocula. After all, how will you properly decode anything without all three rings?
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Post by Imalawman »

webhick wrote:
ElfNinosMom wrote:Everybody knows the real super-secret decoder rings are actually in boxes of Apple Jacks. 8)
Of course! And don't forget the ones in Lucky Charms and Count Chocula. After all, how will you properly decode anything without all three rings?
But the one ring to rule them all is, of course, in Coco Puffs.
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Post by Cobalt Shiva »

Imalawman wrote:
webhick wrote:
ElfNinosMom wrote:Everybody knows the real super-secret decoder rings are actually in boxes of Apple Jacks. 8)
Of course! And don't forget the ones in Lucky Charms and Count Chocula. After all, how will you properly decode anything without all three rings?
But the one ring to rule them all is, of course, in Coco Puffs.

Post by gezco »

Sounds like Reno just moved from home security to shooter status.
It just keeps getting stranger and stranger, even by paranoid delusion nut job standards. Will Reno be getting picked up anytime soon?
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Post by Demosthenes » ... news13.txt

Gonzalez, his sons leave tax protesters' N.H. home
Browns reportedly ordered Alice natives to leave

Christopher Maher, Alice Echo-News Journal

An Alice man and his two sons left a New Hampshire home that is the center of a standoff between federal agents and a group of tax protesters, after they had a disagreement with the leader of the protest group.

Jose Gonzalez and his son Romeo Gonzalez left the home on Sunday, and were followed by Jose's other son, Cirino "Reno" Gonzalez, on Monday.

The home, located on a 100-acre estate in Plainfield, N.H., is owned by Ed and Elaine Brown.

The Browns, who in April were sentenced to more than five years in prison after they were convicted of multiple charges related to tax evasion, have refused to surrender to federal marshals and are currently living with several supporters in the home.

They have repeatedly threatened to kill anyone who attempts to arrest them.

Alice native Reno Gonzalez joined the Browns in the standoff in May, and Jose Gonzalez, who has expressed his support for the tax protest, drove from Alice to New Hampshire with his son Romeo Gonzalez last week to visit Reno.

While driving home Tuesday, Jose Gonzalez explained in a telephone interview that Ed Brown had ordered all three of the men to leave his home when they questioned some aspects of the standoff.

Specifically, Jose Gonzalez said, the men questioned the lack of security in the home and a lack of preparation to defend against an armed assault, should federal agents raid the home.

"It's a beautiful home, but it is not designed to fend off attack," Jose Gonzalez said. "We suggested putting some plywood up over windows and simply closing off unnecessary rooms."

Jose Gonzalez said Brown was outraged at the suggestions, and immediately demanded the three men leave his home. Jose Gonzalez questioned why Brown would provoke an attack he was not prepared to defend against, and said he believed Brown had his own motivations in the standoff not related to the tax argument.

"Ed Brown repeatedly has said in interviews and to the media that he will not be taken alive. But yet, he doesn't seem to be doing anything to make anybody believe that he cares about people inside the house surviving any sort of attack. And at the same time he's provoking an attack," Jose Gonzalez said. "I think Ed Brown has no intention of dying for this cause. I think his intention is to be the sole survivor of some sort of attack at his estate, from which he will gain political power."

Jose Gonzalez said he had much more productive discussions in the home with Brown supporter Randy Weaver, a survivor of the 1992 "Ruby Ridge" raid by federal authorities in which Weaver's wife and son were killed.

"He's a great guy, just a regular guy," Jose Gonzalez said. "He seems like an old man who is tired of putting up with a lot of legal nonsense. He's frustrated, but he doesn't seem violent whatsoever."

Jose Gonzalez said he had no trouble interacting with Weaver, who has been linked with white supremacist groups, but he did get strange racial comments from other supporters of the Browns.

"People would walk up to us and say, 'Yeah, I've got nothing against you legal Mexicans, it's the illegals that we don't like,'" Gonzalez said.

Despite that experience, Gonzalez said he believed many of those who have supported the Browns, particularly those who communicated with Reno on the Internet, will join them in backing away from the Browns but still continue the protest.

