Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

Clifford says he's not a freeloader, even though he freeloads off the medical system and other government benefits, because he works hard. Apparently in his world hard workers don't have to pay tax but can leach off the people who do pay. He makes a big virtue out of paying gasoline taxes implying that should cover his share of taxes. I'm not impressed; he only pays because there is no way to avoid it apart from not buying fuel.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

So the big news in the Freeman-on-the-Land community in the last day has been a Canadian Press story that states Andreas Pirelli, a.k.a. Supreme Court Senior Chief Justice Mario Antonacci of the Tacit Supreme In Law Courts, has been a less than desirable tenant. This report and that organization is discussed here (viewtopic.php?f=47&t=9463).

Very bad publicity for the Freeman-on-the-Land community. So I was curious to see how our two leading Freeman gurus would respond.

True to form, Robert-Arthur: Menard's views on this particular subject have 'evolved'. First, on (one of) his Facebook homepage ( ... 6468217906) he claims no knowledge of The Senior Chief Justice and demands accountability:
Robert-Arthur: Menard
[Sept. 22, 2013] at 7:27pm
Does anyone know this man purporting to be a 'Freeman"?
This is NOT the Freeman way.
However, very strangely, over at The World Freeman Society Facebook group ( ... 903774838/) – and at the same time – he says he knows The Chief Justice – and then promises a statement of diplomatic outrage, all while upholding his modesty and with words of sympathy and assistance to the aggrieved landlady, Ms. Caverhill:
Warga Kehormatan Masyarakat
Does anyone know this NINCOMPOOP?
[Sept. 22, 2013] at 7:25pm

Robert Menard
I met him...
[Sept. 22, 2013] at 7:27pm

Warga Kehormatan Masyarakat
And? Is this for real? I know its newpaper, but is this kosher?


If it isn't we need to respond immediately on our site and say it isn't 'Freeman' but some nonsense nincompoop who is not under any umbrella we hold.
[Sept. 22, 2013] at 7:28pm

Robert Menard
I agree...
[Sept. 22, 2013] at 7:37pm

Robert Menard
Can anyone find her number?
[Sept. 22, 2013] at 7:43pm

Warga Kehormatan Masyarakat
Maybe get in touch with CBC Rob, after all, you are the 'Director' which can be recently verified in the news story the other week.

Umm... Offer them a statement and also offer then the opportunity to contact this lady and ask to either get you in touch with her, or offer her assurance that the WFS is looking into this matter seriously.
[Sept. 22, 2013] at 7:47pm

Robert Menard
will be on it tomorrow
[Sept. 22, 2013] at 7:51pm

Warga Kehormatan Masyarakat
You is, as always, da man Rob.
[Sept. 22, 2013] at 7:52pm

Robert Menard
'a man'...
[Sept. 22, 2013] at 7:52
Then Rob receives “insider information” that The Senior Chief Justice world never have called himself a Freeman-on-the-Land, this posted on the Dean Clifford Facebook homepage ( ... 2982210541):
Robert Menard
According to an inside source, he NEVER identified himself as a Freeman on the Land. I have net him, and he did mention why he does not use that term.
[Sept. 23, 2013, approx 8 a.m.]
But no worries. In no time at all Rob investigates and proves it’s all government disinformation (
Robert Menard
According to the guy in question, he never identified himself as a Freeman. This rings true to me,as when I met him, he rejected that title/label for various reasons.

Also, that interview happened over a MONTH ago, and they are now in discussion concerning their deal. Apparently there is a lot not being reported here.
[Sept. 23, 2013, approx. 10 a.m.]
True to form and his brand of Masculine Freemanism, Dean Clifford immediately turned to the attack – as an aggrieved and macho landlord ( ... 2982210541):
This story should be renamed "Landlord has trouble evicting bad tenant.", but of course that does not have the right spin on it. As a former landlord of several properties, I can tell you RIGHT now that tenants are f---ing impossible to get out. They go crying to residential tenancies, and next thing the same f---ing a------s trying to steal our lives, Her Majesty acting through agents and offices, shows up telling you that you cannot evict people just because they refuse to pay you rent for 6 F---ING MONTHS, and they are protected and you have to go to court and get a F---ING COURT ORDER to have them removed....and if they are on welfare, they will not grant you a court order.

