Stephen Ainsworth: The Unrepentant Scofflaw!

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NYGman »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Zeke_the_Meek wrote:Funny it should come today, too - TD apparently just announced staff layoffs for cost cutting reasons. I'd say money lost to fraud is a fairly significant cost, so ass taxis like Stephen is in part responsible for people losing their jobs. Great work, moron.
While Stephen is an idiot and will pay for it I wouldn't go so far as to start blaming him for the TD's staff cuts. Just the usual Canadian bank quest for yet even bigger profits. All of our banks go through periodic purges seemingly unrelated to their current financial situations. The TD is doing quite nicely; ... 24512.html
It is actually hard for banks to make money in a near zero interest environment (Negative interest in some countries). Therefore the only way to keep profits up is to trim expenses. Therefore banks look for operational efficiency, and here location strategy can play an important part. Canadian banks are centered in Toronto and Montreal, were cost of living is very high, for Canada. Moving resources to lower cost jurisdictions within Canada, and globally (Ireland, India, Poland, etc) helps banks reduce expenses, and remain profitable during low income periods. Unfortunately, when rates go back up, many of those jobs will not return. And remember, most banks in Canada are public companies, held by many retirees, who count on the cashflow from their portfolio, so these banks have added incentive to maximize profits.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by notorial dissent »

I don't know about Canada, but on this side of the border that constitutes felony fraud and theft at the very least, and could also add Federal charges if it was an FDIC insured bank. Either way, serious jail time occurs. Some states hit this harder than others, but none of them take it lightly, but NONE of them have a sense of humor about it.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote:SUCCESS!!!!111!!!

Or something. I've only skimmed it but can't quite figure out what the hell is going on here. From Stephen Ainsworth on Facebook:
Good News everyone stephen one of the living people here from Canada. Just received a call from TD Bank reguarding my line of credit for 16,500. WeRE Cheque cleared and credited to my account. Started process on May 21, 2015 and again on Sept 10, 2015 with new instructions form them to send it: [TD internal Mail to go on Speical Clearing for Foren Cheques. That it was not to go via the normal Clearing Process. SO now that is what you need to do. Go to your bank MANAGER and ask him/her to send it via inter bank mail to there counter part in england and have them do a speical clearing.] And in fact she just told be i have a credit of 912.61 and i can go to any branch and remove those funds. Oct 19, 2015. SO to all do not give up and stay the course. Follow the process exactly. Get your documents in alignment and let them know that you are willing to go to court and be willing to go if you have to. But with all the edevence we have there is no way for them to win in court. One of the things you would ask the judge right at the start is: are we following the actual rules of the BOE for a bank to be a bank or are we doing whatever you and the bank feel like. For if the rules are not followed then i will be VOIDING anything that does not follow the rules and i have the documents ready to go. I just need to fill out anything you do, that does not follow the rules. Also the moment i feel that this court is not following the rules i will be challanging jersiduction and requiring this court be moved to a common low court of jursiduction if you prove yourself to be incompent. Everyone look up VOID JUDGEMENT look up CHALANGE of JURSITUCTION. know your rights and do not back down. Love to all your friend stephen tribe of manasseh, family of ainsworth, son of george.
And in the comments:
Peter Of England Thanks Stephen for posting that!! Great news - We worked hard on this

Stephen Ainsworth Just came back from bank took out the $912.61 and got statements all accounts $0.00
This may be the same person who already has his own thread in the Canadian forum. The judge called him an "unrepentant scofflaw". Turned a traffic stop into jail i think. Can't link to the thread right now.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by eric »

NYGman wrote:Trying to pay off a debt is one thing, creating a credit balance, then withdrawing it, is another. I hope TD peruse this idiot
When the original cheque used to create the credit doesn't clear TD will of course debit the account with appropriate extra service charges and then at great leisure in a very ponderous manner pursue the idiot for fraud. I deal with TD for estate and investment matters and they are absolute sticklers for procedure and protocol even if you deal with small rural branches like I try to do where you know the employees.