"I would stick my neck out and say most of the people who were supporters of the Browns were really supporters of Cirino," Jose Gonzalez said. "They were supporting the Browns because Cirino got them involved in the cause."
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Post by ASITStands »

"We suggested putting some plywood up over windows and simply closing off unnecessary rooms."

Jose Gonzalez said Brown was outraged at the suggestions, and immediately demanded the three men leave his home. Jose Gonzalez questioned why Brown would provoke an attack he was not prepared to defend against, and said he believed Brown had his own motivations in the standoff not related to the tax argument.

"Ed Brown repeatedly has said in interviews and to the media that he will not be taken alive. But yet, he doesn't seem to be doing anything to make anybody believe that he cares about people inside the house surviving any sort of attack. And at the same time he's provoking an attack," Jose Gonzalez said. "I think Ed Brown has no intention of dying for this cause. I think his intention is to be the sole survivor of some sort of attack at his estate, from which he will gain political power."
Interesting. Talk is cheap. Ed Brown appears more like a tyrant than anything else. His insistence he'll not be taken alive is irrational, but it sounds like all talk and no guts if Jose is to be believed.

And, Jose is more believable than Ed Brown.

I hope this ends soon, and I hope Ed Brown ends in disgrace within the tax protester movement. They've made him such an icon.

By the way, Demo, did you delete a post on another thread a couple of days back? I saw something you posted, and then it was gone. I don't blame you for deleting it, but I just wonder if I was seeing things.
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Post by The Observer »

Ed Brown appears to have a personality that cannot tolerate anyone telling him what to do, even if it is only a suggestion. This explains his dominance over his wife, his inability to make and keep friends, and his antisocial attitude that alienates people within a short period of time.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Post by ASITStands »

Ed Brown appears to have a personality that cannot tolerate anyone telling him what to do, even if it is only a suggestion. This explains his dominance over his wife, his inability to make and keep friends, and his antisocial attitude that alienates people within a short period of time.
Very much in agreement.

Not only that, "He's nuts!"

Post by gezco »

The Observer wrote:Ed Brown appears to have a personality that cannot tolerate anyone telling him what to do, even if it is only a suggestion. This explains his dominance over his wife, his inability to make and keep friends, and his antisocial attitude that alienates people within a short period of time.
This guy has got to be really grating in person. The longer I follow this story, the lower my opinion of Ed Brown is. I get the impression that he's a Cliff Klaven wanna be, cheap skate, free loading, know it all, jack ass. I really wish someone would arrest him.

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

gezco wrote:
The Observer wrote:Ed Brown appears to have a personality that cannot tolerate anyone telling him what to do, even if it is only a suggestion. This explains his dominance over his wife, his inability to make and keep friends, and his antisocial attitude that alienates people within a short period of time.
This guy has got to be really grating in person. The longer I follow this story, the lower my opinion of Ed Brown is. I get the impression that he's a Cliff Klaven wanna be, cheap skate, free loading, know it all, jack ass. I really wish someone would arrest him.
I dealt with Ed 7 years ago. He was grating to say the least. He had the I am right, everyone else is wrong attitude. Elaine (who I only spoke to on the phone) was very nice and much more forgiving than Ed was.

I got into a discussion with Ed about the gold fringe on the flag and the jurisdiction of federal courts. I knew this was going to be an issue, so I brought a pocket copy of the constitution with me and showed him Article III. Ed was not impressed. :roll:

Things didn't go well for Ed, so maybe that's why he is convinced that Judges are all Zionist Jesuit Free Masons. :roll:

Post by ElfNinosMom »

Here's a link to the video from the "Freedom Concert" at Ed and Elaine's. The song sounds like something Gene Chapman might write, LOL

**KEYBOARD WARNING** ... 9726&hl=en

Post by Disilloosianed »

I have no words to adequately describe how ridiculous that is. I mean, honestly...."scrimping and saving to pay income tax...." We're still talking about Ed and Elaine right? The millionaires??