F--- these lying pricks. If this was a welfare s--- heel who refused to work, the story would be "EVIL LANDLADY tries to evict POOR, IMPOVERISHED man who is down on his luck."

THIS is why I want to smash this system. Who wants to see my file folders and documents regarding "Welfare" refusing to send me the rental money for one of their deadbeat tenants. I can scan them and upload them. HER MAJESTY is a dead beat piece of s--- who never pays her bills and then sends her armed goons out to smash you if you try.

P.S. F--- you HER MAJESTY, I'm coming for you........ Legally, you dishonourable piece of s---.
Dean Smash!

Stern and heartfelt Freeman Language redacted. See also ... 3070385541 where a largely identical comment is made.

How strange. I’m surprised Mr. Clifford did not simply exercise his Freeman-on-the-Land authority to enforce contract law on these tenants. After all, he had no difficulty after assaulting various police officers. Surely he was within his rights to have dealt with these miscreants.

Of course, in no time at all he too detects conspiracy ( ... 3157215541):
… ALSO, why has nobody questioned this woman's story as being authentic? There is, no doubt, MUCH information being left out. Nobody guts and renovates a house for no reason. And apparently it has been 2 years, and she JUST went by if he has not been paying rent the whole time? Also, if he claims that it is his house, why is he still offering to pay $775 a month in rent? This whole story stinks from top down period. I bet she doesn't want to pay for renovations that she asked for, so it's being taken out in half rent, and she's a greedy old woman living in her poor "Sylvan Lake" retirement property. I'm a contractor, I've seen the stories people make up when they try to get out of paying for work done.

File a civil claim then if he's damaged your house. I bet you won't, because you don't want the real facts coming out. Instead you prey on people's good nature and pull on their heart strings, then use a clearly biased media who cannot wait to attempt to discredit the law reform movement to push your agenda. …
Oh well, at least they both agree on something.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Latest video on Clifford's website is quite odd. Vatican based conspiracy theories, a bit of 9/11 trutherism, a long rant on a guy called Adnan Sakli who they claim has 13 trillion in gold from China and a lot of arguing.

Around hour 1 minute 40 Dean says he believes in the GEET engine.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

For lack of a better place I will put the following post in this thread, as I have sort of been using this discussion as a locus to document Robert Menard's many failures. But frankly, that topic keeps erupting in all sorts of places. Rob's like that.

So, in the Darren Clifford thread (viewtopic.php?f=47&t=9589) I posted the following about "ITA-Certificates" filed in Canadian Federal Court:
I was not familiar with the “ITA Certificates” in question, but it appears these are a consequence of Income Tax Act, s. 223. A certificate may be filed in Federal Court as evidence that a person has an outstanding unpaid amount due under the Income Tax Act, and/or the mandatory participation Employment Insurance and Canada Pension Plan programs (s. 223(1)).

Once registered, these certificates are deemed to be a judgment of the Federal Court (s. 223(3)) and can be placed as a charge on property, such as real estate (s. 223(5)). Property may be seized by a sheriff under the certificate and sold (s. 223(9)), when directed by the Minister.
and asked the perhaps rhetorical question - are there any Freemen who have been the targets of this procedure except for those thoroughly immunized persons, the Brothers Clifford?

Maybe. I found these when searching for "Menard, Robert":
  • ITA-9335-00: a “Certificate – ITA” vs. Robert A. Menard (self-represented) of Cochrane, Alberta, filed April 19, 2005

    Five events:
    • April 19, 2005 – Certificate filed
      April 19, 2005 – Request for Writ of seizure and sale filed
      April 19, 2005 – Writ of seizure and sale issued to Sheriff of Alberta cc filed on Nov. 3, 2005 cc’s issued Tarriff $30
      Nov. 11, 2005 – Certificate of Certificate Registration issued
      Feb. 21, 2006 – Satisfaction of Certificate filed
    ITA-12468-05: a “Certificate – ITA” vs. Robert A. Menard (self-represented) of Cochrane, Alberta, filed Nov. 22, 2005

    Four events:
    • Nov. 22, 2005 – Certificate filed
      Nov. 22, 2005 – Request for Writ of seizure and sale filed
      Nov. 22, 2005 – Writ of seizure and sale issued to Sheriff of Alberta cc filed on Nov. 3, 2005 cc’s issued Tarriff $30
      Feb. 21, 2006 – Satisfaction of Certificate filed
Incidentally, Rob's full name is Robert Arthur Menard. But he prefers Robert-Arthur: Menard.

