Private Sector Act dot Com

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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

Is anyone around here going to ask Eric Vance about the evidence of his actions at the Calgary Land Titles office on 4th ave?

This is the elephant in the room and funny how nobody wants to touch it :snicker: :sarcastic:

Come on Eric you SNAKE OIL SALESMAN ... answer my questions or leave the arena

You are wasting everyone's time here having them believe you are a man of integrity when you have done nothing but allow yourself to be deceived by people who used you in a very bad way and I don't think you even understand it yourself !
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

One more thing before I depart for the day ...

Since there are so many fans of Eric here that are asking things like me providing names and references of people I have done business with ... what I am now asking for is everyone like NYGMan and Hans and ANYONE who is contributing to this thread to provide their first and last names so I can address you like you are addressing me... with a real name !

Fair is fair ! :D

That should not be a problem for anyone here, why would it?

That would make us even when it comes to knowing who we all are since you all know me, and I am being upfront with who I am and not afraid to do that !

Except for ERIC VANCE everyone here is anonymous and if they really want to continue with this dialogue I want to know who I am addressing.

Let's start with that. :D
Last edited by theRealDerekJohnson on Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

oops, one more thing ...

Eric, you do realize the proof exists at the Calgary Land Titles office on 4th ave right?
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by JamesVincent »

We're going to be doing one thing and one thing only.... killing natzees.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by LordEd »

theRealDerekJohnson wrote: When are you going to ask Eric about the evidence that exists at the land titles office in Calgary on 4th ave? :lol:

Or, does the truth not matter around here?
That's not how the truth works here.

Start with a statement.

Step 2: provide a link to the evidence (or photocopy photo etc) of your statement.

Step 3: Explain how your evidence proves step 1 (short quote the most relevant section and comment, or describe what you are showing in a picture.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by LordEd »

Like this post: viewtopic.php?f=48&t=10455&start=280#p193437

1: You are accused of being a snake oil salesman.
2: a court link is provided.
3: the judge describes you as a snake oil salesman.

I don't have to take his word for it. I can read where he made his opinion and the opinion of the judge.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by rmsimmons »

Its me Rita the one you are suing for $500,000.00 for slander that you had filed at the Court of Kings bench. You paid for $10.00 to register the letter which is fraudulent.
1. There is no such thing as Court of kings bench of alberta..never heard one
2. You got no address but a gmail address:
3. The person who notarized it, Mr. Lawrence Stevens Jr , a public notarian at Westbank, B.C. had no clue that there is no Court of Kings Bench of Alberta. He had stated he just watched you sign the document. He was thankful for giving him the heads up by and by the way, he agreed that what he notarized was fraud which he had no idea.
4. I never slandered you..what I said was the truth…and the truth is written all over the internet.
5. I did the service of making future victims aware of your fraudulent dealings so they will not end up like me and the rest of your past victims.
You wanted me to respond to the said email to defend myself. As far as I know, you are the judge and jury on your made up court. I am not playing your game. As a matter of fact, I should be the one to sue you. However, you had been hiding your real address so I can’t serve you.
You got the audacity here to “preach” your made up law, like you know the Canadian law. You are not even a lawyer yourself. Tell me Derek, what did I slander you off? I just merely told the truth! And by the way, go check the land tittles at 4th ave. and see if I signed over the title back. I merely followed the Canadian law. It was a judgement that the bank will take back the property and the bank will pay whatever expenses that had incurred. I was lucky I was given leniency by the court .
As for John, I was also almost manipulated by him ( Derek). Derek was very supportive and spent time to discuss how to defend ourselves in court. He made us a court script to read to the lawyer. Just after reading a few sentences, the judge caught on and realized it was the Derek Johnson deal.
Derek, I really truly believe you are a very smart man. Unfortunately, you are using your intelligence to hurt humanity. Why not use your intelligence to help humanity and do it legally? Or maybe I am wrong, maybe I am dealing with someone with mental health issues.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Burnaby49 »

Ok, expect another tidal wave of Derek postings after that last one. Shock at how a grand guy like him is being so maliciously slandered by people he was just trying to help. This is how they repay me! On and on. He'd better pony up some more fake testimonials.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by NYGman »

So far three people Derek has "Helped" and all three have been scammed by you. All but one have realized you for the Snake Oil salesman you are. You you throw around your quasi-legal BS until the cows come home, the courts o not buy it, so it will never win.

