Council Tax fun and games.

Moderator: ArthurWankspittle

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Council Tax fun and games.


Should give people a laugh (usually provokes people to judge me as a this or a that...its fine).

Ok so I decieded a few years ago to put this FMoTL stuff to the test...not because I wanted to risk anything or try and be smart or rebellious either.. but maybe I was to lose a bit of pride anyway..
This came about due to unforseen circumstances that left me unemployed and genuinely worried about how I was going to meet all financial demands being sent to my door and I guess a bit of anger at how I was expected to exert myself for no reward and only ever met with automated communication.

So the " Bill" arrived and I wanted to know what I was being billed for, so I asked the council and they said my money paid for stuff (cannot remember all of it as it was a long list) however I noticed I had not been benefiting from or used all this stuff and wanted to go back to basics... Not having been a fan of the consumer treadmill or the speed of which stuff becomes not fit for purpose anymore.

I truthfully did not feel that this tax demand was ever a higher priority than finding suitable income that allowed me to enjoy just the basics... Keep my roof over my head (rental) and keep electricity and gas utilities topped up (PAYG card meter type) and to be able more important still food to eat and keep my appearance maintained enough that I could look employable ..which meant purchasing second hand clothes (as could not afford new ones...nothing to be ashamed of!).
So I sent the bill back unopened. I was in arears with metres at this point and not eating well enough to do heavy manual work so figured I had nothing to lose... strangely I actually thought to myself prison would be better (so obviously effected by poverty quote bad although not homeless).
I ignored every letter from the council and even kept mydoor shut at all times as not to invite debt collectors in or the people from the council asking who I was... (was I someone else in their mind?) I even had some very threatening letters pushed through my door by debt collectors saying they would be back with the intention of having me arrested and put in prison...but I lost complete interest in it all and continued to look at the bigger task ahead which was gaining regular income.
It has been a good few years and since have recieved help to cover my rent by helping a widow with her animals, garden and her extended family to thepoint where I can eat properly and even buy razors and have one haircut a month...
I do not get letters from the council anymore and literally treat them like the tax collectors they are... Not been imprisoned for any crime or had my landlords door broken down by anyone or been made to pay anything... My gas meter is so far in arears (due to something called a standing charge) that I cook outside using a home made brick oven that uses twigs as not ideal in winter but I can boil water so can wash and use hotwater bottles if extremely cold. I do not ever intend on communicating with the council ever again and if I need an ambulance or police or fire or the growing rainbow of bins and they deem me unworthy to be helped then that is fair enough! I still live in peace ... Nor do I wish to impersonate anyone or break the law.

How is it I havent been thrown in prison?
This surely is the ultimate fear council tax payers have that keeps them willing to pay, even before the council could ever know if I or anyone else struggling gets basic living or has the ability to earn what they demand.. Which I did not, nor did they care either!!

I knew applying for benefits was a snare on both my time and mental health so avoided this also from previous experiences.

Everyone says you HAVE to pay.. but WHY and what for? If the demands are made but services are being cut where is the peoples income ending up when offered as a tax?

Genuine answers please (if you have to slag me off then fine but please answer me)
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Re: Council Tax fun and games.

Post by NYGman »

Hello and welcome.

While I can't say for sure why you have not had any legal issues, It looks as you may be a bit different from the others we usually discuss here. You seem to fully understand your obligation to pay Council tax, and just are not paying as you didn't have the funds to pay. Further, unlike the others, you do not collect any benefits, and just ignore their mail, rather than responding with the usual Freemen gibberish.

By staying off the radar and not interacting with the government in any way, makes it a lot harder for them to find you, or give them a reason to come for you. Don't get me wrong, you still owe, and they can still get to you at some point in the future, or you may have issues if you ever end up needing support services.

So if your idea of fun and games is living with no electricity cooking outside in winter with twigs, having no running hot water, hiding from the mail, and lacking access to benefits that could ultimately improve your life, then looks like you are having a blast. I prefer having a roof over my head, electric to power my lifestyle, and heat and A/C to keep me comfortable. If this costs me a few Bob, so that I can have roads, Police, Fire, Ambulances, trash pickup, etc, then it is worth it.

So yes, you seem to have evaded the long arm of the law, but at what cost? Being a societal outcast is too high a price to pay, more than I suggest the CT would be. Further, if that bad financially, I am sure there are programs to pay the CT, and help you get back on your feet.
The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

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Re: Council Tax fun and games.


NYGman wrote: Mon Oct 08, 2018 3:08 pm Hello and welcome.

While I can't say for sure why you have not had any legal issues, It looks as you may be a bit different from the others we usually discuss here. You seem to fully understand your obligation to pay Council tax, and just are not paying as you didn't have the funds to pay. Further, unlike the others, you do not collect any benefits, and just ignore their mail, rather than responding with the usual Freemen gibberish.

