Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Llwellyn »

So, REALLY, "any-time -- anywhere", had a bunch of invisible quotes around it .. Menard and his great 'hidden words meanings' .. any-time, anywhere (of MY choosing, as long as you meet MY requirement A, B, C, D, E,.. hmm not enough letters in the alphabet.. something akin to ad-infinitum)..

Now, after seeing all of Menards great history, everyone with any assemblance of an IQ would know, that he was a no-show. He will simply keep coming up with methods to dodge/avoid/escape/side-track (lots of synonyms to choose from).

Glad you were willing to try Arayder, but going to a public location, where there are actual official badge carrying peace officers with actual authority.. would you ever expect a wannabe, make believe, self imposed 'officer' show up?

Now I could be wrong.. been wrong many a time in my life, and it won't be the last.. unless I die in my sleep in a few here.

Burnaby, stop it with the evil mind controlled squirrels of doom!!!!!

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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Let's take a look at some of the Nazi propaganda posted at Bobby's fascistbook page.

Here's a little gem:
If Germany had won
-A war-torn Europe would have been spectacularly rebuilt, supervised by Hitler's architect: Albert Speer.
-Berlin, now renamed Germania would be the capital of Europe. All Europeans would have benefited from the German "Economic Miracle".
-No USSR and thus no Cold War or "Iron Curtain".
-No Red China and the subsequent killing 40 to 60 million Chinses people.
-No Communism anywhere.
-The end of the political ideology known as Zionism.
-A Palestine free from Israeli aggression and the relocation of Jews to Madagascar.
-Greater stability in the Middle East without Israel.
-No fictitious "War on Terror".
-A ban on usury and privately owned central banks.
-Abolishment of Freemasonry.
-An emphasis on traditional family values.
-No Cultural Marxism or Liberalism and their destructive ideologies:
Radical feminism
-No multiculturalism and the present Jewish policy of forced third-world immigration to the West.
And you still say we won?
So. . . . no Jews, no gays, no lesbians, no banks, no feminists, no immigrants, no commies, no masons. There wouldn't be many people left in my neighborhood!

Now Bobby says he's just opening a line of communication to modern day Nazis. But I don't see him saying one word of criticism to the folks who are fouling his page with this sort of hateful propaganda. In order to get in good with his new Nazi friends Menard has started posting and sharing is own Nazi propaganda!

One has to wonder how Menard squares Nazism with freemanism!

Coward Clock: It has been 34 days since Robert Menard was challenged to explain his embrace of Orlando false flag theories. So far Bobby has declined.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Bobby says:
Need help?
Are you embroiled in a conflict and don’t know where to turn?
Robert Menard has successfully set free wrongfully incarcerated individuals; helped reunite families; settled debt issues; halted foreclosure proceedings; convinced CRA to change their demand for payment from $35,000 to $3500; caused student loans to be discharged; laid official complaints against police officers resulting in charges and dismissal; prepared private prosecutions; negotiated the complete dismissal of criminal charges; helped prepare people for their self-represented litigation and legal defences; and, negotiated to successful resolution various interpersonal conflicts.
If you have an issue with any level of government, the courts, CRA, Family Services, banks, landlords, neighbours, or even family and friends, having someone on your side who understands the dynamics of conflict and its resolution, perform in depth legal research and develop winning strategies can save you thousands of dollars in legal fees, enormous emotional distress and help to ensure an outcome which is acceptable to you.
Contact Rob at to arrange for a free private and confidential consultation to determine the suitability and usefulness of his services in relationship to your issue, whatever it may be.
Please feel free to share this, to anyone who you think may benefit.
Bobby, please document your claims of success!

One has to ask how it is you helped all these folks and yet you can't get diddlie done for yourself. You are on the run from the law, living in obviously reduced circumstances and frankly you don't seem to have your head on straight.

Let me remind the reader that lying to prospective clients is one of the things that got Bobby banned from playing lawyer in B.C.

Coward Clock: It has been 34 days since Robert Menard was challenged to explain his embrace of Orlando false flag theories. So far Bobby has declined.

