Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

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notorial dissent
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by notorial dissent »

They're so cute when they're creating their own irrealities. Our resident nutcase variants have been trying that for years, and failing for an equal number of years, when they get really good at it they start filing liens against the gov't, and then guess what, paying taxes magically ceases to be an issue because they are in jail. They take a REAL dim view of that sort of thing down here.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

One video of Pete Daoust has been posted on Kent Barrett site with english subtitles: ... subtitles/

It's interesting if you want to know more about why Revenue Quebec claimed $35 000 to Pete Daoust in 2010 and how he became a Scott Duncan fanboy. At this period, Revenue Quebec has been accused of offering bonuses to its employees if they meet quotas: ... -on-quotas Revenue Quebec denied the accusations.

It's quite possible Revenue Quebec claimed money wrongfully and made mistakes, and some people have won against Revenue Quebec with legal ways, hiring a lawyer (it's expensive and frustrating for sure, but it's still the better way to do it). Pete Daoust pretends he won against Revenue Quebec by claiming the surety of his person. He misleads other gullible persons with tax problems or others and I could say he takes advantage of their misery to give himself credit and visibility. His interpretation of the Quebec Charter of Rights and what lead to its creation is a conspirationist fantasy.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten » ... 6063595766


And what do you want exactly? A medal? Keep preaching, you fool. That's true: you can't keep your car, your house and other possessions if you don't pay your bills. So, what are you trying to say to your gullible followers? That they should ruin their life and lose all they have just because it's bad being a DOCILE taxpayer? Sorry about the language, but you're really a piece of shit.

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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by eric »

Well it looks like the hammer has come down on Pete: ... 481906591/
(translated by google) This morning revenue Canada, assisted by the RCMP, with a warrant signed by a justice of the peace, have carried out a search to the abode of Pete and his family as well as in the premises of his company.
Supposedly he would have told someone a few share not to do his taxes... which is totally false.
But Pete has not been arrested during the search!!!
and Pete's comments:
Pete Daoust A crew of 38 CRA Agents, assisted by at least 15 RCMP's, raided my house, and my office.

For an Allegation of maybe PIERRE DAOUST said to someone to NOT pay their income taxes :/

WHEREAS it pappears from the information of ERIC BARDIER, CRA AGENT, that there are reasonable grounds to believe that an OFFENCE under the criminal code or another act, that is 464b) of the Crminal code..

"Except where otherwise expressly provided by law, the following provisions apply in respect of persons who counsel other persons to commit offences, namely"

b) every one who counsels another person to commit an offence punishable on summary conviction is, if the offence is not committed, guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

....was committed and that certain things will afford evidence with respect to the commission of the offence described above;

So, in simple language......they have deployed a total of 53 agents, because I might have told someone to NOT pay their income taxes.....

It appears they were collecting evidence for a prosecution under this: ... ml#docCont
Counselling offence that is not committed

464 Except where otherwise expressly provided by law, the following provisions apply in respect of persons who counsel other persons to commit offences, namely,

(a) every one who counsels another person to commit an indictable offence is, if the offence is not committed, guilty of an indictable offence and liable to the same punishment to which a person who attempts to commit that offence is liable; and

(b) every one who counsels another person to commit an offence punishable on summary conviction is, if the offence is not committed, guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
I suppose the rather large quantity of RCMP and CRA investigators may be attributed to the expectation that some of Pete's supporters might show up. And yes they did: ... =3&theater
and of course we had Scott Duncan live streaming the whole event: ... ra-agents/
By the way the recording is not terribly interesting unless you speak French or enjoy listening to Scott occasionally (in English).
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by notorial dissent »

I'd say this does not look to be ending well. Petey has a VERY big mouth and isn't afraid to use it, and I suspect a lot of it will be used against him.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by Burnaby49 »

This will very likely lead to criminal charges. Section 464 of the Criminal Code is taken very seriously by the CRA. When the Porisky/Paradigm followers were charged with tax evasion the people just charged with evasion got fines and perhaps a conditional sentence. But Porisky, Gould, Lawson, Millar, Sigglekow and the other individuals also charged under 464 got significant jail time. Michael Millar evaded a grand total of about $25,000 in tax. Pocket change that deserved a slap on the wrist. But he was sentenced to six months for evasion and two years for counseling tax evasion (consecutive) under 464. I doubt he'd have gotten the six months for evasion if he hadn't also been convicted under 464. The CRA goes medieval on anyone they think is counseling tax evasion.

