Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest victims

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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

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Burnaby49 wrote: All Canadians are annuities traded on the American Stock Exchange.
Burnaby49 wrote:The False God government of Canada is registered to the United States Securities Commission.
This probably explains the anti-American sentiment in Canada. Maybe Canadian citizens are willing to accept having to float bonds for the US, being traded away for pennies on the ASE and having to kneel to the Securities Commission. But we may be going pushing them too far here. Only Heaven knows what will happen if another USA hockey team wins the Stanley Cup - which is the current Illuminati conspiracy plan.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

Famspear wrote:
LordEd wrote:Crap, I just found out that God predicted quatloos and wrote us out...
Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place. Ephesians 5:4 NIV
Hmmmm..... And I had assumed that we were already in trouble because of all the bad limericks......
We were put on double secret probation for the limericks. We failed. Thanks Famspear.

While we are on the subject of god's wrath I'm pondering a question. Does the King James bible sanction the sale of sex toys? I just bring it up because that is what Belanger is promoting in this odd, very recent video;

He claims he uses it for medical purposes but we really know what he means;

This is one of a tidal wave of new videos that Belanger has just put up. Lazarus has risen from the dead big-time! He seems to have put his Volk defeat firmly behind him and is moving on. I'll report on anything of interest when I've plodded through them.

One point that a sad pathetic prick like me particularly enjoys is that the loss of his welfare (AISH) is consuming him. He's obsessed with getting it back by posting videos demanding that Alberta officials reinstate it immediately or face dire consequences. Apparently the Alberta government is finding better uses for its money than funding the lifestyle of a parasite.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:...[T]he loss of his [Belanger's] welfare (AISH) is consuming him...
I must have missed this somewhere along the way, how and when did this happen? And how is he supporting himself between leeching staying with his marks?

Edit: Never mind. I found the reference on the thread ("Physician, heal thyself") where you explained that apparently Alberta had determined he was not disabled and stopped the payments. I had even commented on the subject. The curse of getting older and not remembering as much as I used to.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by LordEd »

Whatever he wants to smite himself with.

I get electrocution at physio, so maybe it's a similar concept for healing (tens machine, Dr hi, etc).
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'm wading through the videos. It looks like Belanger emptied out all of old unposted detritus from his rubbish bin in an attempt to show that he is still alive and relevant. If it isn't a straight video dump I fail to see the relevance of this one;

Which is just a short clip of Belanger sitting on a deck in a home in east Vancouver on a sunny summer day in 2013. He gives a tour of the place, apparently a two week loaner, but no context as to why he is in Vancouver or why he made the video. He commented about some event the night before without saying what it was.

He seemed very relaxed and confidant, not at all the same Belanger I'm currently viewing in a couple of videos he just posted yesterday again demanding that his welfare get reinstated. The man is getting desperate. Two years ago a beautiful summer day in Vancouver spent on a flower filled deck, now he's exploiting some pathetic schmuck by helping the sucker film the collapse of his sad failing life CERI style. Belanger is finding his natural level.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest victims

Post by Burnaby49 »

Burnaby49 wrote:Belanger has finally broken his silence on the Volk debacle by posting a batch of videos blaming them for their abject failure to both keep their house and stop paying their mortgage.

First he gives us a couple of videos taken at the time of the foreclosure where he valiantly stood barring the door of the Volk's church against the ungodly and ranted at real estate agents. These greedy followers of Mammon just didn't realize who they were up against. The second video has to be my favorite Belanger video of all time for no other reason than it is only seventeen seconds long;

Then the post-mortem as Belanger explained how the Volks really won and kept their house!

