Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

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Re: Robert Menard

Post by littleFred »

I suppose as in:

"Will you do XYZ for me?"


Grown-ups might call this "keeping your promise" or "honouring your promise", and we think this is a good thing. SovCits (at least the UK variety) reverse this, so making a promise they have no intention of keeping is fine, but if the promised person doesn't accept the worthless promise they are "dishonouring" it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

Enough of all this depressing negativity. Let's join Rob in celebrating an anniversary! It's been a year today that Menard posted this on his Face Book page;
D'Rok Legal Action
January 27, 2014 at 5:15am
Chief Executive Officer
John D.V. Hoyles - Canadian Bar Association
500-865 Carling Ave
Ottawa, ON
K1S 5S8
Tel (613) 237-2925 x131
Fax (613) 237-0185

The Law Society of Alberta
500, 919 11 Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2R 1P3
Attention: Complaints Department
Sent via onsite email form.

Russ Weninger
Calgary Lawyer, Notary Public, Commissioner for Oaths
Suite 300, 404 - 6th Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2P 0R9, Canada

Hello and good day. I am Robert Arthur Menard, and I am writing to you in the interest of serving justice. I have been the subject of a co-ordinated intensive malicious campaign of defamatory libel, spearheaded by someone who claims to be a member of the Law Society Alberta and the Canadian Bar Association. That alone should concern you.

I have initiated legal action in court, and am being frustrated in my attempts to serve this person. Like most cowards, they hide and refuse to identify themselves. Their actions are clearly unlawful and the harm they are causing is real.

It is unfortunate that the Freemen of this country have been so badly denigrated, with their beliefs twisted and misrepresented. Couple this with the unlawful actions of people either mislabelled by the press as Freemen, or who actually do claim to be a Freeman and then operate contrary to our core principles, and a distressing situation arises. That is some people start to think that we do not enjoy the protection of the law, and they are free to attack us with impunity. This is especially concerning when these attacks are initiated by members of your societies. Someone who is a lawyer and notary public should know better, and act with a far greater level of professionalism and respect for the law.

The 'Freeman Movement' for lack of a better term, is a natural result of state actors, be they police, judges, lawyers, notary publics, or politicians acting without regard to equality and ignoring what people see as their rights. The arrogance and dismissive attitudes often displayed are offensive, and the denial of justice by way of hindering access to the justice system is opprobrious. For instance in this case I have been trying to serve this party legal documents for over a year, they are aware of my desire and this action, and continue to post their defamatory statements online and mock my attempts to use the courts to secure justice.

The party in question and named in my civil suit, posts online as D'Rok. He regularly posts on a forum called 'The Randi Forum. Had he restricted his actions to that insignificant forum, I would likely not have taken offence. He however started publishing libellous letters to people who would never visit that corner of the internet, and worse encouraged others to do the same. He did so with a certain amount of authority claiming to be a lawyer and notary public, a memeber of your societies, and thus lending credibility to these actions.

By looking at his previous posts, ones made before he ever started denigrating the Freemen generally and attacking me personally, I was able to glean certain personal details. Every fresh detail narrowed the field down until all the details pointed at one and only one individual. I have contacted this individual, and he has denied being D'Rok. However based upon D'Rok's actions, I know him to be a coward, and expected the real life person hiding behind that mask to deny. That is the actions of a guilty coward. However it is also the actions of an innocent party. I therefore asked this party if he would be willing to attest under penalty of perjury that he has never posted as D'Rok. This would help serve justice by eliminating him from the very small list of people who could potentially be D'Rok. He however refuses to do so, claiming he has a busy practice and no time to help justice be served. I have offered to pay him his regular fee for two signatures, one on an Affidavit attesting that he has never posted as D'Rok, and a consent form directing his ISP to examine their records to verify or disprove his attestation. He refuses to do so. This is both troubling and curious.

If he has never posted as D'Rok, he should jump at the chance to be paid to sign these documents, for doing so serves justice and eliminates him as a target of a civil action. The only logical reason to refuse this offer, is that he is in fact the target of this civil action, he knows he is guilty and wrong, and seeks to continue to hinder the proper administration and course of justice.

Personal details released by D'Rok online prior to his malicious campaign, are as follows:

Born in Alberta, he studied out east at Dalhousie University. He is a lawyer and notary public specializing in immigration, a member of the addressed societies, now practicing in Alberta. He married a woman from South East Asia, enjoys music and philosophy acting as TA in that field when in University, was in a band as a guitarist during his university days and is now learning the piano, he is studying Japanese and the martial art Hapkido. All of these details narrow down the possible culprits until there is one and only one left.