As to not getting paid, I am sure you benefit monetarily in some way, you would not do this for 20 years out of the goodness of your heart, a Man has to eat right? You have to get compensated in same way, how is that. Perhaps some of your VIctims can explain.

You admit you have no legal training, yet you try to provide legal advice. You admit you are not a licensed broker, yet you act as one, facilitating deals, and connecting parties. You know what, I am actually a broker. When I passed the NY Bar, I automatically qualified, and applied for a license (You never know when it could come in handy, and for a few hundred bucks, it was a no brainer) You think you are smart, trying to play with the technicalities, but it will catch up to you. Why do you hide? If you have done nothing wrong, why will you not accept service, and defend yourself in court. IF you have done nothing wrong, surely the best way to prove this is in court. What are you and your associates hiding from, innocent people do not hide?

I do not believe that you have no job, and for the last 20 years, just help out people in need. I do not believe you are that philanthropic. This is your Job. You make a living doing this, or else you would be doing something else. Further, this thread is obviously harming your cashflow, as people researching are finding it, and not doing deals with you. If you were not benefiting monetarily, you wouldn't care if someone came to ou for help or not. If you are a giving person, I am sure you can use your free time helping the homeless (Seeing as your pro bono work is adding to this problem).

So let's be honest now, YOU think you know the law, you think you are an expert in mortgages, and have concocted a plan you believe will help someone in foreclosure hold on to their home, and eventually on it. Is this right?

If so, break it down for us, how does it work. What are the steps to this magic? What is the law supporting it, and what court rulings support it. I will give you the benefit of the doubt. If you can present a coherent response laying out your plan, and the laws and cases that support it, so that it can be vetted by people who actually know Canadian Law, and can prove to me this is legitimate, I will pay you $50,000 CAD.

But if I think your scheme is illegal you will provide your information to Rita so you can be served, and argue your position in court. Then we will have a legal conclusion. You can counter sue her for Slander, when she files suit, we will see who wins that one. If you are so sure of yourself, you have nothing to loose, and everything to gain.

Simple, so since you BSed your way through my questions it is now put up, or shut up time.

As for me, my name is irrelevant.I have done nothing wrong. I have no personal beef with you, I take issue though with people scamming the less fortunate especially when it messes with their legal options. People like you who prey on these people should be stopped. If you are actually helping, then I will support you 100%. However nothing I have seen has convinced me you are nothing more than a scammer.

By the way, what am I supposed to find down on 4th Ave, (Hookers, or is that just in Simon and Garfunkle songs). A contract signed by eric, that was later nullified/rescinded? What would tha do for me?? We already know he got to break the contract, due to your lack of performance, I see no issues here.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by webhick »

For the record, and since the accusation will probably be made, rmsimmons did not register or post from an IP used by anyone else on the site. So, not a sockpuppet.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Burnaby49 »

By the way, what am I supposed to find down on 4th Ave, (Hookers, or is that just in Simon and Garfunkle songs).
That was 7th Avenue. From Simon's official website;
Asking only workman’s wages
I come looking for a job
But I get no offers
Just a come-on from the whores on Seventh Avenue
I do declare there were times when I was so lonesome
I took some comfort there
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

grixit wrote:Since this topic seems to have become more about the fraud cases against Derek and less about sovcit sctivity, i just thought i'd remind people that Quatloos has a separate section just for mortgage and property scams. I'm not saying this should be moved, just that the admins might want to consider it.
Back on track now with Sovereign Citizen activity, Canadian style. We have an imaginary Court of King's Bench and a notary who may or not be a real one - I've just got home and haven't had time yet to investigate. If he is a real one he should know better than to notarize a Statement of Claim referencing an imaginary court.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by newcenturyrealestate »

It has come to my recent attention that Eric Vance is posting derogatory claims and slander about myself and my company New Century Real Estate here on this forum.

I have read a few of his posts here and find it amazing that he finally came out from wherever he was hiding from and choose to post on some random obscure forum.

For the spectators here ...

I have been trying to contact Eric Vance via phone, email, (for 6 months over a year ago) regarding the house he sold to my company to find him completely radio silent and missing.

No returned phone calls, emails, nothing.