By staying off the radar and not interacting with the government in any way, makes it a lot harder for them to find you, or give them a reason to come for you. Don't get me wrong, you still owe, and they can still get to you at some point in the future, or you may have issues if you ever end up needing support services.

So if your idea of fun and games is living with no electricity cooking outside in winter with twigs, having no running hot water, hiding from the mail, and lacking access to benefits that could ultimately improve your life, then looks like you are having a blast. I prefer having a roof over my head, electric to power my lifestyle, and heat and A/C to keep me comfortable. If this costs me a few Bob, so that I can have roads, Police, Fire, Ambulances, trash pickup, etc, then it is worth it.

So yes, you seem to have evaded the long arm of the law, but at what cost? Being a societal outcast is too high a price to pay, more than I suggest the CT would be. Further, if that bad financially, I am sure there are programs to pay the CT, and help you get back on your feet.
Hello NYGman.

Thank you for your respectful reply.
You hit the nail on the head with it being I guess a matter of perspective on what you want from life. The coersion, the threats the intimidation and all the lying and evasive responses I guess made me to scared and then eventually to angry to put any worth to it.
I hate this planets systems, my life and myself too! Find the whole thing abhorent and disturbing.
I am to old to have kids now, could never afford to bring a boy or girl up when I ask myself how...I couldnt learn to drive when everyone else was (this was when I was in my teens and has had the single most massive impact on life options), oportunity to own a house or get settled into a career has passed me by now (believe me I have tried, most I ever had in savings that I earned via 60hr wk working as an engineer was 8k) watched all my peers have a social life, look eligable for female interest and meet a wife and start families etc...
I feel held back bit could never explain why that was... Until now.

I will be one of those people who will sigh with relief upon death. I was missing some sort of drive to be successful but deep down as much as I would love a hot shower or to cook egg and chips on a gas oven in the warm and dry I know success cannot really be measured in financial terms, this I truely believe is why I am like I am.
Every time I had a job something was lying in wait to bring me back down. Humbled if you like by ACTs of parliament.
I never wanted to steel or spend another mans money or eat at that table so to speak (which is why I dont claim the crumbs from their society). My life has been one huge struggle from day one and I realise now it will be untill I die, because no matter how law abiding I am I know the government (local or national) are not really ever going to stop harrassing me for money or stop wanting to interfere with every aspect of my life unless I hand over the fruits of my earthly efforts. I am semi literate so can enjoy written conversations ..keeps me going.
Listen dear chap..I Really appreciate the level of respect you have shown me in your reply. Was not expecting that. Will make the most of the free wifi I have access to but even that comes with a price. Best wishes and
Kind regardsl
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Re: Council Tax fun and games.

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I suspect they have lost track of you some years back and, unless you were to come to their attention, they won't be doing anything about it. (They probably can't afford to go looking for you, for one thing.)
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
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Re: Council Tax fun and games.


ArthurWankspittle wrote: Mon Oct 08, 2018 6:46 pm I suspect they have lost track of you some years back and, unless you were to come to their attention, they won't be doing anything about it. (They probably can't afford to go looking for you, for one thing.)
Hello Arthur.

Strange thing is this: they know my address! Been living in a social housing appartment for slightly under 20 years. It is not like I move around much. The woman from the council that came around to get me to sign some form (which I refused, prob the elec reg) lives close by and we have chatted before, so they recognise me. I'm not trying to make out I am some kind of legal expert..but I am left to assume the whole tax thing is 100% automated or inpersonal in context of any actual man or woman being involved now..even the summons to court (which I ignored because it said they would judge in my absence anyway so what was the point of that?) ..all the payment options seem to favour or give discount when THAT ALSO is automated! Seems dangerous to me! The only principles I have effectively stood by is not to impersonate anyone or act as any named addressee nor sign or engage in any communication with them...this was since I tried to write to them once years ago and gave them a very detailed picture of my circumstances and need for more information as they said I owed them 3 years CT which was a very bad time in my life physically and mentally (I asked them for full disclosure of what happens to the money, why its demanded in financial terms only) and also like I said earlier in the above post: if the local authority/government always cutting services but keeping the amount the same via banding/ where is the difference? Or do I get a refund for the services not used? I explained that since there is more competition for the services and the employment situation is getting worse (the ability to earn is threatened by personal health but lets not forget we have alot more people coming here to work (the ones I worked with were hard working too!) but all use the services which I identify as more competition (which down the line may devalue your contribution further). The only thing I have noticed was my bins were taken away, ironically I never used them (my neighbors did though and will miss them more than me). The recycling centre gets my refuge (some of which they will redeem a value back on the metals glass etc that you would expect to lower the demands for tax).
Its a bit like how the council will useyour money to buy a piece of land and them sell itto a private company that then charges you to use it...even though it was bought with your contributions (collectively speaking) one example of this is public demand for more parking as there is more cars on the roads than ever before (I walk and used to cycle when I was fitter).