First the video. It's titled "Ecclesiastical Notice of treason to the private man Christopher E. Hinkson" so we know it's gloves off, Belanger means business this time. However he's back to searchlight reflections off his glasses and I wish he'd stop clicking his pen while he speaks:
Christopher E. Hinkson, when not a private man, is the Honourable Chief Justice of the Supreme court of British Columbia. Belanger is charging him with treason for his handling, or not handling, the Volk's affairs to Belanger's satisfaction. The Volks are being harassed on all sides because of their adherence to their sincere deeply-held religious beliefs. You know their core belief, the right to a free house because they are entitled to it.
Belanger does bring up a new claim. He says that the Volks are trying to get the bank and the British Columbia to recognize their claim that they are entitled to the same status as the British Columbia Doukhobors who live communally. I don't see the application, not really explained except for the comment that the government allows them to pursue their beliefs. Not, to my mind, an ideal group to try and link to in these parts. The Doukhobors are a Christian group who abjured the ownership of private property to the extent that the most radical of them frequently burned down their own houses while chanting naked around the fire! Not, I think, what the Volks are contemplating. The most radical fringe group, The Sons of Freedom, had a large presence here in British Columbia and confronted the government with what today would be called domestic terrorism. They were a major problem for law enforcement. To quote Wikipedia;
Then Belanger goes on about the law firm working on the foreclosure using all capital letters for the Volk's names in their documents. Since graveyard headstones are in all capitals this means that the law firm has deemed the Volks to be dead. Also, since Chief Justice Hinkson's name can be found in various places in all capital letters he is also dead. However, in Belanger's construct, this doesn't mean six feet under dead, it means that Chief Justice Hinkson is a corporation. Somehow this equates to treason on the Chief Justice's part. I have to confess I'm not well enough versed in law to follow and explain Belanger's trail of reasoning leading to this conclusion but since he is citing biblical verses and statutory authorities he must be right! As far as I can tell he is claiming it is treason to her Majesty the Queen to do anything that conflicts with Christian beliefs. He cites S. 176 and S. 180 of the Criminal Coat as proof of Hinkson's perfidy. However when Belanger went to the "Keystone Cops" RCMP over this they were, like me, too dense to understand Belanger's legal analysis and refused to arrest Chief Justice Hinkson as a traitor forcing Belanger to fall back on video notification and unilateral contracts.The Sons of Freedom, meanwhile, responded to the Doukhobors conflict with Canadian policy with mass nudity and arson as a means of protesting against materialism, the land seizure by the government, compulsory education in government schools and, later on, Verigin's supposed assassination. This led to many confrontations with the Canadian government and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (continuing into the 1970s).
Peter V. Verigin's son, Peter P. Verigin, who arrived from the Soviet Union in 1928, succeeded his father as leader of the Community Doukhobors. He became known as Peter the Purger, and worked to smooth the relations between the Community Doukhobors and the larger Canadian society. His policies, seen by the radical Sons of Freedom as ungodly and assimilationist, were answered by increasing protests on the part of the latter. The Sons of Freedom would burn the Community Doukhobors' property, and organize more nude parades. The Canadian Parliament responded in 1932 by criminalizing public nudity. Over the years, over 300 radical Doukhobor men and women were arrested for this offense, which typically carried a three-year prison sentence.[16]
In less than a half a century Sons of Freedom acts of violence and arson rose to 1,112 separate events and over $20 million in damages (bill to taxpayers) that included public school bombings and burnings, bombings of Canadian railroad bridges and tracks,[19] the bombing of the Nelson courthouse,[20] and a huge power transmission tower servicing the East Kootenay district resulting in the loss of 1,200 jobs.
Another new point is that there is no mortgage, or debt for the bank to foreclose on. He hauled out the old saw that the Volks paid their debt out in full the moment they signed the mortgage because the mortgage itself was not evidence of debt but were really new "funds" created by the Volks and the bank. It was just an exchange of one set of funds for another set of funds but now the bank wants to double-dip and collect on it too as if it's debt. This is usury and violates God's commands in the bible. Damn ungodly Banksters.
An aside. On that basis why is Belanger living in a mobile home and on the public dole? All he has to do is borrow, say, $10,000,000 from a bank, create equal funds to pay it off just by signing the note, and he's rich. Obviously I'm missing something again.
Then back to same old, same old. King James bible, don't add or subtract from my laws, Coronation Ceremony of 1953, nothing I haven't already flogged to death in my review of prior Belanger videos. He ends by accusing Chief Justice Hinkson of treason by aiding and abetting the fraudulent Banksters and lawyers attacking the Volks but, being a forgiving Christian, gives Hinkson one last chance to redeem himself by stopping all the insanity. He even gives his phone number and tells Hinkson he can phone him any time. However, if he did not contact Belanger in a week, he was going public with it all by releasing the video and other information. Since the videos out I assume Hinkson did not avail himself of this last chance.
So where was this all leading? To foisted unilateral agreements sent to all parties involved in the Volk's problems, none of whom replied so all of whom are in agreement with everything Belanger claims. So, case over. I won't bother to go into detail on the agreements, you can read then yourself since Belanger just posted about their existence in an ad in the Georgia Straight, a local Vancouver entertainment paper, and thoughtfully provided a link to the agreements;
The Georgia Straight takes me back. It started here in Vancouver in the mid sixties as a hippy counter-culture publication confronting the man;
All we young progressive types (hey, I was young once, half a century ago) read it but it had a lot of problems with the Vancouver city government until it sold out and became an advertising rag;
Definitely not a publication in step with the Volk's purported religious beliefs but I suppose an ad in it is cheap and it does qualify as a public announcement.The paper was raided and fined by the Vancouver Police for publishing obscenities, and was often banned from distribution for its criticism of the local police and politicians, especially Mayor Tom Campbell. Those controversies ended in the 1970s, as the paper moved to become a more conventional news and entertainment weekly, albeit with a progressive editorial slant.