The CRA is very careful about negative publicity, they get enough in the normal course of events without making pointless searches on people's homes. So when CRA's Investigations does a search they aren't pissing around on a fishing expedition. They require a lot of evidence and approvals before they get internal authorization to apply for a search warrant. The RCMP or a municipal police officer always accompany a CRA search because things can get ugly. Daoust wasn't arrested because the CRA (or more correctly the accompanying police) don't arrest people during a search. They are just gathering evidence.

One interesting point is that Daoust has largely been ranting on about Revenu Québec but he was looking the wrong way and was instead blindsided by the Canada Revenue Agency. Some background. All of the provinces except Alberta inflict a provincial income tax on we hapless Canadians in addition to the federal income tax. However all of them but Quebec rely on the CRA to administer the assessing and collection of the provincial income taxes. They just piggy-back by setting their provincial income tax rates as a percentage of the federal income tax assessed. By doing this they rely on the federal Income Tax Act and the competence of the CRA. But it saves them immense amounts of money, administering income tax laws is expensive. But Quebec, being special, has it's own entirely separate provincial income tax Act and income tax department, Revenu Québec, which is in no way related to the CRA. As an ex-CRA type I'm of the opinion that Revenu Québec is strictly bush-league and perhaps Daoust shared that opinion. But the CRA is serious business.

What the CRA really wanted was Daoust's computer. When Russell Porisky was searched his computer provided the key evidence for all of the Paradigm income tax evasion charges across Canada. The evidence needed to convict all of his followers was stored on his hard drive. The key issue in all of the Paradigm trials I attended was getting the information on Porisky's hard drive admitted into evidence. After that it was game over. So anybody who was corresponding with Peter about how to evade their income taxes had better start working on damage control.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by notorial dissent »

Ironic in a way, Doust has been ranting and raving and making a fool of himself as well as taking his venom, not to mention his stupidity, out on on Revenu Québec when it was really CRA that he should have been worrying about, and it doesn't sound like they'll play games with him, and I have a feeling it is far too late now. It is as they say, to laugh, or in his case to cry.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

Well, he brought this upon himself. He can brag all he wants, he will face consequences for his actions. But, for now, what he's planning to do is a TV show about this :roll:


With a little chance, he will dig his own grave a little deeper. He can claim he didn't tell anyone to not fill their tax form, the fact is he did encourage them to not pay their taxes. That's still an offence.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

Now, Pete Daoust pretends Quebecers aren't required to send a tax form to Revenue Canada, only to Revenue Quebec.


I don't know what other tricks he does hide in his trick bag, but seriously, I doubt that will work in court.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by eric »

coffeekitten wrote:One video of Pete Daoust has been posted on Kent Barrett site with english subtitles: ... subtitles/
It's interesting if you want to know more about why Revenue Quebec claimed $35 000 to Pete Daoust in 2010 and how he became a Scott Duncan fanboy.
Here is the way I understand it from monitoring him and Scooter's crew as time permits for the last few years. Pete was self employed as some sort of electrician. (Side note - since he doesn't believe in driver's licences and has been reduced to using public transit I doubt if that is his employment right now) As such he was responsible for collecting Quebec's HST and remitting it to the province/CRA. He also has to pay himself and then pay income tax on the salary portion of his revenue. It's not that hard to do, I've done it myself, the CRA is generally helpful to honest small businesspeople. Around 2010 the CRA found a discrepancy - his HST remittances didn't match up with what his industrial customers were claiming and his declared income and potential expenses such as his mortgage. It's pretty hard to pay his roughly $700 per month mortgage on a declared salary of zero. As such they sent him a demand for three years of taxes estimated to be 35 K$. Now, the logical thing to do for a normal businessman would be to claim incompetent accounting practices, try to figure out all sorts of allowable business expenses to reduce the estimated tax burden, and enlist the aid of a professional if desired.