Well they would have won, they actually HAD won, then they just gave up just on the cusp of victory. How can Belanger be blamed for that? He led them to the gateway of the promised land but they would not cross the threshold. He had told them at the beginning that his help was based upon the condition that "they continued right through to the end regardless of the huff and puff of the wolf on the other side of the door." And they agreed. During the three months of the saga there was much intimidation on the part of the courts and police but Belanger held steadfast. He had the Volks sue everybody involved using upper and lower case names! How can you get more ecclesiastically legal than that? They even used the Canadian Style Manual, a point I made myself in a previous posting. The Paraclete decisively TRUMPED the Federal Rules of Court ... by physically smacking his King James Bible down on the Rules of Court! But the nefarious court permitted OTHER filings even though they named the parties in all upper case letters. A vile betrayal of King James.
The above is from a posting I made on May 16th. I just revisited the third video cited in the posting;

Where the good reverend craps on his flock. I found a catfight in progress in the comments! Belanger and Carol Volk are going at it "hammer and tong" as my mother used to say.

Carol started the ball rolling with an entirely appropriate comment;
Crafty Carol
1 week ago
Really -- almost a year later and you are doing a video? Saying I smeared you -- have no idea where you got THAT from...and was lying too - the fraud is real and yes I did try many other avenues to expose it. Whatever happened, happened and it's in the past -- let it go brother! No one is even blaming anyone so seriously I have no idea why on earth you wanted to bring this all up again. This is over Robin - move on...
Of course a sincere man of God and Christian principles can't let that stand so he replied with a flurry of responses;
paraclete Edward Jay Robin
1 week ago
+Sovereign Carol calling yourself a sovereign just puts you in a threat category as the RCMP already labled those who do that as a threat....Cathie told me you were smearing me trying to blame me for the fact you quit...Rob posts abusive comments trying to blame me cuz I am not a lawyer and was not experienced in law suits like I told you many times...What other choice did you have??? You had a choice to do what I was offering or roll over,,,,you decided to quit when you had them against the ropes...Maybe is is Rod doing the smearing but it is because he told you to quit .....I do not take kindly to folks trying to blame me for their own lack of faith and thats what I got from Rod and your intentional wasting my time....You told me you would not quit but just when you get to complain and with clout you chicken out then try to blame me saying I refused to speak for you which is a lie.. You can still complain but I think Rod is fear mongering you into being a chicken

paraclete Edward Jay Robin
1 week ago
+Sovereign Carol i posted that in May after Cathie told me you were dissing me

paraclete Edward Jay Robin
1 week ago
+Sovereign Carol funny the whole world can see the fraud HSBC is engaged in but when the truth was down and being ignored rather than get louder you just turned and ran...Rod well he was never into it in the first place as he never created the problem and seemed to not know what faith is ...Now he tries to diss me for telling the truth...Wow!!

paraclete Edward Jay Robin
1 week ago
+Sovereign Carol it is not over Carol you just made them believe that folks who claim faith are just faking and not serious
So Carol checked with Cathie, whoever she is, and found that Belanger was telling a stretcher;
Crafty Carol
1 week ago
I have spoken with Cathie and she said this is not true...she said she never said anything to you about me saying stuff so who is the liar? Not sure why you feel you need to stir the pot here, like I said this is over, I am not smearing you, never have....perhaps you are just pissed off because I didn't DO what you "ordered" me to do??? You seriously need to move on and stop trying to smear ME...
But the Parakeet will not be smeared;
paraclete Edward Jay Robin
1 week ago
+Sovereign Carol well indeed it was her who said you were in rooms smearing me as Rod certainly has as you can see it

paraclete Edward Jay Robin
1 week ago (edited)
+paraclete Edward Jay Robin I will not be smeared when I went out of my way to help you both....You were in some chat room and Cathy said you had smeared me ....and I know you told folks I broke my promise that I would speak for you which was totally untrtue...It is you urged on by Rod to quit who then posted his own dirt trying to smear me
Crafty Carol
1 week ago
Show me proof I smeared u...cause this is just hearsay as far as I am concerned, I have never said the stuff u r saying....I am not giving this anymore energy, r we in highschool?
This posting from Carol again resulted in a flurry of Belanger babbling;
paraclete Edward Jay Robin
6 days ago