EDIT: Success! Bobby already has a case finding a lost pooch. I can see it now --- Robert Menard: Pet Detective
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

arayder wrote:Let's take a look at some of the Nazi propaganda posted at Bobby's fascistbook page.

Here's a little gem:
If Germany had won
-A war-torn Europe would have been spectacularly rebuilt, supervised by Hitler's architect: Albert Speer.
-Berlin, now renamed Germania would be the capital of Europe. All Europeans would have benefited from the German "Economic Miracle".
-No USSR and thus no Cold War or "Iron Curtain".
-No Red China and the subsequent killing 40 to 60 million Chinses people.
-No Communism anywhere.
-The end of the political ideology known as Zionism.
-A Palestine free from Israeli aggression and the relocation of Jews to Madagascar.
-Greater stability in the Middle East without Israel.
-No fictitious "War on Terror".
-A ban on usury and privately owned central banks.
-Abolishment of Freemasonry.
-An emphasis on traditional family values.
-No Cultural Marxism or Liberalism and their destructive ideologies:
Radical feminism
-No multiculturalism and the present Jewish policy of forced third-world immigration to the West.
And you still say we won?
So. . . . no Jews, no gays, no lesbians, no banks, no feminists, no immigrants, no commies, no masons. There wouldn't be many people left in my neighborhood!

Now Bobby says he's just opening a line of communication to modern day Nazis. But I don't see him saying one word of criticism to the folks who are fouling his page with this sort of hateful propaganda. In order to get in good with his new Nazi friends Menard has started posting and sharing is own Nazi propaganda!

One has to wonder how Menard squares Nazism with freemanism!
Bobby says:
How do I square Nazism with Freemanery? I don't, nor do I need to. Freedom to express yourself, including unpopular opinions such as Nazism, is easily justified, with simple freedom.
I understand, Oh Great One. Your Nazi friends are afforded freedom of expression at your facebook page. But anybody who points out the folly of freemanism and your history of failure is banned.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Menard began offering legal advice again this a.m.! And it only took one morning for the septic tank to back up.

On his fascistbook page Bobby has been contacted by Daren McCormick noted Nova Scotia freeman who was arrested for threatening to kill police officers while packing a .44 cowboy pistol on his hip.
Daren Mccormick hey Rob a bit buisey now ...and won't get a break till this fall ...but i got a veary intresting case i think ya could help with...
Nazi Bob is hanging out with a great crowd. . .Hitler apologists and wannabe cop killers!

Nice going, Nazi Bob!
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Oh, you've bigger problems than you new handle, Nazi Bob.

When the authorities are informed that you are providing legal advice in violation of the 2008 B.C. court order you might have some 'splaining to do.

Would you like a copy of the email I send to the provincial and federal law societies?
notorial dissent
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

Maybe it'll work out that Bobby can share an adjoining cell with the Parasite.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:Maybe it'll work out that Bobby can share an adjoining cell with the Parasite.
I think Bobby's offer to provide legal advice to strangers is just an attempt to remain relevant.

When he got busted by the law society a few years ago evidence had been gathered against him by a hired investigator who called him up pretending to be a wannabe freeman in need of legal advice. Bobby was caught red handed claiming to have "kicked ass" in court when in fact he had lost badly. His bald face lies were one of the factors that lead the BC courts to drop a bomb on him.

Bobby repeated this sort of bragging on his facebook page just this morning when he said he was beginning his advice business again.

But the reality is that ever since he got busted by the law society Bobby's been very leery of talking to folks he doesn't know over the phone, or taking emails that ask for legal advice. My guess is that Bobby's just putting on a show like he does every time he starts something new.

He may have few clients who pay for his advice, but my guess is he knows who they are and knows they have drunk the freeman kool-aid such that they'd never rat him out even if his advice gets them a jail sentence.

We can be sure that a few months from now he'll still be in some rat hole talking big and living small.

