Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

What is significant about this case is that, until now, Menard has dodged the bullet on facing any significant legal consequences for his actions. A lot of his followers have paid the price for being stupid enough to follow his advice but he has been the Teflon Man.

I've scoured the internet and I'm very surprised by just how little Menard has been involved with the court apparatus in Canada. He has virtually no litigation footprint that I have ever been able to find. Whenever I've found a new close affiliate's name (read idiot or sucker, your choice), or an address, a business, a web registration, anything, I turn up nothing.

Admittedly we have a limited ability to look into court files outside of a few jurisdictions, but those are the important ones! We know he's spent most of his time in BC. All I ever find are more half-completed and then abandoned websites. I know the logical implication is that he's just so damned lazy that he doesn't ever really do anything (except half-build websites and troll online) but you would think with all his stupidity he'd have more of a record than a squabble over not paying for a couple of transit tickets. The man is a survivor!

The other potential explanation is we just have missed the relevant files but I don't think that's the case. To be sure I checked for litigation by the Elizabeth Anne Elaine Society. As I expected - squat.

So this is the case to follow gang.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

arayder wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote: According to Federal Court rules the Crown has until Friday of next week to respond to Menard's Statement of Claim. The response will be easy to get, I can pick up a copy here in Vancouver. So we'll at least have an appetizer while we wait to see if the Western Cabal can get the Ontario Court of Justice documents. Agents are working on it as I write.

Well done sir!

I suppose it all become clear eventually, but I can't figure what Menard is trying to get at with his new C3PO offensive.

Any thoughts?

It doesn't seem effective for him to argue he needs to be issued a get out jail free card at his Ontario trial because the legality/constitutionality of the C3PO has not been determined being that his statement of claim has not been answered.

Menard's MO to this point is to fanagel every situation so he walks out of court without a jail term and then claim a victory to his followers. That raises the question of whether he faces a certain slap on the wrist, and no jail time, at his Ontario trial and somehow knows it.
Yes I have some thoughts. You are probably saying "it doesn't seem legally effective" because;

1 - it is an incredibly stupid court filing with no chance of success.

2 - The Crown hasn't responded.

Let's take 2 first. The Crown hasn't responded because, obviously, they can't respond to a Statement of Claim until it is filed and they are still within the response period. They will file saying that Menard has not brought up any claim reviewable by the court. In any case their response is of no relevance. What is relevant is the court's response to Menard's moronic filing. It will be struck without a hearing.

As to part 1, I have two responses. Firstly are you so secure in your belief (correct) that the case has no chance of success that you have also concluded that Menard knows this too? The man is a narcissistic idiot who may well think that this is brilliant strategy. Secondly, what else has he got? He has always dodged legal charges before and now he has been nailed with charges that could end up with jail time. Not the best outcome for a guru. So he may well be desperate and trying anything he can. Given his lack of understanding of anything to do with real legal actions he may think that a win in Federal Court, even if a real long shot, will terminate the Ontario charges. What does it cost him to try? And while he's doing it he probably still seems like a hero to his few remaining followers. He's an unemployed bum with no revenue potential whatever apart from his Freeman scams so he has no fallback plan.

I'm doing what I can to make him face up to this.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

It's part of narcissistic personality disorder to believe you have got more going for you then everybody else, even when you clearly don't. In Bobby's case he thinks he got more smarts than the judges, the legislators who wrote the law and the prosecutors leveling charges at him.

Like all disorders narcissism doesn't become disorder until it messes you up.

Muhammad Ali used to say "It isn't bragging if you can back it up." For him to stand up after a tough fight and shout "I am the greatest!" wasn't indicative of a narcissistic personality disorder.

But when a 38 year-old guy decides he's ready to fight for the world title after a couple of sessions at the YMCA boxing/fitness course, there's a problem. When he shows up to fight a highly competent club fighter who got to the state golden glove finals a few years ago, he has a real problem on his hands.

For years Bobby has figured he can get over on everyone. I believe he even thinks the folks who went to ruin using his methods are so inferior to him that they got what they deserved.

But like the self-deluded 38 year old novice boxer, Bobby has put himself in a bad spot. His narcissistic personality disorder has come back to bite him in the arse.

