Lentz, Karl

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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by notorial dissent »

Fall was/is a fool and an idiot, if listening to Lentz alone doesn't prove that, his entire case, and following melange of gibberish certainly did. I vaguely remember reading the case early on not being impressed or interested, and somehow Lentz managed to convince Fall to fight and entirely different battle and lose spectacularly.

I do think it is about time that Lentz got the appreciation for his efforts he so richly deserves though.

For the benefit of those of us, the obviously dim witted and confused like me, playing along at home, what is the imagined magical significance between a claim and a complaint??
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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by Jeffrey »

notorial dissent wrote:what is the imagined magical significance between a claim and a complaint??
Something along the lines of "a man files a claim, a person files a complaint".

Let me see if the Lentz dictionary contains it more explicitly.

If anyone wants to hear what Fall sounds like:

And let's see if Karl responds to this:
Last edited by Jeffrey on Sat Jun 20, 2015 10:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by bmxninja357 »

In pseudo legal lore children complain. Men claim.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by notorial dissent »

In other words, more itinerant gibberish, and sovruns make things up as they go along.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by wserra »

Jeffrey wrote:Which link contains the 30 months / guilty verdict? I need it for reasons.
The judgment has it all.
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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by Jeffrey »

He was sentenced in May but he's filing stuff as recently as yesterday and Karl and the crew are talking about recent hearings?

Does Karl know his client lost? I'm skipping around the latest talk shoes to see if somehow the news had leaked but nothing that I can find.
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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by wserra »

I'm sure he knows. I'm equally sure that you know he lies.
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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by Jeffrey »

wserra wrote:I'm sure he knows. I'm equally sure that you know he lies.
How dare you suggest that Karl is capable of speaking an untruth. Shame on you sir. :snicker:
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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Having not watched the absurdity of the videos, I would point out that there is a difference between fantasy and lies; in fantasy role-playing (which so much of this kind of drivel really is) it isn't really a lie to say you're a shape-shifting-lizard or even a subject matter expert.

They make stuff up all the time to reinforce the construct. The larger the audience, the more influence they think they wield. The more influence they wield, the more their ego is fed. (Without the ability to count site visits, people like Lentz, Van Pelt, etc., would be utterly lost in their own minds.)

What happens to the victims who try to blend the nitwit's version of things into reality is of no concern to the promoter; the ship of fools (the 'net) seems to have an unending line of troubled customers at the dock, trying to get on board to find a solution to their pending issue.
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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by Jeffrey »

I'll just crosspost this from the Clifford thread:

http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/ta ... 904&cmd=tc

In the 6/18 show:

[*]Karl talks at hour 1 minute 40 about how you should always file a claim against the prosecutor, the exact same thing he had Fall do and which failed.
[*]Gus starts off strong with his success of obtaining bail "a man has the right to bail". Karl's been dropping information about Gus piecemeal, looks like he's an ex-felon who got busted yet again for possession of a firearm yet he's on the show giving legal advice alongside Karl with clients of his own.
[*]Karl talks nonstop from 18:00 to 2:20:00, 2 hours straight.
[*]Dean shows up 2:22:00
[*]Dean denies being arrested.
[*]Dean refuses to discuss anything about his case because it'll give away his strategy.
[*]Dean mentions he's learning from one of Karl's buddies.
[*]Dean says he's won every single time with every single theory.
[*]Dean claims Slobodan Milosevic "destroyed" the court during his war crimes trial so they murdered him in jail to shut him up. You cannot make this shit up.
And I quit at that point.

And a discussion of the Fall failure:

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... 43#p395523

Concerning Claim vs. Complaint:


Here is Karl's right hand man, Bali, discussing the (imaginary) difference.
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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

On Planet Merrill, "george" makes a post in which he accept guidance from Karl Lentz:

hi skikamaru,

thats not my "government", I am striving to keep mine between my ears. i now think government is another word/term for mind control im sure youve probably heard that before, no? govern=control, ment= mental. seems to fit! according to Karl Lentz, Obama was quoted as saying "America is a self governing nation"

the way i see it now is that the incorporated one is set up for those of us who fail in self governing. those who cant control their own minds will still have it controlled.

Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
In a trust situation the bank is holding 90k in lawful money for a Boy left to him from his dad his Mom is his legal or lawful guardian and had agreed to the judges order when her common law husband died in car wreck his parents set the trust up for grandchild out off insurance claim.My question is the BANKer has been asking my wife's friend the Mom if she ever needed money from the fund she can get the order varied as it was her that had first claim on the insurance monies all she did was transfer it to her son.It the money cant be drawn upon without a new order no interest or earnings are posted with the mom's monthly statements who demanded lawful money in the first place was it a court judge grandparents lawyer or is it a way to insure the monies are not reserved for other purposes like daily interest or investment . I did my best to explain it and failed if one was to explain it to a 40 yr old broad why the banker wants her business it might help some older guy too?just asking
hi xparte, if i read you correctly here then whats the problem? if the demand was made and recorded then what does it matter what the bank does?

I gotta get a new, digital, stupid-meter. "george" pegged the needle on my old one and broke it.
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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by LightinDarkness »

The newest Karl Lentz call is even more of a three-ring circus than his usual calls:

Really, in terms of sheer arrogance, I think this one tops them all. In this call Karl bestows all kinds of wisdom, including:

(1) Karl knows the Charleston shooting would not have happened if MEN were acting like MEN in that church. You see, he explains, when he goes to church he always sits in the back pew so he can protect the women and children if someone comes in to shoot everyone. If more people were like him in this church, REAL MEN, the shooting would have never happened.