Huh. I thought Rob had used his foolproof opting out of the state thingie and was immune to stuff like this. Funny how he never seems to have mentioned these incidents...

Oh, and I acknowledge it is entirely possible that there is a different Robert A. Menard floating around Canada and not paying his income tax, so this is not so much proof as highly suggestive.

Whom should I investigate next?

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Most people are used to Robert Arthur Menard as a ‘video star’, as that is the principle way he popularized himself in the mid 2000’s. What is less commonly known is that Rob is also an author and has flogged a range of written publications since quite early in his career as an OPCA guru.

While most are still for sale at the World Freeman Society website (, copies in many instances have been made available online by third parties and are available for download off the 'net. An interesting aspect of these documents is that they appear to generally illustrate ‘primitive’ versions of Menard’s Freeman-on-the-Land concepts. They are also primitive in the sense that they are not exactly models of the book printer’s art. Weird formatting, spelling errors galore, you know … just what one would expect from the trade.

Mind you, I doubt any of these were ever printed – it appears these books were only generated in electronic formats.

Oh, and he quotes the Matrix over, and over, and over...

Rob’s literature is also identified by what appears to have been an early alias adopted and then discarded: “Freddie Freepickle”. That is also sometimes spelled “Freddy Freepickle” – Rob seems to use both. Now, it’s hard to take Menard seriously at the best of times, but … Freddie Freepickle? And F.F. even has a little logo, an anthropomorphic pickle with human hands, a natty red beret with the crest “FF”, and army boots. Want to admire that? Have a look below for the “Violation Tickets and Appearance Notices De-Constructed (Volume #2)” link and go to the back cover.

Ok, ok, so Rob used a stupid alias, with a stupid avatar/logo. What’s so weird about that? Well … it seems Rob also … dressed up … like a pickle. This is part of a message he posted on the David Icke webforums before he was banned ( ... tcount=841):
I have been R.A. Menard in court. I have been Robert A. Menard in credits. I have been Rob Menard on marquees and posters. I have used Robert Arthur Menard on contracts. I have used Freddy Freepickle in costume. I have used Fred on stage in character.
[Emphasis added.]

Menard had a pickle costume?! And he appeared in public in that pickle costume, wearing presumably a natty beret and combat boots?! And … and tried to convince people to buy his crap and services … while dressed as a beret-wearing pickle?

I think we can safely understand why that particular technique was dropped from his guru repertoire, and he instead now habitually wears a fez...

And yes, before you ask, I have looked for video or photographs of Rob a la Pickle. No luck to date.

Anyways, I digress. Rob appears to have published a total of eight texts. Sadly, I was unable to locate copies of either Parking Tickets De-Constructed ( ... ucts_id=46), or Statutes De-constructed ( ... ucts_id=49).

However, I have located copies of the other six for your review, investigation, and appreciation:

13 Things The Government Doesn’t Want You To Know – 2001-2003 ( ... ToKnow.pdf)

The 13 secrets range from unprofoundities - your oppressors are humans, to Freeman legal mantras – silence is consent, to nonsensical principles – like the common law right to travel. The second half of the text is form documents, including a “Constructive Notice of Denial of Consent” and a “Constructive Notice of Child of God Status”.

Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception: 2001-2004 ( ... eption.pdf)

There are 43 “bubbles”. Again, a mixture of pseudolegal principles, weird motifs, and so on. One of my favorites is that the Supreme Court of Canada isn’t the highest court in the land. What does that indicate? “I think it may have something to do with us being in bankruptcy. Likely the Receiver General has more power.” Uh … sure Rob. Of course he does not actually follow up that concept, or provide any evidence of that.