Eric then puts a caveat on the property which would not have mattered in the grand scheme of things since the transfers and offer to purchase agreements were all done with integrity even according to the Land Titles office that confirmed the transfer with him days after everything was complete.

That was the last time he proved to be alive.

Eric should be thanking me that I didn't dispute his outlandish claim of wanting a reverse refund on the property. I was being more than nice to Eric by consenting to allow him to have the property back when most people buying as primary owners, planning to move in would have never put up with that craziness.

It was lucky for Eric I am an investor and was not looking to move in or Eric would have been dealing with a bailiff and locksmith and tossed out like he should have been.

Luckily for Eric, I was not planning on moving in and chose to cut my loss's with the "man in hiding."

Who in their right minds (other than Eric Vance) sells their home and then wants it back after the deal is done? Eric is the only person in Canada who asked for a REVERSE REFUND on a home he sold.

Congratulations Eric !

Eric Vance has made history in the Canadian real estate market being the only one to do something like that ... and I allowed that to happen do not forget that Eric.

Why would Eric sign contracts to sell the home, and then disappear without communicating with people he is doing business with? ... and worse, show up on some obscure forum where there are 3 other people to talk to and do what?

What are you trying to accomplish here Eric?

Can you explain to everyone here on this forum how you signed contracts, sold your home all lawfully with integrity in the contracts, and then you disappear completely and then re-appear to slander a whole bunch of people in my business network who weren't even involved with you?

Had I known you, Eric Vance were going to act out this way, I would have moved on and dealt with people in their right minds that can do business like professionals.

Do you realize Eric, that the proof of what you did exists at the Calgary Land Titles office?
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Hanslune »

theRealDerekJohnson wrote:

Let's start with that. :D
Still trying to come up with stuff to get people diverted from the question at hand? Hows that working? Not to well is it?

Why are you scamming people and why do all those courts seem to dislike you, its like you are some sort of scammer OR A SNAKE OIL SELLER



and the beached grey whale in the living room is ... qb483.html

Just had to re link to the court papers again on our Snake OIl man

We now find that history repeats itself. The Calgary real estate market boomed again until the recession in 2008. Homeowners began defaulting on their mortgages and walking away from their properties. Some desperate homeowners sought help to maintain their properties. A new type of Dollar Dealer has emerged on the scene to take advantage of the unwary and desperate homeowner. This scheme involved a homeowner transferring title to a numbered Alberta corporation with the promise that the property would be reconveyed at some future time. The transferee corporation was to bring the mortgage into good standing. The homeowner was to pay rent. The advantage of this new scheme was that the scoundrel didn’t have to go to the trouble of locating a tenant.

The new scoundrel, while collecting rent would appear in court and make outlandish statements to obfuscate and delay the proceedings. The scoundrel obtained a substantial cash flow from numerous desperate homeowners. While the homeowner was able to remain in the residence, the mortgage debts and legal costs increased substantially because of the activity of the scoundrel. Eventually the mortgage company would obtain title to the property and, in many cases, obtain a deficiency judgment against the homeowner.

In many of these foreclosures, the mortgage company would also obtain judgment against the numbered Alberta corporation. It is clear that Mr. Johnson is a scoundrel for holding out hope to desperate homeowners in order to enrich himself. 115 has in many cases been added as a defendant and several judgments has [sic] been obtained against 115. A search at the Personal Property Registry reveals that eight judgments have been assigned by the mortgage company to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation in the total amount of $624,655. Another insurer, Genworth Financial Mortgage Insurance Company has six judgments assigned to it in the total amount of $729,920. Two other lenders have judgments against 115 totalling $157,083.

When Mr. Johnson advises the court that he has years of experience in the Calgary real estate market and that the Court has not kept up with and does not understand the current real estate practices, he makes a vexatious argument. My grandfather’s generation would describe him as a snake oil salesman. There is no merit to any of his arguments. His appearances cause unnecessary costs and delay. He shows a lack of understanding of basic real estate and mortgage practice and procedures. His arguments have been rejected repeatedly by both Masters and Justices on appeal.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

The Observer wrote:
theRealDerekJohnson wrote:The mods are going to start asking for more information to support your story here if you don't step up to the plate and start answering questions.
I am a moderator at this site. As of right now, I have seen nothing presented by you that would motivate me to require Eric to provide more information in support of his story. Nor do I think it is likely in the near future that I will request Eric to provide any information. And I do not think it is likely that any other moderator or administrator will request Eric to provide any information.
With reference to the providing of documentation, I was so excited when I heard that various members of our group had been served with a Statement of Claim from Derek's imaginary Court of King's Bench I immediately ran down to the post office to see if I got one too so I could post it to Quatloos. I see rmsimmons has posted a summary of theirs and beat me to it. In my haste I neglected to feed my pet boars - Chester in particular was quite upset when I got home and wanted to eat my neighbour but I managed to convince him otherwise.