(2) Karl informs us that being a MAN in court is a lifestyle. He explains how he flew out to LA once to have wild sex with some woman, who would not let him leave for his return flight when it was time. Why didn't she let him leave? She explained that she was the first MAN she had slept with, all the others were mere boys. And how did she know Karl was such a MAN? Because when they went out earlier that day at a restaurant Karl was always scanning it for exits and ready to take out his gun and shoot people to defend her. She just knew that from looking at him. Karl explains how this is the kind of behavior that makes you MAN. I am sure this story is 100% true and women are just throwing themselves at Karl because he is such a MAN.

(3) Karl is tired of you idiots not donating to him. He reminds you that Jesus Christ apparently lived off donations (really? where is that verse again?) and he has work to do like Jesus. So you idiots better start donating to him or he won't do these shows anymore where he graces us with his wisdom (oh no, not that!). Yes, Karl Lentz actually compared his sovcit insanity to the ministry of Jesus Christ.

(4) After hours of talking about how he is a MAN and being a MAN is a lifestyle, Karl talks about how he talked his way out of child support by informing the court he was a MAN. I am 100% sure he is accurate and that (as court records show) he didn't lose that terribly. No really, why would Karl lie other than the fact that he makes a living off these tall tales? But anyways, I just found it interesting that being a MAN apparently means not paying for the children you fathered.

Those are just a few highlights. I am beginning to think Karl has some sort of psychological problem with his own masculinity, and this is his way of compensating. I know why his "I AM: A MAN" schtick appeals to lots of people, because they somehow think it makes them macho.
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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by wserra »

LightinDarkness wrote:The newest Karl Lentz call is
four hours, thirty-five minutes. I don't think so.

A request, though: if you actually listened to the whole thing - or a substantial part - I question your sanity please give the time references to your points. That way, we minimize the collective loss of IQ.
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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by LightinDarkness »

I skipped around while working on the dissertation - sorry, next time I will add time points. It was just so much more insane/arrogant than usual that I spent most of my time guffawing at my screen. The fact that this man can be so demonstrably wrong and yet have people pay him for advice (ultimately resulting in their loss in court) just astounds me.

Karl really is a legend in his own mind. He thinks he is the embodiment of being a MAN and that his history of 0% success is somehow a history of 100% success.
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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by notorial dissent »

LightinDarkness wrote:The fact that this man can be so demonstrably wrong and yet have people pay him for advice (ultimately resulting in their loss in court) just astounds me.
Which just goes to show that they are indeed stupider than he is, and isn't that just a very cheery and comforting thought?

That being said, you are a braver soul than I Gungha Din.
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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by Jeffrey »

Any chance you could get me the timestamp on the donations rant and the child support thing.
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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

LightinDarkness wrote: ... The fact that this man can be so demonstrably wrong and yet have people pay him for advice (ultimately resulting in their loss in court) just astounds me. ...
:sarcasmon: Hmmm ... if you think about it for a minute, the same could be said for criminal trial attorneys. :snicker:
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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by Jeffrey »

Think I found a new Karl client that might be easy to track. Seems Alan King from Alberta Canada is being advised by Karl about some case in Queens Bench Alberta. Not clear what the case is about, there's a mention of King Motorsports and some seized property. The judge for the case seems to be E.C. Wilson and Ken MacDonald is involved on some level.
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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by Burnaby49 »

Jeffrey wrote:Think I found a new Karl client that might be easy to track. Seems Alan King from Alberta Canada is being advised by Karl about some case in Queens Bench Alberta. Not clear what the case is about, there's a mention of King Motorsports and some seized property. The judge for the case seems to be E.C. Wilson and Ken MacDonald is involved on some level.
I suspect the reference is to Allan King whom we've discussed here;


Mowe mentioned him here;
The URL for Karl’s event, http://www.kingmotorsupply.com, got me suspicious. What’s been on that website before? Sadly, it’s not archived. However, it does appear that there is a business in Winlaw B.C. with that name. Sure enough, it’s a motorcycle dealership

(https://plus.google.com/101749861428322165716/), operated by “Allan King” (http://ca.linkedin.com/pub/allan-king/6b/337/889). I bet that’s our dude!

Digging around with that name didn’t lead anywhere interesting.
There is also a link that takes us to a reference to Kings Motor Supply Co.

http://private-person.com/blog/2014/05/ ... -workshop/

Don't bother clicking on the the http://www.kingmotorsupply.com/ link, it's dead. When Mowe posted it he described the link as leading to;
Uh… is this a motorcycle shop webpage? The opening page has a video of first-person motorcycle action, then some guy in a motorcycle shop inviting everyone to attend Karl’s seminar thingie. Unknown mustachioed biker man closes with “… love you Dean – hope you’re out soon!” Another Clifford fan, I see. Might be waiting. Awhile.
So it seems to be suffering from neglect. However some of the old postings can be found at Wayback Machine;

https://web.archive.org/web/20141127050 ... upply.com/

It's a little odd that King's litigation is apparently going on in Alberta, since the now defunct website suggested he lived in south-eastern B.C. There is an Alberta Queen's Bench Justice named Earl Wilson He handled the Siggelkow jury trial.


There's a Ken MacDonald who's an Edmonton Alberta Crown Prosecutor.
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Re: Lentz, Karl

Post by Jeffrey »

The 172 talkshoe episodes states Allan is running a Freeman group in Alberta that meets every tuesday.