Bubble #35 is even more surreal – I’ll quote it in full:
There is a guy in the States who came up with this little beauty. It relies upon various international treaties and has to do with WHITE FLAGS. He puts one small white flag on every corner of his vehicle and by doing so announces and gives notice to the world of his desire to avoid conflict and that he wishes a dialogue or conference and not a conflict. Anyone who creates conflict with him is in dishonour of the deepest sort. They are in INTERNATIONAL dishonour.

Here are a few definitions:
American Heritage Dictionary:
A white flag brought or displayed to an enemy as a request for a conference or as a signal of surrender.
Bouvier’s Law Dictionary:
, intern. law. An agreement between belligerent parties, by which they mutually engage to forbear all acts of hostility against each other for some time, the war still continuing. Burlamaqui's N. & P. Law, part 4, c. 11, §1.

If any Officer stops you and then tries to issue a Violation Ticket, or create any conflict, he is breaking the law. He is breaching an agreement and the transaction can be argued as void ab initio.
Naturally, no source is provided.

As usual, there is a smattering of form documents, and in certain instances, letters of outrage you are encouraged to send to government officials, presumably for fun.

Letters To Authorities: 2001-2003 ( ... rities.pdf)

Want to write like a crank? Here are a ton of model documents. The text drifts off that focus to provide more form documents such as the “Constructive Notice of Claim of Right to Possess Marijuana”, collections of legal maxims (without sources, naturally).

Robs [sic] Very Cunning Plan: 2009 (

Guess what – it isn’t. This is a sort of strategic overview/thumbnail sketch of how Freemanistan might be organized. Ron Usher might be interested to see that irritation with B.C. Notaries warrants the following:
Notary Services

Due to the reluctance of existing Notary Publics to fulfill their mandates, we will be obliged to provide proper lawful Notary Publics to witness the process by which our members will establish lawful excuse to disobey the existing defacto courts and convene our own proper dejure justice system.

Operating with complete impartiality and independence the Freeman Society Notary Publics will exist separate from all other departments with access however to graphic designers and basic financial services. Members of the Notary Public group will provide oversight. Dispute resolution services will be provided by our courts.

- People to act as Notary Publics
- Physical office space with filing cabinets, Computers, printers, software and phones, stamps and embossers.
With Lawful Excuse: date uncertain – probably late 2000’s ( ... kfree.html)

Probably the strangest item – a 171 page graphic novel (though most of the images are simply photos that have been processed via simple photoshop filters, and perhaps colourized).

I could try to summarize it, but that is not really possible … this bizarre document is in a category all its own. Worth a look for the curious. About as close as the Menardian Freemen ever have come to directing propaganda to the public itself.

Violation Tickets and Appearance Notices De-Constructed (Volume #2): Never Pay Another!: 2001-2003 ( ... ickets.pdf)

I left the best for last. This short text explains how you can nullify those annoying traffic and regulatory tickets. As Rob promises: "Never Pay Another!"

It turns out that ticket documentation is no more than a bill of exchange and so you can use the Bills of Exchange Act to miracle them away. One accepts the bill with conditions – and then demand the state actors adhere to those conditions. And of course you have to deny consent:
Now at the time you get the ticket or notice, there are some things you do not want to do.

Do not give them a ‘name’. Tell them “People call me” or “I am...” Or something of that nature.

IF you can avoid signing it, do so. If they threaten you then sign it but FIRST write in “Non-Assumpsit, Without Prejudice, All Rights Reserved, and Under Duress”.

Ask them if they are giving you a ticket or notice. When they say ‘Yes”, reply “The word ‘give’ implies an acceptance on my part and I am not accepting any gifts today. Thank You.” What you want to be able to accomplish is to be able to claim that you did not accept or assent to the ticket or bill being presented. It’s a matter of ‘joinder’ and you do not want to create it. Go so far as to say “I do not wish to create joinder.”
The next key trick is that the government jurisdiction in question isn’t a place – it’s an association. So, if you’re not a member of a province, you can’t be subject to that province’s laws:
These are the two biggest secrets you will be expressing to them with your questions.

1. THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA is not a geographical area, it is a legal entity or fiction and no human being can possibly exist within it.