The person identified by this process is a man named Russ Weninger. He is a member of The Alberta Notary Society and The Canadian Bar Association. All personal details match with many specifically mentioned on his website. His interest in the Freeman movement was confirmed by a Facebook posting.

Russ Weninger has denied being D'Rok, and has stated that he would testify under oath if called into court that he is not D'Rok. However he refuses to sign the aforementioned Affidavit and consent form, even though I offered to pay him, and it would mean he would not need to take time from his busy practice to attend court.

It is unbecoming of a lawyer or notary to act anonymously online, engaging in internet stalking, bullying and defamation. Such actions undermine any claim your societies may have to serving justice, and the maliciousness and encouragement of others to join in his campaign points to a psychological profile which is to say the least troubling. His maliciousness and cowardice should concern you as well, for whoever he is, his actions tarnish YOUR society's reputation and destroy your claim of serving justice. His arrogance, cowardice and attempts to thwart justice are the very reasons for the birth of the Freeman movement. The people are tired of those in positions of supposed authority acting in such a manner, and a rejection of your system is a natural and inevitable consequence.

Will you help me or hinder me in securing justice? I believe there is sufficient evidence to convince a judge to sign an order directing Russ Weninger's ISP to examine his internet history to determine if he has ever posted as D'Rok on the Randi Fourm. His refusal to agree to sign an affidavit and consent form, solidifies my suspicions and if he is unmasked as D'Rok, that refusal coupled with his denial of being D'Rok acts as prima facie evidence of his mens rea.

I am bringing this to your attention with the hopes of avoiding embarrassing both of your societies and the members thereof who do act honourably and in the service of justice. If this does go to court, both of your societies will suffer public humiliation. There is a reason he does not wish to meet me in court. The evidence against him is overwhelming and undeniable, and his actions clearly cowardly and shameful. This action will affect you all, and will put the Freeman movement back in the public spotlight, but this time, with the actions of your members, under examination. I believe that this member's actions will be unacceptable to the public, even those who do not understand the Freeman perspective.

I would like Russ Weninger's signatures on an Affidavit attesting that he has never posted as D'Rok and is not the party in question, along with a consent form directing his ISP to examine their records to determine the truth. I am willing to pay him for one hour of his time according to his standard fee, and if his ISP reports to the court that he is not D'Rok, I will publicly apologize and offer amends.

It is in your interest to speak with your member Russ Weninger, and if he is willing to admit to you that he is D'Rok, to direct him to settle out of court, and sanction him prior to a member of the public needing to use the courts to do so. I believe that on a fundamental level, both The Notary Society and The Bar Association have a duty to the public and to justice, and when you know one of your members is the subject of a court action, and they are frustrating service and hindering the course of justice, you must be willing to do all you can to help identify the guilty party. Failure to do so in my mind is nonfeasance, and justifies whatever negative consequence your respective societies may suffer. Having met some amazingly honourable people who are members of your societies and professions, I seek to avoid unnecessarily tarnishing them or their professions.

Thus I give you this opportunity to fulfil your duties to the public, and minimize the harm this man's actions are causing to both myself, and your societies. Done properly, court can be avoided, and if he does not wish to avoid court, at least his actions will not tarnish your societies further, for you will have acted honourably in the service of justice, and not contrary wise.

Sincerely and without malice aforethought, ill will, vexation or frivolity,

Robert Arthur Menard
There is one problem with this brilliant analytical masterpiece; Menard made a false accusation against a total stranger. I know who D'Rok is and I can confirm that he/she is not Russ Weninger. Menard is such a fool that he smugly thought that a few coincidental connections served as ironclad proof to defame Weninger online. But let's be fair. If Weninger wasn't D'Rok why wouldn't he let some demented loon rummage through his ISP for incriminating evidence to prove that he was someone that he probably didn't even know existed until Menard accused him of being that person? Pretty solid evidence to me. And why wouldn't he kiss Menard's ass by dancing to his tune and "attest under penalty of perjury that he has never posted as D'Rok"? All Menard wanted was for some almost random guy he'd pulled off the internet to agree to sign an affidavit and consent form that he wasn't D'Rok. Weninger's refusal is the kind of evidence that will fit very comfortably into the allowed rules of evidence in the common law courts that Menard will set up set up once the Federal Court of Canada jumps to it and appoints him and his ship of fools peace officers. Then they can interpret laws any way they want and arrest whomever disagrees with them without their current problems of having to deal with the existing police and court systems. As we've seen they are both being very inconvenient for Menard.