On a more serious note, if you really wish it, I could post redacted copies of Statements of Claim I had served on various members of Derek's crew, including himself. Please note these were filed with the "real" Alberta Court of Queen's Bench. That all being said, I have no desire or intention, in fact refuse, to fight it out with him here, since he wasn't prepared to defend himself in a real court.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by The Observer »

theRealDerekJohnson wrote:WSERRA,

I have done HUNDREDS, maybe in the THOUSANDS of deals all over Canada with no problems. I don't need to provide references to some annonymous poster on a silly forum like this ! lol
Sorry, Derek, but that just doesn't cut it here on Quatloos. I know that you have only been posting here for a few days, so you are probably not aware that we have a rule (of which there are very few) that can be basically summed up as the "Put up or shut up" rule. On the off chance that you might not know what that means, I will explain it. Anyone coming here claiming that they have had success with their particular theories on law, their methods or products that they sell to "help" people deal with the courts and the government has to show ironclad proof that what they sell or claim actually does work. That proof cannot be self-serving statements issued by you that you have been successful, nor can they be from other people who claim that you helped them. Proof must be from an independent source that shows that your method, theory or product actually prevailed in a court of law or otherwise got the government to admit that they were wrong.

Why do we insist on that type of proof? For several reasons. First, a lot of scammers have come here in the past and said exactly what you said above: they have had innumerable cases of success, but could never actually show one when push came to shove. Thus, anyone can talk a good game, but when the ref blows the whistle at the end of the round, the only thing that really counts is what on the scoreboard, not what was being bragged about on the sidelines. Secondly, such proof should show that the results should be able to be repeated by anyone who followed the same method. If you are stopping the courts or the government in their tracks with legitimate methods, then those same methods should be able to be implemented by anybody else - not just DerekJohnson. And third, the proof should be able to be logical and understandable as to why the courts or government accepted the arguments made, the tactics used or the evidence provided by you. After all, this is not simply an issue of waving an magic wand and making all the bad stuff go away.

This is why wserra asked:
The question: have you ever actually won a real estate matter in court? And I don't mean by your interpretation; I mean a cite (title, court, docket) to an order that says, "Derek Johnson wins."
It's a very good question. A question that you are ducking and claiming that you don't have to answer. But under the "put up or shut rule" you have to answer it with the proof we require if you wish to continue posting your claims of success here. Note that we are not asking you to provide proof for all of the "thousands" of cases you claim to have provided "assistance" on. All we are asking is for one solid case where the court said that DerekJohnson was right, that DerekJohnson had presented an argument that convinced the court to rule in your client's favor. After all, if you are being truthful about what you can accomplish for your clients, it should not be any problem for you to cite such a case, after all you should have thousands to pick from in order to shut us up.

Now I am going to go out on a limb here and say that I expect that you will try to weasel out of this by claiming that you cannot show such any case because the courts are (a) corrupt, (b) ignorant of the true meaning of the law, and/or (c) are under duress by bankers, lawyers and the government and will consistently rule against your clients. For argument's sake, let's just say that is why you can't win any of the cases. If so,the follow-up question becomes even more important than the first one:
Why should anyone pay you for the services you provide if they cannot prevail in a court of law that will rule against them?
Derek, failure to address these questions forthrightly can result in you losing your ability to respond here in the future. This is a serious matter in that your reputation is highly suspect and the lengths you are going to in attempting to deflect the spotlight away from you, evading questions, answering in vague language, and making some outlandish claims does not improve your situation. Your position is not unlike that of the Wizard of Oz who keeps telling everyone to ignore the man behind the curtain. Derek, you are the only man behind the curtain and you are not fooling anyone here.