2. The ‘person’ named on a ticket can and does exist within TPOBC and therefore is not a human being. It exists in an association with you and you can end that association whenever you want. If you do NO STATUTE OR ACT WILL HAVE THE FORCE OF LAW OVER YOU.
Rob then traces through how the various steps in the ticketing process follow the operation of the Bills of Exchange Act, and how to manipulate that: p. 19-21.

So what’s fun about this? Rob provides a sample ticket that he has miracled away. At two points in the text he reassures the reader:
This Violation Ticket was successfully discharged by the author using the concepts discussed within this book.
Rob at p. 22 provides what he says was the exact “conditional acceptance” letter he used. At p. 25-27 he reproduces the “Notice of Discharge of Appearance Notice and Request for Clarification” that, again, he says miracled away his ticket. He provides scans of the ticket he “successfully discharged” (p. 15) and his notice to appear in court (p. 24).

And that was dumb. So let’s look at those ticket specifics. While Rob notes the scans are crummy (and they are) there’s enough detail for us to make out that the original ticket is issued to ROBERT ARTHUR MENARD, a male born on Nov. 28, 1963, with address that reads “NFA”, which I presume means “No Fixed Address” - yep, even back then Rob was a shiftless bum. The offence took place on Sept. 17, 2003, on the Skytrain (Royal Oak) in Burnaby. Menard failed to proved proof of payment for his Skytrain ride, and was fined $46.00. The ticket serial number is AG57934096.

The Appearance Notice, serial number 063473, was issued to ROBERT ARTHUR MENARD, for failure to provide proof of payment, contrary to s. 4(2) of the TCR. His hearing is scheduled for 9:00 a.m., Oct. 30, 2003, in the Main Street Vancouver courthouse.

Remember – “Freddie Freepickle” has repeatedly said in this book that his techniques miracled that ticket away. So let’s go to the British Columbia Courts Online website and see what we find there.

No sign of the Sept. 17, 2003 ticket – so perhaps Rob is telling the truth? Perhaps, but there’s something damning – a second action that relates to misconduct just two months later, Nov. 18, 2003. Action 135998-1 indicates that Robert Arthur Menard, a.k.a. Robert-Arthur: Menard, a.k.a. Freddy Freepickle, born 1963, was facing the charge he “Failed to retain & produce proof of payment”, contrary to the TCR (Transit Conduct and Safety Regulation, BC Reg 377/85), s. 4(2). Well, that shouldn’t be any problem – after all, Freddie neatly discharged that very offence with his magic paperwork on Oct. 30th, didn’t he?

Well, no. Instead the 135998-1 record indicates a total of seven hearings, three of which were for Rob to obtain counsel (what in heaven’s name does he need a lawyer for!?), that Rob probably did not show up for at least two hearings since warrants were issued for his arrest, and the final result was that on Sept. 20, 2004 the Freepickle was found guilty, and fined $50.00.

That’s a little incongruous. Whatever did the Pickle do wrong?

Sadly, that’s all I could extract from the online record. But it’s kind of funny Rob never actually mentions this action in his various books and videos.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

This is getting a little close to home since the Royal Oak Skytrain station is a frequent stop for me and is only two or three stops from my own depending which I want to walk home from. If I see a moron dressed as a pickle ranting on Skytrain I'll let you know.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

What a coincidence, I was just watching the "Very Cunning Plan" videos the other day. ... 0A75ED4D57

Interestingly enough to me, Dean Clifford also suggests he was attempting to build his own "Freemanistani" in some of his videos where he mentions he had purchased several homes with cash, allowed people to live there rent free and in exchange they worked for him at reduced wage rates.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Jeffrey wrote:... Interestingly enough to me, Dean Clifford also suggests he was attempting to build his own "Freemanistani" in some of his videos where he mentions he had purchased several homes with cash, allowed people to live there rent free and in exchange they worked for him at reduced wage rates.
This has become something of a Freeman-on-the-Land obsession, the mythical Freeman Valley where they can ... well, do stuff. Personally I suspect the Grande Prairie squat marketed by the Tacit Supreme In Law Court / North Watchmen People's Embassy is just another manifestation of that theme.

And it has a ton of appeal. A little while ago one of the long-time users on the World Freeman Society, "Meta", posted these two comments on how he feels profoundly betrayed by the promises not kept by Menard ( ... -your-part), including Freeman Valley.

