Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

I'd also suggest checking out his property tax problem he had a few years ago. My understanding is that he quietly caved and payed up, which fits his general pattern of covering up the failures of his techniques.

And I agree with Jeffrey's broad idea that his deceiving others is fundamentally built on deceiving himself. "I'm the heroic leader of a revolution" sounds so much better than "my life hasn't worked out". His fans' adulation is key to this, and so I think it's more important to him than their money.

Dean's family can only hope the "freeman guru" storyline burns out and is replaced by something like "my life bottomed out in remand, and ever since I've been fighting my way to a normal life - aren't I amazingly resilient?"
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

I wish I could remember now where and when it was I read, sometime earlier this year by one of the followers talking about Dean, and my take on it was that they felt that Dean was following in his father's footsteps. I may be completely wrong or have misinterpreted, but that is what I am remembering, I just remember it sticking in my mind at the time though.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Fmotlgroupie wrote:. . .I agree with Jeffrey's broad idea that his deceiving others is fundamentally built on deceiving himself. "I'm the heroic leader of a revolution" sounds so much better than "my life hasn't worked out". His fans' adulation is key to this, and so I think it's more important to him than their money.

Plus as a brave, unimpeachable leader of freemanary Dean is rarely forced to deal with the everyday struggles of life. . .long hours, the defective materials that arrive at the construction site, work that has to ripped out and done again, the client who can't pay because his stock portfolio tanked. . .
notorial dissent wrote:I wish I could remember now where and when it was I read, sometime earlier this year by one of the followers talking about Dean, and my take on it was that they felt that Dean was following in his father's footsteps. I may be completely wrong or have misinterpreted, but that is what I am remembering, I just remember it sticking in my mind at the time though.
I thought there was a video of his brother getting tased as he tried to bust into a U.S. courtroom with a camera and another of their mother talking about how badly the mean old courtroom guards had treated her sweet little Darren.

But I could be wrong.

Edit: I was wrong. The tased guy in question was Robert Peterson

Darren was tased on another occasion.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by LordEd »

Need to get a line up of the three best tasered freemen videos together and have a vote for sovereign's funniest home video. The winner get the $10,000 birth bond. Sponsored by Taser International. 4 out of 5 freemen agree when you want to go "auuugh!", only accept a genuine tasering.

Edit: My vote is currently the full version of the peterson video above.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Darren was tasered during his traffic stop arrest last year; I kinda remember a mention that there is dashcam footage of that from the patrol car but it's never been made public.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

LordEd wrote:Need to get a line up of the three best tasered freemen videos together and have a vote for sovereign's funniest home video. The winner get the $10,000 birth bond. Sponsored by Taser International. 4 out of 5 freemen agree when you want to go "auuugh!", only accept a genuine tasering.

Edit: My vote is currently the full version of the peterson video above.

Yes, the Peterson video is a classic. . .a physical representation of exactly what freeman/sovs get when they leave the kiddie table.

I love the part where Peterson asks what the court has to hide only to get a drawn taser pointed at him.

If Peterson had bothered to do one minute of research off freeman/sov forums and web sites he'd know the reason U.S. courts don't allow video taping in courts is that state and federal legislatures don't want dips like him circulating videos of judges and people giving testimony in court.

if you think I am being disingenuous look at how the videos shot of Ernie Tertelgte hearings have been used to identify and threaten judges and court officers.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Another rather curious update at ( ... g-charges/) - I'll reproduce it in full, lest it disappear or mutate:
Posted by Admin on May 9, 2014 in News

It has been relayed that all the major charges have been dropped by the federal crown.

The remaining changes and hearing dates are:

May 12th @ 10am in room 403 – dealing with the failure to appear in court
June 20th @ 10am in room 403 – dealing with the highway traffic act violations
August 22nd @ 10am in room 403 – dealing with the recognisance breach failure to live at stated residence

With these remaining charges, Dean has pleaded guilty of the facts and is asking for them to prove any obligation, according to their own corporate legislative policy.

The resisting arrest charge, they sentenced him to 20 days jail with time served but if it is proved later on there is no obligation to abide by their CRIMINAL CODES ACT, then this would be expunged and stuck off also.

The assaulting a police officer / policy enforcer was dropped. They were the remaining serious charges left on their list.