Our valiant Freeman said in this announcement that "I believe there is sufficient evidence to convince a judge to sign an order directing Russ Weninger's ISP to examine his internet history to determine if he has ever posted as D'Rok on the Randi Forum". He also said "I am bringing this to your attention with the hopes of avoiding embarrassing both of your societies and the members thereof who do act honourably and in the service of justice. If this does go to court, both of your societies will suffer public humiliation."

So given Rob's total narcissistic confidence that he had identified the miscreant known as D'Rok why didn't our great detective follow through with his threats to go to court and get that order? After all Menard has proclaimed to the world at large that "all the details pointed at one and only one individual". Could it be that is just typical Menardian empty bluster?

So Bobby, are you going to use your Sherlockian analytical skills to expose the real identity of Burnaby49? I await with interest to see which random individual you'll pluck out of the greater Vancouver phone book.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Freemen gurus promise abundance (in the form of the 96 Fix, A4V and the ACCP) and complete freedom from the rule of law (in the form of freeman legal theory).

The fact is freemanism delivers none of this.

Freemanism has become a game plan for poor mental health, poverty, sloth, irresponsible behavior and a complete waste of human potential.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

And Menard responds! I think;
Robert Menard
18 mins

Do you visit my facebook page in order to discuss it on some forum, with a bunch of strangers who suffer from a superiority complex?

How'd he get my picture?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

No, Bobby, everybody wants to know why you lied outright about your Toronto arrest for impersonating a peace officer. Nobody cares about your little Facebook page. . . people just want to know why you use it to lie!

If you had your daddy's spine you'd come out on the internet and own up to the fact that you didn't walk away from the Toronto traffic stop with a harmless ticket, but rather you were arrested for playing out our sad C3PO fantasy!

You've been telling tall tales for years about how you got over on the cops. But it turns out the one time you grew a set of gonards and actually recorded an encounter you fell flat on your face!

We all know you are going to hide behind your Facebook persona and send out cryptic messages about nothing in particular!

Daddy would not be proud of you, you fat, lying dog! Take his picture off your page. You bespoil his memory.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

Bobby is in deep denial with with his eyes shut tight, fingers in his ears, loudly humming to himself, he (latest)dirty little secret is out and he doesn't have any other exist strategy other than to pretend it didn't happen.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Well, Bobby, the fact is that just a few hours after your arrest for impersonating a peace officer you posted a video misrepresenting the facts of your traffic stop. You followed up that video with comments to the effect that you managed to get off with mere traffic tickets.

That was a lie. Did your daddy teach you to lie like that?

You followed up that lie with a subsequent video in which you claimed the cops wanted to arrest you and "lay a beating" on you, inferring you escaped the beating because you were a C3PO. The fact is you got arrested because you claimed to be a peace officer and were never beaten at all!

Did your daddy teach you to lie like that?

Lurking freemen need to watch this video:

Why can't you talk about the matter straight out, Bobby?

What are you afraid of, Bobby?

Are you afraid to admit that the cops arrested you and that you posted bail like a good little citizen?

That you coughed up I.D. upon your arrest, like a good little plantation slave?

Did your daddy teach you to let the man throw a saddle on you like you were some kind of donkey. . .and then lie about it?
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LordEd »

Are personation charging documents for educational purposes a consumer purchase?

Mr. Menard, do you lurk this forum so you can discuss it with your cheer squad in your own controlled facebook page?

Come join the dance. Bmx seems to have avoided the ban stick. Are you up to the challenge?
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LordEd »

This ia like natgeo of the freeman world. We have a few adventurers like burnaby who observe the freeman in their most dangerous state while cornered in a courtroom. We have others who research the reported freeman sightings. And there are zookeepers who interact with the wildlife on a professional basis.

Then there's the casual observer who watch webcams such as forums and facebook pages to see if the freeman is playing with a ball or making a cute face.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by wserra »

LordEd wrote:Bmx seems to have avoided the ban stick.
bmx never came close. This board does not ban people with whom we disagree.

We taunt them a second time.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LordEd »

Exactly. Mr. Menard has little to fear other than things like questions and evidence.

But show of hands of those who have been banned from freeman sites for disagreeing with the approved thinking? I know my hand is up.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

LordEd wrote:Are personation charging documents for educational purposes a consumer purchase?