As we speak Bobby is trying as hard as he can to pretend that his offers of legal advice given this morning are really just mediation and conflict resolution services. One might say he's making the mistake of confusing the client, but he really doesn't have that many clients. Rather, I suspect he has realized that he's gotten his Moose Head addle arse in a spot and is trying to get some verbiage out there which might help him when the courts might call him to account.

In the end he'll still, for a fee, give legal advice to the few he can trust and fail to return the phone calls and emails of anybody whose name he doesn't recognize.

It's all for show, folks.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Freetard Menard wrote:
I cannot reject something unless I have first accepted it
I would say that factually that is incorrect. You can look at an idea, consider it carefully and then come to the conclusion to reject it. At no point in the process is it necessary to accept it as being valid.
Menard ain't the wordsmith he thinks he is.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Llwellyn wrote:So, REALLY, "any-time -- anywhere", had a bunch of invisible quotes around it .. Menard and his great 'hidden words meanings' .. any-time, anywhere (of MY choosing, as long as you meet MY requirement A, B, C, D, E,.. hmm not enough letters
Or to put it another way: Menard shat his pants.....again.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:Freetard Menard wrote:
I cannot reject something unless I have first accepted it
I would say that factually that is incorrect. You can look at an idea, consider it carefully and then come to the conclusion to reject it. At no point in the process is it necessary to accept it as being valid.
Menard ain't the wordsmith he thinks he is.
Caught in bed with his Nazi apologist friends Menard pretends he's just running a free speech platform at WFS and his Facebook page. The idea foisted on the gullible is that Menard does not control content and hence is not responsible for the Nazi apologist propaganda posted at his own Facebook page. . .even the posts he, himself shares!

The fact is that over the years Menard has removed countless posts and has gone out of his way to control the content of his Facebook page. One can't count the times Menard has removed civil and respectful comments he didn't happen to like. So the logical question is why didn't Menard monitor and, as appropriate, remove the Nazi propaganda posted on his Facebook page?

The answer: Nazi Bob is a closeted Nazi apologist!

I point out again the one of the worst Nazi apologists in Menard's circle of friends and acquaintances, Patrick, has several times praised Menard for showing him the way to an embrace of Nazi propaganda.

Coward Clock: It has been 35 days since Robert Menard was challenged to explain his embrace of Orlando false flag theories. So far Bobby has declined.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
Llwellyn wrote:So, REALLY, "any-time -- anywhere", had a bunch of invisible quotes around it .. Menard and his great 'hidden words meanings' .. any-time, anywhere (of MY choosing, as long as you meet MY requirement A, B, C, D, E,.. hmm not enough letters
Or to put it another way: Menard shat his pants.....again.
Menard said he'd meet anywhere, anytime.

But when he realized that I'd take him up on the offer and do it in such a way as to insure his and my safety as well as give him a chance to talk to my lawyer about his beefs. . .he backed out by adding more conditions.

As I have said countless times Menard was given my email address along with the offer to electronically conference with myself and my lawyer. Menard was the only one besides me who had the address so when it got filled up with gay porn I had to figure he had chicken out again.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

Rob must need beer money. From his Facebook page;
Robert Menard
Freeman Course
By Professor Robert Arthur Menard
Freeman ‘Guru’ Extraordinaire
Have you ever wanted to be a Freeman, instead of a ward of the state, or child of the province? Are you tired of funding the fancy lifestyles and perks of those who claim to ‘represent’ you? Do you want to plant the seeds of a direct democracy?

Robert Arthur Menard, Canada’s preeminent Freeman on the Land, is offering a 6 week intensive online instruction course consisting of weekly webinars and individual instructions.

Designed to help you understand the system we live under, and how using trust law your will has been subverted, you will be guided in the process of developing and serving your own Notices and Claims, and trained to stand your ground with honour when challenged.

Tuition is very reasonable, classes are small, and individual support is provided. Family discounts are available for couples.

Contact Rob at to enrol now. Spaces are limited, and going fast, so act quickly.

