Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Open forum where offshore scams and offshore scammers can be freely discussed. Includes offshore investment and tax fraud and the latest goings-on in the Dominion of Melchizedek, Principality of New Utopia, Kingdom of Enen-Kio, the OITC, and other fake nations and world agencies.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »


I am definitely feeling the love!

I took the liberty of calling Bill Schneider at forex.com / Gain Capital. Broker Jones is not allowed to solicit U.S. customers period. Bill was also not impressed with Broker's corporate site. What a way to advertise!:


Gain Capital's forex.com group has decided now that Broker is a new representative for them that they will be doing their due dilligence on him. The compliance department will be reading all his charming posts around the net. How lovely! What a great time to actually check that clown out. And, hilariously they are going to do their due diligence on me as well. Perhaps they will discern just how tenacious I really am! :Axe:

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by wserra »

Doc Bunkum wrote:
wserra wrote:Interesting.

If Oceanside solicits in the U.S. - as it clearly does and did - it is well within the SEC's "jurisdiction".
Not sure if Oceanside currently solicits in the U.S.

Over on mlm.com Broker, excuse me, make that "Justin P. Jones the con-artist formerly known as "Broker Jones" President of O C E A N S I D E" started a thread: Remember: Oceanside Network.

In part:
US and certain Canadian citizens may not participate directly. There are however some options still available that allow an individual to incorporate legally and do business worldwide.
That isn't "soliciting"? The law isn't only that US citizens can't "participate directly". It's also that Oceanside can't solicit here. What did you just quote Jones doing, Doc, if not soliciting? "OK, everybody, you can't sign up with us from a US address, but all you need to do is set up some "corp in a box" offshore. Nudge, nudge."

Sounds like soliciting to me.

And he may have cleaned up his act to some extent, because there's no question at all that he has solicited in the US in the past. For example (from mlm.com):
1. I've personally seen the FOREX program behind this program and all I can say is....if you like the idea of 15-20% returns on your investment each month. This program is for you.
I don't need to recruit anyone in this program from this point on.

If you are interested.

Contact Thomas or Scott and they will help get you up to speed on the program.
Any and all PM's requesting to join our team will be forwarded to a member of my team and they will be able to assist you.

I'm going to dedicate the rest of the week to supporting our current team, and developing a massive marketing campaign that will be deployed "post launch".
He certainly seems to direct the pitch to everyone everywhere.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

EagleOne wrote:Since GAIN has already paid a hefty fine for the way in which they were handling clients accounts, I am sure they won't be too thrilled if an investigation is undertaken with their relationship with Broker and O C E A N S I D E.

Broker is now back at MMG with a post now and then. Guess he feels it is safe to go back in the water. :lol:
I don't think Gain is going to appreciate me raising holy hell about their new partner. Since his attacks against Bunky, fastmoney and me are all on his corporate (insert snicker) pages then Gain Capital and Forex.com have a real problem. Even though he has been told he can't sell to U.S. customers, Broker is on every HYIP and scam opportunity forum out there telling folks about how an American Citizen with an off-shore LLC like his can get involved.

This sampling from http://www.talkgold.com:
12-21-2010, 05:10 PM
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Re: OceansideNetwork - OceansideNetwork.com
We are having a solid day of trading at Oceanside today.

You may view our account statistics at Gain Capital UK by joining our forum for FREE today, and clicking on the thread that says "Look HERE For Managed Account Statistics". These accounts are tracked by MT4i which is a 3rd party auditing type of program.

If for whatever reason you think we have hired ninja's and hacked MT4i........

You may call Gain Capital UK directly, and then you may ask for Bill Schneider, Manager Of Institutional Sales.

He will be happy to verify to you that Oceanside is for real.

~Free Your Life, Live Your Dreams....

There are options to set up and incorporate offshore, but it is more expensive for an individual, and we only discuss that within our membership and our private lists. (This method seems to work....for now. But I'm sure that down the pike is coming a regulation that will say something like "no new US citizens may incorporate offshore.)

I, as the President of Oceanside am a US citizen obviously... but our corporation(s) are incorporated offshore, and we are allowed to do business in the manner in which we are doing so at present.