The question is whether the novice boxer realizes his mistake when 15 seconds into the first round his right eye has swollen shut and he has a terrible shooting pain in his left rib cage.

When will Bobby catch on?
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

A bit of Menardian ancient history that I apparently forgot to post. The court documents regarding his conviction for trying to skip out on paying a transit fare.

First a bit of background. Skytrain is Vancouver's urban transit light rail system which, quite literally, changed my life. I worked downtown and, although we live only seven miles from downtown, public transit from my house was so difficult and frustrating that I gave up using it and drove. I hated driving to work in downtown rush hour at 7AM but it was preferable to transit. When Skytrain came in 1986 it changed everything. A ten minute bus ride to Joyce Station then a fifteen minute train ride right to my office. I stopped driving, dumped the car (wife has one) and have relied on public transit ever since.

There was one major and obvious flaw in the system from the start. Transit fare payment relied on the honour system. You read that correctly. There were no ticket booths, turnstiles, ticket checkers or anything else to make you pay for a ticket. You could just walk on the train and ride. Not surprisingly fare evasion was rampant because the chances of getting caught were very small. Eventually BC Transit got it's own little police force and they would do spot ticket checks on the train and nail evaders with a fine. As an example of how prevalent fare evasion was I recall one time the police got on a train I was on and one walked up to a young guy beside me and asked "Do you have a ticket this time?" Guy said no and the cop told him to wait until he'd checked out the rest of the car and then he'd get back to him. Just routine to both of them.

Menard was nailed in one of these checks. Most people pay up, if you don't it can result in a court hearing and a court fine on top of the regular fine. However our windbag decided to try all his grab-bag of Freeman theories out by fighting the ticket in court. Don't forget he wrote the book on this, Violation Tickets and Appearance Notices De-Constructed (Volume #2): Never Pay Another! ... ickets.pdf

which says he has magic stuff to make those tickets go away, the exact offense he was charged with. I don't have the usual Burnaby49 "I was there" details, all I have is the court records. ... iction.pdf

The story they tell is this;

Sept 18, 2003 - Menard gets the ticket

Nov 28, 2003 - Menard's first appearance, adjourned at his request

Jan 7, 2004 - Menard is obtaining counsel, new appearance is scheduled

Jan 30, 2004 - Application (type unknown), new appearance is scheduled

Feb 13, 2004 - Application (type unknown), warrant issues for Menard's arrest

April 22, 2004 - Menard is obtaining counsel, matter struck from the list

Aug 5, 2004 - Menard is obtaining counsel, warrant issues for Menard's arrest

Sept 4, 2004 - Menard is arrested and seeks judicial interim release, matter ends because Menard pleads guilty.

Obviously the court wasn't aware that Menard is exempt from arrest because he is a peace officer or that he wrote a book on how to successfully fight the offense he ended up pleading guilty to.

The transit authorities are now spending hundreds of millions on rebuilding all the Skytrain stations to accommodate ticket turnstiles and putting in an electronic card fare system. After they did all that actually implementing the system is at least a year, probably closer to two years, behind schedule because they can't get it to work.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Jeffrey »

As to part 1, I have two responses. Firstly are you so secure in your belief (correct) that the case has no chance of success that you have also concluded that Menard knows this too? The man is a narcissistic idiot who may well think that this is brilliant strategy. Secondly, what else has he got? He has always dodged legal charges before and now he has been nailed with charges that could end up with jail time. Not the best outcome for a guru. So he may well be desperate and trying anything he can. Given his lack of understanding of anything to do with real legal actions he may think that a win in Federal Court, even if a real long shot, will terminate the Ontario charges. What does it cost him to try? And while he's doing it he probably still seems like a hero to his few remaining followers. He's an unemployed bum with no revenue potential whatever apart from his Freeman scams so he has no fallback plan.
I'd like to take a stab at this.

You gotta remember the context is the Nanaimo arrrests. All of them got sentenced to one day in jail plus probation if I recall. So (feel free to correct me), this is perfect for Menard. He gets to use this for fund raising, gets him Freeman street cred and all he has to do is spend a day or two in jail.

I suspect Menard went out and got himself intentionally stopped by traffic since Menard had to be aware that following Dean Clifford's 2013 arrest he got an huge influx of paying customers. There are a few things that point in that direction, Menard wasn't driving the car, he had the camera ready to act out for a YouTube video to use in fundraising efforts, the post-stop crying and in particular pretending to talk to a 911 operator during the stop.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

You may well be exactly right, Jeffery.