Mr. Menard, do you lurk this forum so you can discuss it with your cheer squad in your own controlled facebook page?
Right now Bobby seems content upon opining that the highly competent investigator, Burnaby, hasn't gotten his facts straight. Of course Bobby never comes out and says what the facts are or how he thinks we may have gotten it wrong.

Par for the course with hidin' Bobby.

It really doesn't make a whole lot of difference what Bobby says because it's all going to come out in the end. . .in the court record, or in the papers.
wserra wrote:
LordEd wrote:Bmx seems to have avoided the ban stick.
bmx never came close. This board does not ban people with whom we disagree.

We taunt them a second time.
I concur.

And I note that we don't see the freeman community running to explain how it is that Bobby got arrested for impersonating a peace officer and then lied about the whole incident.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

LordEd wrote:Exactly. Mr. Menard has little to fear other than things like questions and evidence.
Bobby's like a politician or corporation head who is trying to deal with circumstances he has helped set in motion but can no longer manage. The politician might not get re-elected if the war he's been beating his chest about actually breaks out. The CEO can't control the cost of raw materials and will be screwed if prices skyrocket.

The great Bobby is similarly not in control of circumstances.

All the facts of the case are in and now Bobby's at the mercy of the courts and prosecutors. If the prosecutors figure he's just a harmless, drunken windbag he might get out of the situation with his bong intact. If his story hits the press and the powers that be are forced to prosecute him to the maximum of the law. . .then Bobby's screwed.

Most ironic of all is that Fezboy is out on bail and there are probably several restrictions on what this freeman on the lam can do and not do.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Arthur Rubin »

(A Capital Steps performance) wrote:I was on the lamb once, until the farmer got a restraining order.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

wserra wrote:
LordEd wrote:Bmx seems to have avoided the ban stick.
bmx never came close. This board does not ban people with whom we disagree.

We taunt them a second time.
Not even with that Santos Claus comment? Good thing that I'm not a moderator.

Time for another Menard update! He's posted this cute picture of a penguin on his Face Book page;


Are you referring to facts like the little item that your next court appearance is on February 9th in the Scarborough district Ontario Court of Justice? Is this why you're hanging around back east facing the Montreal winter?

note- Just edited because I spelled Santos Claus wrong. I'm getting old.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by JamesVincent »

Burnaby49 wrote: Not even with that Santos Clause comment? Good thing that I'm not a moderator.
We don't ban for poor punnery. If we did, Fam would have had a life sentence a long time ago.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

JamesVincent wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote: Not even with that Santos Clause comment? Good thing that I'm not a moderator.
We don't ban for poor punnery. If we did, Fam would have had a life sentence a long time ago.
I've got my eye on him too. One day, one day . . . . .
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote: Are you referring to facts like the little item that your next court appearance is on February 9th in the Scarborough district Ontario Court of Justice? Is this why you're hanging around back east facing the Montreal winter?

I suspect J. Edgar Freeman is in Montreal simply because the ratty Oshawa couch is no longer available. Robby, the Phony Bobby, has fiegned living large by suggesting he is looking at "buying property" in the Montreal area. One suspects any money he had went to bail. . .or at least calling the sisters for bail.

The February 9th appearance presents not just a legal problem for the Great Fezzed One, but a simple logistical one, as well. How is Mr. I-Have-Worn-Out-My-Welcome going to get his rotund 50 year old arse to Scarborough in the dead of a Canadian winter?

As an aside I point out that The Rotund One's call to reinvigorate the ACCP has resulted in exactly two new members to his FaceBook group. Not two ACCP paying members. Just two new group members!

The juggernaut rolls!
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LordEd »

In a fight between Burnaby vs Menard on 'facts straight', the safe bet is Burnaby every time.

I see the page is suspended right now for "account resource limits" (also known as non-payment). Was that mentioned previously?
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

LordEd wrote:In a fight between Burnaby vs Menard on 'facts straight', the safe bet is Burnaby every time.

I see the page is suspended right now for "account resource limits" (also known as non-payment). Was that mentioned previously?
There is no ACCP. No Elizabeth Anne Elaine Society. No C3PO. No Freeman Valley. No Synergy Property Stewards. No Cirque De Soul, Eh. No World Freeman Society.

There is an old lap top. An unused cell phone. A camera. Some dirty laundry. A greasy fez. An old C3PO badge. . . and a pile of empty Moose Heads.