This pretty much captures the attitude of even the True Believers. Morale is abysmal.

I've nothing to say to the contrary, of what has already been said by you.
I've made a try, to change my lifestyle, and failed.
I relied upon Freemen who gave out some hope and they all retracted it as soon as I became serious. Should I make the same error again?
Now I'm back to living deep in the System, which I consider as temporary, before I try again.
The System is killing me with its Corporate liars and financial punishments for standing up.
The WFS broken promises of a Freeman Valley in Canada, is killing me.
I can't even locate Rob, the one who spoke of a real Freeman Valley in Canada.

What's my next move?
It's actually painful to try.
There is a price for trying.
I'm not against trying, but the results better be worth it.
I'm doing my part but the results are part.ial.


I seem to be doing the necessary leg work.
I spoke to my court.
I spoke to my hospital patients.
I spoke to jail inmates.
I speak to homeless men and women now, right on the street,
I speak to some veterans about dealing with enemy "foreign and domestic".

So few listen.
None have come back to me for more.
I keep talkin quietly about our Heritage, Birth Certificate, Treasury Accounts.
I keep asking them
"Would it interest you that you could draw monies from your Birth Certificate value"?
I never do anything publicly.....yet.
There's no base for public speaking.
Freeman concepts were totally unknown when I began.
They had no clue, at all, at all.

Lesson learned? Never listen to a pickle.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

The dream of a "Freemanistan" where a man can stand tall away from the shackles of a corrupt authority has a long history. Many of my 60's contemporaries established generally futile communes for exactly this purpose. Earlier this year I started this thread about a purported new community of independent free types in Idaho.


Aparently as much an apocalyptical survivalist groups as anything;
The Citadel is evolving as a planned community where residents are bound together by:
•Pride in American Exceptionalism
•Our proud history of Liberty as defined by our Founding Fathers, and
•Physical preparedness to survive and prevail in the face of natural catastrophes — such as Hurricanes Sandy or Katrina — or man-made catastrophes such as a power grid failure or economic collapse.
With an ambitious game plan;
DESCRIPTION: The Citadel Community will house between 3,500 and 7,000 patriotic American families who agree that being prepared for the emergencies of life and being proficient with the American icon of Liberty — the Rifle — are prudent measures. There will be no HOA. There will be no recycling police and no local ordinance enforcers from City Hall.
Website is still active and they claim people are interested;
As you can imagine with recent news coverage of this project, we have been deluged with interest and email requests for more information. Please explore our website and know that we are currently building an additional FAQ page to address many of the questions arriving in email.
But I'm skeptical although their blog (not particularly active) still says otherwise. However, if something even remotely resembling the Canadian Freemen's dream community is possible, Menard is too clueless to lead them there.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

I will always remember Meta as the ultimate example of Freeman as just someone who couldn't get along with anyone, no matter what. That guy could pick a fight alone on a deserted island. If I recall correctly he had a history (I.e. more than one incident) of being charged for fighting with his library* staff because he couldn't wait two minutes for the cleaners to be done before using the bathroom.

*the library being the answer to the question "how does somebody too dysfunctional to keep the utilities from getting shut off manage to get online to rant about crazy stuff?". The taxpayer-funded answer, of course.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Burnaby49 wrote:...If I see a moron dressed as a pickle ranting on Skytrain I'll let you know.
This from a man who lives in a province where a past premier literally lived in an establishment named "Fantasy Gardens"?

But that's neither here nor there. Burnaby49, if you do happen to catch sight of an ambulatory pickle in your neighborhood, please as a priority obtain photographic evidence. Trust me, the Cabal will take it from there.

And after that, please approach the ambulatory pickle and see if you can tempt it into contract, so that you Bind The Pickle's Very Soul. Pretty much anything works. Ask the time. Wonder if the Pickle has change for a loonie.

Conditionally inform the Pickle you are offended by its brininess, and demand that the Pickle prove it salinity meets the common law criteria for salted products.

Or heck, just ask the Pickle if it Understands. If the answer is "Understands what?" - you won!

I read that last bit in a book! It was written by a pickle!