Menard's current image as the out of date, nothing invested, dumpy, drunk old freeman isn't working too good anymore.

Menard might well be willing to trade the persona of the unassailable, above it all freeman guru for that of the brave freedom fighter willing to stand up to a judge and spend time in jail. Plus Bobby would probably welcome the opportunity to sass a judge since he generally isn't allowed to play the freeman Perry Mason anymore.

If the judge orders him not to promote the C3PO anymore he can still hope some dupe will front for him the same way he has somebody running the ACCP Facebook page.

Anyway the C3PO thing is becoming a dead end and if Menard gets convicted of impersonating a police officer and or making a phony 911 call he can always send the next few years milking the freeman faithful by whining about the unfairness of it all.

Plus that way Menard won't feel the need to explain what happened to the C3PO donations, the five detachments and the registry he promised. It will all be the man's fault!
notorial dissent
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

Jeffrey wrote:You gotta remember the context is the Nanaimo arrrests. All of them got sentenced to one day in jail plus probation if I recall. So (feel free to correct me), this is perfect for Menard. He gets to use this for fund raising, gets him Freeman street cred and all he has to do is spend a day or two in jail.

I suspect Menard went out and got himself intentionally stopped by traffic since Menard had to be aware that following Dean Clifford's 2013 arrest he got an huge influx of paying customers. There are a few things that point in that direction, Menard wasn't driving the car, he had the camera ready to act out for a YouTube video to use in fundraising efforts, the post-stop crying and in particular pretending to talk to a 911 operator during the stop.
While I'm not disputing the possibility, I think you're imputing an awful lot of cognitive function, a whole lot more in fact than I think he has left, guile, attention span, and memory long term enough to actually carry this out, and let's not forget ambition and energy than he has evidenced any time in recent/living memory to the old befezzed and befuddled couch surfer. Always a possibility, but I remain skeptical.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

It seems to me the possibility of a new, activist Bobby rising from the ashes hinges on a light sentence.

Sure Dean Clifford got a membership boost in the first few days after his arrest, But now after over a year in the clink one has to figure the average freeman doesn't want to "be like Dean".

If Bobby is true to form he'll attempt to drag out the proceedings and try to make hay out of the delay. If the court won't let him conduct a PR offensive, Bobby's next move would be to get a dupe to do it. It would be telling if he can't get help, or if the quality of the help indicates Bobby can fool only the lamest freemen wannabes.

But a speedy trial and a long stay in the big house wouldn't be good for the Menard brand.

Bobby is still marketed as the guru who's too smart to be jailed. If he goes away for a year he won't be able to re-brand himself as "the fighting freeman" before the rank and file begin to see him as that fat old man who couldn't make his own C3PO work.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

Menard is going forward with his magic beans consumer purchase card but he's being very sneaky about it. He's trying to keep it quiet (maybe because he's out on bail?) so he's running it behind the scenes on a super secret invitation-only basis to keep out the riff-raff. Happily Tender For Law has picked up on it and is merrily mocking him; ... 054693762/

Let's be fair to Rob. He's a man who respect the rules and so he's laid out the rules for the use of the card up front so that purchasers come into this with their eyes open;
Canada is a wealthy common wealth Nation, and it is owned by the people of Canada.

We have the right access a fair portion of that wealth for certain necessities of life.

Based upon the law of ownership, and relying upon rights recognized in various Acts and statutes, we enable people to purchase consumer goods using consumer notes.

We facilitate the leveraging of $250 into $2500 a month.

The leveraged money can only be used for consumer purchases as defined by the Bills of Exchange Act and as limited by the ACCP Agreement.

You may not use it for cash withdrawals, or for your business, profession or calling. You may not use it to purchase land or an interest in land. You may not use it to purchase things to be resold. You may not use it between two individuals or two businesses. It must be used by an individual with a registered business which as a course of business provides the services or goods. You cannot use it to purchase tobacco or alcohol alone.