You "LittleRoundMan" because you are a US citizen, may not join Oceanside today and open a managed account at Gain UK. But "LittleRoundMan LLC" located in Seychelles or Nevis or anywhere other than the US and Canada....most likely could. Again...this is obviously more expensive for an individual.....
And, this from MLM.com after they removed a ton of his advertising:
US and certain Canadian citizens may not participate directly. There are however some options still available that allow an individual to incorporate legally and do business worldwide....

He will keep blathering on any internet site that will let him run at the mouth. I suspect he will be hawking something else though very soon!

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Hahaha!!! Posting about the same lovely little topic at the same time. Great minds do think alike!

Going to Youtube shows a wealth of hilarious videos for Broker, who has been involved in a boatload of MLM and HYIP scams.

Here is one of my favorite:


Average 10% a month. 10% -30% a month returns!!!!

Of course that earlier version was so fantastic they have been retooling and starting over quite regularly ever since. The compliance department at Gain should definitely get the popcorn for these!

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by EagleOne »

A quesetion I think Broker should be asked is: Did O C E A N S I D E pay back all the money they accepted from US citizens prior to his being exposed they could not solicit US citizens in their program? This is something I have not seen him address at all, and I don't think the question has been asked. Since I don't visit all the forums, it is possible this question was asked and answered, I just have not seen it.

And of course for Broker to even offer the services of O C E A N S I D E requires him to be licensed to solicit business "before" O C E A N S I D E solicted one investor. He now claims he has studied to take the test. So, when did he take the test, did he pass, and what license(s) did he obtain?

Another interesting question to me, at least, is if he flunked out of college, how does he know his life lessons learned are more valuable than a college degree?

He claimed his promotional video (he was so proud of) was approved by Gain, but it had more lies than Swiss Cheese has holes, so I seriously doubt it. He has provided no facts to support that claim. I doubt if Gain ever saw the video, for if they did they would have shut it down. Amazing how all these "pesky" little details keep coming back to haunt this open and legal company called O C E A N S I D E.
Lynndel "Lynn" Edgington
Founder/President Eagle Research Associates http://eagleresearchassociates.org
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

EagleOne wrote:Another interesting question to me, at least, is if he flunked out of college, how does he know his life lessons learned are more valuable than a college degree?

He claimed his promotional video (he was so proud of) was approved by Gain, but it had more lies than Swiss Cheese has holes, so I seriously doubt it. He has provided no facts to support that claim. I doubt if Gain ever saw the video, for if they did they would have shut it down. Amazing how all these "pesky" little details keep coming back to haunt this open and legal company called O C E A N S I D E.
Please link that video here. Every freakin' department at Gain Capital has this link. If Broker wants to start a fight that is fine with me. I can tell you who is going to win it. It won't be the one who attended college and walked out with an extraordinary .68 average to be sure!

Bill Schneider admitted they needed to do their due diligence on this guy, so I am sure they didn't approve anything. Bill just signs 'em up as quick as he can and hopes it will be a profitable relationship I suspect. I don't think the upper management, especially CEO and Columbia graduate, Glenn Stevens, is going to appreciate this cavalier approach. After that $459,000 NFA sanction one would think Gain would be more vigilant and cautious.

notorial dissent
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by notorial dissent »

wserra wrote: Sounds like soliciting to me.
....and conspiracy to evade securities and licensing law, as well as conspiracy to evade currency reporting laws.... so at this point they are involving not only the SEC, but the IRS. Really clever business plan there.

If memory serves me, this particular ploy has been tried before, repeatedly in fact, and the SEC doesn’t buy it. They still consider it soliciting US customers with no license and that is a big NO NO!!!! They're remarkably short of humor on the subject, rather like the IRS when they think they are missing out on some money not being reported.

Since it has been a while since I studied for the broker's licenses, I don't remember for sure, but if memory still serves, there is no category of representative or recommending broker that isn't / doesn't have to be licensed. So my opinion here is more hooey on the part of both parties.