A really smart person at this point would be able to see the game is up and would leave quietly and not return in order to cut their losses. I am not sure that you are that smart, I think your ego is more dominant than your brain and you think you can just beat all of this criticism back with sophistry and deflection. It is probably that same ego that gives you some psychological satisfaction at grifting your clients; it probably makes you feel superior to them, especially after they turn over their hard-earned bucks to you. That is the only win that is really important to you. But it is a win that you can't really be proud of and share with anyone else simply because you know you did it out of dishonesty, not out of any sense of actually helping people that needed it. Thus the need for you to invent claims of having thousands of cases where you were successful.

So Derek, you need to put up or shut up. I think you know very well where this is going to end.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by NYGman »

newcenturyrealestate wrote:It has come to my recent attention that Eric Vance is posting derogatory claims and slander about myself and my company New Century Real Estate here on this forum.

I have read a few of his posts here and find it amazing that he finally came out from wherever he was hiding from and choose to post on some random obscure forum.

For the spectators here ...

I have been trying to contact Eric Vance via phone, email, (for 6 months over a year ago) regarding the house he sold to my company to find him completely radio silent and missing.

No returned phone calls, emails, nothing.

Eric then puts a caveat on the property which would not have mattered in the grand scheme of things since the transfers and offer to purchase agreements were all done with integrity even according to the Land Titles office that confirmed the transfer with him days after everything was complete.

That was the last time he proved to be alive.

Eric should be thanking me that I didn't dispute his outlandish claim of wanting a reverse refund on the property. I was being more than nice to Eric by consenting to allow him to have the property back when most people buying as primary owners, planning to move in would have never put up with that craziness.

It was lucky for Eric I am an investor and was not looking to move in or Eric would have been dealing with a bailiff and locksmith and tossed out like he should have been.

Luckily for Eric, I was not planning on moving in and chose to cut my loss's with the "man in hiding."

Who in their right minds (other than Eric Vance) sells their home and then wants it back after the deal is done? Eric is the only person in Canada who asked for a REVERSE REFUND on a home he sold.

Congratulations Eric !

Eric Vance has made history in the Canadian real estate market being the only one to do something like that ... and I allowed that to happen do not forget that Eric.

Why would Eric sign contracts to sell the home, and then disappear without communicating with people he is doing business with? ... and worse, show up on some obscure forum where there are 3 other people to talk to and do what?

What are you trying to accomplish here Eric?

Can you explain to everyone here on this forum how you signed contracts, sold your home all lawfully with integrity in the contracts, and then you disappear completely and then re-appear to slander a whole bunch of people in my business network who weren't even involved with you?

Had I known you, Eric Vance were going to act out this way, I would have moved on and dealt with people in their right minds that can do business like professionals.

Do you realize Eric, that the proof of what you did exists at the Calgary Land Titles office?
Ok, SockPuppet number two, Lets have some facts. Who are you, and how did you connect with Eric? Did eric know you? Were the terms of the sales contract satisfied in full, within the specified time frame? Caveats? What Caveats? Be specific, you make this point, but provide only vague inferences that these were problematic, tell us more...

I have never questioned that a "contract" may have existed so I am sure that there is one on 4th Avenue, if you say there is, but this is not relevant, as eric is no longer bound by that contract, and this IS NOT ABOUT ERIC. This is about the Scam Mr Derek Snake Oil Salesman is involved in, and ou may be too.

Therefore, based on your supportive post, undoubtedly form a separate IP, your phone, your house, an internet cafe, TOR, whatever it is, I am also betting you are part of this scam in some way. So how do you pay Derek or he pay you? What's his cut of this, or does he match people together free of charge? I highly doubt he is that charitable.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Burnaby49 wrote:Ok, expect another tidal wave of Derek postings after that last one. Shock at how a grand guy like him is being so maliciously slandered by people he was just trying to help. This is how they repay me! On and on. He'd better pony up some more fake testimonials.
As you may or may not know, many of the old videos on Youtube on the privatesectoract channel hadn't been deleted, just tagged as private. Yesterday he "unprivated" the one with poor John and used that one as a testimonial. He also untagged another with the equally hapless Ted Vidican (sp?). I expect that one will be the next.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Burnaby49 »

This is a message for rmsimmons.