+Sovereign Carol you may be but i am just defending the truth from smear tactics....go ask Rod if he smeared me...he did

paraclete Edward Jay Robin
6 days ago

+Sovereign Carol i am leaving this up so others know the truth and who quit and who wanted you to complain and who refused to do a thing about the abuse of process and office..
Crafty Carol
6 days ago
+paraclete Edward Jay Robin I am not in control of others Robin -- this video is mostly directed at me and I am defending myself from what you are saying -- I NEVER SMEARED you...bottom line...
paraclete Edward Jay Robin
6 days ago
I cannot exercize faith for folks Carol but do complain on behalf of others all the time...I got told by you to quit as did I from Rod..Thats was quite uncomfortable for me as I felt like I had been robbed...I have delisted the video and am sorry if it caused you discomfort as the truth often does...I am also sad that you and Rod could not come out shining but often folks come to me when the shit is over their eyebrows and expect a miracle...I am no miracle worker but faith applied and unwilling to lat down can do that....So sad Rod made you lay down and wanna blame me...
If Belanger thinks he deleted this video he screwed it up just like he screwed the Volks.
Crafty Carol
1 week ago
What rooms r u talking about? I don't even go in "rooms" u r seriously losing it Robin... I had a whole conversation with Cathie and she has no idea what u r talking about too!
paraclete Edward Jay Robin
1 week ago (edited)
+Sovereign Carol this was in skype around november and I just talked to Cathie....You certainly told folks a lie telling them i renigged on speaking for you and seem to be of the impression none of what I showed you was valid or true....I contend it was all valid and true but also contend that both you and Rod suffer from fear syndrome and refused to stand when tested....The process was and is sound ...the soul of some trying it is not
Renigged? Apparently Belanger was lashing out because of hurt feelings;
paraclete Edward Jay Robin
6 days ago
you were such a dissapointment for me as I put a lot into it trying to help...your quitting and not communicating really hurt
How heartbreaking, Belanger is dissapointed. Everything seemed so copacetic when the good rev was sitting in their living room churning our reams of videos ordering the forces of evil to stand down. Little setbacks, like the Volks losing their house, resulted in disproportionate reactions and animosity stepped breaking things apart. All so sad. If the Volks had just had the Christian fortitude to continue following Belanger's marching orders rather than losing heart and surrendering everything would have worked out fine. Belanger said so. His "process" has been proven effective. Look at the grand job it's done at keeping Minister David out of jail and getting Belanger his AISH back.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest victims

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Burnaby49 wrote:Look at the grand job it's done at keeping Minister David out of jail and getting Belanger his AISH back.
Not to mention how well it worked for Belanger in keeping his own home and being with his family. Wonder who the Paraclete blames for that little setback.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest victims

Post by Burnaby49 »

And there is more to Belanger's "Blame the Volks" hissy-fit than I was aware of yesterday. Remember Ed's sex toy video?

One of Ed's comments on this video is;
paraclete Edward Jay Robin
1 week ago
actually Rod these devices remove pain with no drugs no side effects and no licence or doctor needed and telling folks about how to get off drugs is my motive and I make zero profit from them....your desire to blame someone for your own wife lieing to you seems to have missed where the finger of blame needs the bankers is them who started the lie....funny you cannot see that and wanna blame me...
This is obviously a reply to an earlier message that is now missing. Rod? Do we know a Rod? Hmm... yes we do - and Rod's wife was "lieing" and the blame belongs to "the bankers"? I'd say that Rod too has been posting negative comments on Ed's videos and the Parakeet promptly deleted them.

Speaking of Rod, his better half has been acquiring some dubious Friends on Google+; ... 5107/about

Note the woman in her circle identified as Sovsqu 333gov. That's Irene Gravenhorst, an odious woman who pretends to be head of the Sovereign Squamish Government aka Sovereign Sinixt Government aka Sovereign Skwxmu7mesh ©Squamish™ Government, a make-believe British Columbia Indian band. We have a discussion on Irene. She's as crazy as it gets;


She led Warren Fischer down the path to a jail term with her toxic advice;


I've been following her somewhat. She's on this video from a local Vancouver community TV show where she explains her new aboriginal electronic currency and banking system;

I find everyone onthis program repulsive. The interviewers, the interviewees, the announcers, everybody. The only person in the entire show that provides anything of value is the guy that tells us the importance of balancing laundry in the washer. ... 2424/posts

Apart from Irene we have somebody called David Lucas who identifies himself as being part of the Sovereign Squamish Government and who also says;
Functional IT Leadership
Information Architecture Development

Operations & IT Leader
Great. He probably builds Gravenhorst's websites.