I find it interesting -read disturbing - that Gain has been hit repeatedly with SEC violations including not using registered / licensed brokers, and if they are getting hit with those, they are playing fast and loose with the registration laws, and if they are doing that it is a good bet they are a little light on compliance in other more important areas. Not a good sign in my experience. The fact that they are talking to Jones is an equally bad sign, both for their reputation, and their compliance standards and practices. I can't imagine any reputable firm even touching him after a quick look at his website and finding out he isn't and never has been licensed. Another really not good sign.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Get the waders and shovels. Mr. .68 is spewing garbage again!:
Fast Lane Entrepreneur From Phoenix.
Share Hello Fastlaners,

Ok...so...I'm really from Mesa, but Phoenix does sound a lot cooler.

I'll try to keep this to the point without creating a giant "wall of text".

I started my entrepreneurial spirit at the age of 18 with a buddy of mine, and we created our own "MLM company" known as "JR & Associates". We had a payplan, we had a flyer, and we had a black and white MacIntosh, ad an old dot matrix printer.

We thought we were set! Our legal advisor was my buddies Mom & Dad, who told us for sure that our "gifting payplan" was "OK" by the IRS tax codes as long as it was never more than 10,000 per year per person.

So we had this thing fired up and we actually started getting multiple new members per day.

Somewhere near the 1,000 members mark we got a letter from the Attorney Generals office in Missouri!

Well, never a shy person by nature, I ended up calling their office and asking them "Ok so why did you send us a cease and desist, can you tell me what we're doing wrong?"

He explained to me that in order to keep our MLM company going we needed some form of product for our $10 per month subscription fee. (70% of which we paid out in commissions "aka gifts" from one downline to the next.)


Instead of just "giving up", I ended up having an hour long conversation with the Attorney Generals office, and I knew ......that "we needed a product".

OK GREAT, I thought......I've got the road map now all we need is a cheapy product!

Turned out I had another buddy who was a great artist. And so I came up with the genius idea that each month we would come up with 1 page of a 12 part Calendar, and each month our members would get 1 "limited edition" calendar month artpiece.

I put together a sample packet immediately and mailed it to the Attorney Generals office and said "can we do this?"

The response....was a dumbfounded "Yes.....actually you can do this".

And we were off, and in business.....again.


The downfall of JR & Associates as it turns out.....would not be any Legal Authority. It simply was our "youth" combined with our massive lack of hardware. (black and white dot matrix printers and a single black and white oldschool MacIntosh....it turns out.....cannot run a major business)

We quickly became overwhelmed, and underbudgeted, and while we had growth, we simply could not keep up with who kept paying and who didn't, our downline program was all "Manual input" and we had no real "programmed back office" no "credit card payments" It was all cash in mail envelopes every month.

Before it got too big and too out of control, we closed the doors. (Sadly).


I attempted College and the Corporate life or a while. Taught myself computers (MCSE stuff) and ended up working for a Engineering Corporation called Parsons Brinckerhoff.

Within several months I was promoted, and had my on office where I basically ran their computer networks.

Within a couple more months, I was promoted again and was transferred into downtown Phoenix where I helped design, install and implement a billion dollar computer network for the Light Rail Transit Project in Phoenix.

(It was not all that glorified...I was literally drilling holes in concrete and running Cat 5 cabling for what felt like miles upon miles of building space)

Once it was all set up it was actually a pretty cushy job.

I sat in my air conditioned server room, and played video games for about 5 hours out of every 8 hour workday.

I had alarms set up on my emails so if anyone needed anything, I immediately knew it....took care of it....and then got back to killing bad guys on whatever game I was playing at the time.

I was making about $55,000 per year with salary plus side jobs. Ended up meeting some really interesting people including one miss Peggy Myers who helped John McCain run for Senator.

But after several years....the corporate life...was just not for me.


So I tried college again. And I excel in academics and I'm blessed with a partially photographic memory (and cursed), but I found myself bored. I found myself thinking....Good Lord, I'm paying an arm and a leg for these people to give me "busy work".

I knew there had to be a better way.

I knew that I had more value that I could produce for the world if I just went "off and did it".


I knew the Internet was booming, and I wanted to become a part of it.

Initially I became a blogger, and I first started by helping people avoid scams, by using my Technological skills to do "research" on companies and people and I could easily track down through IP addresses and all of those goodies some interesting "connections" and "correlations" and I ended up saving people a lot of money.

As I continued to develop a rapidly growing readership I realized very fast that there was "money in such a 'list'" and I delved for the first time into Network Marketing.

Over the course of years I would break a few recruiting efforst in various MLM's, and I got to witness the good side.....the bad side.....the "inner circle side" and the downright ugly side of MLM.

Companies began flying me all over the country offering me up front cash bonuses to sign on and additional cash bonuses to perform.

Meanwhile I had begun developing my own company again.........

With the help of a few business partners and an extremely unique and valuable product we spent 2 years building our "pioneering" business model that everyone (and everyones mother, brother and sister) told us Could Not Be Done.

On October 1st of 2009, we launched our company amidst both fanfaire and turmoil. Our product was unique, our business model had never been done before, and we maintained constant vigilance on Authoritative and Legislative bodies in order to "keep our ship sailing" in the waters of "Compliance".

We had "trolls" all over the internet slinging mud at us, costing us a ton of business, yet through the storms we cultivated and managed to grow a core group of loyal membership.

Here in 2010, in our 16th month of operation, we are in over 30 countries around the globe. We have 7 figures in assets growing by the month. We have a product that has continued to perform absolutely phenomenally (top 5 in the world from what I can gather), and we have a backbone that is absolutely top tier.

We have several developers who keep our back offices smooth, we have multiple websites, several corporations, and many exciting products on the way.

We are NOT MLM!

But I have definitely found that one of the most valuable assets that I could have ever put together........has been my Network.

While I'm not a millionaire yet personally, the future is bright, and the opportunity for becoming a Billionaire....is very, very real.

We still have those who "hate/troll" us, but ultimately we are winning that battle. There's really not a whole lot left to say about us because we simply let our performance do the talking.


And there you have it.

From misguided (yet ambitious youth), to climbing the corporate ladder, and back to my Entrepreneurial Fast Lane Roots!

At the age of 33, I remain the master of my own ship, and I am very thankful, blessed and humbled by the great group of people around me.

With a little bit of God's grace and a lot of persistence, this ship will remain, sailing true.

~Free Your Life, Live Your Dreams~

Justin P. Jones
Where are all those happy Oceanside customers??? I certainly have yet to find even one!!!

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by EagleOne »

OMG! I almost ruined a new monitor and keyboard reading his bio. You need to put a warning on your post before you have people start reading. At least you can't say he doesn't play fast and loose with the truth! :lol: I think the video is on their website, but once I can access the TG forum, I will get it for you. Got banned over there. Guess they didn't like me exposing all their scams. :shock:
Lynndel "Lynn" Edgington
Founder/President Eagle Research Associates http://eagleresearchassociates.org
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by wserra »

And these guys continue to market anywhere they think they might find marks. On this one, I particularly like the claim of "$5,000 per week". Apparently you don't even need to invest - they just give you money.

BTW, if they don't solicit or operate in Canada, why the link to oceansidenetwork.ca? They like the maple syrup?

Welcome to Quatloos, EagleOne.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by wserra »

This thread is now the number four hit on a Google of "oceanside forex", and the three above it are all Oceanside's own sites.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
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Doc Bunkum
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Doc Bunkum »

wserra wrote:This thread is now the number four hit on a Google of "oceanside forex", and the three above it are all Oceanside's own sites.

And the one just below the Quatloos! one is The New Oceanside Scam - WORLD Law Direct Forums site.

Can't wait until the bots pick up SBM's thread on realscams - Oceanside Network's Broker Jones calls Our Own Bunky and Soapboxmom CAWITs!!!.

Broker might just soon start regretting getting Lenny to pen those exposés about SoapMom and myself. :lol:
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Doc Bunkum »

A poster on mlm.com trying to locate Oceanside's head office:
Raul Aguillar wrote:You have no offices here in the USA? Then where are YOU working from? Where is this JD Kaiser person working from? This is all very convenient, too convenient to be real. I do appreciate your efforts to attempt to legitimize this business but it seems you are failing.
And Broker in response:
thebrokerjones wrote:Our corporations are based out of Nevis and Seychelles and there is currently no US address, nor is one required/needed.