Now it is down to the highway traffic act charges, (no seat belt, no license, no insurance etc). This coming Thursday morning is his next non-authorised scheduled hearing, not been seen in pro pria persona, and not being seen as making special appearance but still being recognised as a trustee of the all caps name.

Because the Attorney General refused acceptance of his paperwork that was attempted to service him with 3 times, apparently gives them the ability to steamroll through, and given HER MAJESTY does not want to be seen bringing a false claim to court, they will ram it through and hope that we do not know how to enforce collection of duly accepted charges, and or bring criminal charges after their internal circus.

We hope to have an update released over this weekend to go over what went down this week.
This is a carbon copy of what they did to his brother Darren prior to Dean’s November Hamilton seminar when he was in jail in Calgary. Similar charges, same response and will be the same outcome. Darren’s Federal charges were all dropped as well and now a free man in the literal sense.

It is reasonable to say the end of this saga is actually quite near and coming to a head.

The questions to be answered will be:

Who will be held liable for their actions at the end of the day?
What is going to happen moving forward when all is dropped, done and dusted?

As much evidence has been collected and witnesses are available to testify and swear out affidavits on the corruption, delay tactics, refusal of services, making paperwork that was served only for the court files to disappear, imploring the impossible, violations of ones liberty, freedom of movement, judicial unfairness, profiling and discriminating based on ones political and religious beliefs etc etc etc.

They surely have much to answer for and at the very least, this will serve to erode any remaining legitimacy at the end of the day.
A few small observations. It would be awfully interesting to see what the Manitoba Provincial Court records say. Call me suspicious, but this narrative seems a little peculiar. For example, there's no mention of the firearms offences. Those are not "federal offences" as they are prosecuted by provincial Attorney Generals.

See for example R. v. MacLeod and Powell, 2012 MBPC 21 (, a trial for possession of an restricted handgun. The Crown Prosecutor is Keith Eyrikson, a lawyer in the public prosecutions branch of Justice Manitoba - you can search via this tool:

The only "Federal" charge of which I am aware that is faced by Dean is his grow-op charge. Criminal Code prosecutions are handled by the provincial Attorney Generals ( ... 13/03.html), while the Public Prosecution Service of Canada ("PPSC") has a much more restricted mandate:
In all provinces and territories except Quebec and New Brunswick, the PPSC is responsible for prosecuting all drug offences under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA), regardless of which police agency investigates the alleged offences. In Quebec and New Brunswick, the PPSC prosecutes only drug offences investigated by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).

In all provinces and territories, the PPSC prosecutes charges under federal statutes such as the Income Tax Act, the Fisheries Act, the Excise Act, the Customs Act, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, the Canada Shipping Act, and the Competition Act, as well as conspiracies and attempts to violate these statutes. In total, over 250 federal statutes contain offences that fall under the PPSC’s jurisdiction to prosecute, and the PPSC regularly prosecutes offences under approximately 40 of those statutes.

The PPSC is responsible for prosecuting all Criminal Code offences in the territories. In the provinces, the PPSC has jurisdiction to prosecute a limited number of Criminal Code offences, including those related to terrorism, criminal organizations, money laundering, proceeds of crime, and fraud. Under arrangements with the provinces, the PPSC may also prosecute Criminal Code offences that are otherwise within a provincial jurisdiction when the accused also faces charges within federal jurisdiction.
And perhaps there's a pattern here - all of the charges identified as having a guilty plea or going to trial are on Informations other than #555-49829 and #555-49830 - the firearms and drug charges. Perhaps - and this is just a suggestion - perhaps trials for the other various informations have now been set in Manitoba Provincial Court, while the more serious charges move forward to a trial in Queen's Bench.

Or perhaps they were all dropped. Dean, after all, is winning! Dean has already won!

Or perhaps they were dropped because Dean turned and is now a witness for the state - Scott Is Always Right!

SMS Möwe
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Once again a nice post, Mowe.

I noted the threatening part of Team Dean's little press release:

"...they will ram it through and hope that we do not know how to enforce collection of duly accepted charges, and or bring criminal charges after their internal circus."

Putting aside he absurdity of privately bringing criminal charges against the court for doing its job, I point out that Dean has long history of threatening the police, judges and the media. . . and then doing absolutely nothing.

