Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Chaos »

LordEd wrote:He falls back to that example to why we can't 'not consent' to his 'non consent'.

By seeking benefit he isnt entitled to. And no, we don't consent to him raping the country.
he really created a sticky wicket for himself thinking he was smarter than everyone else with his 'I don't consent' assbaggery.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Chaos wrote:
LordEd wrote:He falls back to that example to why we can't 'not consent' to his 'non consent'.

By seeking benefit he isnt entitled to. And no, we don't consent to him raping the country.
he really created a sticky wicket for himself thinking he was smarter than everyone else with his 'I don't consent' assbaggery.
Bobby has a special way of making the "I don't consent" thing work.

With every Menard project it is sooner or later required that he follow some law or regulation in its implementation. It might be land acquisition regulations in the case of freeman valley, or banking laws in the cases of the ACCP and the "securities of the persons".

When the project can't move forward because Menard refuses to consent to laws and regulations he tells the project's investors/donators that the fault lies with the evil corporation Canada. . . and that the original investment/fee is non-refundable.

Bobby walks away having no more effort or money invested in the project then that of sending off some freeman correct "I don't consent" paperwork to the regulating agencies.

As long as the investors in the successive projects don't start comparing notes, Bobby's in like Flynn. One of the reason's Bobby is so incensed with his debunkers is that we have fouled his potential pools of dupes by pointing out the flimsy excuses he uses to explain why his projects never get going.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by LordEd »

It's his 'rules' that are advocating rape anyway. He's playing the idea that he can opt out of whatever he wants.

Last time I checked, Quatloos believes we have to follow the criminal code, and rape isn't allowed.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by schismatrix »

If I remember correctly from back when Bobby was posting on JREF, dumb comments about rape were often the endpoint of his 'reasoning' on consent.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Jeffrey »

Quatloos believes we have to follow the criminal code, and rape isn't allowed.
That has the ugly implication that the only reason we don't rape is because the law is there.

Probably a better way of phrasing that.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by LordEd »

Agreed. Been too busy to give Rob more than a quick read and quick post on my cell.

Should go without saying that it's wrong, but word twisters visit so I need to be more careful.

Point trying to make is quatloos is bound by the laws he wants to ignore. Who knows what he might decide is optional. Seems theft of food was fair game from cactus club.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

LordEd wrote:Agreed. Been too busy to give Rob more than a quick read and quick post on my cell.

Should go without saying that it's wrong, but word twisters visit so I need to be more careful.

Point trying to make is quatloos is bound by the laws he wants to ignore. Who knows what he might decide is optional. Seems theft of food was fair game from cactus club.
The Menard rationalizes that nothing he does breaks the law or betrays trust.

He can rationalize selling the mentally unstable Lance Thatcher $800 worth of useless freeman pseudo-legal babble and, speaking of rape, having sex with a teenaged drug addicted girl (he's not straight about the girl's age or whether the child was his).

Menard is trying to say that enforcing the law is like rape. But the fact is he is the reason societies have laws. He doesn't want to consent to the law because he thinks the world should revolve around him and that all law requires his approval. To Bobby, not doing as he wishes is like raping him.

One has to wonder how violated he must feel to be so very marginalized. . .holed up in his latest hide out. . .on the run from the law. . .dismissed by most freemen. . . it's sad.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Chaos »

the world does kinda 'revolve' around one wants to step in that steaming pile of BM© laying on the sidewalk so they'll walk around him.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm still really really vague on how they were going to have a healthful and prosperous society, when most of them can, or barely will, take care of themselves, have no real skills, except possibly as illicit pot growers, and from appearances they are better at getting caught than making anything off of it, or scamming others of their ilk. And since I don't think you could get a consensus from any of them to do anything, I find it hard to believe this would ever get organized or happen, unless of course they elected Bobby as dictator for life, which is where I expect it was going, and he wouldn't even be able to manage that. The groups I have known prone to this always seem lack two primary things, money and organization. The ones with organization generally end up making N Korea look like a pleasant vacation. Thankfully they never seem to find the money or someone stupid enough to give it to them.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:I'm still really really vague on how they were going to have a healthful and prosperous society, when most of them can, or barely will, take care of themselves, have no real skills. . .
The gurus tell the gullible that they can best that mean old judge and get a load of money from the government's secret accounts if they'll just follow the guru's plan.

It's a siren song sung to the disempowered.

Some of the gurus are former freeman practitioners who drank the kool aide years ago and can't get over the shellackings they got from the courts or the banks. Some of gurus are manipulative sons of bitches who don't care who the harm as long as they get a few bucks and few Facebook likes.

I have yet to see one of the gurus give anybody solid advice on financial management, personal relations or work skills.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

The gurus aren't going to come out with anything that requires obeying the law, actually working for something, or not trying to get something for nothing, since those things seem to be anathema to most all of them. If they are disempowered, it is because they work at it with both hands to make themselves that way. Where education and even a modicum of effort would get them somewhere a great number of them seem to more willing to sit and whine and complain about how abused they are. I'm not saying that there may not be some validity to some of their claims, but in the main though no.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Menard was on to something with freeman valley.

In north america here are untold numbers of independent people who live away from cities, towns and the authorities they bring. These folks know they don't do well with somebody telling them where they can park their truck or whether they can spit. So they live off the grid, in the country, home school their kids, grow gardens, hunt meat and do what needs to be done to live well and free.

If these folks are at all lucky the town folk and the local sheriff just let them be and don't mind at all if they come into town for this and that reason. . . as long as they don't urinate in public or pistol whip the people who tell them they look like feral animals. On the other hand these folks know they need to be civil when the wildlife management officials show up at their gate asking if they've seen the guy on the other side of the mountain who's a known poacher.

They work hard and are willing to "give" a little.

Bobby's problem was the same one he has with every other project, indeed every other thing in his life. . .he didn't want to do the work or make the sacrifices necessary to make freeman valley work. Bobby figures everything in the world is supposed to work out according to his wishes while he swills beer.

Menard's original crazy idea was that he and his freeman valley compadres could simply annex or occupy federal land the same way he figured he could demand his "security of the person" account. That talk stopped abruptly. My guess is that he dropped that idea so soon as he realized he'd get arrested and throw in the pokey for squatting on public lands.

This meant Bobby would have to get land the old fashioned way. . .buy it and in the process interact with sellers and public officials who didn't care to kiss his freeman arse.

So Bobby did what he always does. . .give up. . .bluster. . .and shift the blame.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Hanslune »

arayder wrote:Menard was on to something with freeman valley.

In north america here are untold numbers of independent people who live away from cities, towns and the authorities they bring. These folks know they don't do well with somebody telling them where they can park their truck or whether they can spit. So they live off the grid, in the country, home school their kids, grow gardens, hunt meat and do what needs to be done to live well and free.

If these folks are at all lucky the town folk and the local sheriff just let them be and don't mind at all if they come into town for this and that reason. . . as long as they don't urinate in public or pistol whip the people who tell them they look like feral animals. On the other hand these folks know they need to be civil when the wildlife management officials show up at their gate asking if they've seen the guy on the other side of the mountain who's a known poacher.

They work hard and are willing to "give" a little.

Bobby's problem was the same one he has with every other project, indeed every other thing in his life. . .he didn't want to do the work or make the sacrifices necessary to make freeman valley work. Bobby figures everything in the world is supposed to work out according to his wishes while he swills beer.

Menard's original crazy idea was that he and his freeman valley compadres could simply annex or occupy federal land the same way he figured he could demand his "security of the person" account. That talk stopped abruptly. My guess is that he dropped that idea so soon as he realized he'd get arrested and throw in the pokey for squatting on public lands.

This meant Bobby would have to get land the old fashioned way. . .buy it and in the process interact with sellers and public officials who didn't care to kiss his freeman arse.