You can use it for meals in restaurants, groceries for your family, hydro, heat and communications in your residential abode. You may use it to pay for municipal taxes. You may use it for repairs, upgrades and improvements of your home or land. You may use it for health and dental services. You can use it for education. You can use it for leisure and entertainment. You can use it for travel, provided the money is spent IN Canada.
However, as my posting last Friday about his get-out-of-debt-free scheme shows, Rob isn't doing this as a selfish money grab for himself. He wants to use the money he collects to ensure that this is all done above-board with professional audits, set up an insurance scheme and low interest loan plan, and to set up professional offices, Rob is thinking big!
The money members pay is used to administrate the accounts, establish a National presence, and ensure compliance through auditing. A portion is also used to establish a life insurance policies for members and a low interest loan program for those who wish to purchase land, start a business or pursue a calling, or set up their professional offices.
Initial members may sponsor others, and earn $25/month per member. They may also if they wish establish an Administration office and provide administration services. Each account will pay to the Administration $125 per month, with 10% of that being remitted to head office to support National projects and efforts.
Unfortunately the project is still not open to just anyone, only those Rob deems dense and gullible enough to fall for it;
Belinda Lydia Saulnier Is this public....? I'm wondering why many people I know are watching you aren't in here.27 January at 17:26 · Like

Robert Menard It is a very private group, set to secret. Is by invitation only.27 January at 23:19 · Like
But, as with any great endeavour, any new ground-breaking paradigm shift, there are skeptics;
Chris Evan hmmmm....should I trust a guy who steals tips from a Waitress, or should I not trust a guy who steals tips from a Waitress......decisions, decisions......

Scott Duncan Ok, here's what you have to ask yourselves, people! If it's TRUE, why the secrecy? Have been secret and cagy about anything? I've set the GROUP to "secret" to keep out the piece-of-shit christians, but NEVER to get people to "invest" in a secret scheme!

I have not, and NEVER WILL charge you money for knowledge. EVER. It's a threat to the species. If I could, I'd PERSONALLY teach 24/7 packed classrooms (like I did in the 1980's) and NEVER CHARGE A CENT!

If knowledge is "secret", or is "for sale", it's fraud.

Scott Duncan I REPEAT: If knowledge is "secret", or is "for sale", it's fraud. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE.

Scott Duncan FUN FACT: If knowledge is "secret", or is "for sale", it's fraud. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE

Scott Duncan THIS JUST IN: If knowledge is "secret", or is "for sale", it's fraud. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE

Kent Barrett So, if I'm reading this correctly, if knowledge is "secret", or is "for sale", it's fraud. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE

Kent Barrett This is his second pass at it. First time was three years ago. There's a video here.
Perhaps Rob should stop hiding his light under a bushel and share this with his probation officer to show how he is finally going straight by starting an honest undertaking solely for the benefit of the greater community and is becoming an upright citizen.

Kent Barrett has very helpfully posted a 45 page document giving the back and forth between Menard and his suckers abut Rob's made-up rules on the card. ... es_log.pdf

This whole scheme has, to my inexperienced eye, the look and smell of a multi-level marketing scam but a man currently up on criminal charges and out on bail wouldn't be stupid enough to try something like that. So I must be wrong.
Last edited by Burnaby49 on Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Tender For Law gang have been busy; ... 711339763/

Scott Duncan had helpfully posted Menard's list of suckers sohisticated investers fortunate enough to be allowed to participate in this golden opportunity. Scott seems peeved that he's not in it;
Scott Duncan Could I get someone to compile a list of the people involved in this group (members AND admins) so we can preemptively BAN them from EVER stepping in here?

Just a thought. I don't want any of these pieces of garbage to sneak/fight their way in here on the battlefield.

They can still join the 2142 network (so we can shoot them), but I don't want to accept someone who ONLY did it to get in the group.

Scott Duncan WOW, this is just massive HARD CORE fraud.

Sour grapes Scott, sour grapes. Burnaby49 isn't in it either but I'm accepting that with equanimity. I've had a lifetime's experience of not being invited to the cool parties. However I have copied the list. If I decide to run a MLM scam as a retirement hobby I know, thanks to Rob, who to contact first.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Bobby's actually found dupes who will act as officers and administrators of the ACCP. Based on this past failed projects that is pretty much standard operating procedure for the Fez One.