And, in addition to those two, Carol's Google+ circle now includes my old friend Charles Norman Holmes who's court hearing I attended and wrote about in detail here;


This shows that after trying OPCA craziness and failing, trying Belanger's CERI craziness and failing Carol is doubling down and hooking up with the SSG. Well at least she won't lose her house this time.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest victims

Post by Burnaby49 »

While it seems I've been overly focusing on the Volks at the moment that isn't choice, it's just chance. I'm overwhelmed by a tidal wave of information on a huge range of crazies and I'm doing my best to keep up. They're coming in the doors and windows! I just received these new Volk documents and they show the recent developments in their descent into homelessness, or at least into a rental. Since it is a very simple post (unlike the tale of Parakleet Belanger's bare-assed naked nudist CERI followers narrated by our own Notorious Notary contributor Ron Usher that I plan to post soon) I'll knock it off now.

First up is this document from August last year. ... _08_19.pdf

Short and sweet. It allows the bank to sell the Volk's home. Then this one from September; ... _09_16.pdf

Ordering the Volk's to vacate.

Then this fairly recent court order from March of this year; ... _03_17.pdf

Allowing the sale of the Volk's home to Gordon 'N' Gordon Interiors Ltd. for $330,000. And that seems to cover the Volk's story. But, as I've recently posted, Carol has been going down some strange paths. And there are few paths stranger than the Supreme Squamish Government and Irene Gravenhorst. So Carol may yet return here for another workout.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest victims

Post by Hyrion »

Burnaby49 wrote:Allowing the sale of the Volk's home to Gordon 'N' Gordon Interiors Ltd. for $330,000.
The outstanding balance was $264,561 when they started down the rabbit hole. Assuming it truly was about their religious obligations they could have sold the house for the $330,000, paid the outstanding balance and pocketed $65,439. That's assuming they couldn't have sold it for a higher value.

Instead, they forfeited, ran up various costs including Legal costs and likely ended up with nothing.

Yaaayyyy.... another OPCA win! :brickwall:
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest victims

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Burnaby49 wrote:While it seems I've been overly focusing on the Volks at the moment that isn't choice, it's just chance. I'm overwhelmed by a tidal wave of information on a huge range of crazies and I'm doing my best to keep up. They're coming in the doors and windows!
Sounds like zombies. Although zombies have a little more intelligence.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest victims

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Anything new occurring on the Volk front? Last mention was that Carol was dipping further into the koolade barrel and morbid curiosity makes me wonder if she is stirring more trouble for herself.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest victims

Post by Burnaby49 »

Not that I'm aware. After they lost their house Carol drifted out of the sovereign orbit. She was only in it in an attempt to keep their house but she seemed to have no actual understanding or belief in what she was doing. She just followed Belanger's orders. Once that failed she followed fitfully for a while on Facebook and I'd check from time to time but even that is gone.

To be fair I don't think she wanted a free house like Tom Crawford but they just couldn't keep up with the mortgage and she got desperate. She scrapbooked and he repaired lawnmowers, not what you'd call a reliable cash flow. They would have been way better off just selling, they may have had some equity at the end, but Belanger convinced them that they could have it all.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest victims

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Burnaby49 wrote:She was only in it in an attempt to keep their house...
Burnaby49 wrote:To be fair I don't think she wanted a free house like Tom Crawford but they just couldn't keep up with the mortgage and she got desperate.
Most likely so. I find that if women get sucked into the FOTL/sovrun/tax defier whirlpool, it is usually because they fear losing their most precious asset, their home. Most of the time you don't see women falling for the crap being peddled because they innately know that it is going to cause a loss that they can't afford. However, it seems that if the house is under threat of loss, due to outside circumstances beyond their control, a woman is more likely to grasp at any straw that holds itself out as a savior.
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