From what I can tell Pete did none of the above and didn't pay his 35 K$. Even worse, a few years later when they sent him a bill for 6200 $ he attempted to pay it with one of Scooter's surety of the person notes. I suspect all that did was convince the CRA that this was somebody they couldn't work with by normal means so when staff became available they began to monitor what that crazy guy was up to in the last year or so and then it was time for the big stick.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by Burnaby49 »

Sounds about right. What you've related would be the natural progression. So the search may well have been for evidence of both his suspected undeclared income and any tax evasion counseling the CRA suspects he's done. This is the provision of the Criminal Code they used to obtain the warrant;
Counselling offence that is not committed

464 Except where otherwise expressly provided by law, the following provisions apply in respect of persons who counsel other persons to commit offences, namely,

(a) every one who counsels another person to commit an indictable offence is, if the offence is not committed, guilty of an indictable offence and liable to the same punishment to which a person who attempts to commit that offence is liable; and

(b) every one who counsels another person to commit an offence punishable on summary conviction is, if the offence is not committed, guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Note that the section does not require that anyone follow your advice and evade tax, you just have to give the advice. In the Michael Millar and Keith Lawson trials some evidence was entered that people had actually followed their advice but it really wasn't necessary. The Crown proved that they'd counseled evasion by teaching the Paradigm evasion scheme and that was all that was required for conviction.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

Pete Daoust just sent a notice of fraud to Mister Éric Bardier, the guy from the CRA who is responsible for the search warrant. He claims $500 000 CAD in his name, $ 1 000 000 CAD for 9175-2790 Québec Inc and $ 2 000 000 CAD for Surplus Fils et Câbles Inc. Those are what he calls SÉCURITÉ POUR COÛTS, security for costs. If you want to give yourself a good headache and like reading gibberish, read this (use Google Translate if you wish): ... 581842681/
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by Burnaby49 »

He's just digging himself a deeper hole.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by Philistine »

He was my dark horse pick for first Canadian FMOTL to be incarcerated in 2017.
Millar doesn't count in my eyes since there was already a conviction in place.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

Pete Daoust is getting some unwanted publicity. :snicker: ... %7C_0.html
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by eric »

Oh no, we're being monitored by the evil illuminati, probably egged on by those quatloosians:
Daoust does not have a law degree, and theories similar to his have often been contradicted by the courts. This does not prevent him from making several followers. The Revenue Agency says it has downloaded 3141 pages of conversations on a Facebook page that it runs, which has 1150 members. On November 24, Daoust also gave a free conference to about fifty people at the Best Western Hotel Saint-Jérôme to explain his theories, according to investigators who had infiltrated the audience. According to the latter, Daoust's theses are similar to those of the esoteric anti-government movement Freemen on the Land, several members of which have already been arrested. The speaker denies any relationship with this group.
(from LaPresse)
Various supporters of Pete are in a tizzy because of a youtube video of CRA investigators loading items collected during the search into a vehicle that actually has Ontario licence plates - the horror..... (Visions of being tracked by seedy accountant types in cheap suits driving white wife beater mini-vans with Ontario plates)
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby has a mini-van with Ontario plates?
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote:Burnaby has a mini-van with Ontario plates?
The takedown was about 3,000 miles from my front door. A bit more of a commute than I'm willing to contemplate.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

Someone is having a mental breakdown: it's kind of sad that he refuses to take responsibility for his actions and blame the State rather than himself:


"The LIE for a free pass serving to completely DESTROY my life.

Pierre-André Paré had informed me .....: /

I have taken the last 4 years to DEMONSTRATE, and this, clearly with PROOFS and EVIDENCE, that definitely Pierre André Paré had informed us, and it is the TRUTH that he gave us, in 1996. /

I stopped being a "DOCILE Taxpayer" 4 years ago, and started to ASSERT my fundamental rights, especially this right to the "surety" of MY person, and the state will kill me for that .. .... and you'll all be witnesses in real time ..... MY LIFE WILL BE TAKEN ...... look good, it 's coming.

Then my work will be done, and you will do yours;)

BY: Pierre.
The man who dared to assert his right to SURETY of his person.

NEVER forget that all I have done is to have tried to ASSERT my fundamental right to the SURETY of MY person.


Statement made and recognized before a commission of the National Assembly of Quebec by Mr. Pierre-André Paré, Deputy Minister of the Ministère du Revenu du Québec. (Le Devoir, 6 April 1996, p. 1)"

Well, that's dramatic, right? :violin: I don't know what he imagined would happen, but seriously, what could you expect when you teach people to send bills of exchange that ask the Bank of Canada to pay your taxes for you? Isn't it what it is?
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by notorial dissent »

I know I'm probably really going to regret this, but just who exactly is "Pierre-André Paré" and why exactly does he matter in the scheme of things????

I have to agree, he sounds all whiny and like he's losing it because the mean old Feds won't let him do what he wants to and he's going to have a serious wahhh! Poor bunny.

I am really coming to the conclusion that this thread really should be titled Scott Duncan strikes back out in Quebec

He and Petey boy have raised the art of losing to whole new levels. To pretty much match their egos I would say.
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