I've sent you a Private Message through the Quatloos PM function. Just click on that little grey button labeled PM under your name in the right hand column and it will take you to your inbox. I'm a Quatloos moderator but this is not directly related to Quatloos. A request for information.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by The Observer »

newcenturyrealestate wrote:It has come to my recent attention that Eric Vance is posting derogatory claims and slander about myself and my company New Century Real Estate here on this forum.
Always nice to hear from a new source. But it would be nice to actually know who you are and where your company is located, its website, etc. Let me guess, it was Derek Johnson that brought this to your attention?
I have read a few of his posts here and find it amazing that he finally came out from wherever he was hiding from and choose to post on some random obscure forum.
This is hardly an random, obscure forum. This site has been in operation for the last 14 years or so, and has garnered a large following and lots of mentions from media as an interesting worthwhile site to check out.
For the spectators here ...

I have been trying to contact Eric Vance via phone, email, (for 6 months over a year ago) regarding the house he sold to my company to find him completely radio silent and missing.
The fact that the house was the subject of a fraudulent attempt to deprive Eric of his ownership through Derek's actions does raise questions as to why you were participating in this fraud.
Eric then puts a caveat on the property which would not have mattered in the grand scheme of things since the transfers and offer to purchase agreements were all done with integrity even according to the Land Titles office that confirmed the transfer with him days after everything was complete.
But the court disagreed that it was done with integrity and that is why Eric got his property back.
Eric should be thanking me that I didn't dispute his outlandish claim of wanting a reverse refund on the property. I was being more than nice to Eric by consenting to allow him to have the property back when most people buying as primary owners, planning to move in would have never put up with that craziness.
No, it is more likely that you didn't attempt to dispute the claim because you knew would not be able to prevail in a court of law where it really matters. Besides it might have caused some questions to be asked about your business relationship with Derek Johnson.
It was lucky for Eric I am an investor and was not looking to move in or Eric would have been dealing with a bailiff and locksmith and tossed out like he should have been.
And it was lucky that you didn't move in, because in the end you would have been the one to be tossed out by a bailiff. But I think you already knew how that little scenario would play out.
Luckily for Eric, I was not planning on moving in and chose to cut my loss's with the "man in hiding."
No, you simply knew that you had lost out and were not going to be able to cash out after the court ruled in Eric's favor. In all likelihood, the moment you knew Eric was going to fight the fraud that was perpetrated on him, you realized the game was up and decided to move on and hope no one asked any embarrassing questions about your relationship to Derek Johnson.
Who in their right minds (other than Eric Vance) sells their home and then wants it back after the deal is done? Eric is the only person in Canada who asked for a REVERSE REFUND on a home he sold.
Hey, if I was unfortunate enough to have been in a similar situation, I would be asking the court to get my home back. Seems Eric was smarter than you or Derek.
Eric Vance has made history in the Canadian real estate market being the only one to do something like that ... and I allowed that to happen do not forget that Eric.
Please. You had no say so in the matter. The court ruled in Eric's favor and you were not simply going to go into court and waste money on a suit that you would have never won.
Why would Eric sign contracts to sell the home, and then disappear without communicating with people he is doing business with?
Maybe Eric just realized it wasn't a good idea to interact with thieves?
... and worse, show up on some obscure forum where there are 3 other people to talk to and do what?
More than 3 people here...but maybe that is what has you worried - that a lot of people are going to be catching on to the little business deal you cooked up with Derek.
What are you trying to accomplish here Eric?
Just a wild guess on my part, but I think he is sharing his experience with the rest of the world so they don't get hornswoggled by Derek and his business buddies.
Can you explain to everyone here on this forum how you signed contracts, sold your home all lawfully with integrity in the contracts, and then you disappear completely and then re-appear to slander a whole bunch of people in my business network who weren't even involved with you?
He already explained what happened. And the court believed him. You lost. Case closed.
Had I known you, Eric Vance were going to act out this way, I would have moved on and dealt with people in their right minds that can do business like professionals.
Translation: If I had known that you, Eric, were going to fight this thing and bust up our little fraud, I would have moved on to some dummy who would be easier to con.
Do you realize Eric, that the proof of what you did exists at the Calgary Land Titles office?
Do you realize that court ruling in Eric's favor means what he did in the past is irrelevant due to the fraud that was perpetrated on him?
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff