Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

It seems as though Justice Chris Martin must have laid heavily into Dean, as he just filed a copyright strike against my Youtube video: Dean Clifford to Justice Chris Martin: "F*CK YOU"


Since Dean is not the actual copyright owner of the content in question (CCN is), I have filed a counter motion.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Dean C. Clifford
32 mins ·

Global news interviewed me today leaving the courthouse after the latest round of idiocy and threats to my life. We'll see what they decide to air.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Aw darn, it was 50/50 he'd go to jail. But it seems like he was probably right, Martin's order was probably only to contact the parole officer but not to have the interview.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by LordEd »

And the news is in... ... urts-time/
WINNIPEG — They call themselves “Freemen of the Land”. They drive without a drivers licence and don’t pay taxes.

Followers say they’re independent of the government and don’t believe the laws apply to them.

Dean Clifford, is one of the groups leaders. This summer the Winnipeg man was convicted of 12 out of 14 charges, including possession of drugs and guns. But the judge can’t sentence him until he is interviewed by a probation officer, something Clifford has refused. In fact, he even sent the judge emails demanding $50,000 for his time in court.

Monday, the judge called a special hearing telling Clifford to stop playing games

“This is not a game, this is my life, my life,” said Clifford outside of court, “he calls it a game because I’m willing to stand up for myself and try and exercise my rights.”

Justice Chris Martin scolded Clifford for 15 minutes telling him he’s living in a “fantasy land” saying “this non-sense has got to stop today…I have shown respect to you and I am not getting it in return.”

“I don’t care what he says, good for him,” said Clifford, “I’m either a slave or I’m not they’re either going to throw me in jail or they’re not.”

Clifford has fought nearly 40 charges, many for driving without a licence, and has already spent 16 months in jail before getting bail earlier this year.

RCMP in Manitoba have kept a close eye on the group in the past and say, “we do not currently have active investigations, but we remain aware of this group’s existence, and the challenges that it sometimes present.”

Clifford says he’s taking his fight for freedom to the Supreme Court.

“I’ve got a massive battle ahead of me because I’m tired of this,” said Clifford, “I want to be left alone.”

Once Clifford does his pre-sentence interview the judge can then sentence him. That’s expected to happen on November 5th.
So if he evades his pre-sentence hearing the judge can never sentence him. Of course, the judge can probably throw him in jail for contempt until he completes his pre-setence hearing.

Does that count as a win? Freeman avoids sentence on 12 charges.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

I don't think that's true. In fact, I'm confident that it's false. A PSR is not needed for someone to be sentenced, nor is an accused person's participation in one a requirement to be sentenced. I would love to know what their source is for that claim.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by LordEd »

I agree the accuracy of that statement is suspect and/or over-simplified.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

Don't show up for the Pre-Sentencing Report interview! A simple, brilliant idea, the court is totally stumped. However I'd suggest that Dean try and tweak it just a bit since it didn't work particularly well for these people. They probably didn't have Dean's legal knowledge;

R. v. Iverson, 2015 BCSC 591

[24] He has also stated his intention to appeal, which he is of course entitled to do. He has declined to speak to a probation officer who was tasked with the preparing of the PSR and he refused to speak to a psychiatrist who would have completed a psychiatric assessment. I note this latter conduct is entirely consistent with his conduct throughout the trial.

[64] I note that Mr. Iverson remains standing, facing the back of the courtroom. Mr. Iverson you have been convicted of the second degree murder of Cheryl Lynn Sim. As I am required to do under the Criminal Code, I sentence you to life in prison. I also impose a period of parole ineligibility of 14 years. In my opinion such is necessary in order to protect the public and for the purposes of deterrence and denunciation.
R. v. L.R.F., 2005 NSSC 192

[25] Section 718(f) sets out the further sentencing objective of promoting a sense of responsibility in offenders, and acknowledgment of the harm they have done. Section 718(d) refers to rehabilitation of offenders. The reality, I conclude, is that there is little I can say or do in furtherance of those objectives because Ms. C.V. appears to have no appreciation of the wrongfulness or gravity of her actions, or the danger she put her child and others in. She continues to blame everyone else for her troubles - child protection agencies, the executive arm of government, lawyers and the judiciary alike in the ridiculous theory that these institutions act in collusion with one another to make babies available for sale or adoption to childless couples. She refuses to accept any responsibility for her own actions and without that, expresses no remorse for what she has done. In her continued defiance, she has defeated the request for a pre-sentence report by refusing to cooperate. I can identify no mitigating factors that might weigh in her favour, other than the fact that she has no prior convictions.

[36] All things considered, I have concluded that the recommended sentence of 3½ years’ imprisonment is a fit and proper sentence and I impose it on Ms. C.V. accordingly. The increased time for the s.85(1)(a) offence over the one year minimum is justified by the several aggravating factors present. I consider this sentence to be proportionate to the gravity of the offences and the degree of her responsibility. It also accords with the principle of totality of a sentence involving multiple offenses.
This next one is great because Thompson was a brave "Free Sovereign" just like Dean. So this is clearly the precedence to get Dean off!
R v Thompson, 2013 ONSC 3180

While I ordered a pre-sentence report, Mr. Thompson refused to cooperate in the preparation of it. He has maintained his earlier position that as a free sovereign or for some other reason he is not going to speak in court or present any evidence on his own behalf.

So the sentence on Count 1 is nine years, less one year seven months credit for custody to date. As such, Mr. Thompson is sentenced to seven years and five months in the penitentiary. Count 2, one year concurrent to the sentence imposed on Count 1.
R. v. LeBlanc, 2003 NBQB 460

[1] Donald LeBlanc was charged and found guilty by a jury of his peers of the following offences: a) uttering a death threat; b) unlawful confinement; and c) assault causing bodily harm. The Court requested a pre-sentence report, but it could not be completed because Mr. LeBlanc refused to cooperate. He has his reasons. The victim has also filed a victim impact statement and that has been entered as an exhibit.

[13] Mr. LeBlanc would you please stand? Acknowledging all that has been presented to the Court, as well as consideration of the time served, I’m of the view that an appropriate concurrent sentence for the offences for which you’ve been found guilty is ten years, [10 years for the offence under section 267(b); 5 years for the offence under section 264.1(1)(a) and 5 years for the offence under section 279(2) ] which is the maximum that the law allows. I give you nothing for the time that you’ve served. I therefore sentence you to a period of incarceration of ten years. In addition, having regard to the seriousness of the offences and the need for denouncement and deterrence, I order pursuant to s. 743.6 that the portion of the sentence that must be served before Mr. LeBlanc may be released on full parole is one-half of the sentence. I further order pursuant to s. 109 a prohibition from possessing a firearm, cross-bow, restricted weapon, ammunition and explosive substance for a period beginning on the day of this order and ending ten years after Mr. LeBlanc is released from imprisonment. I further order that he provide a DNA sample.
This one could just be reworded a bit and used for Dean. Except for the 30 day sentence.
R. v. K.C.R., 2006 BCPC 358

[23] Because of K.C.R.’s poor response to Community Supervision while on bail and his behaviours at school, I have concerns that K.C.R. will not comply with a non-custodial sentence. I also am of the view that a non-custodial sentence will not be a meaningful consequence for K.C.R. and will not adequately hold him accountable. K.C.R. continues to minimize his responsibility, continues to exhibit violent, aggressive and intimidating behaviour, and lacks remorse for his actions. He appears to have little appreciation for consequences of his actions as they affect others, or as they affect himself. Knowing that the pre-sentence report was being prepared, K.C.R. refused to report, even up to the time it was completed. I would have expected him to be on his best behaviour during this period. K.C.R. has a bad attitude and seems uncaring or blind as to how counterproductive that attitude is for him. In my view, the only sanction that would be a meaningful consequence for K.C.R. is a custody and supervision order pursuant to section 42(n) of the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

[25] Pursuant to section 42(4) of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, I sentence you to a term of 30 days under a custody and supervision order:
R. v. Rain, 2014 ABPC 48

[6] The Offender is a 47 year old man who was born on July 26, 1966. He is Aboriginal and is a member of the Paul Band, west of Edmonton. The Offender refused to be interviewed for the Pre-Sentence Report which I directed on August 29, 2013, and thus I do not have the benefit of a formal Gladuereport. Nevertheless, much of his personal history is described in the Psychological and Psychiatric reports which have been tendered in this sentencing hearing and also in the Sentencing Reasons of Mr. Justice Marshall dated January 10, 2007.

[109] The net sentence which I impose is fourteen months in custody. Given the length of time the Offender has been in custody and the time that he will be in custody, I conclude that it would be a hardship for him to pay the victim surcharge and as a result I waive its payment.
Queen v. Power, 2008 NLTD 8

3) Mr. Power refused to cooperate with the Adult Probation Officer in providing a court ordered pre-sentence report.

[45] In that regard, Crown Counsel recommends a range of sentencing from 38 to 60 months, ie: four to five years considering the mitigating factors as against the aggravating facts. I am convinced that a period of incarceration of 50 months would address the principles of sentences as stated above. I also am applying the time served into the calculation on a two for one basis so that 26 months will be credited toward the overall period of incarceration. The result is that Mr. Power will serve an additional two years imprisonment. I have made this determination based on the fact that Mr. Power has been convicted of the “attempt” to commit an armed robbery. Had he been convicted of the completed armed robbery the period of imprisonment would have been increased accordingly.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

So where'd she get that idea from? Did the judge suggest that, or did Dean make the reporter believe that was the case?

And oh dear, it seems Dean has been a busy boy after leaving court. Managed to get Bates' youtube channel taken down.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by LordEd »

The article also talks about Freeman "of" the land instead of "on" the land.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Wake Up! Productions »




12,500 SUBS - 1.1 MILLION VIEWS !!! WAR IS ON !!!
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by LordEd »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:WILL BE AT YOUR SENTENCING HEAR
That'll make one of you.

Bring a printed squirrel avatar for Dean to sign. Burnaby's going to be jealous on that one.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

LordEd wrote:
Wake Up! Productions wrote:WILL BE AT YOUR SENTENCING HEAR
That'll make one of you.

Bring a printed squirrel avatar for Dean to sign. Burnaby's going to be jealous on that one.
An obvious typo in the heat of the moment - ugg I hate typos. I found a same day round trip flight from Toronto to Winnipeg a few weeks back going for $247 - I wonder if it is still around the same price?
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

LordEd wrote:
Wake Up! Productions wrote:WILL BE AT YOUR SENTENCING HEAR
That'll make one of you.

Bring a printed squirrel avatar for Dean to sign. Burnaby's going to be jealous on that one.
I'm still too bitter about Menard's betrayal to be concerned about Dean. He lived in Vancouver for years YEARS then flounced over to Toronto to get charged with a criminal offense. He could just as easily have faked being a peace officer here but no, he had to deny me the thrill of attending his trial. You can't trust anyone.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Got both MENARD and CLIFFORD on youtube right now, if anyone cares to join in ... ... peld5swk0k
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by LordEd »

Ah, the end of the Freeman era in one spot. One convicted and awaiting sentencing, one pending re-arrest and trial.

The end is near.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by grixit »

It seems to me that the goal of a presentencing hearing is mainly to find any possible reasons to recommend a lighter than standard sentence. Not participating makes things easier for the judge.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by pigpot »

LordEd wrote:Ah, the end of the Freeman era in one spot. One convicted and awaiting sentencing, one pending re-arrest and trial.

The end is near.
I think one is hoping for too much as there's a lot more muppets out there that wish to buy into freeman woo.

On the other hand if you are talking about anti-statists you've got more than your work cut out for you. Good luck with that as everywhere I go I'm talking with even more people who can't stand the "Governments" (regardless of political leanings, left or right) and are working actively to bring it down by methods such as not bothering to vote for instance. All peaceful people of course doing peaceful things. It's awesome. You should try it. :wink: Let me know how the end of that era goes. :haha:
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by NG3 »

grixit wrote:It seems to me that the goal of a presentencing hearing is mainly to find any possible reasons to recommend a lighter than standard sentence.
Yes, it's where you get to point out you're really poor, and sick, and come from a broken home, have 50 disabled dependants, and how unusual circumstances lead you to do something you wouldn't normal do, and therefore the judge should cut you a break.

For the demonstrably guilty it's probably the most important part of proceedings. It's not unheard of for the more clued up to begin prep work before the judge even orders a pre-sentence eg. booking a rehab, or detox course, to show both the mitigating circumstances, and perceived willingness to address them.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

Put simply a Pre-sentencing Hearing can generally only help the convicted since it's purpose is to find any mitigating circumstances that might justify a reduced sentence. Dean has not only thrown this advantage away but he's shifted to the far side of the ledger and is now actively working on getting the maximum possible sentence.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by pigpot »

Burnaby49 wrote:Put simply a Pre-sentencing Hearing can generally only help the convicted since it's purpose is to find any mitigating circumstances that might justify a reduced sentence. Dean has not only thrown this advantage away but he's shifted to the far side of the ledger and is now actively working on getting the maximum possible sentence.
Put simply, I'd hope you guys and gal's here aren't trying to minimise the damage to your credibility, when Deano walks away with nothing and put it down to a "Pre-sentencing" (which spell checks out wrong by-the-way) hearing or somehe Judge other strange conflict in law that allows you people to thinks you have won when you have evidently lost.

That's your normal tack. To state people are wrong due to the Judge not dismissing the case for "x,y,z" but for "a,b,c," when the reasons were "x,y,z".

All this idea of the "Courts" leniency and related stuff is rubbish. Please don't begin to think that the common man with a degree of intellect thinks for a moment that any "Court" wishes to be lenient as it doesn't. When it, the "Court" finds it's back against the wall and has only one out it always takes it as a matter of not losing face.

The "Court" jumps ship, bails and gives a sh1tty excuse as to why the case was dismissed.

Example here: ... rinkle.php Can any of you PROVE Charlie Sprinkle HAD a driving license AFTER this case went to "Court"?

We shall await the decision.
Note from Burnaby49 - Pigpot has started posting again. You haven't seen most of them because we moderators have deleted them. However some, such as this one, seem relevant.
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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