[Please fell free to share this with people whom you feel may benefit from this course.]
I'll say this for professor Menard, he is eminently qualified to tell students what not to do since essentially everything he has ever done, without exception, has failed. So anyone wanting to live a life of poverty scrabbling for shelter and ready cash, on the run from an arrest warrant and criminal charges, fell free to cough up the very reasonable (but unspecified) tuition and learn abject failure directly from the master.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

He's actually quite explicit about his financial state in one of the comments;
Dennis Odom
pfff u just want $$ fk u
Robert Menard
No, I need money. I want to help.
Robert Menard
Do you work for free? Live for free? Eat for free? If so you teach that for free and I will enrol in your course.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

Where's the promised radio show?
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by NYGman »

Burnaby49 wrote:Rob must need beer money. From his Facebook page;
Robert Menard
Freeman Course
By Professor Robert Arthur Menard
Freeman ‘Guru’ Extraordinaire
Have you ever wanted to be a Freeman, instead of a ward of the state, or child of the province? Are you tired of funding the fancy lifestyles and perks of those who claim to ‘represent’ you? Do you want to plant the seeds of a direct democracy?
Tuition is very reasonable, classes are small, and individual support is provided. Family discounts are available for couples.
I bet class size is small, my guess is from about Zero to 1 (there always is one idiot who seems ready and willing to part with their money) :) but I don't see the course lasting the full 6 weeks.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by LordEd »

That's ok, they can just pay with a consumer purchase.
Per the consumer purchase site using the waybackmachine as the site is dead:
“consumer purchase” means a purchase, other than a cash purchase, of goods or services or an agreement to purchase goods or services
(a) by an individual other than for resale or for use in the course of his business, profession or calling and
(b) From a person who is engaged in the business of selling or providing those goods or services;
If the professor fails to accept the consumer purchase, then you should ask him why he thinks he's exempt from the law and call a peace officer.
Q: What purchases are covered?
A: Things you consume. These include:
• Food—groceries and restaurant meals
• Utility Bills—for private residences
• Communication Costs—for private residences
• Municipal Property Taxes—for private residences
• Medical and Dental
• Chiropractic
• Massage Therapy
• Physical Therapy
• Gym memberships
• Haircuts
• Tires/chains
• Car -Gas, oil and maintenance
• Body work and Detailing
• Transportation
Student fees and tuition
• Basic Clothing—will be limited
• Building supplies
• House Upgrades (windows, insulation, and needed improvements)
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Chaos »

NYGman wrote:
I bet class size is small, my guess is from about Zero to 1 (there always is one idiot who seems ready and willing to part with their money) :) but I don't see the course lasting the full 6 weeks.
sure it will. first 'class' will be teaching an unsuspecting mark how to take money for nothing from an unsuspecting mark. then 6 weeks later, the next 'class' will be teaching an unsuspecting mark how to take money for nothing from an unsuspecting mark.

I also have to laugh at his question of 'do you eat for free?'
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

Actually, I will bet that once the money has been collected that the course will mysteriously be canceled for reasons.

Poor Bobby, can't get on the dole for moral reasons, and that pesky warrant, spent all of daddy's insurance money, and fresh suckers are getting harder and harder to find, and the general free loader population, at least those still with a few functional brain cells, have wised up. Poor bunny. :snicker:
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

notorial dissent wrote:Actually, I will bet that once the money has been collected that the course will mysteriously be canceled for reasons.

Poor Bobby, can't get on the dole for moral reasons, and that pesky warrant, spent all of daddy's insurance money, and fresh suckers are getting harder and harder to find, and the general free loader population, at least those still with a few functional brain cells, have wised up. Poor bunny. :snicker:
I have to agree. I just can't see him having the self-discipline and work ethic to actually prepare and give a structured six week course. This is probably the key;
Robert Arthur Menard, Canada’s preeminent Freeman on the Land, is offering a 6 week intensive online instruction course consisting of weekly webinars and individual instructions.
So essentially he'll just get up and be his usual windbag self babbling in videos in that shabby kitchen but this time he'll try and get paid for it. Unless of course once he gets some cash he heads over to the beer store and ends up not bothering.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".