So Bobby did what he always does. . .give up. . .bluster. . .and shift the blame.
Yep, two of my friend from HS did that one is still doing it in northern California the other did it in the South Pacific for a few years met a girl and got "normalized". One other person I met in college who started out conventionally became a dentist quit that in his mid 40's and now lives 'that way' and makes furniture in a rural cabin in Oregon.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

Where my parents used to live there was what was effectively a mountain community, spread out all over the place in the back of beyond that was made up of the people you are discussing. We got to know several of them, came from all different backgrounds, some of them highly educated, but not what one would call social or socialized, and they certainly didn't get along with each other, so it wasn't what one could call an organized community other than that they didn't want anyone messing in their lives.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Here in Kentucky, the eastern part of the state, part of the Appalachian mountains, was settled by the Scots-Irish who came there wanting to escape a society that had stacked the deck against them. They wanted to be left alone to make their own way. The tradition largely continues there.

But Canadian freemen don't have the deck stacked against them. In a sad attempt to make it seem they do Menard spews every conspiracy theory he can including non-Canadian examples such as how Donald Trump wants to conquer the world. I'll let readers imagine how that makes sense in the freeman's mind.

So how is it the evil corporation that is Canada managed to grind its boot heel into Bobby's neck, but missed his sisters, who are doing just fine?

Is it sexist?
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

Asa far as I can see, for most of the freeman ilk, the only deck stacking is what they did to/for themselves. Ignorance, stupidity, overwhelming self entitlement, and general laziness will do a fine job.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
Wake Up! Productions wrote: (despite the fact that he has an account set up here).
It's the coward's way. He is quite welcome to come and debate on here but he knows his bullshit would be ripped to shreds. That is why he has to "debate" with us by using a separate website. It's pathetic really.
It's the same hole in Bobby's guts that makes him bail on every project.

He's had more than one chance to make something of himself, but he was, is and always will be too spineless to even try.

Bobby's using the freeman/sovcit philsophy as an excuse to opt out of life. He's run out on his friends and family. He's hiding from the law. So why should anybody be surprised he's using his Facebook page to avoid honest discussion?

He's afraid to come here, where he can't censor others and control discussion.

Freeman lurkers should realize that Bobby won't come here for the same reason he ran from the courts when his C3PO theory was called into question. It's the same reason he paid the Cactus Club check under the table while he pretended to make the ACCP theory work. The same reason he never told freemen what he did with their donations, fees and membership money.

He's a coward.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by ComfySlippers »

Philistine wrote:From what I recall, ComfySlippers is a Brit and may not get the Ed Sullivan reference.
Your recollection is accurate.

I was just passing by to check for the latest on the Empowermentality radio nonsense.
(I tend not to post here because you lot scare me :snicker:, plus this forum isn't Tapatalk enabled.)

On arrival, I noticed the "Guilty/Not Guilty" and "Copyright of names" gibberish.
This pleases me as I have missed laughing at one of my all-time favourite clowns.

I promise to pay more attention in future.

Sincerely and without malice aforethought, ill will, vexation or frivolity,
Comfy: of the Family Slippers

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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

I really like that. Perfect for him.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

ComfySlippers wrote:
Philistine wrote:From what I recall, ComfySlippers is a Brit and may not get the Ed Sullivan reference.
Your recollection is accurate.
The Sullivan was the host and producer of the popular 50's and 60's American television variety program "The Ed Sullivan Show". While Sullivan was iron fisted about requiring acts to be family friendly, he participated in the show only by introducing the acts and sometimes bringing them to the front of the stage after their acts to laud their performances.

My reference to Sullivan was used infer that Menard might make his promised radio show go by being a facilitator of other talent and ideas rather than being the star of the show. This was also a jibe because Menard's ego would make that impossible.

I point out that Menard has told us we can expect his show to start in March. True to his practice of over promising and under delivering Menard seems to have lost his calendar and become distracted by some other bright shiny object.