“The Judge has Abandoned Ship”

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Re: “The Judge has Abandoned Ship”

Post by grixit »

Let's give it a few more weeks. Based on the video, i expect that he and his crew will drag out more soverdumb verbiage and do more precourt rehearsals. Then, either he gets clobbered at trial, his buddies find something else to do, and he becomes just another footnote. Or else he manages to keep stretching things out, he and his buddies start making instructional videos and claiming victories, he attracts a bunch of loyal followers, and tada: a guru is born!

Then he gets his own topic.
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Bill Lumbergh
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Re: “The Judge has Abandoned Ship”

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

Well Mowe, ask and you shall receive:

http://www.blogtalkradio.com/criticalma ... open-forum

That's last night's show. If you skip ahead to about the 119 mark, you will be treated to an enthralling discussion about "urine therapy", which involves drinking your own "star water", which is the most distilled form of water you can get.

Apparently, it tastes like coconut.

The participants report nothing but positive feedback, including the fella who got sick after a few days of it. In fact, it is posited that we are evolving to a state when we will not have to consume food or water at all (later in the show it is suggested that this will lead to immortality).

Oh and apparently pigs are just genetically modified humans.

Hey, you asked for it.
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Re: “The Judge has Abandoned Ship”

Post by grixit »

well, there are the "breatherians", who claim to live on nothing but air and sunlight. And the "immortalists", who believe that mortality is a state of mind and if you can purge yourself of it, your body won't age or die. Once you get into that kind of thing, nothing else counts as crazy anymore.
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Re: “The Judge has Abandoned Ship”

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

Here's a clip of Keith/Kate encouraging a caller to continue squatting in a house he lost to the bank. Isn't this precisely what Keith/Kate ended up in the slammer for?

The awesome part of this is that this squatter has actually become invisible to the rest of the world because he is vibrating at a different frequency than all of us poor slaves!

That's right folks. Squat in a house, become invisible!

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Re: “The Judge has Abandoned Ship”

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Obviously he's already dead but doesn't know it. He needs that kid out of The Sixth Sense to put him right. (The Sixth Sense storyline twist as nicked from The Third Policeman)
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Re: “The Judge has Abandoned Ship”

Post by arayder »

A more likely explanation than the invisibility thing is that the squatter goes back to the house and encounters an old neighbor, who simply ignores him.

The squatter takes the cold shoulder treatment to mean he's invisible, and thus believes he's taken squatting to a new level. Keith/Kate, a failed squatter himself, likes the idea since it plays to his whacky thought process.

My guess is the neighbor doesn't want to have anything to do with the squatter, may have already ratted him out to the bank and thus won't even look at him.

Of course, there is always the possibility that the neighbor is a mime and just can't call out to the squatter.
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Re: “The Judge has Abandoned Ship”

Post by fortinbras »

The neighbor may have read about the SovCits and their antics, and is worried about being shot by the squatter.
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Re: “The Judge has Abandoned Ship”

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

Here's a great example of how these gurus operate. Live on air, Keith/Kate guides "Nina" directly into jail following a traffic stop.


There's plenty more advice on how to ruin your life on that page as well.
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Re: “The Judge has Abandoned Ship”

Post by grixit »

I seem to recall that a certain purple-clad gentleman lost his name for several years, yet it appears it made no change to his relationship to the law of the land or to taxes.
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