You are right in keeping an eye on the official record, Mowe. As we know after his February 2013 arrest Dean had no problem misrepresenting (read: lying) the record regarding his case. So far in this round of dealings with the court he hasn't had any problem twisting the facts.

I think it's telling that consistent with his past tales Dean seams to skirt over the more serious drug and fire arms charges. It may be that the charges were dropped, but I wouldn't take Dean's word on it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

BMX over at the WFS forum is wise to Dean's game:

Actually i have reason to belive the latest ramblings are junk. You see the drug charge is federal, the guns provincial, and traffic court can be both provincial and possibly bylaw infractions.

However without the guns n drugs he would very likely be out. Unless like any criminal he is going to cop a guilty plea and the crown drops some charges. Then at a remand pro-rate of 1 day counting as 1.5 days 6 months of remand becomes 9 months off the sentence. And for non violent offenders your out on your 2 thirds even if he got 14 months he would be out.

And remember he could get that on every charge so long as the judge ran the sentences concurrently for the guilty plea he would still be out.

Jeeze youd think i had been through this canadian justice system before....

But i expect The charges to reappear.
And why so shy about showing the disclosure if its working?


Oh. One other thing. The crown has 6 months from the time they have enough information to charge you with a summary offence to do so. They have 2 years after they have enough to charge you by indictment. The time you spend in remand is not relevant to this. If dean was not holding up the proceedings its likely he would have already been to trial.

The time limits for speedy trials only count if it is the crown holding things up. In this case it is the defendant doing the fantastical filings and miraculous motions.

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Since I am strictly an outsider looking in on the processes here, I can point some things out from my general confusion.

I find your dual, or is it more than that, court system, and the way it is split up, arranged, however you want to put it, very very confusing. Trying to keep clear in mind which level of court we are talking about and which does what for the various crimes makes it difficult to tell exactly what is going on, which I happen to think Dean and Company are using to full advantage, even if unknowingly.

My take on it is that Dean has some serious Federal charges that haven't yet been addressed, that he is claiming have been dropped, I think they're just lost in the thicket that is Dean's charge sheet, lots of local/provincial??? level charges that are now making their way through the courts, and a fair number of attempted appeals, mostly to the wrong courts as near as I can tell. So there would need to be three if not four sets of charge sheets to keep track of just where things stand as I see it. No wonder he can keep his followers fooled.

Considering the mess he's made of his life, I don't expect it to get any clearer until the hammer starts coming down on the various things, and he runs out of excuses and explanations of how he is winning the great fight.

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

They must have smoked whatever drugs the cops failed to seize before writing that sh*t.

I call bullsh*t on all of it.
if it is proved later on there is no obligation to abide by their CRIMINAL CODES ACT, then this would be expunged and stuck off also
Oh okay so they found him guilty but magically they will retroactively prove that the Criminal Code doesn't apply to him. Meaning that Dean is free to murder anyone he wants since section 229 of the Criminal code doesn't apply to him, and Dean is also free to rape anyone he wants since section 271 of the Criminal code doesn't apply to him.
The resisting arrest charge, they sentenced him to 20 days jail with time served but if it is proved later on there is no obligation to abide by their CRIMINAL CODES ACT, then this would be expunged and stuck off also.

The assaulting a police officer / policy enforcer was dropped. They were the remaining serious charges left on their list
How stupid do they think we are? There's more than one resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer charge! Even if they found him guilty of the February one, he still has to deal with the July charges or vice versa.

This is just stupid at this point. There's no way in hell the gun or drug charges were dropped. I don't believe for one second that Dean is spending his sixth or seventh month in jail simply due to a seatbelt infraction, failure to appear and recognizance breach.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:They must have smoked whatever drugs the cops failed to seize before writing that sh*t.

I call bullsh*t on all of it.

. . .This is just stupid at this point. There's no way in hell the gun or drug charges were dropped. I don't believe for one second that Dean is spending his sixth or seventh month in jail simply due to a seatbelt infraction, failure to appear and recognizance breach.

I agree. But we should realize that misrepresenting reality is exactly what so far has gotten Dean his street cred in the freeman cult.

It is now plain as can be that after his February release from jail Dean was still on the hook for the charges leveled against him. But since he was walking the streets Dean was able to convince his faithful followers that he had beat the rap, dismissed the charges against him and was a living breathing freeman hero who would tell anyone else how to do the same for $150.