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:...If I see a moron dressed as a pickle ranting on Skytrain I'll let you know.
This from a man who lives in a province where a past premier literally lived in an establishment named "Fantasy Gardens"?
You left out the strangest part. While Premier of British Columbia (a Canadian Premier is equivalent to an American state governor) Bill Vander Zalm lived in a Dutch inspired fantasy theme park in a castle adjacent to a windmill! ... ce9db705d8

He was such a fruitcake that he destroyed his own political party. The Social Credit party had a virtually uninterrupted reign as the party in power running British Columbia for more than 30 years. After less than a full term of Vander Zalm at the helm (he resigned because of a conflict of interest scandal) the Social Credit party just fell apart. At the next provincial election in 1991 it was annihilated (went from 47 seats in the provincial legislature to 7) and disbanded.

If you want wacky politics one of the parties running in the 1991 election was the Western Canada Concept party. Its platform was to sever western Canada from the east and start a new nation. The party leader was Doug Christie, one of the most controversial individuals in the province's history, who I've written about here:

viewtopic.php?f=46&t=5876&p=154623&hili ... ie#p154623

That's politics, western Canada style. However I must admit that Premier Vander Zalm, as far as I know, never dressed as a pickle.

Speaking of Freddie Freepickle; Mowe requested I try and trick him into a contract by asking him if he has change for a loonie. Please keep in mind Menard was charged for not purchasing a train ticket (about $2). Menard has the look of a man somewhat perpetually short of funds. In any case I don't want to contract with an indigent gherkin having an IQ less than the percentage of salt in a barrel of pickling brine.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by The Observer »

The correct geographical reference for "Freemanistan" and other such places that evolve from the fervent delusions of sovruns is "Frickintardistan", which if I remember correctly, was coined by ElfNinosMom, one of our early posters.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by grixit »

Actually, i coined the term "Frikintardistan". ENM was an enthusiastic early adopter.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by The Observer »

grixit wrote:Actually, i coined the term "Frikintardistan". ENM was an enthusiastic early adopter.
Sorry about that. I was relying on your old signature quote that had something to do with Pilgrims, the Mayflower and Frikintardistan. My impression was that you had crafted that quote around ENM's coining the word, as well as my impression that she used it a lot.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by grixit »

She used "frikin tard" a lot. I extended it to make a name for a country. After that she was one of the ones who would try to fit various sov critters into it, designating President of Frikintardistan, Poet Laureate of Frikintardistan, Chief Justice of Frikintardistan, etc.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Dai Kiwi »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote: Rob’s literature is also identified by what appears to have been an early alias adopted and then discarded: “Freddie Freepickle”. That is also sometimes spelled “Freddy Freepickle” – Rob seems to use both. Now, it’s hard to take Menard seriously at the best of times, but … Freddie Freepickle? And F.F. even has a little logo, an anthropomorphic pickle with human hands, a natty red beret with the crest “FF”, and army boots. Want to admire that? Have a look below for the “Violation Tickets and Appearance Notices De-Constructed (Volume #2)” link and go to the back cover.
I have been R.A. Menard in court. I have been Robert A. Menard in credits. I have been Rob Menard on marquees and posters. I have used Robert Arthur Menard on contracts. I have used Freddy Freepickle in costume. I have used Fred on stage in character.
SMS Möwe
Perhaps he was an Arlo Guthrie fan:

"I don't want a pickle, I just wanna ride my motor-cicle
I don't want a ticket, I just wanna ride my motor-ciclet"

A tellingly relevant video is here:

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Dai Kiwi wrote:... Perhaps he was an Arlo Guthrie fan:

"I don't want a pickle, I just wanna ride my motor-cicle
I don't want a ticket, I just wanna ride my motor-ciclet"

A tellingly relevant video is here:

That is ... disturbing ... both in content, and due to there being some distinct parallels in the pickle imagery.

Though I imagine there are some limitations on just what range of variations are possible for an ambulatory anthropomorphic pickle.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by LordEd »

If you look up Menard on CSO, Freddy Freepickle is listed as one of his aliases.

All I can think of when I hear that alias is this:
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Which should come as no great surprise to anyone. Originality is not one of his long suites, query, does he even have a short suite to speak of??? I rather think his nom de sot is quite well chosen. :snicker:
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