The same Broker Jones that was saying earlier:
15 months later and now I spend my days talking to VP's of financial companies, and HR departments, and company execs who want to switch their pension funds over to our products.
He doesn't even have a US address and yet he has us believe he spends his days talking to VP's of financial companies, and HR departments, and company execs?

Well, maybe that's true.

He doesn't say anything about them listening though. :P
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Broker has a really plush office suite. That little corner in his $119,000 rental house is truly classy. After Madoff, I don't think any well heeled investors, fund managers or anyone whose IQ exceeds their college GPA is going to be using Broker's services. It was really brilliant of him to brag about that stunning .68 GPA. A business genius in the making to be sure. Beer and sorority babes certainly constitute the education and experience for a future billionaire!

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Lamebrain Broker is claiming this morning that he is moving his lovely tribute pages concerning Doc, Fastmoney and me to a new site. He is way too dense to grasp that it doesn't matter where he hosts that hideous crap no legitimate company, well heeled investor or fund manager etc. is going to have anything to do with a clown like him.

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

I checked to see if a Justin Jones was a member of the NFA, National Futures Association, as recommended. He is not.
Information on Non-Registrants (top)


Virtually all individuals and firms who conduct futures-related business with the public must be registered with the CFTC and be NFA Members. Under most circumstances, it is unlawful for firms or individuals, who are not CFTC registrants and are not NFA Members, to conduct futures business with public customers. If you think you are dealing with an individual or firm not registered with the CFTC and not an NFA Member, please inform NFA by going to File a Complaint or by calling NFA's Information Center at (800) 621-3570 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Central Time.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

I have completed complaint forms with the SEC, NFA and CTFC. I have e-mailed every department at Gain Capital and I am now in the process of following up by phone. They tried to sick me on Bill Schneider. I have already talked to that clown and I told them I would not be conversing with him any further. I intend to talk to everyone in management until I get this resolved to my satisfaction. Broker Jones is their new representative and they need to complete their "due diligence" on him quickly and take appropriate action. I also advised them that I would be getting the media involved in this sordid saga next.

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by EagleOne »

wserra wrote:And these guys continue to market anywhere they think they might find marks. On this one, I particularly like the claim of "$5,000 per week". Apparently you don't even need to invest - they just give you money.

BTW, if they don't solicit or operate in Canada, why the link to oceansidenetwork.ca? They like the maple syrup?

Welcome to Quatloos, EagleOne.
Thank you and nice to be here. By the way, would you like a copy of my book? If so, let me know where to send it to you. You can advise me via E-mail if you prefer.

Thought you all would appreciate Broker's comments to this poster:

That's what they always say. All the others are scams but we are the real deal. I'd say chances are very high that all of the programs here are scams. Including yours.

Broker: It's not humanly possible for us to be a scam. You fund your money directly with Gain Capital (Forex.com) and it is FSA regulated. Oceanside then trades on your funds that are always controlled by you at Gain Capital.

Hmm, does this means that O C E A N S I D E being a scam is inhumanly possible?
Lynndel "Lynn" Edgington
Founder/President Eagle Research Associates http://eagleresearchassociates.org
Author: Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It Available in soft cover and eBook on Amazon.com
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »


I did get a call back. Oceanside doesn't have a single customer signed up over at Gain yet. They are still doing their "due diligence" on Soapboxmom, Justin "Broker" Jones and Oceanside. They reiterated that telling U.S. Citizens to form off-shore LLCs to participate is a no no if I understood the very testy Mr. Bill Schneider. I am starting to think Bill doesn't like me. I am crushed.

I think those hideous allegations Broker has on his corporate site are really going to bite him in the butt. Brilliant marketing! Apparently, when they approved Oceanside as a partner they missed all Broker's lovely posts on MLM.com, talkgold.com, and all the other first rate forums out there he haunts as well. Whoops!!!!


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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by EagleOne »

So if GAIN has no O C E A N S I D E customers, what was Broker bragging about their spectacular returns? He wasn't lying was he? :lol: :lol:
Lynndel "Lynn" Edgington
Founder/President Eagle Research Associates http://eagleresearchassociates.org
Author: Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It Available in soft cover and eBook on Amazon.com