That was a lie, pure and simple. A lie so plain that even folks over on the WFS forum have caught on.

The sad, pathetic part of the mess is that faced with the reality that he's probably going away for a long time all Dean can do is repeat the same old farce. . .that he'll walk free any day now and upon doing so will take the Canadian authorities to account.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Jeffrey, good point on latest Deanoid comment.

I really love the "no obligation to abide by their CRIMINAL CODES ACT" obfuscation, which of course isn't going to happen. What a lovely fantasy to pin all ones hopes to. This bunch truly is quite clueless, and very naive.

The bad old code can convict him, but then has to let him go because it doesn't apply to him, magic do over button, I don't think so.

From what I can see, Dean has some effectively piddly little local charges, that are eventually going to cost him a little time, certainly considerably more than he has already spent in lock up, and some not at all piddly federal charges that are going to cost him a great lot of time, and the Feds probably won't bother trying him until all the local stuff is out of the way so that he can have their undivided attentions.

He hasn't spent all this time in lock up based on principal and stupid, well the stupid part certainly, but I think mostly because the authorities have finally recognized a true scofflaw and flight risk now that they have him in custody, particularly based on prior bad acts. At this point, I don't think Dean and/or his followers could raise enough money to bail him out, since he'd almost certainly skip as he has every other time.

I'm curious, how deep of a hole has little brother dug himself in to?
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:Jeffrey, good point on latest Deanoid comment.

. . .From what I can see, Dean has some effectively piddly little local charges, that are eventually going to cost him a little time, certainly considerably more than he has already spent in lock up, and some not at all piddly federal charges that are going to cost him a great lot of time, and the Feds probably won't bother trying him until all the local stuff is out of the way so that he can have their undivided attentions. . .
Dean lied about the charges leveled over his February arrest saying he had dismissed them.

After he saying he didn't need to and hadn't bothered to attend the August 2013 hearing over the charges, Clifford backpedaled and lied again saying there never was an August hearing.

Dean lied saying their was no warrant issued for his November 2013 arrest.

Clifford lied about the firearms he had stashed in his home denying he had a loaded, prohibited pistol and an assault rifle, instead saying he had only an heirloom shot gun and a WWII rifle.

Even as he he filed several freeman legal documents Dean lied saying he was being denied access to the courts.

Now on Dean's word alone a couple of his duped minions tell us he's having charge after charge dismissed.

One has to wonder how Chris Sosnowski and Paul Stein are going to feel when the truth comes out!
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

I think it is safe to say, that Dean lied is the operative expression here, and pretty well just about covers it all.

Chris Sosnowski and Paul Stein???
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:I think it is safe to say, that Dean lied is the operative expression here, and pretty well just about covers it all.

Chris Sosnowski and Paul Stein???

Chris Sosnowski, Dean’s friend who runs Winnipeg Alternative Media, and Paul Stein, of We Are Change Victoria, are the two dupes who, along with Darren, are repeating the story that Dean is having several charges against him dismissed.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Mind you, the claim that the charges were dismissed come to use via:

Someone in the court room at a hearing, who overheard Dean screaming in court mentioning a letter he got from the deputy attorney General, who then called Chris after the hearing with an update, who then forwarded that to his web-guy and ran with it.

And Dean didn't even mention that the charges were dropped in his jailhouse phone call so, this one technically can't be pinned on Dean.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:Mind you, the claim that the charges were dismissed come to use via:

Someone in the court room at a hearing, who overheard Dean screaming in court mentioning a letter he got from the deputy attorney General, who then called Chris after the hearing with an update, who then forwarded that to his web-guy and ran with it.
Well, there's another Clifford lie uncovered. He's been telling everyone the hearings are being held in private!
Jeffrey wrote:And Dean didn't even mention that the charges were dropped in his jailhouse phone call so, this one technically can't be pinned on Dean.
That's correct. The turn of events indicate Dean has a couple of trained marionettes who will do his lying for him.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Any element of truth in this theory of mine? The federal prosecutors know where he is (i.e. in jail) so can be putting together their case without having to worry about bail hearings and the overheads of keeping him in federal custody? But they will need to be ready to move as soon as the local lower court, lesser charge stuff is dealt with.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by wserra »

LordEd wrote:My vote is currently the full version of the peterson video above.
Volt for Peterson.
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