I didn't see anywhere in the PDF where Menard talks about the project's book keeping. One has to wonder how the ACCP functionaries Wilfred Léger, Stan Bylsma and Danielle Height are going to explain it when the project turns into Moose Head empties.

Con man Menard is playing the questioners pretty good by telling them they can be part of a pyramid by becoming the paid sponsors of second wave members. I didn't see a line item, or even a budget, that shows what Bobby is taking off the top!

Bobby again has a sort of business plan which I am sure makes the project seem viable to the gullible. Speaking of gullible one has to figure that the officers and the first wave of invitees where selected in large part for their willingness to fork over fees and accept the inevitable Menardian excuses when this project gets buried with the rest of Menard's failures.

God forbid Menard actually gets a paying member who hauls him into court or calls the authorities when the project goes south.

I have to wonder if any regulars, readers or lurkers has any idea of which Canadian consumer agency should be alerted to what Bobby's doing?

Feel free to PM me, folks.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Jeffrey »

MLM scam
I'm curious as to what law this and Kiri's NZ equivalent is breaking. It's not technically a MLM since they don't pay people to recruit new members.

Is it just generic fraud to sell monopoly money while claiming it can be used to pay for utility bills?
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

Jeffrey wrote:
I'm curious as to what law this and Kiri's NZ equivalent is breaking. It's not technically a MLM since they don't pay people to recruit new members.

Is it just generic fraud to sell monopoly money while claiming it can be used to pay for utility bills?
They don't pay people to recruit new members?
Robert Menard We are in Phase 1, when we get to Phase 2 you can sponsor people if you are a Pioneer member. You may suggest people now, but you will not be sponsoring them as we will be verifying their identity. If you join now, you are a Pioneer. A Pioneer may not Sponsor another Pioneer. They may Sponsor a Settler and a Consumer. Settlers may sponsor Consumers. You will be able to use it in any place that accepts debit cards and provide consumer goods and/or services. Fees increased because the structure changed, and the COO suggested we go higher to cover the costs of Administration. Settlers will pay $350 with $50 of that going to their sponsor. Consumers will pay $500 with $100 going to their sponsor. Sponsors earn $25 per month for every member they sign up as long as both are still members.

If you wish to join now as a Pioneer, at a rate of $200 membership fee send $200 to our COO at and send your mailing address to our CAO at
21 January at 16:56 · Like
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

And here is a PDF of part of tomorrow's court list. Rob will be sharing the limelight with Omar Al-Sammarraee, Yousef Abdelgawad and Tony Addo, to name just a few. ... 20List.pdf
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

And Kent Barrett is busted!
Robert Menard added 2 new photos.
3 hrs

Kent Barrett is a duplicitous, backstabbing asshat, and should not be trusted. Not only did he post content from a private group, he also posted the names of the members of that group, knowing the likely result would be them being targeted. If he is on your friends list, I strongly suggest you remove and block him.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

And now you can even buy a Menard Asshat coffee mug! Is capitalism great or what? Time to stock up for Xmas. ... 3000801523
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

What a drama queen Bobby is!

According to him the ACCP is so certain that it could not be derailed by the mightiest effort of the evil powers that be. But now the simple revelation of the project's inexpicably secret workings is some kind of crisis!

I swear this boy couldn't organize a bowel movement.

Let's see, freeman valley tanked because? . . .the first version of the ACCP fizzled because? . . the C3PO and it's five detachments never went anywhere because? . . . the Synergy Property Stewards project never got beyond the brain fart stage because? . . .

Now what happens? The ACCP board and "operating officers" jump ship because their involvement in a project deemed perfect legal was made public?

So I ask the same question I ask about every Menardian scam. . . What happened to the money, Bobby?
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LordEd »

Did quatloos track menard's failed free meal and arrest at cactus club, or was that jref?
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

LordEd wrote:Did quatloos track menard's failed free meal and arrest at cactus club, or was that jref?
I know it's at the Menard II thread of jref. There may be posts about it here too.

I know that Menard goes out of his way to avoid talking about how he set up an "escrow account" which he used to pay the restaurant for the meal thereby avoiding prosecution.

Bobby figured he'd fool ACCP wannabes if he called paying the bill while nobody was looking "using the escrow account".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LordEd »

In the facebook off I see there is a tax evasion confession. 'belinda' took some menard advice and doesn't have to pay taxes or repay student loans.